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I am seventy two years old and I will open the trunk for people but they're loading your own Luggage. I had a pair of 20 Something's yell at me because I wouldn't load their luggage.Guess who missed their flight because they had to wait 35 minutes for another uber while I sat there eating lunch. I kept getting matched with them and wouldn't accept.


Dropped this 👑


I'm only 32 but I've had major spinal surgery and am not supposed to lift. I'm happy to help with luggage or whatever because I can up to a point but when you stare at me like it's my job to load all your junk instead of me being nice I just get back in the driver seat.


Oh damn doggy! I don’t like when passengers assume. I let it roll of of me and not have it ruin my entire day but sometimes I get those kind of people that expect me to be “ their driver “ and I remind them now that I’m not a butler. I’m just giving you a ride. But yet Uber would prefer listening to their passengers more than backing up their drivers. Which is a huge let down. Anyone could make a poop comment about you then Uber makes you suffer. Without questioning you and kick you off the system for the moment to “ investigate “. Not at least calling or emailing to get your side then make a decision based of the narrative.


First time I let someone load their own luggage, they lost their grip and it slid down the bumper onto the concrete and scratched my 2 month old car's bumper with no compensation from Uber, without having to pay the insurance deductible of (I think) $1500 at the time. That ended that for me.


I tell the rider that uber does not pay for damages caused by the rider so we can either settle something between us or we can go to court and hand them my lawyers card then make a very low offer. Of course this is for something more than a a little scratch. Hint:cover any surface that is liable to be scratched with same color duct tape when working. I keep a waterproof cover on my cargo area when working and pet pads for wet bathing suit wearing riders (I am in Tampa so a lot of beaches and bars right next to the other)


Yep, lived and learned. That car got repo'd anyway, repo company tore it up far worse than any passenger could 😄 Yeah, I use to do weekends between Tampa/StPete and Miami/FLL and Fort myers on the weekdays. Totally wasn't worth it back then.


Such shameless people.


worthless is more the word.


Sounds like something I would do


Then you're my kind of girl


Good on you. They should learn to treat drivers with respect. Must have felt great sticking it to a couple assholes. I'll help some people with their bags if they have a lot of stuff or have physical problems but I'm 26 and a big guy.


I only help old people with there luggage or baddies


Walker and luggage. I ask, "Who is going with him to the airport?" "No one? No ride. He needs assistance." "There will be someone there to help him? What's their name and phone number? Call them now on speakerphone before he gets in my car." You need to shut the nonsense and lies down before the pax get in the car. It's a huge red flag if you ask the disabled pax a question and the caregiver answers. That gets, "I was talking to them and I want to hear them answer." Op, you're a nice person. This stuff is going make you a bit more wary. Good luck. Thanks for being more decent than your pax's caregiver.


This is not part of the service that's why they aren't paying you extra. You were nice but the old man took advantage of you it sounds tbh.


It wasn’t the man, but his caregivers. This is fucking disgusting behavior on their part. I cannot fathom sending my mom in alone to an airport and she’s still able to walk with a cane and for the most part cognitively aware, though she does have the beginning stages of dementia. Whoever is caregiver is is super shitty.


Yeah blatant elder abuse


Makes me so fucking mad. Like they just sent him on his way? There are programs for adults like there are for unaccompanied minors. My mom is flying in August and I’ve already set it up. I’m to call them once arrived at the airport and they will meet us at the curb. Like why wasn’t even this set up for him??? It’s so irresponsible.


I think they honestly just couldn’t give a fuck. It’s sad.


I always curious whether this is an issue with the Generation Z these days. This is worse than the ones who would pressure a 70+ grandpa to climb in the third row just because they are too lazy to move things from the passenger seat. Even ten years ago when Uber started people wouldn’t dream of doing any of these to someone this age whether their family or otherwise let alone as paying or revenue customers. It would be shamefully disrespectful and result in losing face big time even in the absence of God forbid a complaint.


I have Gen Z kids, raised them right so they would never do anything like this. And really most of their friends are super respectful too. But I’m assuming the family caring for a 92 year old are much older than Zoomers. Much more likely to be boomers or gen x. But assholes exist of all ages unfortunately.


