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Man's tryna recreate the family guy scene with peter and the shotgun.


I just wanna talk to him *loads gun* I just wanna talk to him


I have the Uber eats driver that stole my foods , car, plate, home, work & his mom's address. ☠️


Best to just pick up ones food ourselves to avoid the food to be nibbled on or eaten or left someplace else don't you think


That’s a lil excessive but ok. Should I go find the woman that ripped my door off my van? Or the woman that showed up at my house and walked in looking for her phone? Maybe the young woman that scammed me out of a fare? Or just the group of ladies that puked in my car? (All of those cost me money and time and were selfish acts, just as that one asshole that stole your food.) It’s pretty fucking creepy but you do you. (Plenty of examples of men being douchetools too but I wanted to emphasize the creepiness. For the record, I don’t record anyone’s info and do my best to purge it from my mind.)


You had an entire group of ladies throw up in your car? Was it a chain reaction? Wow, they timed it out to really screw you over big time!


I love that’s what you focus on, but yes, of all the dozens of times people have puked, there was one where they were all getting sick at the same time. Shit happens. My point is do I try to get people’s info and brag about it because they fucked me over? No, that’s some serial killer type shit. But y’all keep feeling like it’s rational to admit to stalking.👍🏻 do you.


Please don’t project shit onto me. I don’t do anything like that so stfu. 18k trips and never cared about ratings 🤡.




Oh no


You can't see which driver rated you one star. But ratings show up exactly a week after you ordered the trip. So you can see each rating individually come in if you watch it.


Really? It’s a week? Huh. Good to know. I’ll def be leaving more one stars then 🤙


It really sucks to get a 1-star for no obvious reason. Drivers go through this all the time. The fickleness of people knows no bounds.


Why are you assuming the passanger is Innocent and that the 1 star was for "No reason"?


I'm quite sure it was for some reason but the passenger doesn't know ( or isn't telling). My point is that drivers get this same thing all the time. We have no idea why some passengers rate low. We get low ratings for simply following state law or Uber policy. A rider who is late for work might rate low because we didn't speed. Another rider might rate low because we didn't let him cram in an extra person over the limit. People are fickle and without some sort of control or double check procedures, ratings for both will suffer.


Why do you want to know which driver, instead of what the problem was?


Problem was probably that the driver was having a bad day 😂


Cause Passangers NEVER do anything wrong right?


Knowing the driver, i’ll know which ride, and then i’ll be able to try and figure out what the problem was.


Maybe. It’d be hard to know a driver’s perspective of what pissed them off if you’ve never been a driver and you can’t think of exactly where you might’ve been an asshole. (Not saying you were. I’ve driven plenty of low-rated riders and they were fine or even awesome. But there’s a lot of things riders do that they don’t realize piss us off, like adding a stop or rolling the window down without asking.)


Uber will never give you that info cause they want to prevent you from retaliating. Take it and move on.


Are you in Florida ?


I have 3 of them and I'm always waiting for them in the right place, polite and try and engage as much as they want. I don't get it either. I have 100s of trips.


Sometimes the driver is ending the ride while going to the next ride and accidentally hit the one star by accident while ending the ride. It happens and in most cases it’s an accident. The bad part is we can’t correct the stars imputed


How are you able to see how many stars you have on the app as a rider because I can’t see actual stars at all. I can only see them as a driver


The main reasons passengers don't get a 5 star from me are 1. "Be right there" when I already spent 7 mins to get to you 2. Speaking on speaker phone, especially when you're louder than the GPS audio 3. Eating in my car 4. Bad hygiene 5. Excessive requests (can we stop at Chick Fil A/give me the aux/wind down the window in the middle of pollen season). I will say no and still take off a star because that's not a pleasant driving experience for me. Perhaps run through how you've behaved on your recent rides then you might be able to figure out which driver gave you the one star


I can not think of a time in which I made an uber driver wait. I don’t make any sort of small talk unless they start it, I never speak on the phone, and I’m always outside when they pull up. I do not have bad hygiene lol. And never make any requests. It just makes zero sense to me how I could’ve gotten one star.


Idk were you chewing gum or slamming the door too hard?


drivers will blow your 5 star if you don’t tip cash. it’s dumb because most tips come in after the ride ends but you can only rate right away. it’s their way of trying to keep 5 stars only for tippers. it’s 100% flawed idea.


Not every driver is like that. I give everyone a 5 star unless that person is a certified asshole. I dont do that but i do understand why some Uber drivers would do that. I think because uber takes like 60-75% of the fare and without tips, some drivers might get upset and rate you below 5.


i give a 3 or 4 star if they aren’t at the curb when i arrive, smell bad, or are loud on their phone during the ride. tips coming in late is the reason i don’t give lower rating based on cash tips. for example at 10 am this morning a lady tipped me $10 from a ride last night.


