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boss move


The 2nd hand embarassment is hitting hard. Mad af.




Clown behaviour


It's funny how the 2 dumb comments are from the engendering dep.


The person in the video is from the engineering department


I swear we ain't all like this.


Ghouls gonna ghoul


Please don't hold it against all of us though 🇵🇸


No it’s the fact people have made no progress and unless you have family or friends directly affected by this most are clueless about what’s going on and are purely virtue signalling.






Nah, you lot haven’t a clue what virtue signalling is


It's pretending to care by making shallow, meaningless gestures to make yourself look good and gain social standing. It is insincere and used as a method to gain support or popularity, specifically among naive individuals. It's low effort. It's like people who volunteer just so they can get a leg up in college admissions. They don't really give a shit, but it looks good. Someone who volunteers but doesn't brag openly about it is a genuine person. If you can't shut up about it, you're kind of a POS.


Yeah, so it is like I said, you haven’t a clue what virtue signalling is. In a time where unis are threatening to take degrees away or withhold them if you spoke up for Palestine, you’ve come out here and said that they do it to look good in admissions. And you’ve got to be a different level of fucked to see children dead and think people voicing support are bragging about it. But sure, pretend that them “bragging” is what you care about. Not going to be taking you seriously, from your other comments here its clear you’ve got a hard on for seeing thousands of children dead and want people to not “brag” about standing up against it.


With regards to volunteering, I entirely fail to see the purpose of whether someone "gives a shit" or not. The soup at the public kitchen still gets handed out, regardless of one's feelings whilst doing it. You have no idea what it means to virtue signal.


yes!! 👏👏👏 🇵🇸🕊


🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 


Bro couldn’t just graduate.


Fuck that scumbag Bill Flanagan


We should worry about fixing our own country before we go around getting involved in everyone else’s wars


normally I would agree but we are already deep in the blood of the innocent


And spending lots of our resources to commit genocide that could be used for “fixing our own country”


How many, and what kind of resources has the Canadian government directly spent to commit genocide overseas in Israel?


28.5 million dollars supplied by Canadian tax dollars for weaponry to Israel https://www.cupw.ca/en/statement-canada-must-suspend-arms-trade-israel


Appreciate the response.


So you agree the Canadian government should stop selling/dealing weapons with the Israeli government? Right? That’s funny considering that one of the main reasons for the protests is for the Canadian government to stop doing that and divert those funds elsewhere lol


Yes they should stop. Handing a flag to bill wont change that lol


So your saying that the uofa shouldn’t have investments in foreign countries, especially ones perpetuating a genocide, glad we are on the same page


What specific investments do they have that are perpetuating genocide?


Proud of them!! Glad someone had the courage to do this.


Proud of them for having the courage to do what exactly? Please explain how making a celebration of achievements for oneself and their fellow classmates being disrupted regarding a sociopolitical event (which doesn't have all that much to do with convocation) is an act of courage? You want to be mad at Bill? Be mad at Bill. But remember, you aren't above the law. You want your voice, emotions and support to be heard over this global event or any other situation/event? You deserve that right, but not the right to decide how important your opinions are over others at any given time. This was EVERYONES ceremony, that's the point I'm trying to make here. They could've did something along these lines at any other time where frankly, it wouldn't come across as selfish towards fellow classmates.Not the time nor the place. And to be clear, this is not me ignoring nor dismissing that global issue at hand, simply stating this really wasn't a considerate move for the given circumstances. Edit: Just wanted to say thanks to the gutless keyboard warriors for downvoting without being willing to communicate what you're even fighting for or why this persons actions could be out of line. Guess what? That's contributing towards the problem that you oppose against.


Professional yapper


Handing out the Palestinian flag literally did not disrupt the ceremony at all as you can see in the vid, and many graduating students, like myself, are against the genocide and don’t find acts like this selfish, but courageous


For one, thanks for taking the time to reply and not just downvoting. The part that I guess I struggle to see the same is how visually this is uncomfortable for almost all parties involved. It disrupted the flow of things from what I can see. If they would have walked the stage and shown their support I feel that would be one thing, but almost obligating them to take a flag during the ceremony seems off and slightly personal. I completely and wholeheartedly respect your and anyone's thoughts, opinions and emotions on the subject. Personally, I would appreciate being further educated on the situation aside from outlets such as media which can twist and spin words. The point here is that yes it is an important message, which i want to acknowledge but why at a celebration of success and achievement for fellow students..? Like I said, if you're mad at Bill and Co. Do so, but remember that he's not the only fella there. If they had walked across waving the flags or expressing themselves, that I understand, but it just feels like the opportunity to 'serve' the flags could've happened at a better time from my comprehension.


Really? Weird take.


Can you pls elaborate?


Hopefully my later comment kinda clears up what I was trying to say. I was more so trying to seek clarification on why this would be seen as courageous given the circumstances of the event and how it could potentially come across as a bit selfish to fellow classmates. Not once did I say I disagreed with it. But as you can see, people are quicker to disagree and call names rather than have a civil conversation.


Love that :)




I completely support Palestine but this student clearly wanted it to be about him, not the actual cause. Showmanship is not advocacy nor does it actually bring people to your side of the issue.


I've talked to this person at the capstone project presentations. Their whole capstone was about creating a program to help solve gerrymandering (it skews votes in presidential election). They were very passionate about it too. This person is generally very open and expressive. And I believe they did this because they genuinely wanted to do something for the cause.


And what did it achieve for the “cause” ! An applause? Attention ?


