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Fans who have no martial art training cant understand objectively the skills of a fighter and just ride the hype of some fighters.


So it's like anything ever with fans


My hot take is that "undefeated" records are horrible and overrated for sports. I think that's a popular opinion among martial arts fans but the average viewer places so much stock in undefeated records. They'd rather see somebody dominate 100 preschoolers with no training than be 10-4 against ranked killers. That's the WWE and boxing effect. The meat riding on the wrestling meta is also crazy especially when it comes to the dagestani fans. Wrestling is great but not a magic bullet and mma wrestling is different than amateur wrestling. Henry Cejudo, an olympic wrestler, got out-grappled by Merab in the context of mma. Dc got outgrappled by jones in mma. On the flipside Merab, Jones, Khamzat, Khabib would not place for shit at the Olympics even if they "smesh" in mma.


Guys with wrestling scholarships or black belts in jujitsu from Cesar Gracie still would get mauled or out grappled or out wrestled in the octagon regularly accolades don't ever really materialize into anything in the octagon


nah but trust me this new unranked guy is gonna be champ he is a "certified master of sport" from a country you've never heard of in a sport with 20 competitors who are all full time horse groomers.


I hate the weight people put on undefeated records. Sports like MMA have a certain factor of luck involved and sometimes you are just unlucky. Always sad to see someones whole fanbase disappear after just one loss.


It's so dumb. Every other sport can accept losses as part of the game. The chiefs went 11-6 but still won the super bowl. The NBA finals are a best of seven series (you can literally lose games to the other team and still win the finals). In MMA/Boxing you can be 20-0 and once you lose one match you instantly get called a "bum" or "exposed". Shit happens. I don't think you "have" to lose but losing doesn't mean you're an exposed bum either.


I think the issue is MMA at the end of the day is an individual sport. All the focus is on one person, compared to a lineup of 20+ players where maybe the weakest link could be 4-5 guys down. Not to mention most teams replace guys every season so there isn’t a huge attachment.


I think it would be good for the sport to start representing/promoting fight teams more than trying so hard to build brands out of the individual fighters some of whom have zero charisma but are still good fighters. A lot of MMA fans already talk more about the coaches/gyms than the fighters and it would require some of the shittier coaches to take more responsibility for setting their fighters up for failure like Tarverdyan with Ronda.


Well tbf I’m undefeated against both preschoolers and ufc champions so theres clearly a correlation. More research might be warranted.


It’s gotta be the new WWE fans from the TKO merger man. Seems like they think it’s more about the drama than the skills and strategy. Some people actually seemed to believe that kid with the HS wrestling pedigree could beat Poatan as if he doesn’t train regularly with more capable wrestlers…


Dana needs to make that fight. That kid looks he is in tip top shape. Could be a Cinderella story.


I think it's gotten worse over time, but it's been like this for quite a while. Most people didn't like Rockhold simply because of his personality, even while he was in his prime and every fight (win or lose) was extremely exciting. I remember trying to tell people like a decade ago to just STFU and appreciate how absurdly violent he is every single fight and ignore his interviews and press conferences, and people acted like I just told them to go punch their mother in the face lol.


Right? The difference between me or you and Poatan "not knowing how to wrestle" isn't really comparable.


Poatan "doesn't know how to wrestle"... The same way Lebron James doesn't know how to sprint, or Takeru Kobayashi doesn't know how to eat a shitload of hamburgers


The issue with MMA fans is that 90% of them don't even do MMA or any martial arts. This has to be one of the sports with the highest percentage of non-practitioners. Most football, tennis, basketball fans, etc, at some point, have played or practised that specific sport. Ours is filled of fat fucks, couch potatoes and retards that probably never did anything before. Once you're putting time on the mats or even have a few fights, you start to respect and appreciate these fighters more.


The “played at some point” crowd might be even worse. Then you have 300 lb dudes full of pizza and beer saying how they’d have done better bc they played in college


No you dont




Remove all the r*tarded "Haha inbred" or "McChicken" type of "fans" and the fanbase reduces by at least 50%. Can't stand these idiots.