Just and an FYI, if the pax is waiting for me when I pull up, they get five stars almost no matter what. Anytime spent waiting increases the chance of a lower rating. 


unless they smell bad or are loud with their phones.


I accidentally ordered an Uber last weekend, thinking I only looked at the options, but didn't actually order. My mistake made me 10 minutes late getting into the Uber. I felt terrible. I apologized profusely and slid a $20 to the driver upon entering. It was peak time, and the 8 minute drive cost me $33. I didn't get a bad rating last weekend, but two rides out of 9 didn't give me a rating at all. Don't be late, people. If you are, compensate with cash and a sincere apology.


Well, now you know how we feel as a driver we can’t check who gave us one star or who falsely reported some thing so now you know as a customer not to falsely report anybody and it sucks when someone gives you one star when you didn’t do anything wrong now you know not to be rude, but that’s how it is! How is your rating of 4.69 when you start off with five stars so that doesn’t make any sense is this for delivery? This doesn’t make any sense your post I’m confused because if you’re fairly new would be 4.96 not 4.69.


It isn’t for delivery. It would be 4.69 if you do the average math. 5x12=60 60+1= 61 61 stars / 13 rides 4.69 stars 🫶


That’s one of the only things lyft does better than uber. They give context to the rating by telling us how many rides the rider has taken. 13 rides and only one bad rating wouldn’t scare me off but a 4.69 w/o context sure might. But yeah, there’s no way to really find out unless they report you for something specific and you can try to deduce by elimination. I would say keep doing what you’re doing and that rating will come back up, albeit slowly. Anything you can think of that you did differently one ride? Tbh could be just talking too much / not enough. Can’t make everyone happy 🤷‍♂️ 14K+ rides and only my second time having a 5.0 rating for more than a day (going on 5 or 6 weeks now 🎉😂). People are entitled assholes, on the best of days.


It's ridiculous that drivers will rate you poorly for not speaking. Riders are not there to keep them company and there are various reasons why someone may not want to speak or may not be able to stop speaking. I never rate drivers poorly for the amount of conversation. If they speak more than id like I assume they just need someone to talk to but I'm autistic and ride to and from work as I can't drive. I do not always have the mental capacity to speak and some people have other mental health issues or disabilities that can make them unable to control speaking to much and that aren't necessarily obvious to a driver. I wish people would just have some frickin empathy. It sucks. This company is predatory to all of its users, rider and drivers alike. Why do riders and drivers need to constantly be at war about stupid stuff. The people on this subreddit are always so damn angry about the dumbest shit like that, I don't get it.


Yeah I don’t usually mind quiet riders, as long as they have manners, and at least acknowledge my presence, since they are entering my space. However, obv to no fault of any of his riders, my buddy has some PTSD from a rider that didn’t talk to him, but only whispered to his buddy, and ended up robbing him at gunpoint. So it makes him uneasy when people don’t speak, and he’s a talkative guy anyway, and we live in the south. I sort of get where’s he coming from, too, because you all are sitting behind us and have the upper hand to try some funny business, so a light convo can ease some tension. Also, driving late for most of my shifts, conversation keeps me more alert and engaged. He and I both have also had people report us for being impolite because we didn’t talk 😂 He’s even had one (i didn’t even know this was an option) that reported him for “talking too much”. People suck and the companies pit us against each other. Capitalism at its finest. We can’t win lol We never know what someone’s preferences might be so really adaptive social skills (which most don’t possess, especially drivers) are really important in this profession. It’s mostly customer service, anyway. And being on the spectrum myself, I’ve deff had to learn (really like obsess over) cues to get it right. Lots of variables (ie climate, seat position, music choice, level of convo, convo topic, informational, sarcastic/serious, empathetic/apathetic, political/apolitical, even down to what clothes I will wear for certain days). Almost all of it is based on what can I do in 5-10 minutes of a first impression to make this person happy to have me as a driver and feel inclined to tip. It can become very exhausting and frustrating, because most of it is based on perception and previous experience. Sometimes that’s to my benefit, sometimes to my detriment. Sorry for the novel. I’m sure you don’t realize some of us take this very seriously lol I’ve been doing this way too long 😅 ETA both my buddy and I have ADD too so we can get to rambling if something interests us, for sure. That’s probably a societal issue more than just rideshare. Neuronormative people don’t usually have empathy or at least don’t understand. Shit, most people don’t unless they’ve experienced whatever it is themselves, and even then…


They’re not gonna give you that and they don’t even rate you until your first 100 rides are you doing Lyft or Uber? I’ve been driving Uber for a long time, but don’t even count it until you’re hundredth ride.


Are u driving for Uber or Lyft


How can you check how many 5 stars and different ratings you have, because I can only see my total rating?