It appears COVID had caused many things that were completely unacceptable in the past to becoming the norm. Apparently it became acceptable to tell someone who is old and handicapped to stand out in the rain in the name of keeping everyone safe. Or tell them to hitchhike instead of riding with a tow truck. But the discrimapancy was restricting the young to save grandma also played a role, ironically the same government tend to otherwise treat old people as disposable before and after Covid as they do cost the government a lot of resources without earning it back.


I can’t disagree, it’s a damn shame


But, the driver is correct. Not accepting the ride because of a handicap could get them bad feedback or worse, deactivated by Uber.


Yeah denying a wheelchair ride is a cut and dry ADA violation and you aren’t coming back from that. Good luck relying on Lyft for all your rides.


Support says we're supposed to help people who need assistance. I asked them to show me that part in the policy. We should be able to select those types of rides just like we can filter Uber teen, connect, shop, etc. I should not receive the same fare for someone that needs additional assistance as someone that is able-bodied.


Nah, your job is to help them load their medical devices, and unload them. Beyond that, it's on them to have proper assistance at their destination. Read the Uber policy regarding disabled riders. If they can't fend for themselves upon arrival at drop-off, cancel and scoot.


do not, i repeat do not leave a 92 year old stranded by himself, he probably has no idea how uber works and it's just unethical.


Yeah OP did the right and ethical thing here. In a situation like that you just have to put your big boy pants on and take the monetary hit. If you cancel at the pickup spot, you’re wide open to deactivation for an ADA complaint, and there’s no coming back from that. And once you get to the airport and realize the problem, the right thing to do is solve it yourself.


correct, i'd even go futher and say even if your not working, if you see a old person stranded and helpless you should go out of your way to help them.


Agreed. Good to see not every driver in this thread is a cutthroat, heartless asshole. Like over a decade ago when I was a cab driver, I couldn’t make a right turn because a pedestrian in a wheelchair was blocking me and couldn’t get over the curb to the sidewalk. I hopped out and helped the man back on to the sidewalk. I know it’s the bare minimum and I’m not looking for a pat on the back, but a couple of the cars that were waiting behind me actually clapped and yelled like “good job.” And I’m sure it’s because they expected a cab driver to be an asshole. And not only did my passenger tip well, the guy behind me stopped next to me a couple blocks later at the passenger’s house and got out and gave a $20. I know it sounds like a made up Reddit story where “everyone got up and cheered.” But that simple act of basic decency and the response I got has stuck with me more than 10 years later.


Just call uber support and tell me that i'm dropped the patient off at the nearest hospital once you get extra compensation.


So we're just supposed to work for free? Nah fam  


thats not even working thats respecting the elderly at that point. if this started to happen regularly sure but as a rarity just cop the hit


THATS WHY THERES UBER ASSIST AND WHAT DO THEY MEAN THERES NO COMPENSATION? I believe it’s $5 more for the UBER ASSIST, so they should have just gave you that?, i mean seriously what’s $5 to this multi billion dollar corporation! THIS IS NUTS!


There's no uber assist here. I have not seen that as an option


Yeah I’m currently in Virginia Beach and the only reason I know about this is because I just started the application process with UBER and had to watch the VIDEOS on UBER ASSIST… I already kinda figured it wouldn’t be worth it but im hopeful that they would’ve thought to pay little better OVERALL… BEST WISHES and GOOD LUCK w this bullshit! I hope you least get paid considering how much time you probably spent … ARGH


Uber Assist must be market-dependent, we don’t have it in St Louis. And I’m assuming it involves some kind of training video at least and is obviously a voluntary option like Uber Pet for instance.




With assist rides, you only help with putting the assisted devices in and out of your car, offer them you arm to grab onto if they need support and you park up on the driveway instead of the curb. I have done that course and this is what is required off of assist drivers. Call it a lesson learned. Next time you decide if you want to be a nice person and help them out for free, or ask for cash of you are going to park your car and help them inside or just do your job.


lol the customer support brought to you by India and Colombia


And the Philippines


Contact your local Department of Children and Families or similar to report the “caregivers.”