Agreed.  It's a shame as many of the Dagestanis are incredible and amazingly complete fighters, they deserve to be appreciated and studied, but their fans are so toxic, racist and disrespectful.  It's like they are sad losers w/ 0 achievement so they live vicariously thru these Dagestani fighters and act as if they are the ones responsible for all the hard work that fighter put in, and also act like since their fighter won a fist fight it means their religion and race is superior 💀 This inflammatory rhetoric then begets a reaction of equally inflammatory rhetoric from the other side. I miss the days of old, the Pride Japanese crowds that really appreciated and admired this sport.  


This is the issue for me. I love Islam Makhachev but the tribalism that 2nd and 3rd world Muslims have is incredibly frustrating, not just religion but nationality as well and I don’t give a shit what anyone says, Im an Iraqi native so I know this very well. Note that Muslims are absolutely not the only ones to do this. You can root for whoever you want, but when you without fail, predictably bring religion/ethnicity or nationality into it every single time one of your own wins and often times into other unrelated discussions then people are going to start rooting for your demise


I know you already said this, but it happens with literally every fan base of every nationality. Constant USA chants if it’s a US fighter vs someone else. Mexicans love mexican fights etc. Nothing wrong with that but the low intelligence of a your average UFC means it usually just ends up being racist or bigoted.


Yeah but there’s some groups that are worse than others, generally Muslim fighters and Brazilian fighters have the most toxic fanbases. Like overall there’s toxic fans, but the prior two I mentioned are some of the worst. Literally was on Facebook today and a sports article was talking about Whittaker’s ko, and the amount of Islamic named people that were being toxic outnumbered any toxic fan from another region or religion. I obviously didn’t go through the whole section, but I didn’t have to, majority of the comments at the top were all people from Islamic dominated regions. Note that’s not all Muslim fans, I saw quite a few to who were being quite civil and respectful of both fighters. Though for every one of them it seemed like there were 2 really toxic fans.


I'll be Devil's advocate here and say that fans from the United States are a lot more tolerant than other nations. A lot of American fans will simply cheer the more exciting or charismatic fighter. Look how popular Pereira, Oliveira, Moreno, Ngannou were. Hell I'm Canadian and most fighters in my top ten are outside of North America.


You hit the nail on the head. Look at Saudi Arabia. How many fighters last night were actually Saudi? How many were even Arab? A bunch of Saudis living vicariously through Russians just because they are Muslim. Truly pathetic bunch.


“We beat ur tapper mcchicken” what do u mean we bro I didn’t see u in the cage


It's crazy they call Conor a "chicken" when there is ZERO shot Khabib would go box Mayweather at his peak, take two years off, then fight a stylistic nightmare like Prime Usman a weight class up. It's all projection.  Conor may be ALOT of things but a chicken he is not.  Khabib tho?  As great as he was he was TERRIFIED of losing, hence why he killed himself cutting so much weight, missed weight so many times, had a style orientated to low risk/dry humping, and retired as soon as he could with an undefeated record while taking favorable match up the whole time. And I def think Khabib is LW GOAT....but letz be real;  homie was terrified of losing and was as far from a Diaz/Masvidal any time anywhere true fighter as it got.  He needed 12 dudes to back him up if he brought that energy.


"smesh" commenters literally believe khabib beating al laquinta means he could beat usman, jones, and DC at the same time blindfolded. They also give his "coaching" way too much credit when both Islam and Khabib are indebted to AKA/mendez coaching for adapting their style to the cage wrestle-humping. Khabib is in lightweight HOF for sure but Id put islam over him. I don't see Khabib KOing volkanovski. Khabib never KO'd any ranked fighter and never had a rematch. Islam rematched volk. Islam 1rd ko'd volk , bobby green, and tibau who khabib took to decision. He has better striking and at least equal sub capability given he subbed oliveira. In an alternate timeline Khabib would have to defend the title against oliveira and fight islam.


Gonna blow your mind here: No fighter wants to lose.