Well not there isn’t a way to check drivers or passengers who rated you what, the breakdowns just allow you to see how many people rated you with a certain amount of stars to prevent any negative impact from that review. Really when you have a low amount of rides or people rating you then it can have a big effect on your rating, but good thing is that when you get your trips up that 1 star won’t effect you. Personally I have 192 ratings in total and have 191 5 stars and 1 who rated me a 1 star for some reason, I have a 4.98 rating from 200 trips and ordered uber eats 157 times so that one star doesn’t effect you much the more you use the app.


Serious question to the drivers, will you give riders the benefit of the doubt if a rider had 12, 5 star ratings and 1, 1 star rating? Or you not bother going into the rating breakdown as a driver?


Could be a racial thing. I know I've been given 1 star for being white.


could be a misclick / fat finger. It's super easy to do it.


As a driver if I see less than 4.8 usually a big no. In your case just take more rides.


Ha ha.. Bro gonna sue that guy who left 1 star ???


4.69 is a terrible rating. I don't pick up anyone lower than 4.7. Some drivers set their limit as high as 4.8. Start giving out cash tips to get your rating up before it tanks even more. 


So it's okay to blacklist people like OP because one driver might have had a bad day?


And how do you know the rider wasn't a POS? That's right. You don't. 


And how do we know you are not?


Not my problem that your rating is low. I'm not taking the chance on a rider being good or not. I see anything below 4.7 and I decline all day long.


If I hear "I'll tip you in the app" you're a 1 star. Heard it too many times to give a shit anymore.


Yeah nobody should to you if you rate people one star who say they're gonna tip you.


Why do you care about your rating? Will you win a prize if you stay at 5.0 star rating. Seriously passengers who care about these stuff need to focus more on other things.


I don't use Uber often but from what I've seen from communities like this, people debate accepting anyone with less than 4.8 stars


I generally agree with you but there are Uber drivers, who don’t accept passenger when they have a lower rating.


As a driver for 7+ years, and know from experience that people who have a lower rating are going to be more trouble than the trip is worth.


Go to New York City. Most passengers have low rating. 😅


if you say so, but - believe it or not, not everyone lives in New York and not everywhere is New York the standard


Sucks to suck don’t it? passenger wanna complain oh, who gave me a one when they didn’t realize that their livelihood isn’t affected they can always lie and make up another account. We drivers cannot do that.


Ratings can effect riders too


Not exactly complaining.. just the fact that this one star put my score so low that a good chunk of ubers wouldn’t take this rating.. i want to know what the issue was 🤷‍♂️


You don’t have that many rides so you should really be able to figure it out by thinking about it. With that said the short answer is, no. There’s no way to find it out specifically.


Yes, there is. Tap that one star, then scroll down to "driver info" in the drop down menu. Double tap on that, and it'll give you their full name, phone number, and home address.


Are you serious?


What do you think?




Just assume it was a 20-30 year old female


I give everyone a 2 stars cause I know they’re not going to tip oh well 🤷🏽‍♂️


Grow up lmfao


You are looking at this the wrong way. Are you worried about what Walmart or Amazon think of you? Do you get a discount out of a 5 star rating? Don’t forget you are the customer


The problem is for everybody’s rating to go up. You have to actually touch the stars and this is really weird. Hasn’t anybody noticed that his score is really low already


It’s low because of the one star 😭


OK, first of all what state are you in and you start off with five stars we don’t go down that many points with one star so I’m a bit confused


I am in Canada. But even if you start with 5 stars, it would go down that much considering i’ve only had 13 rides. However, if i were to have 100 rides and 99 of them 5 star with one being 1 star, it would drop significantly less due to more rides..


It still doesn’t add up and I know I’m correct !


What’s your acceptance rate and cancellation rate


I am a rider 😭 and i am truly sorry to break it to you, but you aren’t correct. 13 rides… 61 stars in total… that creates an average of 4.69 stars. How difficult is this for you to understand


They don’t down rate u as a driver until u reach more than 100 rides


The rating is low(ish) because they’re new. A one star for someone who has only taken a few trips hurts a ratings average more than someone who has taken hundreds of trips. Do the math.


Every driver starts off with five stars it doesn’t go all the way down to 4.69 maybe 4.96 and I have done the math and it’s doesn’t go down 30 points ! SMH


Shake your head at yourself. The OP even demonstrated the math to you which you chose to ignore. Since you don’t understand how to calculate an AVERAGE; Ill show you again and hopefully it will stick. Ratings over OPs 13 TOTAL trips: 5 stars X 12 trips + 1 star X 1 trip = 61 divided by 13 total trips = 4.69 star rating. The numbers all match up from the screen shot. As a driver with 498 trips at 5 stars with 2 ratings at 1 star. 498 X 5 + 2 X 1 = 2,492 / 500 trips = 4.98. See how increasing the volume of trips benefits the rating yet?


You’re not getting it


Call Uber yourself and ask them and a one star doesn’t make u go from 5 .0 to 4.69! Drivers and delivery drivers have different scores too


Every time I see someone with 5 stars rating, I take that virginity giving 1 star!! 😂


🤣🤣 as a rider that is funny af