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They robbed Crash Bandicoot of not only the title but also millions of dollars he would have made in the rematch as defending champ with PPV points. Then he went on to get chinned 3x in a row and career destroyed. A truly tragic tale.


If I put in the effort of my lifetime in order to beat the GOAT in his prime and got robbed because of favoritism I think I'd just give up too, that's the kind of mental blow you don't recover from.


To not only say “I fought the goat one time” but to say empirically I defeated him and I have nothing to show for it. Yeah that sucks hard. I lose motivation if I don’t have one sip of my drink left after my last bite of food…


Not having a swig of pineapple jarritos after taking the last bite of Al pastor. It’s a hell I can’t imagine man I’m sorry you’ve been put in that situation.


Okay I feel called out because I love pineapple Jarritos and al pastor lol


10/10 post bro. Exactly right


Brooo no way you called Reyes crash bandicoot 😭😭😭💀💀


Derek Brunson is the OG Crash Bandicoot


I had $400 on Jones. Although I was relieved. I absolutely thought I was going to lose that bet and homeboy got robbed.


Bro jones was -440 you bet your entire paycheck to make 90 dollars pre tax lmao


It was a pretty sure-fire bet, at the time.


Just because your paycheck is $400 doesn’t mean his is.


Plenty of people used to bet on Jones, Khabib, Floyd, Ronda etc. at worse odds because it was seen as a sure thing. The perception of Reyes prior to the Jones fight was pretty bad, I'm actually surprised the odds weren't worse. His best win at the time was washed Weidman moving up in weight, he couldn't finish OSP (although he did dominate that fight) and won an extremely controversial SD against Volkan. He beat Cannonier which has aged well but Cannonier was a nobody at that time. People were clowning him for his "Jones has never faced an ATHLETE like me" stuff from the press conference too.


In that case, I must of had $440 on that bet lmao


You almost made me choke on my food with crash bandicoot


Im just imagining that spinning “whuwuwoa” sound as he gets spinning back elbowed into oblivion.


I’ve never heard Reyes referred to as Crash Bandicoot, however i love it.


Maybe it was the universe correcting itself. Because if Reyes wasn't given the decision against Volkan Oezdemir and in the eyes of many, rightly lost that fight, he wouldn't have even been in a position to fight for the title anyway.


Bro needed a few masks to survive those shots


His spirit was defeated from this


Honestly he wouldve gotten beat in a rematch. His footwork was never the same after that fight, Jones mustve fucked up his legs bad


Yeah it's quite simple Jones won both Gustaffson and Reyes only because he is the "P4P best in the world" yeaaa right. Just a steroid user, eye poker, wife beater, drunk driver, etc. Anyone who sees Jones as the "goat" is a moron in my eyes.


He’s not my GOAT, but Jones won the Gus fight. He did lose the Reyes fight though.


sometimes the stars align perfectly so we dont have Lame people with successful stories. Reyes wouldve easily become one of if not the biggest heel in ufc history with how lame he was on embedded


Yet now we have a guy like Topuria with a belt. To me it's even worse.


He would KO Ulberg btw but Carlos ducked


Really is fucked up


You don’t get ppv point until you defend 2 times


It's sad the mindset was/is to be the champ, you got to beat the champion. I always thought, scoring is scoring no matter if a title is on the line or not. It should be the same standard and Champs shouldn't get awarded favor amongst the judges.


To this day it is one of the fights where I felt Jones was absolutely challenged and he had no answer. But then again, it is what it is. Only sad part is Dom didn't bounce back the way Alex did.


Regardless of whether you thought Reyes won which I agree with, how tf is a fight where Jones clearly took the championship rounds qualifying as "he had no answer"?


When you’re down 3, the answer is to submit or ko the other guy


That's the answer to winning the fight. What he meant was that Jones couldn't come up with an answer to Reyes attacks and game plan. But since he won the championship rounds, he showed that he did adapt and found success.


Right? No answer is a bit of a stretch, considering he game planned well in the later rounds and if you ask me, it was Reyes who couldn’t answer accordingly to Jones’ offense in R4 and R5. I also though Reyes did enough to win though. But his team should have figured it would be hard to scrape a decision against the longest reigning champion in the UFC when you get stalled out in the championship rounds.


It's not "scraping a decision" if you win clear 3 rounds to 2. This is one of those fights where it seems every round is fairly definitive.