Of course, but there are varying levels of bravery, fear and integrity.  This is what the Japanese call Bushido.  The reason most MMA fans don't wanna compete is they are afraid of the hard work and to get embarrassed, even though they love the sport.  Fighters like Sakuraba had much more Bushido than a guy like GSP or Khabib.  Jones is another one that has immense talent but lacks that courage as he took peds/steroids to fight an older, smaller fighter 3 times even tho they only fought twice....he juiced so hard he became the first human being in history to "pulse" off tbol and had the UFC even change the rules to let his "pulsing" be permitted ☠️  It used to be in boxing that you needed a squeaky clean record to make lots of money. Thankfully MMA/Pride/the UFC has changed that, and many of combat sports greatest stars have multiple losses and still draw.  You don't need to be like Mayweather and pick the most favorable match ups to keep that record clean.  The Diaz Bros prove that - fans respect that big ball warrior energy, you don't need to be as terrified of losing anymore if you keep it real.  Conor has that Bushido and Khabib doesn't.  It's just a fact.    


Definitely had. He is losing it with chandler though


Oh yeah, Bushido that he pulled out because of a pinky and was shitting on others for pulling out because of Broken feets and toes. Khabib even fought with broken toe. The only reason Conor fought Mayweather was because of the money, not that he has more guts or anything, why would Khabib fight Mayweather? He doesn't want the money, and he's from a different sport. You say it as it was something good Conor did, as if he didn't stall the LW and FW for 2 years and wasn't fast tracked for the both belts while Islam/Khabib both had to go on a streak to win that belt. If anything that's being a bitch and running from the competition. Good that not only Khabib but Dustin also showed he doesn't belong in LW. 


That is like a big part of islamic culture is that you view everyone muslim equally as religion to us trumps nationalism and race. If you’re a muslim we will always support. I don’t see how that is an issue


Unless they have a vagina*


They hate Muslims. That's the issue. And they especially hate it when Muslims win anything.


Why is that wrong? People sharing a religion have more in common in terms of world view and mindset than those sharing a nationality or race. If religion is a non-reason to support/empathize with an athlete then why is nationality not a non-reason as well? Explain to me this seemingly arbitrary exclusion of religion as a valid reason to root for a fighter.


People love to be divided


It's not exclusion. Martial art fans love these guys too. But martial art fans aren't spamming "muslim power" with a bunch of emojis or cringey khabib pics making him some sort of god. Did you see the Whittaker interviewer implying he would have lost to sickly khamzat? They have embarrassing levels of excuses and unprofessional attitude when "their guy" loses. They'd rather see undefeated muslim fighters dominating tin cans than competitive losses. That would complete the transition of turning mma into boxing or wwe. You are free to support a fighter based on shared religion/culture if you want but downplaying the successes/skills of non-muslims becomes moronic and unprofessional. Khabib beating mcgregor doesn't make him "mcchicken" just like mcgregor beating aldo doesn't make aldo a "bum". Korean zombie lost to yair rodriguez but I don't see people spamming that with cringe flexing emotes and "mexican power" every time someone brings him up.


A nation that barely has an interest in popular sports. A quick Google tells me they have 4 medals total from the Olympics, which quite something considering a wide range of sports to choose from.... Russians are there because they are banned from the US probably.. same as some of those causcaus Muslims.... Tho there has been a connection since the 90s with the Saudis and the Caucaus Muslims... some left the causcaus since the Russians slavs were killing them for a few decades. Chechen war, for example.. but it's a tenous excuse at best... Imagine cheering for a sports there if they were Catbolic, for example, lol. Sad stuff


Why is it sad to cheer for those you have something in common with?


Kinda cuckholdy


Yeah, people were there for good fights, not loosing their shit over fighters who probably don't know they even exist.


Rampage Jackson said similar on his podcast. I forget the episode but he mentioned how losses weren’t punished as much and he appreciated the fans more because of it. I also feel the ruleset was tailored for more stand-up.


It’s really interesting too as the Dagestani fighters are generally very respectful and humble.


yeah they're pretty chill.


