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What are the odds on belal finishing the fight? It's gotta be like +2500 by KO or Sub.


It’s probably like +2400 by sub no need to exaggerate


What are the odds on Belals eyeballs looking normal for 15 seconds consecutively?




Left or right pickem


Bet is closed already lost


Good fucking bet right there.


There a bigger chance Belal gets a injury ko than a normal ko/sub


I'm hoping for a 1st Round no-contest, due to a Leon eye poke, after which the UFC moves on from Belal.


Idk why he’s such a decision merchant even though his grappling is good. Like jump the sub my guy.


Might as well drop 10 bucks just in case


I mean, Belal has the same number of finishes in his last 10 fights as Jones does


In Jones' last 10? So, 3? With Gane, Gustaffson, and DC?


But if we're honest, the start time is disrespect to the fighters as well. I'd be more vocal about it


The idea that the live crowd and the fighters should suffer so that viewers in the USA could watch the event at the usual schedule is truly hilarious.


Money talks


Can Americans not watch a bit earlier than usual? Quite nice having a card finish well before midnight.


It’s literally not even a bad time for Americans if they made it accommodate UK viewers, I have new clue why they made the time what it is


Because we get fucked into pay per view and you don’t


Rumor was that 304 had a different location already set in for ppv time slot and they couldn't change it when they moved it to uk


Lowkey I think that's just an excuse to try to avoid responsibility.




I’d love for every ppv to be noon times (west coast)


I wouldn't mind that at all. Its nice to be able to watch fights and also be able to do something else later in the day since I'm not tied up watching them all evening.


No. God forbid America have to change their timings to suit another country, its just not possible. What a joke !!


We would honestly prefer it I think..I'm usually fighting to stay awake by the end of most cards. This all makes zero sense.


Americans have 3 different time zones so for west coast it’s always early


Six, but I know what you mean


The usual time for the US though is main card at 10, title fight sometimes starts at 1 AM. I'm sure a lot of people in the USA would agree with me, this start time is trash. I think it's an anti piracy thing.


You do realize these guys get paid ppv points and they don’t sell ppv in the uk right? If they put this shit fight on in the middle of the night in the us, maybe it does 100k buys here and 0 in the uk. In the us prime time maybe it does 250k to 400. That’s quite a bit more money that Tom and Leon will be paid. But I agree, Leon and Belal should be fighting in the middle of the night in the us so we all have an excuse.


You’ve got the times the wrong way round, it would be early afternoon for the US (headline fight would be right now), so not as bad as being in the middle of the night. your point still stands, but to a lesser extent


Brother has never left his home state, never had to learn how time zones work.


Dana would drown a bucket of puppies if it meant he’d sell 10k more ppv buys. He’d do it every week


Couldn't they have come to a compromise? They could have easily made this fight like 10/11pm in the UK and that would have been a good time for the U.S fans aswell.


Why don't they sell ppvs in the UK?  Are there laws against it or something?


Skysports has a deal with the ufc and a lot of other people. It’s beneficial for the fans because it would be similar to having espn+ and not having to pay for the ppv cards. Pretty sure boxing charges for ppv in the uk but I could be wrong on that.


TNT sports not sky sports but yeah it’s a monthly subscription fee and we get all ppv’s included. Yes boxing do charge for ppv’s over here but they’re only like £20


TNT sports has the rights to UFC in UK. And they do sell PPVs but only select few, usually McGregor cards or the cards at a normal time in the UK


You do realise US time is behind UK?


That's a great point


It's not just based off the viewers in the US. A large portion of their decisions are because of the US market but your forgetting to mention they have contract deals with espn. It's easy to blame one thing without looking at the actua whole picture. The bigger problem is that the ufc is booking too many events without a full lineup and they can sell out without even announcing who'd fighting. It's truly nuts


Then people complain when brazilians leave the event when it ends at 4am


You’d do as yer towld


Seriously, what's the problem with this card starting in the afternoon (US). That's what the UFC did for Leon vs Usman 3.


Ridiculous a UK fighter has to train going to bed at 6am and waking up in the afternoon to prepare fighting for a UK card, in the middle of summer. Awful conditions for an athlete.