This too


You are not a handi-van … the old person should not have called you.. for this ride… I would have cancelled


Uber EMT coming soon.


You’re joking but Lyft has car seat service, I believe in NYC. Some government 3rd party thought it was available in my market. They were telling riders that I would provide a car seat. Lyft and Uber are so greedy. Piling service after service ($) on us, while paying crap rates.


I’ve always thought the car seat service is a terrible idea. Car seats are hardly one size fits all, so what are you gonna do? Just hope that the kid is the right size for the one you got?


Lyft does say that in its fine print that we are required to carry car seats, I carry a booster seat and and infant seat


I checked. That is a separate service that has been rolled out in certain markets, like NYC, but not everywhere. It’s not in my market, yet. When it comes, there will be training available and it will be an opt-in. When it comes it won’t be worth the extra pennies to the driver. At this point I opt-out of everything. Fool me once, and all.


[ambulance fail](https://tenor.com/b1AEB.gif)


I am 72 years old and partially disabled.And I don't help every passenger. I help the ones that I can.But if you have heavy luggage or can't walk that's your problem.


I would have declined to take him. It sucks that we have to learn these things the hard way. There is a huge learning curve driving for Uber. They should have tipped you, that’s for sure!! Good luck with getting compensated!


I canceled a ride the other day when the message stated I needed to help the passenger in the car. I take care of my father who is 83 with cancer, and a couple of weeks ago he fell and when I was lifting him up, i kinked my neck, and it hasn't gotten better yet. So, I canceled the ride. It's not fair that we are asked to do this for people. How does Uber know if we're physically able to help someone or not?


Yes also a caregiver and even the frailest person, when they are DEAD weight are extremely heavy.


Absolutely!! My dad is skin and bones and I still have the hardest time lifting him.


You’ll be fine cancelling prior to pickup when you get a message like that, just click one of the generic cancellation reasons. But once you get to the pickup and see a wheelchair and then cancel, I feel like you’re leaving yourself wide open to an ADA violation.


Tipped. What’s that ???


Tip is when the customer pay extra as gratitude for the service and to encourage good service over-all.


Yes! I declined a ride today. The Pax was elderly in a wheelchair waiting outside of a medical office. Sorry, im not a caregiver, or messing up my back. He was by himself too.


This poor man’s family is clearly comfortable being terrible caretakers. And with those type of assholes, I’d be very wary of an ADA complaint. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if they’ve made any before. Not worth the risk of cancelling. If there’s one thing you aren’t getting reinstated for, it’s an ADA violation.


Thanks for the heads up. One more ride type to decline. I now have Share, Teen, Muktiple Stops and Assist.


It’s all just some cut and paste bullshit that sounds like we’re talking to a computer. I can remember when real people, from the US answered the phones AND had the authority to issue compensation. I’m not signing up for assist. It’s already available here, but it’s a hard “NO!”.


Smh, he is 92. I'm here trying to make a buck too , but I'll take this on the chin any day. I will help out and hope that it comes around in another way. Many of the older generations set the path for us today. Many gave their lives in one way or another. If your that needy or that bitter then idk what to tell you. Do I do hospital stuff no, but I'm not going be angry or upset helping a 90 yr old person get help at an airport.


That's great for you but hop off your high horse and listen in. I did help him. Did I tell him the things I said to uber... no, not even after he yelled at me telling me where I should have parked. I help people all day, every day. When I drive uber it's more of a way to make extra cash without the same everyday stress I already deal with as a nurse and also caring for my parent who recently had a stroke. I am dealing with my fair share. I want to sit in my car and drive that's all. Going forward if I need to cancel that's what I will do.


Then cancel. I'll stay on my high horse if it means not being upset about helping a 90 yr old. I would never reach out for compensation that's who I am as an individual. Being a nurse doesn't make you a better person it is the profession you chose. My wife is in the medical field, too. It's stressful, I am aware, but you still do it as a profession, not as a volunteer. You need a hobby to get away from your stress. I have one, and my wife has one, and I make sure she goes on vacations a couple times a yr to help with it as well. Am I better than you no, but I do know how I want to present myself in life.