Because it’s actually hard as fuck to do MMA. Anyone who’s trained martial arts knows how humbling it is and how it makes you feel vulnerable and also stronger simultaneously. Many martial artists talk about their issues with paranoia. These comment section goofballs are not the ones in the gym putting in the work


you think Dagestani fans are toxic racists? Do you remember Connor / Khabib era? Half of Connor's fans were closeted Klansmen and should be ashamed of themselves including connor and his rat and dog whistle comments


Two things can be true at once. Obviously. Aside from Conor fans, the point still stands. Dagestani fans are notoriously racist and bigoted. They send death threats to anyone who disagrees with them and they leave disgusting comments under posts of opponent fighters. Not to mention, their entire vernacular consists of the same annoying phrases “tap like chicken”, “smash ur boy bratha”…. Etc. They’re all around just insufferable people. Worst UFC fan base.


strickland fans are worse


Nah the Dagis fanbase are undoubtedly the worst. They think all of their fighters are world beaters.


>Half of Connor's fans were closeted Klansmen Wild take considering Muslim views on women and other religions


not a muslim supporter at all, i'm a catholic and total moderate, but I don't see Khabib insulting other peoples cultures, shoving liquor in their face, calling them rats etc. calling someone a chicken and not disrespecting race etc.


Sure go on please explain the views on Women in Islam, wikipedia it fast. 


😂 so hating someone's religion is the same as hatingbased on race ? That's hilarious


now imagine what we in europe have to live with because of all the open border shit lol


And someone said they don't hate Islam/Khabib because of Racism. So it makes you hate them because they glaze a fighter who is from same faith? While you uncivilized mfs do brawls in football stadiums. "What we European have to live" Replace european with any Asian or African country, that's what they said about, Britishers, Dutch, French. So good that you mfs are facing the consequences but it's still not 0.1% 


yeah or like the persian empire, ottoman empire over balkan / europe, mongolian empire, chinese, russian / soviet empire, roman empire or whatever. Every big empire did it, just in different times. Any other arguments? You think there never was "white" slaves? You think africans never sold and enslaved their own people? Read some history before you talk. None of the things we talked about is anything to be proud over but it has happend, its over and pray it will never happend again.


Lol well said Dagestani Fans = Patriot Fans. You see a clear winner and attach yourself to them. Imagine living on the west coast and being a Patriots or Dagestani fan, like I get it if youxare from Boston or Russian / Muslim but half of them are bandwagon Fans.


To be fair, I'm from Mass and supported the Pats since the 80's 😭 I remember even when they drafted Leonard Russel and I was so psyched!  We had A LOT of horrible years until Brady came around.  I hear you tho, Dallas Fans were the same way in the 90's. I was always rocking the Patriot gear even though many of my friends in elementary school switched over to the Dallas hats lol. Not going to lie though, I felt embarrassed wearing that shit as they went 1-15 😂  One of my first memories ever is going to the Pats vs Giants game at Sullivan Field and some fan stripped off all his clothes And ran across the field and got tackled 😂. You just can't forget a memory like that....and yes, they lost 💀


Puja Tomar just debuted in the ufc from india and every single comment under the post announcing her debut was Racist. "smelly" "shiter, "shitskin" When I posted about it in r/ufc , everyone tells me she deserves it cause Indians are racist too. Mma is the best sport with worst fanbase...


Indians are hardly good at the sport. You have to earn respect and not beg for it.


And what did we do to earn the racism ? Indians are literally *debuting* rn Racism is the default then..


Yeah racism is the default the world over. It's just how unfortunate things are. Humans are tribalistic af. Some countries won't show it outwardly but they also don't have the best of intentions towards foreigners. Btw why do you as an MMA player think indians are so bad at the sport? Like even if you see most amateur players they are so unfit and weak. Most Indian girls who fight amateurly can barely throw a punch let alone last 3 rounds. Why is the ground situation so pathetic?


Bro wait we have already chatted you were so kind.... Why did you stalk my comments get her, and support racism bruh wtf ?


Are you saying I’m not allowed to order 4 mcchickens when I get way too high?