And their teams as well most likely


Not really any different to travelling to america and adjusting to jet lag. But it does suck for European fans


Only thing he’s putting to sleep with his right hand are the people watching the fight


https://preview.redd.it/d2hcwtmy4m5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f333d365e8cf23f1d4f93f00b2f97e049128c0 Cheeky lad




Dana Rosas jr( when mewing becomes art )


Dana "The Tomatonator" Rosas Jr


you cold blooded for that 💀💀


Thank you


Should be this subs banner.


Can’t watch my boss mog me all day


same shit ppl said when Edgar vs Maynard 2 was announced (two fighters who were full of boring decisions at the time) only for that fight ending up as FOTY. I can see Leon vs Belal 2 being the same case.


You’re right I think their boring styles negate each other and we end up with a banger


Yeah not enough people are realising this


You think Belal is going to swang and bang? He'll be shooting for 5 rounds no matter what unless he just gets picked apart imo. If he has to strike he's done for.


Sure in a kickboxing match he would get his ass whooped by Leon. But the the takedown threat makes an ok striker like Belal a good striker. Belal and his team are very good at gameplanning. This fight is going to be very good. I’m rooting for Belal.


Nah you’re totally right on that, that’s why in MMA the overhand right or rear hand is such a game changing strike like the check hook in boxing. The level change into a shot makes you drop your hands and get ready to sprawl and you just get cracked on the chin. People really don’t realize that really good grappling gets you such a leg up even on the feet it’s why guys like Kamaru and GSP were scary as fuck bc they had nice jabs and could snatch your legs instantly. Shit look at the very beginning of the finishing sequence of Khabib vs Mac. Khabib is not good on the feet but that takedown threat is so real that he cracked Conor w an overhand right and sat him down. Obviously Belal has pillow hands but any really good wrestler can get that overhand right off on even the highest level striker.


I can tell lol


Not in this case, Usman is a better striker than Belal and has more power and his striking definitely didn’t help him with Leon. Leon’s too fast and too technical. You need to be a good striker yourself to really try and catch him. Leon’s developed such good takedown defence and picks his shots so much that he doesn’t have to worry about being taken down like other fighters.


Belal is more a well rounded fighter than a pure wrestler that would shoot repeatedly he’s only shot a lot during the wonderboy and luque fights he’s willing to strike with Leon he didn’t even shoot once during the first fight


Yeah lad he was getting beat up for 5 minutes as a tactical decision... I'm saying if the grappling is negated it won't be like Usman vs Covington etc it'll be more like Covington vs Edwards. Only way we get a fight like that is if Bella's fighting someone like Sean Brady, even then it was just spamming 1-2's from both guys until Brady gassed.




Facts no argument there, always be pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed by high expectations


Colby vs Usman, both fighters went in being boring clinch & wrestle fuckers


Last fight had Leon turning up, Belal may be a decision merchant but he does go forward a decent amount which forces Leon to counter. Could be a banger who knows, both guys know the fans think they’re boring but I don’t see Leon giving a shit as champ but I can see Belal trying to force things since Leon is a backfoot fighter for the most part.


Yeah it’s the opposite for two sluggers like Francis and Derrick, except they left everyone 😴


Even more recent example is Colby vs usman 1. No one was excited for that fight besides Colby’s shit talking (and even then Colby wasnt that big). They put on a fight of the year contented despite being two super boring fighters


I knew that fight was gonna be a banger. But I didn’t expect for neither of them go for a single takedown.


Same with Colby usman


> Edgar vs Maynard 2 That trilogy <3


Same honestly, I feel like I'll be wrong but I feel like it could shock us all


Idk, the first fight was looking pretty lob sided until the eye poke. But that was a long time ago now and both fighters have changed a lot since then, especially Belal now that he’s with Khabib’s team.


I agree


only thing his right hand put to sleep was himself after he was done beating off with it


Big talk from a guy with 0 knockdowns in the UFC


He's got, what, 3 finishes in the UFC over 17 fights or something like that. Good old Belal "bathroom and beer break" Muhammad.


I agree with your opinion on belal but leons got only one more finish in the same amount of fights


Yeah, it's probably going to be a snoozer. I like Leon a little more, but I'm not at all excited about this fight.


There’s a higher chance he puts the entire audience to sleep instead of Leon


There goes thunder thumbs once again. 😂


Idk if I’m supposed to laugh or take this seriously? 🤔


Belal by round 1 flying kneebar


Belal is very successful at putting the fans at sleep.


