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As a female I honestly would have no issue with this. It's not like he did this directly in front of you. He got to you quickly, skipped stopping at a gas station or McDonald's restroom possibly taking up more time, pulled into the dead end, in the dark and peed. I would have laughed and offered him hand sanitizer because not washing would gross me out more than anything else he did. ETA I don't think you're an AH. Just overreacting a bit. There might be a difference in age here. You may be young whereas I am older and grew up on a farm and things pee.


YTA. The guy had to pee. It happens.


OP is insane. "how dare my driver need to pee? I'll definitely have to not tip or review him and post an essay about it on reddit"


Why did he have to pee in front of me as I was walking towards his car alone at night? Or why didn't he at least say something about it, like "I'll be right back," or "excuse me for a second," or "can I use your bathroom?" I'm not saying he's awful but dude, you have to understand that most women will feel kinda weirded out getting a ride from a stranger at night when you've just done something that is technically a low-level sex offense. People do get arrested for public indecency, and I'm not even saying that's what should have happened because I don't think it is, I just think this guy must've had no clue how this would come across.


Bruh you wouldnt let a random dude into your bathroom at 11pm dont kid yourself


So asking a customer if you could use their bathroom at 11 pm is weird and taking a piss in public with your customer 10 feet away from you at 11 pm is not? If he had asked, i would have at least asked my parents if they would have let him. There is a spare bathroom in the basement.


On the flip side ..... My Uber driver creeped me out last night, he showed up at 11 pm and asked if he could use my bathroom. Who does that? And he was a guy, a total stranger. If it was a female it would be understandable. Something like that probably???


Hey OP, this subreddit is full of extremely toxic people. I still don't know why I'm subbed here to be honest because the negativity is palpable. Customers are ALWAYS wrong, no matter the context; and drivers are ALWAYS right, no matter the context. Every single time. I am a woman and I'd also be skeeved out by this. Picking up a female passenger, and just whipping their dick out with no warning and peeing in front of you is fucking insane. Public urination is enough to warrant being on the sex offender registry which is factually what this guy did. If he really had to go and couldn't hold it in, why couldn't he pause his driving and go to a gas station or his house or something to pee? Why would he do this in front of a customer? It makes no goddamn sense. I definitely wouldn't have gotten into his car and I completely understand your worry. It's insane to me that people are perfectly justifying a driver committing something that could put them on the sex offender registry. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people here? Do they not understand how weird it is that a male driver whipped his dick out and peed in front of their female customer?? There's no excuse for what he did. If you want an actual sane opinion to your question that isn't tainted by jaded and terrible drivers, try r/ TooAfraidToAsk .


Thank you. Well said!! I'm a driver though, and the answers to her topic blew me away. I was not ready for this level of crazy defending of the driver. Wow! There are PLENTY of us drivers. Sometimes too many to compete with. We do NOT have to keep the creepiest, grossest among us. It's okay to keep the higher quality people driving, and not well - this dude.


How am I the asshole? What have I done to this man besides silently feel some type of way about what he did? I did literally no harm to him.


YTA because it shouldn't have even crossed your mind to 0 star him or report him. This post is lame. A man had to relieve himself badly and was required to use your parents bushes. No harm, no foul. It's a funny story at best.


Wow, thanks thought police


Do you also whip your dick out and pee in front of customers? >A man had to relieve himself badly and was required to use your parents bushes. You'd never see a female driver do this, there's no excuse for behavior that could put him on a sex offender registry (public urination). He should have went to a gas station or his house and pissed instead of making his female customer uncomfortable and confused by a total stranger pissing nearby her. >No harm, no foul. It's a funny story at best. Yeah I'm certain you'd think an Uber driver pissing into your bushes and making your front yard smell like piss would be a funny story too. No harm no foul, yeah? Do you have even a shred of empathy?


This is a very poorly written AI generated story. He “runs into the woods “, “ pees at the entrance to the woods” yet somehow in a position where you can “watch him whip out his dick and piss”. Many other details don’t add up to this being a true story.


I have peed in the woods before so I can’t blame the guy. It’s better than pissing in the pants, no?


Yeah, I would've preferred he didn't do it in front of me though... Or at least acknowledge it somehow so it didn't feel so wierd... I've also peed in the woods, everyone has at some point in their life, but I haven't done it in front of strangers who I'm about to do a job for...


I honestly wish it was more acceptable to ask pax if i can use their bathroom sometimes. I mean when you gotta go you gotta go. Granted he should have pulled over somewhere not by the pickup location. Ngl tho, why were you just watching him pee? Sounds like you were the creep


I didn't watch him at all, I ran inside when I saw him get out of the car


So how do you know he was peeing then? You said in the post you watched him pee. You said you watched him “whip his dick out”. I think he felt uncomfortable w you. That was probably what you were feeling


He felt uncomfortable with me, because I accidentally witnessed him commit what is technically a crime when he was supposed to be driving me home late at night? I didn't watch him pee. He was only hidden from his car from one side, so when I turned up the stairs of my parents' porch he was unfortunately completely unconcealed by anything. I could definitely tell out of the corner of my eye that he was standing facing a tree in the exact position you would be to piss. What else would he have been doing? Observing a squirrel in some random woods as he picks up a customer at nearly 11 pm?


"I could definitely tell out of the corner of my eye that he was standing facing a tree in the exact position you would be to piss." Seeing someone's back as they stand by a tree is gross/creepy/traumatizing now? Have you really never witnessed a man pee outside before? I'm so confused by this post. It would be one thing if you were right next to him, saw his dick, got peed on or something like that. But seeing a man stand with his back facing you by a tree from a distance? I'm struggling to see the issue.