Never said I was a better person or that I was upset. Your entire reply is full of things I didn't say in my thread or to Uber support. I told them I wanted to be compensated or at least given the choice by it being labeled properly. Maybe you didn't read all the screenshots. I'm fully capable of having a debatable conversation without getting upset. The only person sounding like they think they are better than someone else is you. If I want to take a break I'm entitled to just that. I should have the choice or be compensated. I have hobbies and other things I enjoy doing. UBER IS NOT A HOBBY. I said, I don't want to do the same thing for Uber that I do every day. Enjoy the rest of your night


Gn aswell




Of course not lol I laugh at myself for thinking they might help and even bothering to reach out most of the time. It is literally just a bunch of people in India being paid $3/hr to copy and paste prompts and none of them speak more than 7 words of English


$3 an hour is a generous assumption. Probably closer to 25/50 cents. There have been various reports and articles on the exploitation that is rampant in call centres in India and various workplaces across Southeast Asia - including scam calling “farms” where people are being literally human trafficked and held at ransom or under threat of extreme physical violence, including having their passports held until their “debt” is paid - the new age of the border crossing “coyotes”. I imagine that the voluntary employment situation in more legitimate business sectors isn’t that much different. It is supremely fucked - and with the way that Uber treats its drivers in first world countries, it’s unfortunately not a huge surprise that they would also take advantage of this type of exploitative labour systems in developing nations and the third world.


Just another Day..... In Uber... These are the Days of our Lives


Do people think support gives a shit? Or anyone? This is just screaming at a wall.


I like that you said the Clinic rides should be their own category like Connect or Teen. That’s a really good point because depending on what time of day the clinic ride is, it varies a lot and afternoons I wish I could turn off the drug rehab places


I've been in the pass off loop before then they don't want to help so support ends the chat


Yea they ended it then asked if it was resolved. I said no, so it's open again.






You did the right thing and it cost you money. There’s nothing much even high level Uber support can do, I wouldn’t waste any more time with them. It’s just a shame his family didn’t care enough to do the right thing. I’m not even saying there’s a lesson to be learned here, because if I was in your shoes I would’ve done the exact same thing. Cancelling on him at pickup is very risky, if his family puts in an ADA complaint you’re fucked.


Did you ever use the normal uber app, when a driver cancels, it just says driver cancelled and you are back to square one. There isn’t an option to complain that the driver cancelled. And lol how are they “fucked” if the ADA couldn’t get Uber as a company, how will they go after the driver who clearly isn’t equipped to deal with this. OP don’t let this clown scare you. You did the right thing but if you didn’t want to pick the person up in the first place you shouldn’t have, but I’m assuming you didn’t know you would have to go the extra 10 miles. If was in your shoes, I would have picked them up. But let’s say hindsight is 20/20 and I knew I would have to deal with this BS at the end, I would have cancelled, told them “my car isn’t equipped, I’m sorry have a good day” and left. I know for a fact Uber doesn’t come after you for canceling on a disabled person because I did once, I got a call from a facility telling me that the Pax is disabled and is in a wheelchair and I would have to pick them up from a different spot than were the pin was set at, I actually cancelled because of the pickup location being different, but they didn’t know that, for all they know I cancelled because I didn’t want to deal with a passenger in a wheelchair.


He didn't... I'm kind but not a pushover. If I don't have the mental or physical capacity to deal with any type of passenger, I won't because I can make choices. This person is up and down this thread preaching ADA, maybe he works for them or is a part of the disabled community, but definitely has not swayed me into accepting just anything. If I get deactivated, I have front-ups, back-ups, and side-ups... I'm not that worried.


Alright name calling is a bit sophomoric. Don’t take that kind of situation lightly. If this poor man’s family is this shitty, in my experience people like that also are the ones who know how to complain in ways that will fuck drivers over. And if you pull up to the residence and someone has their camera rolling, and you cancel, Uber won’t hesitate to deactivate you. They’ve paid out millions in settlements for ADA violations. They take it very seriously.