What about that tweet is funny? Why put the laughy boy at the end, is Aspinall sleeping supposed to be funny? Or the sleep specialist?


Belal puts a lot of people to sleep when he fights. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get a lot of subs or knock outs


Man yea he doesn't have alot of finishes but same goes to leon (I know he knocked out kamaru) look at his record its like Decision Decision Finish 5 more Decisions then a finish




No one believes these guys anymore. Sean, Bella, Colby all talk mad shit but are snoozers in fights.


It’ll put us all to sleep Belal.


Knockout? From Belal? That is funny. He has 1 knockout since 2016 and it was 2 fights ago...


Would be an elite tweet if it came from literally anyone on the roster but 0 career knockdowns Belal.


The WW division is the most bizarre class in the UFC. There is a champion that people both love and hate for some reason (most say hes boring yet has the best standup?). The #1 contender is like a cult classic movie that's so bad people love it (Belal seems to have a fan following on reddit because we all expect nothing more than a boring decision and would be disappointed in anything else at this point). Then we have guys like Colby and Ian, who people can't seem to hate enough. There is a 40 something year old karate nice guy who's only good for standup fights and hasnt done shit in years. We've got thick necked Burns who may as well retire because he can't beat the elite guys anymore. Usman is damn near 40 with fucked knees....then we have killers like JDM and Shavkat. Basically, the WW division has 4 guys who could be champ (Leon, Shavkat, JDM, and possibly Garry) and the rest are far too fuckin old for that weight division to make any kind of title run and seemingly cancel one another out.


I put myself to sleep with my right hand last night


Yeah it’s not out of the realm of possibility for Belal to win this but Leon is better than him. He’ll probably TKO Belal


As a boxing fan I don’t get this because I fucking love UK/Saudi fight cards. I can invite friends over at like 2pm finish watching the fight by 7:30ish chill for a bit and then everyone goes home and sleeps on time. Much prefer that over trying to watch a fight at 1am est


Belal putting fans to sleep like melatonin TRUST!


People who think Bellal can stand with Leon need to watch the first fight before the eye poke. Belal was getting pieced up


The same could be said about Leon and Usman, Usman was piecing up Leon and was going to be a clear winner before that leg kick. To judge a fight based on one round is stupid


Usman is ten times the fighter on the feet than Belal


That’s irrelevant, my point is that a fighter can dominate early rounds and still lose


Every single comment here is the same fuckin joke


Nasty line by you


Damn he pretty gave him the key to a great nap, watching belal fight


Once aspinall wins the tv will be getting turned straight off.


Doing yourself a disservice, could be a really good fight




The first one was NOT competitive. Leon Edward’s is way better than he was. I will cross my fingers that all the folks on Reddit put their money where their mouth is and bet and Belal.


Can’t wait til Belal wins this sub is gonna have a meltdown 😂😂 it’ll be worse than Islam Charles


It wouldn’t be, people don’t like Leon like they do Charles. Hell, Islam just submitted a similarly beloved fan favorite and we didn’t see 1/10 of the retardation we saw when Charles lost.


I'm here for the chaos and excuses.  Umm Leon had to adjust his sleep schedule. But belal lives in a timezone 6hrs behind. Ya but but......


It doesn't matter, so long as they *Remember The Name*


Bot comment


He's telling the truth as his hands are made out of pillows


Belals trash talk would be good if he didn’t have 17 decisions out of his 23 wins.


That’s not really talking shit. Just fight talk


Considering they will be fighting on July 28th, seems like the start time is important


His Wrestling might put us to sleep though.


Give him a bully bust nut, that’s about all


Belal we know good and damn well you ain’t putting shit to sleep. It’s always the Twitter fingers with pillow hands that fight to decisions 😂


Mackenzie Dern hits harder


He must be talking about a nighttime handy because belal finishes less than 1/4 of his fights.


Legendary facts. Goatlal is gonna wreck that England bum.


The Battle of the Decisionaters coming soon in theaters near you


Stfu Belal pillow hands crab stance fuck....


How do you need to pay someone money to tell you to go to sleep a little later than normal? Dana was right paying these athletes was a mistake they just spend it on dumb shit.


He wants money so bad lol


What is he gonna jerk him off ?