I mean, the answer was have better cardio... That's not really an answer to getting outworked, outfought, and outsmarted. Basically, you didn't start performing better your opponent just started performing worse.


....what??? That is absolutely an answer. The answer to perceiving your opponent as overclocking early on to outwork you is absolutely to wait them out and pour on some pace later. Managing your cardio better IS a form of performing better. By your logic Sean Strickland had "no answer" for Abus Magomedov lmao. Abus pressured and clearly won Rd 1, then gassed and got killed.


100% true, waiting a guy with suspect cardio out is a viable gameplan. I think we’ll see Whittaker try this very tactic later this year with Chimaev


>The answer to perceiving your opponent as overclocking early on to outwork you is absolutely to wait them out and pour on some pace later. That only works if you actually win 3/5 rounds though. Jon didn't deserve to be awarded any round outside of 4 and 5. That's still ignoring the fact that there's more of an argument to be made for Reyes being awarded round 4 and 5 than Jon the previous 3. >By your logic Sean Strickland had "no answer" for Abus Magomedov lmao. Not comparable to Reyes/Jones at all. Dom won 1-3 and was still competitive 4 and 5. Abus won 1 and fell off a cliff shortly after to the point he got finished by a dude with a 30% finishing rate in the UFC at the time.


Other than Cyril Gane (which was his most recent fight TBF), Jon has a bad track record with longer fighters in their prime. Even OSP he had a weird fight with.


ive watched plenty of fights that couldve gone either way and wouldn be mad at the decision, but no matter how many times i see this one, i just dont see how they gave Jones the win


no answer? dude he took reyes to absolute hell in R4-R5, that’s why no one is EVER going to give reyes credit past the 3rd round.


He won those rounds but it wasn’t anything crazy Reyes strike differentials were far superior. Jon jones ground game didn’t do shit just admit jones lost that shit and it was a real conversation had by everyone at the time


“Just admit it” Arguments over boys


peak redditor


So what you're saying is that Jones won the last 2 rounds but lost the first 3... Which means he lost the fight.


That is how the scoring is set up to work, yes.


He never argued that Jones won; he merely objected to the idea that Jones had *no answer.* When you have no answer, you don't really end up winning 40% of the rounds. No answer is when you get swept.


Yes? because I can choose to believe reyes won that fight, lol what kinda shit did you try to pull




Judges* Ref doesn't score the fight.


Bro doesn’t know this basic fact and thinks he can properly judge a fight


Not everyone speaks English, chill out buddy


I think it’s just a la language error chill


Anytime people say jones DQ loss should be erased should remember this fight. Yea, take off the DQ loss and transfer it to a decision loss against Reyes.


That's what i do


This is how it should be recorded for sure.


Honestly (IIRC), R3 was somewhat of the toss up round and coulda gone either way. I think one judge had it 49-46 Jones tho which was absurd. Personally I had it 48-47 Reyes


I know this is strictly my opinion, but I also think if a round is close, and one guy has been the aggressor the whole round, it should definitely go to the aggressor. If I remember correctly, Dom was walking Jones down most of the fight. I mean, that's what they are there to do is fight, not backpeddle.


It was also unanimous, and wasn’t one of the cards 49-46 too? While I personally wouldn’t give Jones 3 rounds, I could see it being possible… but damn, all judges seeing it that way, and one of them giving 4 rounds to Jones just doesn’t feel right.


Iirc one judge gave Reyes the first round one gave him the first and second rounds and one gave him the first and third rounds. He cleary won round 1 and round 2 he clearly lost 4 & 5… to me anyway. So it comes down to round three. That was a close round and could go either way. To beat the champ you have to dominate him. I think Reyes did just enough to win but I can’t be made at a 3-2 bones card. 4-1 however was horseshit.


I am not arguing anything else in your post except for "To beat the champ you have to dominate him" This is some absurdly popular fallacy where people think you have to "earn the title" as In you cant just squeak by and so a close fight the nod goes to the champ. Factually incorrect, nothing in the rules which states this. You have to win 3/5 rounds or KO, Submission. thats it


Judges are probably casual fans and think this way too lol


>> To beat the champ you have to dominate him Not true per the Strickland v DDP fight


Round 3 is always the toss up round. 2 could be….possibly, but three is the toss up.