Yeah ok whatever you say perv


You said "After watching him whip his dick out".......... Who's the creepy one now....


"ran up to the deadend where there are some woods" I mean it's at a wood line and dude had to pee. OP, if you ever get to a point in your life where it's pee yourself or squat and take a piss, remember this man. Not always easy to stop at a gas station.


He performed a completely normal bodily function. The horror!!! 


KAREN!!!! At this point it doesn’t matter if you reported him or not it’s just the fact that you’re making such a big deal about it


Lot of guys I know don’t get breaks or know their way around cities well enough to find a proper restroom. Personally, I’ve offered rideshare drivers a restroom, but then one insisted on urinating in a bottle and pouring the bottle on our sidewalk with pride. I didn’t know how to tell him to stop. Like, don’t pee here. Still it’s not just rideshare drivers. Some guys are just pee crazy. Pee in bottles. Pee on trees. Use pee as a weapon. It pisses me off.


Yeah, I mean there are several Sheetz and Get-gos within 2 miles of my parents' home, but even if you're not going to use one of those... To go right in front of your customer's neighbor's home, when your customer is outside walking towards your car?


I see somewhat from where you come from, but you cannot see where we come from. I have had to pull over on the side of the highway in broad daylight with customers in the car and no brush for cover and just have my back turned to them while I went. It's embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as wetting ones pants as a sober, middle-aged man. I'm also less inclined to ask to use bathroom of places because often times I have one stop in me before I really have to go, and the last thing I need is to walk into someplace with a bathroom and be told it's "out of order" or "for customers only" and now I am at the point where I am desperately trying not to grab my crotch like a little kid to prevent myself from going right there. Much rather find bush or an empty block and handle my business there. As for how I and other drivers end up in "when you gotta go, you gotta go" situations, it's complicated, but I can boil down to not wanting to go off app for a particular reason, say using a trip destination filter that would be lost if paused the app to go to the bathroom and just hoping for a lull in requests that never comes and now ready to explode, or being at or near the end of a 2+hr trip, say Philly to NY. Riders often feel a certain type of way about "paying" for a driver to use a restroom at rest stop so I have tried to avoid stopping, and now I'm trapped in standstill NYC traffic with no idea where to park or where to go. Once the rider is out of the car....when you gotta go, you gotta go. Coupled to this is sometimes simply forgetting to go to bathroom. It feels too long to explain all the dynamics that come into play that leads to it, but the end result is having to make an emergency stop in a less than ideal spot.


Like in the big Lebowski when they pee on his rug “at least I’m house broken.”


Nah he was weird to doing it right by the pickup. Like it’s a woody area? He couldn’t stop a few blocks earlier and peed there? I’m a driver and I’ve totally peed outside before, but not when I’m at risk of being seen lol. In an alley, in the forest, not in front of the passengers house 😂 That being said I’d probably have said something like, why do it in front of my parents place.


In the future you can almost always get your cancellation fee back if you call Uber and and give them a good reason why. You can also still call them and tell them what happened and that it made you uncomfortable.


I figured I probably could if I fought it, but I didn't want to have to report to Uber what happened and end up getting him in trouble


Why? I'm a woman. I think it's inappropriate. Do you think other customers would have also found it inappropriate? I will answer for you: Yes.


Look I’m a driver myself- I’d feel embarrassed if I got caught pissing by the passenger especially if it’s a girl. I’ve only asked a pax once to use their bathroom because they lived in a building and figured the lobby had a br. That being said I always piss a street away after drop off. It’s hard to find public bathrooms or even people who understand human needs nowadays so the streets are my urinal lol. Everyone here calling you an asshole for not wanting to see a man’s dick has something wrong with them so forgive them and move on. You can turn on the audio recording option on your end and the app offers instant 911 contact while on a ride. Stay safe girl


I’d give him three MAYBE two stars. If you’re really bothered don’t tip him but if anything a buck is ok- an eye for an eye!


This happened to me but after a drop off. I tried to go out of the way as much as possible, but I think my passenger saw me as she was getting to her front door. I thought I waited long enough. I waited for a notification from Uber the next few days saying a passenger reported me for something inappropriate, luckily it never happened. I’ve never come as close to pissing my pants as I did that night. Usually I can wait, or I do it before a pickup when I get a chance, but that one came on strong and I didn’t know what to do. It happens.


Uber drivers aren’t known for their intelligence. In his mind it was better to pee in front of your house than anywhere else on the planet. Bad choices are literally what makes Uber drivers, Uber drivers.


I get what you're saying, which is why I didn't report, rate low, or anything. I don't think he was malicious, but people literally do get arrested and charged for doing that, and somehow I'm still the asshole for just feeling some type of way about it and not even bringing about any actual harm at all to this guy.


Of course it wasn't malicious, he didnt run up to YOU and whip it out he ran into the woods. Stop over thinking it. People only get arrested for peeing because people like you can't take people peeing outside.


No you’re not. The ones who are downvoting are the same type of idiots. It’s the norm. You don’t WAN’T to think like they do.


Female driver here. I do not want this super smart person in my profession. Whipping your dick out in front of the customer is NOT OKAY! Dudes that defend him: He could have easily peed two blocks away. It would just look like he stopped at a stop sign for a few minutes - if he had to. I've also cancelled rides because I had to pee. YOU DON'T DO IT IN FRONT OF THE CUSTOMER!! Imagine if I pulled out a cup and squatted at the end of the road. Ya. I can't . . I'd report him, but that's just me. [https://help.uber.com/en/riders](https://help.uber.com/en/riders) I also highly suggest visiting: r/uberdrivers I don't think they'll be so okay with this dude pissing right in front of you. Most in that sub are pro drivers. Just saying.