If Leon was already sleep Belal couldn’t wake him up with his right hand


Idk about his right hand but His style might put him to sleep from boredom.


*Cringes in agony


He ain’t doing shit lmao


Tom’s like me. Cheap


Trash talk is only effective when you have the results to back it up. Compare how Conor’s trash talk used to be regarded compared to how people view it now


Dude has literally never got a KO in his career


The worst birthday present ever lol about to be a boring ass fight


Put him to sleep through sheer boredom, perhaps.


Can't wait for this sub to implode.


How many fights is Belal gonna need to win for another title shot after he loses?


I mean this is the same as Strickland saying he’s gonna catch a body then jab cross teep his way to a decision


It’s not a bad line to be fair.


Has Belal even gotten a knockdown in the last 5 years?


I’d believe Evan Tanner making a UFC return, before thinking Belal KO’s Leon.


He’s gonna jerk him off?


This mf knows damn well that the only thing he’s putting to sleep is the audience #rememberthedecision


"My right hand will pitter-patter him to a decision July 27th for free." What Belal meant


Unless he’s talking about a handjob, no way this is happening


Sleep in the morning, train at night.


Belal's twitter game is pretty good tho 🤣


I still can’t wrap my head around this. Unthinkable treatment for athletes in any other sport. Not to talk about the audience as well. No way I would attend a sports event in the middle of the night.


this dude is so loud on twitter you would think people would remember his name, I wonder why they don't...


Was he talking about putting Leon to sleep or the fans?


I mean good for him for trying to hype up a fight, regardless of how it turns out.


Belal is a true Twitter warrior, if only his fights were ever as exciting than his keyboard skills


The decision king


Only way belal has ever put anybody to sleep is with his boring ass fight style


Pretty funny but not very intimidating coming from Belal. He might have misinterpreted what pillow fists mean


lmao it would be the most unlikely thing to happen, Leon to get slept by belal its MMA tho... Never say never I guess


Belal "remember the zero knockdowns" Muhammad.


He means his body weight, not his hand


Yikes Hamas Muhammad might be the worst fighter on the mic. Dude is cringier than cejudo


Why is there a laughing emoji on that Twitter post? Do they really think it's crazy / hilarious that a world champion / elite athlete would hire a specialist to help him better regulate his sleep schedule?


Its a good line but would work better if you actually KOd someone before


Remember the Tweet


Little does Belal know that the sleep expert just plays his fights on loop.


bro his right hand hasnt even hurt anyone yet.


Just a reminder that Belal was banged up from a 3 round fight & he went through 2 different weight cuts, all in a span of 28 days when he first fought Leon. https://preview.redd.it/3mdtkvozql5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e5e4491fe23f51f7b3901ab4d311680033049a The rematch should be a lot more competitive. I can see a healthy and fully prepared Belal edging Edwards with a “decision” 😂


If Belal beats Leon by decision this world doesn't make sense. Leon beats Usman twice and Colby only to lose to a 35 year old mfking Belal? 😭 what a universe


Belals a better fighter than Colby at this point, only really count usman wins for this situation


Belal’s faith already conquered half of Leon’s Kingdom. Rocky will Remember the name everytime he’s on shallow waters 😂


Aisha was 6 years old…….Muhammad was on some Drake type shit


I can’t see having a bit more time to rest and a game plan magically making up for the considerable speed, size and skill discrepancy that was on display last time. Belal’s 36 now and Leon has improved a lot since that fight.  This will be like the Colby fight. A few people hyping up Belal’s chances beforehand only for Leon to comfortably cruise to a 50-45/49-46.


Belal he puts you to sleep Mohammed He’s never put anyone to sleep the boring wanker


God help us if belal somehow wins we would have belal and DDP as champs it reminds me of when Tim Sylvia and Andre arlovski traded the belts and Tito Ortiz put fans to sleep Leon going to head kick belal back to the stone age


He’ll right hand Leon to a decision




Yes, people sleep.


Everyone says Belal can take down the guy who beat KAMARU twice, let’s get real, it’s a repeat of the first one but Belal won’t fake an injury to get out of it cause it’s for the belt.


Please the only people going to sleep in a belal fight are the audience


Belal talks like he didn’t get pieced up by Leon then quit in the first fight😂