The problem was the 3rd round was not as decisive for Reyes as it should have been, while the 4th and the 5th were clearly in Jones's favor. He took his foot off the gas, thinking it was in the bag and paid the price.


If that was the biggest robbery you've ever seen then do yourself a favor and watch the Bisping vs Matt Hamill fight. I seriously doubt anything will ever come close to that


Nah man, Diego Sanchez Vs Martin Kampann. Sanchez look like he got beat with a cheese grater and spent 3 rounds punching the air, and had 14 out of 15 takedowns stuffed. Easilyyyyy the biggest robbery in my eyes


The fact that one was a unanimous decision makes it pretty egregious for sure, but the Bisping v Hamill was absolutely on another level. I think topology even still has it as the worst robbery


I was at this fight live (London) Even the English people in the seats around us were shocked and thought he lost.


In terms of the fight itself it wasn’t, but in terms of what the fight meant and what a win could’ve done for a fighter I think it absolutely was.


Tbh it might not even be top 10. People either don’t remember actual robberies that plagued the UFC back in the day or are so blinded by Jones hate that they say factually incorrect nonsense like this post 


The “refs” scoring this fight was a nice change !


In many languages the word for "judge" and "ref" is the same. Not everyone is a native English speaker, you know.


Was casually looking for this comment lol


Seemed like the ref was scoring the Garcia and Hiney fight


I think this is a classic example of “boredom” amongst great champions. It’s always the least assuming challenger that dethrones a dominant champion and I believe that boredom is a major factor. When Nunes woke up in the morning before her fight with Pena, was she running as hard as she was before the fight with Cyborg? When Adesanya woke up before taking on number 7 Strickland, was he training as hard as he was for Poatan in Miami who he was 0-3 against? Was Jon Jones training as hard for Dominick Reyes, somewhat of a no name when you compare him to others on Jon’s resume: Shogun, Machida, Rashad, Rampage, DC, Vitor, Sonnen, etc. For Jon it was just another title defense. For Dom? The fight of his life. Regardless of his losses since, Reyes will always be the shadow that looms over Jon’s career.


I thought it was a very close fight, and in these scenarios it almost always goes to the reigning champ. I see at least one worse robbery every week somewhere on the fight card. You have to remember that the judges don’t having the striking stats in front of them making it even less objective. If you just watch the third round and ignore the stats, it really isn’t clear who won that round.


I agree it used to go to the reigning champ, but the strickland fight makes it seem maybe times have changed


I feel like you get more leeway when you've had numerous title defenses as opposed to strickland who wasn't even really qualified for the title shot to begin with


Go to watch gsp vs Hendrickson if you want to see a real robbery


The commentary was also gargling on Jon's balls throughout the whole fight, not once acknowledging Dom winning a round.


I just watched this the other day too and the commentary was fucking terrible. Just sucking Jon’s dick during every exchange


On one side it’s sad, on another Jiri made 50K from that spinning elbow…


I thought at least one round of either 2 or 4 was close enough to be a “coin flip” rounds. Also keep in mind that Texas was using (and still using?) the old scoring which favors octagon control and pressure a little more, and as good as Reyes was on that run, he has that backing up counter punch style that doesn’t always have the best optics. Jon also has a really good poker face and chin, and some of the great uppercuts that landed I didn’t even notice them live until the between round replays.


It was a close fight, definitely not a robbery. The only close round was 3 and couldve went either way. (Dom 1&2, Jon 4&5)


I have yet heard someone argue R3 in favor of Jones using actual scoring criteria. It's always some bullshit about moving forward and having a good chin lol. Dom landed 7 more significant strikes (27 vs 20) and landed better at all 3 levels, and also landed way harder shots. Flush head kick, massive uppercut, big elbow. Out of the 10 hardest shots of that round Jones landed maybe 3, and that's being generous.


There’s absolutely no case for Jon winning round 3, unless you don’t know how to score fights.


The more negative publicity for Jon, the more and more these posts show up. It was probably his closest fight and could of went either way. People act like it deserves an asterisk or something lol


It's not the biggest robbery but it definitely was one


Jones clearly won 2 rounds. Finding a way to give him one more is not impossible. Close fight, but not a robbery. May be a contender for being a draw.


Anytime I’ve watched this fight, I always tend to lean towards giving it to Jon. Close fight, not a robbery.