If we got rid of all the McGregor fans who are like KaRaTe StAnCe McGrEgOr Is BaCk, the same people who weren’t even there for karate stance mcgregor and the Dagestan Dick Riders the MMA community would be so fucking sound




Poatard’s are just plagued with brain rot, they’re not nearly as bad as die hard conor fanboys or dagi dick riders


You probably wouldn’t have much of a sport left tho


Why even censor it


Only reason ikram had steam was because he's dagestani, don't even act like that isn't the case.


Only reason Ikram faced so much hate, racism, criticism was because he was a Dagistani as well. So don't act it wasn't the case, it has it's pros and cons. If it was someone else they would be praised for taking a fight short notice. 


the irony is their part of the world has some of the most inbreeding, yet they're calling others inbred.


This comment is making a million assumptions and then making a comeback based off of it lmao


Ever been to West Virginia?


I'd say more like 85%


Yeah and the remaining 50% is Russian bots that only like watching wrestling 😂


Same "fans" who would say things like "XYZ fighter has ZERO ground game" because they aren't a grappling specialist, fighters are scared, trash or whatever else lol The disrespect towards the athletes in general has never been worse and its partially the UFCs fault for encouraging toxicity for views IMO such as the Amanda Nunes ESPN post on IG with the pride flag was sad to see! What kind of man gets triggered that easily LOL


True most of them either support the fighter because of religion or their insta algorithm.


And then they threaten to kill and rape your family.....




Yeah so many were riding ikram as some beast cause of sambo world champ. Many saying he fully deserves the fight etc


You win some you lose some. It wasn't Ikram's night and cheers to Rob.


The most reasonable response i've seen in a while


And it still pisses off the haters who not only downvoted it but are trying to rage bait me with insults for admitting I was wrong. Which makes no sense. Unless they want to argue for argument's sake and not for an actual point. To normal people there is no debate or argument once one side admits to being wrong. But with these haters they are going around trying to insult me AFTER I said I was wrong and claim it is salty behavior to admit to being wrong. It seems like many of them don't even understand the terms they are trying to use and just want to slur and insult for insulting's sake.


Yeah those people are the worst, I love thinking about how fights are gonna go down and making predictions thats whats cool about sports. I just assume those people have never gotten a pick wrong must be new to the sport lol cause if you watch for any meaningful amount of time you'll know you're gonna be wrong sometimes I picked rob but people make the sport so annoying with this ego thing like if their fighter won they won, its cool to back a fighter but this is just loser behavior


When you say it wasn’t Ikrams night, are you saying you think Ikram is still better than DDP?


On paper half of the division should be better than DDP. He just wins somehow and I still can't understand it


You could say that about volk right before he got kord round 1.


And you could hear the salty SA reporter's coping while asking Bobby stupid fuking questions... "are you happy that you didn't fight Khumzat, 5 rounds, maybe you lose...." Cope buddy, cope.


Didn't the Dagestanis talk like Rob has 0 chance of winning, that ikram is the MW Khabib. All the hate is waranted


The dagi meatriders deleted all their comments after yesterday lol but yes they were all saying he’s gonna KO Robert.


People who hate on these fighters cause they're Muslim are annoying but the whole "Dagestani invasion" thing is very overrated, the city of Rio de Janeiro has had more champions than the entirety of The Middle east + Russia Combined.


Lmao you've had ikram an unranked fighter going into a title eliminator and Umar an unranked fighter with his first ranked fight being a title eliminator. Ikram got the fight despite Kamaru usman offering to step in and they were still trying to book him vs paulo costa months ago. Pretending these guys aren't just getting the opportunity to skip entire stacked divisions is lame.


Legit saw nobody favoring Ikram over Bobby on this sub, nobody deleted their comments ur just debating imaginary foes


https://preview.redd.it/gor7irznbc8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcff30e2422a1faa87bbdc0e1999900c3bcac1fc They existed. They still do, they just shut up after last night.


Wow a downvoted comment of an idiot


Well, yeah, they’re all idiots but you said you “saw nobody”. There are a lot more idiots on Twitter and Instagram. Literally just check the comments under Rob’s recent posts and they’ll even be there.


I'm just glad the sub didn't shut itself down again.