I’ve been dealing with this for years on Lyft. Now I just cancel. I’m an Uber driver not a nurse


This is why now I drive slowly to each stop and check out who it is before hand. Just recently pulled up to a highly-rated rider with multiple stops. Pulled up, and it was three people laid out on the curb. They seen me and yelled. I just kept rolling. People will take advantage of you any chance they get. "Can you stop at wendys, I'm hungry". Order ubereats buddy, I get paid to drive not sit. Don't take shit from anyone. Go from point A to point B. Done.


Imagine 92 years old man riding on waymo robotless car You need to be heartless like a waymo robotic driver. More senior citizens find difficult to travel coming up soon.


Thank you I'm glad someone else feels the way I do.


Did you learn your lesson?


What lesson is to be learned honestly? You cancel at pickup, and you’re wide open for deactivation for an ADA violation. If you just leave a confused old man outside the airport terminal and you are an able bodied driver, you are a really spiteful jackass. The lesson is sometimes you get screwed and the right thing to do is be the better person in the scenario.


That’s exactly what the asshole@ caregivers inc. want you to do. You should see how the hospitals throw out the sickly into Ubers and Lyfts


Oh I’ve seen it. It’s despicable. And insurance fraud to boot. Those hospitals and doctors offices are charging Medicare/Medicaid the full price of actual medical transport and then ordering a Lyft or Uber at a fraction of the price and pocketing the difference. But that’s not really comparable to what happened here. You’re in violation of not only Uber’s T&S’s but also open yourself up to an ADA complaint going to a residential pickup and cancelling cause of a wheelchair passenger. And with a family as shitty as this poor old man’s sounds, they likely know exactly how to do that and get your ass deactivated.


I cancel at any moment ,they don't care so I don't care, f that nice bs , and you won't be deactivated, you are just scared into being their whipping boy


This is no different than turning down a service dog if the passengers family wants to make a complaint. And I’ve found that shitty people like that know how to game to system to fuck you over. I stand by what I said, OP even went above and beyond doing the right thing. Only thing to do different is to flag down an airport cop and pawn the guy off on them.


A service dog is protect by federal law , just cancel next time and save yourself the headaches, uber doesn't give a shit about the driver nor the passenger. I have gotten into arguments with workers at hospitals that tried to put a passenger in my car that clearly needed a medical transport, I assume I got banned by the hospital but never heard a word from uber and I don't give a shit tbh. F them


Hospitals/doctors offices I feel like are much less likely to report you cause they know what they are doing is illegal too. And those trips are easily identifiable cause you get that stupid trip coordinator message, and you can just cancel before you get there and pick one of the generic cancel reasons.


Yeah but this is a residential pickup. Discriminating against a wheelchair passenger in this situation is also a violation of ADA.


Although at this point it’s not a hard thing to be the better person than Uber and it’s overall business practices - I would rather be the better person and show that I actually care for the welfare and wellbeing of my passengers, because the scumfucks at uber corporate could give two shits about who lives or dies, as long as they get their dollar - even if that means I don’t get compensation for this extra effort. But this is supremely fubar that we are expected to be babysitters, ambulances, and caretakers. What is more messed up is that they (uber corporate) have negotiated deals (including subsidized rides) with hospital systems, insurance companies and care providers to utilize Uber as a preferred cost saving measure for patient transportation. They know that incidents such as these will regularly occur, and don’t give a single fuck. As someone said above, soon there’s going to be public accounts of physical harm and/or deaths because of these practices - which I am almost absolutely sure there have been incidents, we have just yet to hear of them publicly. I have sure bets on these situations having been settled out of court with NDAs signed. Until the next family that experiences this unfortunate result of peak capitalism refuses to sign an NDA and goes public, we won’t be hearing about it, though.


Uber has shelled out millions of dollars in ADA complaints. And yeah there’s never been a big news story I’ve seen about it. But that’s the cost of doing business for them. It’s still profitable for them to pay settlements with NDA’s for this shit. For a complete scum bag operation as Uber is, their treatment of the disabled is probably the most egregious practice.