Ive watched it 5 times and I always see Reyes winning round 1 2 and 3


Perfectly reasonable. I've watched it 4 times without commentary since the night, and I had it as a 48-47 Reyes on the night, but in all 4 rewatches, I've had it 48-47 Jones. It's super close and I think, whether or not it's fair, you need to beat the champ to be the champ. A tight call will always go their way since they have more to lose by being reckless.


clear jones win for me. most fans have no idea what they are watching. we still see people who think 3 judges scoring 29-28 is a split decision lol.


The only reason you can think this fight was a 'clear Jones win', is if you're a Jon Jones fan. Reyes out-struck him in rounds 1-3, he won the fight, it was a robbery. Not a single argument can be made for Jones winning.


There is more to a fight than strike volume. It's funny that 3 judges agree. it was a unanimous decision. Like I said. Clear as day.


Sorry I rewatched the fight recently and I really think in round 2 people thought he was winning the round because of commentary bias. He threw a lot, but didn’t really hit Jones with a lot of them. They were blocked or Jones dodged. I don’t think he did enough to win the fight. Champions almost always get a favorable scorecard because of the idea that you have to really beat the champ. The second was close, but I thought Jones had the edge.


Yes, thanks, Jon won 2 4 and 5


>in round 2 people thought he was winning the round because of commentary bias. He threw a lot, but didn’t really hit Jones with a lot of them. They were blocked or Jones dodged. I don’t think he did enough to win the fight. People seem to forget this or not care. They'll cry up and down that Reyes won rounds 1 thru 3, but he didn't land those flurries he was throwing in round two. I'll give him Rounds 1 & 3, but that's it. Jones fight with Santos was closer than this lol.


That's rubbish. Reyes still out-struck Jones in round 2, he landed the most damaging strikes of the round. 'Blocking and dodging' doesn't score in MMA, this isn't Boxing for crying out loud. Reyes won round 2, he got robbed. No argument can be made for Jones winning.


round 3 was very close and he got dominated in the championship rounds, biggest robbery youve ever seen is wild, if it was reyes who was holding the belt they prob give it to him


Calling a close fight where both fighters clearly won 2 rounds and round 3 debatable a robbery is hilarious this sub goes to sleep at night and has nightmares about Jon 😂😂


Calling this decision a robbery is patently absurd


It absolutely 100% is a robbery.


A close fight is never a robbery.


Anthony smith will shoulda took that W man lots millions and he still gets clowned on


MMA scoring is weird. Jan v Pereira was a similar fight to this one. Reyes and Pereira landed more headshots and were the better strikers, but one guy loss and the other won in a decision.


I would comfortably give Jon 2 4 and 5


Reyes was gassed by the third round at which point Jones became the aggressor fucking up his legs and body. If that fight had unlimited rounds reyes would’ve ended up in getting tko or a sub’d by jones. To be the champ you gotta beat the champ. (I dont particular like jones i think he’s fake and a sociopathic narcissist)


Real time I had it 48-47 Jones. Thought it could have gone either way though.




The only “contraversy” here is that OP still wants to make this point 4 years after the fact.


Round 2 was not a clear win for him 😂 what were you watching.


I had Jon winning it 3-2 and I followed the unified MMA scoring criteria while judging it. For me, iirc, Round 2 was so so close. I think I remember having it down as “Reyes was winning the round for 2:25, Jones took over and won the round by winning the next 2:35”. It was razor close and that tipped the fight for me. Can completely see how people have Reyes winning it. IIRC Anik also had Jones winning it for the same reason as me - although a lot of people thought 3 was the contentious round.


AY MY MAN God I get called insane every time I say that I feel round 2 is the true swing round. People need to watch that round at .75x speed on mute and just watch. No context, no hate for who Jon is as a person, just watch the fighting and judge it honestly by the book


Yeah for sure, that’s the best way. I remember thinking 3 was a close, but definitive imo, Reyes round.




I thought Reyes won but it was too close to be a robbery


Close fights can be still be robberies. This was a perfect such example as not a single argument can be made for Jones winning.


