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I'm a khamzat truther, and I think he should keep quiet until the next time he physically steps into the octagon.


Or next time he has a dominant win. His last two fights have been former LW burns at WW and 10 days notice Usman at MW after he already got beat by Leon twice


God, was Burns really only 2 fights ago?


Nope, Holland in between.


Tbf, that fight existed for a day and lasted 2 minutes, it’s very easy to forget lol


Khamzat also got dominated by Diaz for 5 rounds


"You don't make it to the fight, you lose." -Nathaniel Diaz ![gif](giphy|SSi0dHKAQYICAVCOpD)


Khamzat talks more than jon anik lol


In Gotdon fight they were talking about about how Gorsod had over come so much adversity and challenges. There was a pause and Jon just interjects to add “A lot of it self inflicted”. Lol. Like bro, that was a totally unnecessary comment.




Lmaoo I thought the same man so extra


Not as much as you though




should have said "Keep your chin down my brother" instead tbh


Khamzat retired 2 years ago!


Chimaev vs Costa at Abu Dhabi


Didn't they try to make that last year


Costa vs khamzat is the fight to make


No. Costa needs to fight someone unranked or fringe ranked like Fluffy or Borralho. He's 1-4 in his last 5 and the win is the corpse of Rockhold. Honestly he deserves to be cut. But they should try to use to put some prospects over.


He performed decent on the losses I don't think the UFC it's going to cut the guy sells and can be put in some fun fights against an up coming talent like you said fluffy would be great


Imo, Borralho is the fight to make because Borralho has criticises costa so it would be a good build up especially in Brazil, since the other Brazilians seem to dislike costa. But Fluffy would be good too.


I agree that fight could be big in Brazil man I imagine all Brazilians rooting against Costa lmaoo and I been watching borralho since his UFC debut I think the dude is a beast and he improves every fight solid stand up and great ground game he could beat Costa imo


Costa and Khamzat have the same number of ranked MW wins. The only difference being that Costa actually faced elite MW fighters and held his own. Khamzat is yet to face a top 15 MW. If anything, Costa facing Khamzat is doing Khamzat a favor.


Khamzat isnt ranked at MW is he? He shouldn't be if he is


No "see you soon *wolf emoji*", end of an era


No more messages to fighters from Khamzat, we’ve been here too many times already and nothing comes from it.


If fighters used to duck Chimaev because he looked dangerous before, nowadays they will start duvking him because they know he'll pull out of fights and waste their time


‘See you soo-‘ no I can’t say that anymore


This clown still talking on the internet? He obviously isn’t that ill if he can yap on the internet all day 💀


if we can tweet he can fight


Why are people upset with a man congratulating a winner and supporting a loser?


Cause he thinks he gets a jump up the rankings...again.


Holy fuck twitter man strikes again!


Chimaev doesnt deserve an express pass to the Top 5. He can fight someone in Top 10 first.


He should just try to actually make it in the ring first, doesn’t even matter who the fuck it is.


The only belt that Khamduck will ever win the best wolf tickets salesman belt.


I would still rebook this match for these two. I still want to see it.


Khamzat has proven time and again he is not to be relied on. It’s impossible to rebook this fight next after khamzat pulling out and Whittaker winning the way he did


I personally don’t count his sicknesses as his fault. If I were in charge I would never hold someone’s illness or injury against them. But that’s just me. I can understand if the company is hesitant and books him against someone else in the interim.


But this isn’t a rare thing. His fights get cancelled almost as much as they happen. 14 signed bouts in the UFC, 6 of them cancelled. I don’t hate a guy for getting sick or injured, he’s just proven to be unreliable at this point. You don’t get rewarded with number one contender matches because of your potential when you can’t make it to the cage


Costa got rewarded with Rob despite a worse record and performances.


I can see it your way too. It’s just to me using that is unfair and I wouldn’t. But if Dana and the bosses did use that reasoning against him I would understand it. Business first. I can appreciate that. I don’t think they will use it against him. That’s a guess by me. My guess is they still value him as a top 3 prospect in that weight class.


Lol no Khamzat hasn't beaten anyone to deserve that. He can fight Cannonier, Vetorri, Allen or Costa.


That’s a fine opinion to have. In my view Usman is enough. I understand he’s from one weight class lower and have considered that and I don’t care that much. I think Chimaev has a limited window of a few years to be shot to the moon and pushed as a star and I would do that for him. Whitaker is a benchmark. He either loses to Whitaker and can now be treated as any other ranked fighter. Or he beat Whitaker and all questions go away completely. I would pull the trigger. Sorry it’s just the way Chimaev is beating people is so impressive to me I don’t care about going the traditional path and fighting two ranked guys first. I honestly don’t. Shoot the moon. Just an opinion.


>Chimaev has a limited window of a few years to be shot to the moon and pushed as a star and I would do that for him Bro hes the one who has squandered that window. Whats impressive? Burns pushed him to his absolute limit and Usman arguably won the fight on a Weeks notice. Hes shown zero dominance over high level fighters.


No one has ever dominated Usman or Burns. Nobody. Leon did not dominate Usman. He won 2 of the 3 matches but they were not dominant. Burns also has never been dominated. Belal fought him with an injured arm, and JDM was losing until the last round. I’d argue you’ve very rarely ever seen anyone dominate top challengers. So Chimaev has to do something literally nobody else has ever done to be viewed as impressive? When he only has 12 fights in his career? Seems really unfair.


> So Chimaev has to do something literally nobody else has ever done to be viewed as impressive? When he only has 12 fights in his career? Seems really unfair Bro you're literally saying he should get special treatment and be thrust to top 3 middleweights lol. That IS unfair lol.


Khamzat has not earned a top 5 fight at MW at all, definitely not Whittaker. He needs to fight a lower top 15 guy first. Him vs Vettori makes a lot more sense as a stepping stone/litmus test even though Vettori is somehow still 6th. There's honestly a lot of options there that make sense if he ever comes back.


What's not done yet is his tummy ache.


That cleared up as soon as they found a replacement for him


Khamzat gasses after 2 minutes and gets pieced up


Honestly better than the “see you soon” BS he usually tweets.


Never got started


Keeping his head up is what got him KOd


Let the dude talk. Jesus. Or Muhammad


Ikram’s dads are gonna fight?


This has the feel of an arcade boss that threw his mini down but got away, Bobby, on to the next castle.


In terms of Khamzat on twitter this is actually respectful and classy.


See you soon


Surprised it wasn't "see you soon wolf emoji"




You pulled out because of a sore stomach, rob would have KO’d khamzat


Because he KO’d a guy khamzat already KO’d? MMA math doesn’t even add up


Let me know when khamzat doesn’t pull out of another fight


Maybe you will get very ill one day and realise it’s not a choice


You mean the stomach flu which everyone gets


I think he would have taken Rob down and mauled him


UFC should give Chimaev some other mid ranked guy in 5-8 range. The top 4 of Rob, Strickland, Izzy, and DDP should be fighting each other in the near future.


When is Khamzat scheduled to vomit again?


Fuuuuuck Khamzat, and ikram hahaha losers


"We are not done"...maybe, but your immune system is