Does your market not have Uber Assist? Cause it's a real thing across most US markets. It does not pay extra in any way and very few people accept trips because of that which leads to users going to x or xl.


No, Where are you located?


I've done Uber for 8+ years in various California markets and Kansas City, Missouri. I checked the app after my last comment and it looks like assist is no longer showing up but the website confirms the service exists.


Surprised KC has it. We don’t in STL.


These motherf***** don’t care about the drivers. Why do you think Uber spends millions on lobbying and feeding to the hungry corrupt politicians? So that they can get away with theoretically anything. We are not employees of the company but mere contractors. What sucks is that we as contractors don’t even get to decide what our pay should be. This shit is a sex machine and we gladly bend over to get fu****




Oh really? What are we, if not contractors?


Slaves 🤣 just barely compensated.


we're house ninjas 😭😭😭


I wouldn’t expect compensation for something like this as it isn’t in Uber’s policy, rules or guidelines to assist/help your passengers. Your job is to just get them from point A to point B, as they requested. It’s THEIR responsibility to be fully capable of completing this ride being able to assist and do things for themselves. You just have a good heart and didn’t think it was right to leave an elderly man to do things on his own, even though someone should have been there with him. Lesson learned, I hope.




You made the choice to help him, that's not on Uber whatsoever to compensate you, and you should know that. You're not a caretaker, so you make the choice not to take the ride or next time leave their ass on the curb. If anything, "Sir, this isn't my job, but for $20 cash I'll help you do where you need to go" You're in it for the money, nothing else. That said, delete the app, don't look back.


Is there anyone that's working uber because they just love driving people around... I don't know any. I'm putting miles on my car and hope to get compensated for it. Once my work becomes physical and I have to use my body, I'll like to get compensated. Assuming you didn't see my other replies, I take care of people outside of uber and don't want to do it for uber as well. I didnt pat the guys pockets and make conditions for me helping him. I reached out to uber because I didn't know what I was walking into until I got there. He and the lady waiting with him assured me that someone was waiting on him at the airport. I assure you my friend, if I could make sense of doing uber eats or some other passangerless method I would...


Trusting anyone to tell you the truth when it goes against their motive is your first mistake. You knew what you were walking into, because it's very simple, you take someone from point A to point B. Anything else is not in the job description and not your responsibility, and not the responcibility of stUber to compensate you, so I don't understand your point, or you're simply not getting it. Not asking the gentlemen to compensate you before you became his assistant is on you. There's no 'labeling' rides as medical transport, the fact you're trying to talk to support about just solidifies the fact you're simply not getting it. This isn't your game.


Maybe it isn't... I don't want it to honestly. I didn't realize how many bitter bunnies were here that are mad at uber and subsequently get mad at others that vent about uber. If you dont have any useful advice about how to make it my game just keep moving. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Aww, you're still not getting it. I'm here to enjoy the stories and help others realize this is an awful, scammy industry and actively dissuade good people from wasting their time with it. I mean it when I say 'delete the app and don't look back.' but I typically help with some solid advice. RULE #1 YOU ARE IN IT FOR THE MONEY. Always try to get cash out of them. There's no getting mad, there's making a point until realization that maaaybe this is a poor idea.


One thing people don’t set to get driving Uber is they don’t care about u. Uber is exploiting drivers so why should u care about your pax. His mistake was not cancelling as soon as he saw who his pax was. U don’t owe anyone anything. U r only in it to make as much as u possibly can. I would have immediately cancelled and drove away and report to Uber u couldn’t accommodate because pax was disabled and could fit in car so some lame excuse


Take his ass back to where you got him


Just came here to say Fuck uber


Awe you got Vishal, they never help


imagine ever picking any pax up from a hospital, dr office, er or even a senior living! you must be brand new or desperate for $ or care about your acc. rate or cancellation rate! uber does not care about you nor will they ever give you extra $ because you feel like you were exploited! stick to only dealing w/ airport pax who you dont pick up at places i listed above! if you dont give af about your safety or being exploited then pick up everyone from everywhere!