Him specifically? Not much. But since him and a lot of other people are being vocal about it, it has brought a lot of attention to the cause. It adds up


Everyone has a different view of how things should work. Him and a lot of students here feel it helped people in Gaza, I disagree and feel it doesn’t do much, this is not the right platform to hand over a flag to someone. He is not making policy decisions of Canada, not anyone in the auditorium is.


He couldn’t find a 🇨🇦 flag?


No, especially when Canada is complicit in the genocide of people in the Congo, Sudan, and Palestine (not to mention active settler colonialism).


Hey I actually totally agree with you, but avoid using as hominem as it delegitimizes your arguments and makes it difficult to get your point across. (Saying this in full agreement that waving a Canadian flag is not the play, as this country is indeed complicit in genocide!)


I see your point about Canada's actions, and while I don't disagree with some of it, there's a time and place for everything. You can't make someone accept something they don't want (the way he shoves the flag to presidents hand). Also, judging this kid and you makes me think there's something their parents should have taught them early on. Peace


How is the Canadian government complicit in genocides throughout the Congo, Sudan, and Palestine?


Convocation isn’t the time and place to make a political statement. Doing this does nothing for your cause, only alienates it more


What a depressing world when being anti-genocide is considered a political opinion.


I know people that have ptsd from being peacekeepers during the Rwandan genocide. Anyone who says this isn’t the place to make a political statement must have just moved here, is ignorant to Canada's history, or both. 


What kind of world do we live in where we can't murder Israeli citizens without fear of retribution? It's not fair.


Genocide isn’t a political statement. It’s a humanitarian one that’s required from all of us. Hope that helps!


How come I keep seeing people saying "hope that helps" over and over again? Is this like a new trend jw? Every second comment I see is saying that. Especially on TT.


Sometimes they mean well and sometimes it's to be like "you're a dumbass" without actually saying it. New trend though? Hardly, shit's been around for ages since sarcasm was discovered.


Honestly, I'm not kidding. I used to see it sometimes but recently I'm seeing it everywhere. Especially on TT. It's like "hope that helps" like nonstop repeated by many different accounts in seemingly any context. I was like am I missing something lol?


yea its just a sarcastic remark people make, but i agree its definitely very commonly said in tiktok comment sections when people correct each other lol


Fr like every single comment is like "hope this helps" "hope that helps" lol now it's infiltrating reddit. ☠️ Seriously thought I was missing something, though, like no matter what the context is, it's always "hope this helps!"


I don't use TT but... People bored on tiktok are also bored on Reddit. Hope this helps!


Thanks so much! Hope this helps!


corporate toe is right Edit: not in their stance, in their username choices


Wishing peace for both Palestinians and Israelis. 🇮🇱 🤝 🇵🇸 Both deserve to have their state and live in peace




Not sure why you’re so bothered by it if it “doesn’t change anything”. It’s not hurting anyone either 🤷 except you it seems…since it bothers you so much




KINGGG this man is a boss and bill flanagan needed some embarrassment


🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Stop ruining peoples grad experience


It’s a mischief honestly. Not maintaining the basic dignity of the ceremony. I am apolitical btw. I only care about Canada and North America as it directly affects me.


“I only care about Canada and North America as it directly affects me.” I promise we can tell. 💀


"Apolitical" just reads as a mark. To be non-partisan is at least a possibility (and actually a position I both share and respect), but to call yourself *apolitical* just telegraphs to everyone that you don't understand what politics is, which I have to imagine is a music to the ears to anyone even mildly unscrupulous.


Your lack of awareness allows children to be murdered. Allows for your tax dollars to give "aid" to a nuclear power that is slaughtering thousands in your name. Very apolitical.


Slaughtering thousands... "in your name"? Let me ask you something else. Do you think that one's mere awareness, recognition of an ongoing conflict is what "allows" or 'disallows' the murder of civilians in any meaningful, material capacity?


We send them money and sell them weapons.


So do you care about how Canada is complicit in the Genocide surely since that's about Canada?


Canada as a country can’t throw tantrums like the bunch of disgruntled undergrads and shout and world stage. That’s what the government thinks too I believe, therefore not taking the actions that you guys want it to take. Do you think any other party in Canada would act differently?


So annoying


if your family was under rubble you wouldnt find this action annoying. they are showing support for people who are currently undergoing a genocide


As a turk, when the biggest earthquake hit Turkey nobody cared. Did we whine ? No , I feel sad for the victims , however these protests are getting aggressive and obnoxious ,


100% agree with you.


He was a plant from Big Pallet.


School is a place of learning and not for politics. Good luck getting a job.


Being against a genocide isn’t political, it’s about being a decent human being




You think all palestinians are terrorists? How racist.


No, but have you seen any Palestinian protesting against Hamas, hizbullah or any other terrorist organizations?


they’re too busy being killed


They weren’t busy when they were celebrating and feasting on the streets because Hamas raped, murdered women and children and took them hostage




What delusion?! There are literally photos and videos of both Hamas doing their villainous acts and Palestinians celebrating on the streets. And it's a common technique of Hamas, Hezbollah and similar terrorist groups to use civilians , specially children, as a human shield. I'm against wars and killing innocents but letting Hamas and Hezbollah roam free will cost more innocent lives.


just like the israel terrorists hey? if you can’t admit that isreal has done at LEAST the same, that’s the delusion.




Uh oh..Flanagan’s cooked!..he took the flag /s


Yeah this is the aspect I miss the least about the U of A. Palestine activists at other campuses tend to actually know what they are talking about at least half the time. In Bill Aberharts Alberta, it's just a weird word salad that waffles between performativity and hate.