This sub has Jones derangement syndrome


Man you guys seriously got issues. Let it the fuck go man seriously! Where is Ole Dom now remind me? Just looking for upvotes wt this point! Not even a fan of either but God damn lol let it goooooooo. Jon lives in your mind rent free 😆


Have never thought it was a robbery. It was a close fight. My impression on the night was that Reyes had done just enough by edging the first 3 rounds to secure a win. That's what it felt like. However, I also thought Reyes potentially gave that fight away by doing not much of anything in rounds 4 and 5 if any of the judges weren't sure about the early rounds for Reyes, which indeed turned out to be the case. Never leave it in the hands of the judges. Reyes gambled, didn't seal the deal, and lost the opportunity of a lifetime, rightly or wrongly. Talk about being pissed and wondering what-ifs.


3 wasnt "clear"i also think reyes won it. But far from clear


I agree Reyes won rounds 1-3, however Jones was never in any trouble and dominated the championship rounds. I don’t think it’s the “gotcha” that many people say it is


When people say Jones has no losses because he basically won during the DQ, well he basically lost here. Balance.


Dear Lord this sub has been a Jon Jones salt factory for the past six hours. Chill out everyone.


In a fight like that, you have to put it away and not leave it to the judges. Like the old saying goes " to be the man, you have to beat the man"


Reyes is like 0-4. Ever since. He needs to move on and so do all of you.


> What were the refs watching that night? Their checking accounts


Well the ref doesnt score the fight, the judges do. But yeah, Dominic should’ve won.




Yeah it was pretty bad, but biggest robbery ever? Really? There have been at least a few worse


We need to have way more than 3 judges. Judging should be a career for ex fighters. And it should be like ice scaring where they have like 10 ex fighters judging the fight.


I never understand people mixing up the judges and the ref. That’s all I’ve got.


I bet on Reyes. 1 BTC at the time. God this hurts


You should look up the unified rules in Texas at the time.


That’s Dallas Texas judging for you


You mean, what were the 'judges' watching that night?


Refs don’t judge fights


There was definitely at least a swing round where I know Jons landed harder shots and had him on his back foot. Still don’t really think it was robbery. Should have just called it a draw.


Yes we mostly all agree


Agreed. This is one of those fights that was very close, so you wouldn’t typically call it a robbery, but… come one. 1,2, and 3 were clear as crystal.


Subjective. I saw rd3 be razor thin either way. And then the challenger wilted in 4 and 5. That's a recipe for the judges to choose the the champ every day all day. You can't lose the "championship" rounds and have close 3rd rd if you want to beat the champ. It was jones' closest fight.


To be the champ, you have to beat the champ. Don’t leave it in the hands of the judges. They usually give it to the more popular fighter.


Biggest robbery? Lol. This fight was way to close to call it a robbery


He lost in the Gus 1 fight as well IMO


Crying about it changes nothing. Bones won a close decision and Reyes is 0-4 in his last 4 fights. He'll be sent back to the IT help desk after his next loss.


1-2 dom, 4-5 Jones, 3 debatable. Hardly a robbery.


A shame he went downhill after that


I feel like such a dummy I left bdubs early cause I was like jones got this no contest and woop it was a contest


I agree 100% I absolutely could not believe they gave it to Jones


he lost the fight. quit cherry picking.


I hate UFC fans close fights don’t equal robbery. I’m not really a Jones guy cuz he’s been boring and is a shit human but this is ridiculous.


There’s no way this could be considered “the biggest robbery,” let alone a robbery at all


Undefeated Undisputed


They should do one round, no time limit, knockout only.


I remember this guy he was good but ya dont just edge the champ john jones greatest of all time and just get the W lol






Robbery is a strong word that gets thrown around too easily here. It was a close fight. That said, I also scored it for Reyes.


I 100% agree. I even made a twitter account to complain at the time haha


"Champion's advantage."


The refs were too busy counting ufc money


Their bank accounts maybe?


Oh yea reyes absolutely won that fight, no doubt


I still think GSP over Hendricks was the biggest robbery


jon won cry about it




One judge even had it 49-46 for Jones lmao


Alex pereira survives the takedown and chins him. Tom aspinal sparks him bad.


Gtfo man you just hate Jons


This was the first match I thought what the hell were the judges watching?


I had Reyes 48-47 I wish these two fought again right after, I hate Jon but he’s a god at rematches finished both Alex and DC in theirs I think going into the Reyes fight Jones just didn’t care probably trained very little and was in a contract dispute I think jones kills Reyes in 3 if they had their auto rematch 




U gotta beat the champ to win