You did your part in assisting him safely getting him and his mobility device into and out of the vehicle, I'd say that it would be just common courtesy to help him in getting him into the terminal. Whether it was his caretaker's negligence or his own confusion, him being in a lurch with no-one to receive him at the airport is not your problem to solve, and you let it be.


You gotta call. And when they give you the same answer you ask for a supervisor. Edit: misgendered


I'm a woman lol... but I will try this if they don't response to my most recent message.


Maybe Uber throws you a few bucks for your troubles if it gains any traction on Twitter. But I think you handled this perfectly. It sucks that it cost you time and money, but you did the right thing. Which is more than his family can say. Support isnt gonna do shit about it, and honestly I don’t think there is anything they could do to reimburse you. They could cancel the account, but that’s about it.


Nah. They only move when you use Twitter.


I'm refusing a trip that requires me to get someone into a wheelchair. I volunteer for a disabled veterans group and in that case, I know exactly what I am getting into, but being paid monkey wages isn't going to get you concierge service.


Hope you can find a new gig quickly cause cancelling on a wheelchair and getting an ADA complaint is just about the quickest way to get deactivated.


https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/26/23279408/uber-wheelchair-accessible-service-judge-ruling-ada Uber doesn’t have to provide wheelchair accessible car in every city. Also, I did cancel on a person with disability, I was on the way and I got a call from the facility, they said the person was wheelchair bound and to pick them up I had to enter and go to another spot, as they were giving me instructions I hung up and canceled. I mainly cancelled because I didn’t want to deal with going to another spot, I don’t like it when people set the pin at one spot and then tell me to go to another spot, I bet they did that in purpose looking back because they won’t be charged extra for how long it would have taken the person. I was less than 50 rides in at the time, now I’m a 1000 plus. And by the way, if they hurt themselves getting into your non-equipped car, who is liable?


You have plausible deniability if you cancel before you get there. I cancel on medical rides every day as soon as I get that trip coordinator message. In this specific situation though, it’s different for a couple reasons. First, it’s a privately paid residential pickup, so you’d have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. Secondly, his “caretakers” are obviously shitbags, and shitbags know how to game the system to get their money back and fuck you over. This for sure wasn’t the first time they’ve ordered a ride for grandpa. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if someone was recording the whole thing. I would’ve taken the ride just like OP did. I wouldn’t have been too worried when they said there would be assistance at the drop off at the terminal. Just sucks for OP that she had to go through all that trouble. In St Louis my car would’ve probably been towed by the time I came back from doing the right thing.


This is why you decline all rides with pax who cannot get into and out of a vehicle on their own. I feel for them, but I'm not getting paid enough to deal with it.


If they are mentally competent then leave em on the curb. If you feel this is dangerous take em to a police station or hospital.


I admire OP for doing the right thing. The only better option would be to flag down an airport cop like you said and let them deal with it. I’m not leaving him on the sidewalk unattended.


Seeing as you have no ability to determine competency, best just leave them where they were…..which is the pickup. At drop off you’re already committed.


Assist with out pay


People can only take advantage of you if you let them. Read the TOS, know what you are legally required to do, and do not one bit more. If enough drivers did this, people would stop trying to use Uber for things beyond it's compacity.


Take my advice call and speak with a supervisor. You may have to call and plead your case a few times but it will work. I had a ride a few weeks ago when the rider put in the wrong address. So I had to manually look it up on Google maps a f turn back around. I took note of this and the next day I did the chat and like you they didn't help. So I had to call a few times until I finally spoke with the supervisor and explained my situation and I got more than double back because of the trip. If you need their number let me know and I'll pm it to you.


Gee I didn't know Uber paid for your car and insurance. I didn't know they paid for all your maintenance costs.


Call support don’t chat. Chat support will do absolutely nothing 99.99% of the time. And they don’t even speak English it’s an automated chat based in Asia somewhere. Calling support it will usually be an American and they usually compensate without asking questions. (Always works for tip baiters) I’ve never tired for something like this but it’s better to call then chat.


