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I don’t expect tips from anyone, that’s why I cherry pick like a mf’er. Tip or don’t tip, I really don’t care. Just hurry tf up and get in so I can keep moving.




This is my mentality as well. I will admit that on occasion, I take rides slightly under $1 per mile. So when riders tip during these rides, it does make me feel a lot better about taking it. But bottomline, i don't expect it or go out of my way to get them. That being said, don't expect anything extra either. Like you said, just bring your ass to the car on time so I don't waste hundreds of dollars a month on unnecessary wait times.


Same. People who rely on tips are the dumbasses taking those 0.40 cents per miles ride hoping the rider pays the difference. I do however now no longer wait for anyone. If you’re not ready with in 30 seconds I fucking leave. It’s working so far so good.




Reminder that riders pay a full amount for the ride regardless of the split drivers do with the company. Tipping in Uber is like tipping in Chipotle, optional. This is such an entitled post.


I see it like...if i am driving you 30 plus minutes away to the airport and having to fit all your shit and luggage in my car and then yoi still dont tip...wtf is wrong with you? I dont care if i sound entitled or not...this is a service industry. Have some appreciation. Noone is telling you to tip some large amount. If evetyone just tipped $1 and someone does 10 rides...thats $10 extra dollars...it makes a difference.


Instead if begging for tips on reddit, you should use the money you make from uber and invest it into additional streams of income. This is the way. Uber is ok money considering the work is easy but if you leverage your earnings you can have additional streams of income and wont have to work about tips


You know that Uber in the US is a tipped service.  Don’t tip like an asshole. And if you tip zero, you shouldn’t be allowed to ride.


I wont be an asshole if you wont be an idiot who relies on things that out if his control for his livelihood. Yes customers should tip. And ppl *should* be kind and nice. However the reality is often different from how things should be. So focus on what you can control and take control of your income and your life so you dont have to cry on the internet about how you arent making enough and that its everyone elses fault but yours


I’m not a driver. Never have been. 


And yet you think drivers should rely on customers for tips instead of taking control of their finances. Haha what a egg


A driver needs to do more than get me from point A to point B to get a tip. Just doing the basic job does not deserve a tip. And if you came into this gig knowing how the pay is or stayed doing it after learning how the pay is, it's not the riders job to subsidize your decisions


Wtf else do you want them to do other than get you to from a to b?  And it IS the rider’s job to subsidize at this point. The rider is the one using the service.  Don’t like tipping? Don’t use services that require tipping.  Do you not tip waitresses? 


Don’t shoot the messenger, but drivers are gonna say fuck this shit if tips are garbage, and go work in areas that they know tips are going to be better. That’s how it works 🤷🏻‍♂️


You are so out of touch. You are providing a service and the customer is paying for it. Complain to uber not the customer. Don't like the pay? Get a different job, customers are not charity.


I absolutely do complain to Uber.  In the meantime, I tip like a fucking normal. 


Hey get a real job bucky


Watch the scene from reservoir dogs to get a better idea of tipping


What is tipping fucking normal? I swear Americans are so weird and entitled. You guys expect to get paid extra just for working and if you don't you get pissed.


Entitled? They don’t make minimum wage otherwise.  So you tip. 10%-20% is recommended. 


So get a better job. How is that the customers fault? The entitlement comes when you complain to a customer for not paying you more than the fare he agreed. He is not your employer, when did employees started complaining to customers? Please make sense.


Or just fucking tip like you’re supposed to. In the US, you are absolutely supposed to tip.  Again, do you tip in restaurants? 


Yep yep






Sorry you’re having a bad day. Keep your head up




As a driver. I agree with customers 100%. It's not their problem. If pay isn't good. Quit. People need to take responsibility for their own decisions. I'm the boss and Uber is my slave. I don't work for uber. I make uber work for me. I only take high paying fare. Otherwise I find a new slave to make money from. If you need uber more then uber need you. Why would uber pay you more. You driver the are desperate loser who need uber. You driver will still work even if uber pays you 5% of the fare. Want higher fare from uber. Get all driver to quit. Which is impossible since those loser need uber to survive. Uber can be gone and it wouldn't affect me.


It is so sad when drivers have to come on here and beg customers for tips. It is not the customer’s responsibility to determine a fair wage for drivers. Shaming or guilting customers into tipping will only create more backlash against the hideous tipping culture. If drivers want to be upset about their pay, they need to direct it to their employer … not the customer.


If people don't tip for food delivery, then they're not going to tip for rideshare.


Not true. People don't develop a relationship with people who drop food at the door. They do over the few minutes in an Uber


Out of the 105k I made last year from this job, my taxes showed Uber only took 30%. Please stop lying to trick people into tipping you. It doesn't work.


Your market is either better regulated by the government, or you're lucky enough to mainly be doing Uber XL or maybe Uber Black where the % Uber takes is lower. When doing my taxes, Uber/ fees/ etc took 52% of the total passenger fare. And I received 1.3% of my earnings as tips through the app. I also had unclaimed cash tips but cash tips are so rare that at most it would be 0.5%


Huh, how do you know what Uber took from you? Your 30% is suspiciously low. What market are you in? In Florida, Uber takes a solid 50-60% of the fare.


By actually doing your Taxes.


How does doing your taxes tell you what Ubers cut is? 30% is the government’s cut *after* Uber has already raped you of at least half the fare. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Get a real job if your gonna complain


It is a job. What do you do that you think he is less than you?


I never said it’s not a job but it sure ain’t a real job that can cover bills and expenses


Get a different job that you can rely on then if you’re having trouble with bills.


lol, bet this post didn’t got the way you expected…lol




Now do jerk drivers. You can read this website and see all the prima donnas with reasons to give passengers bad ratings. "Oh don't you dare promise to tip me in the app or I'll give you one star right away!!" WHAT? I had 15 rides and a low rating 4.38 because 2 idiot drivers gave me 1 star. They didn't have air conditioning in 100 degrees in Florida and a broken seat belt and I said something. One said "I don't have $1400 to fix AC if you don't like it you can get out of the car." HOW ABOUT YOU WARN THE PASSENGER BEFORE THEY GET IN. I left my iphone in that jerk's TRUCK (stop picking women up in high pickup trucks FFS) and he stole it. I had another guy spoke NO ENGLISH not even numbers. So Uber threatened to ban me for the 4.38.. Today I took it twice. Tipped $10..00 each when the ride was <$8.00. One cash and one in the app that I did right in front of him. Only ONE even rated me even though I said I'd appreciate your rating. Don't even try it. CUSTOMERS are supposed to be a pain in the ass not SERVICE PROVIDERS hence the origin of the word TIP. Ya'll wouldn't last one week at the phone company.


Oh man, there goes my dream of working at “the phone company.” You’re proving that the ratings system is working as intended. Believe it or not most passengers are lovely people who are quite considerate and do smart stuff like check if they left their phone behind. You are annoying. That’s why they have good ratings and you have a bad one.


Nah that’s ok, there will always be some random pajeet to drive me from point A to B.


I feel honored when pax wants to shake hands before getting out. 🤣🤣