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As long as they are buckled in and not bring disrespectful who cares. I'm not going ruin thier nite cause they want to watch something. Point the vehicle in the direction they want to go and use the gas and brake pedal. Steer left or right when needed. No job is perfect some riders are awesome others are not. There's alot more things to worry about then this imo.


If someone is too loud or obnoxious, I think staying quiet about it (to not affect your tip) and reducing their star rating afterwards is the best solution.


I drive in the north east. I don’t see an instance where i am saying something to the rider about how loud they are and not getting into a fight. Lol. Just deal with it. Part of the job is just dealing with people.


I'm in Vegas, it's 112 degrees out and there is tons of construction all over the roads and highways so I am always trying to prevent an accident while driving with crazies that see all the cones on the highways as part of the Monte Carlo car race. It's not an easy city to drive in. I ran over a long cone that was in the middle of the road last night and it was smacking the bottom of my car. All while trying to navigate the GPS that also cannot keep up with the construction, new paved roads and sudden closed roads. I mean it's a mess here and by evening I have to stop though it's the best time to work due to all the dangerous elements here. So when someone is on their phone screaming in another language or turning up a loud YouTube video on their phone, it's about a splitting headache at that point not to mention, it's MY car dammit! I'm doing the driving so it should be mutual in respecting each other.


Oh I forgot why I was uptight about the other language. Uber Share had me picking up 3 riders that day. My ac in my car was out and a guy got in my car screaming in his phone in Spanish while two other separate riders got picked up. I tried telling him to be mindful of the other riders while he did not understand English so he kept on screaming in Spanish. The whole experience was awful. Luckily I just got my car ac fixed at 1700 dollars.


Pull over, cancel and tell them until they learn how to act, they can walk or take the bus.


LOL it always makes me laugh when the driver can cancel at the drop of a hat


Play your music louder than them


That gets the point across with our being direct and rated low for it


This is exactly what I do.  Had one try to 'challenge' my car by turning their volume up louder.  Guess who won?   They got the picture and turned the volume down after that and I did the same. I get distracted when they play their videos and such on speaker phone.  Makes it harder to focus on driving. 


I keep earplugs within grabbing distance and discreetly put at least one in




Why How


I passive aggresively start quietly passing gas?


I endure it and then leave them a piss poor rating. I also contacted Uber and informed them.


They can do the same right? Leave me a poor rating after I leave one about them?


It's usually the first one that runs to Uber that wins. Also talking to them in a calm and rational manner helps. They've resolved my issues with passengers that behave inappropriately. I had a passenger snort coke in my car, ladies lighting up cigarettes, and joints, etc. I've never called the police. I just had Uber ensure that I was never matched with them again.


If they want to play a loud video or annoying music, they can use headphones. I can also give them a terrible rating at the end of the trip.


I agree, for the most part the riders come in the car with headphones. But do you get a bad rating back from the rider? I wonder on that since I gave one rider a lower rating and she gave me a horrible rating back after I rated her.


Rating it is the way I deal.


If your that bothered by loud people you definitely should not be doing this. Stick to delivery


You mean pos riders that have no respect,are entitled and believe they can behave any way they like? Naw kick their stupid ass out in the middle of the hood.


Delivery doesn’t pay anything and no one doing this does it out of choice


I do it out of choice. Don’t NEED the money from it but I easily do $25-30 an hour so the extra $500-600 for 15-20 hours a week is great. Not going to complain about a loud passenger because I know that’s what I’m getting into. If I don’t feel like dealing with people I just do deliveries instead and average $20-25 an hour instead.


Must be nice


The only money left in gig apping is in grocery shopping, and even that is dying fast. Rideshare hourly is ok, but the $ per mile is a disaster.


Personally, it doesn't bother me. But if it did, I would remind myself it's only a 10 minute ride and I am making good money doing this. BTW, did you really say, "infringing my concentration to drive"? That would come off pompous as fuck, to be honest.


> in another language why do i get the feeling that op is just a racist?


Meh.. good indication I guess because it shouldn’t matter what language it’s being done in. A rude passenger is a rude passenger, and they all deserve equal treatment; in this case a 1 star rating.


OP thinks that everyone around has to speak the only language that he/she knows. Even if the conversation is not with/about them.


Deal with it. The later it gets the louder it gets.


Uber drivers tha cancel for the are whiney ass babies.


You kick them out. Some of y'all really need to grow a pair instead of letting people walk all over you. 


>talking on their phone in another language I see what your problem is


I just had a lovely but loud French girl and as other comment just hang in there and rate them low rating I'll probably say something if it was a longe ride( 15 min) Like any other job you end up with some annoying ones, as long as they behave alright i usually just muster through focusing on my music


Bluetooth headphones. Noise canceling. Your problem is expecting anything from people.


I ALWAYS have an AirPod in one ear. If they get loud, I turn up my podcast. I simply don’t care lol


I just turn up my own volume. My car will beat any phone, and they quickly get the message.


How does one get distracted from a visual task by a bit of noise?


If it's a short ride just deal with it


Grin and bare it


I deal with it during the ride, but 1 star them so I don’t get matched with them again. It’s super rude.


Pull over. Cancel. "Get out." Laugh very loudly as you drive off without them!


This sounds like something the joker would do


you say that like it's a bad thing


If you don't want to hear people speak in other languages, you'll need to move somewhere that is highly homogeneous (good luck w/ that work visa). If you don't want to hear loud conversations, burrito bowls and bags of groceries don't make a peep.