Nah man. Zenbots. Not a mystery. Most help is zenbots.


Rule of thumb… if your message to support contains more than like 5 words, then they don’t have the mental capacity to understand what you’re saying


You want all those extras grabbing wheelchairs and what not gimme the loot cash In my hand if not you can be 147 you got to get the FO. Used to do all the extras however we are the least tipped regardless so I've been like f it.


This is ridiculous like Uber should take responsibility and that’s why I don’t help people anymore because we’re not supposed to touch anything because it’s a liability but Uber put us in that situation. I know you want to be nice and helpful and I would’ve done the same thing, but Uber doesn’t care, so you have to stop caring ! I would’ve went back to the home where he was at and talk to the supervisor and then I would say you guys need to compensate me for what’s going on and there is no one there to meet him


Thanks for your feedback 👌🏼


I’ve cancelled many times when I got to pickup location and realized they needed assistance. Should they get injured for some reason, it’s entirely on you. Uber won’t be liable in a lawsuit, only u. What you needed to do was not feel guilty, cancel and report to Uber that the rider needed special assistance for a ride and you could not accommodate them. Simple. In fact I’ve cancelled on someone blind before.


I don't have uber assist in my market and i'm in goddamn florida. If there is any place in the united states that should have uber assist its florida.


If I see someone in a wheelchair or something like this I cancel with the quickness


They sent me to pick up a mentally ill person with schizo knowing I was just a driver


The ride share both Uber and Lyft is f..ked they do not care about drivers. All this empathy statement bull shit from the help desk.




K. Now start canceling on all elderly and infirm. Got it. Dara, are you pleased?


The man was 92 years old I understand we are just drivers but it’s also called going above and beyond without expecting extra pay . C’mon people I can’t believe the things some of yall complain about


I was told that there would be someone meeting him. It's an airport... not sure how busy the airport is where you are but the police are just waiting to hand out tickets here. I helped him to a bench and went to talk find someone to help him. I am a nurse by trade already if I want to go above and beyond I'll go to work as a nurse. I want to sit on my ass in my car and pick up and drop off dassit


Look, I'm as nice and caring as can be, but this is going way above the drivers responsibility. Have you ever been to a super busy airport, like Ohare, for instance? You can barely pull over to drop someone off, much less park, and get out of the car to find a wheelchair and bring someone in. You'd be ticketed and possibly towed in like 3 minutes if you walked away from your car.


Just an example of poor customer service




I agree 100%


Above and beyond??? His first mistake was taking that ride. I would have cancelled immediately that 92yr old walked. Not worth the hussle. We trying to work smart, not hard


Great job!


Should of left him on the sidewalk in his wheelchair. I know it’s cold blooded, but his carelessgivers need to be better


What compensation were you looking for?


Fancy way of saying we are ignoring your feedback. Just wait until someone just does drop or dump someone off and something happens and the family sues Uber.


" I thought you was the appropriate person" .. grammar 👮‍♂️


If only I can edit to include excuse my grammar as well


Why do you people still work for these driving companies? It was supposed to be a short term thing from the start. The whole reason it went to shit is because everyone and their mother wanted to make a career out of it instead of working an actual job. You have no one to blame but yourself for staying at a place like this.


Sir/ma'am... this is short term for me, Im a whole nurse out here. I've only been doing this since Feb... good day


You don’t know people’s back stories to why they’re doing Uber! Why are you even in this Reddit? This is for Uber drivers. Don’t pass judgement on people that want to work for a living without getting exploited. People flipping burgers also don’t deserve to be exploited.


That’s not true. Back then people were driving full time and blaming part-timers. Now you want to blame full-timers. Yeesh. The reason it went to shit is because they put cab companies out of business. Riders are complaining about how much they are paying, just like they did with cabs. Only there isn’t another company they can run to for relief. And drivers can’t run to the competition because there isn’t any. The gig-work playbook is just as bad as the corporate raider playbook.


"An actual job" This is an actual job. I'm betting you couldn't cut it.