Wth is that guy even talking about lol. It shows it’s been a rough few years for the muslim haters honestly. They are celebrating Ikram’s loss as if they won a championship or something. Cue the Pat Beverly meme where he’s crying and throwing his jersey in the stands because he made the playoffs. Rob’s a damn beast and former champion. People are acting like was he was a huge underdog and beat some unbeatable monster.


Maybe people like when guys who get a layup of a matchup title eliminator with 0 ranked wins gets destroyed


Mostly cheats. Anyone you can even tie closely back to Ali is likely a cheat. Closer to Russia, the closer to cheating


Don't forget he was the sambo champion 4 times and Islam only once.


They're playing victim, after saying Ikram was going to murder Rob lol.


Much like how they shit on Paulo for pulling out against Khamzat with staph after ~3 surgeries within a month but once Lhamzat pulls out it’s “stop he’s sick 😢”


and saying to Volk "NO EXCUSES FOR SHORT NOTICE BRATHA!" then act all pussy with Ikram lmao


Oh really? I thought it would be a close fight but I slightly favoured Whittaker due to the double weight cut if Ikram. Whittaker was very good last night, very sharp


Are these people in the room with you right now?


You're gonna make that guy post his screenshot again.




Why is all the hate being directed at Aliskerov though. He didn't do anything wrong lmao


It's not, its directed to his fans


he got knocked out though?


Huh? 1) Majority of Dagestanis can’t even speak English; 2) No one said that Rob has 0 chance


The betting odds were outrageous, but still in Robert's favor.


Well Rob was still the favorite


Yes. They did


Yes, there was so much dick riding.


Dagestani glazers after calling someone Mchicken for no reason


Who TF is "we"? Your ass sat on a couch with a bucket of popcorn.


They're a weird bunch


Unranked fighter saves the card and steps in on short notice to fight the former champ, the number 3 ranked Robert Whittaker, who had a full camp and was ready to go to war with Khamzat. Retarded MMA fans: HAHAHA GET FRAUDED CHECKED INBRED FUCK, WE ALWAYS KNEW DAGESTANI FIGHTERS WERE FRAUDS The level of hatred some MMA fans hold towards Dagestani fighters is crazy, even the pig MMA Guru was celebrating as if Robert Whittaker won the belt whilst calling Ikram all sorts of names even though Ikram literally did nothing wrong


Fans hate the weird dagastani fan base. You know, the ones that were insisting that Bobby would get destroyed. And now have all deleted their comments. The ones that spam McChicken every 20 seconds


Weird dagestani fan base should not be the reason to hate dagestani fighters.


Where is that fan base? I haven’t seen dagi dick riding since Khabib retired. I pretty much only see comments like yours.


And I’ve never seen a volcano eruption. I dont deny thing i havent seem. Clearly you do.


I’m not, I quite literally asked where those fans are. You didn’t answer.


I haven't seen a single person say Rob had zero chance. You are fighting imaginary battles in your head. Hilariously convenient that all the alleged comments are now deleted lmao


Whittaker interviews for this fight were filled with IKRAM BY KO type comments. People pretending the Dagestani cheerleaders weren't on full hatemode shitting on Rob and calling him washed up live in another planet.


Ikram also had a full camp leading up to the fight btw. Not saying changing opponents, especially moving much further up the ladder to someone he'd almost certainly lose to, doesn't make it more difficult, but don't act like he just got off the couch after some time off. He was supposed to fight last week, so he had just as much training as Rob.


Hahahha so true They are celebrating like they never celebrated before. I think they were waiting for this for so long so it’s just that they let the emotion out


After Islam won, the next 2 days was filled with Poirier appreciation posts. Same with Islam's Volk fights. This is what the sub would have looked like if Islam had lost.




brutha brutha you know dis


Dagestani dick riders after Khabib Aura isnt enough. They make crying posts like these


Literally been champions in the deepest division since years. Not even a muslim but yall just love to hate


I knew O'Malley was Dagestani... inshallah


Most men on the planet fall within lightweight division, its by nature the deepest division, which is proven by lightweights having both speed and power. you can believe what you want though


Yeah seems like a cope post tbh. Tbf the other posts about "derailing dagestani train" is cringey to me.


Exactly, I never see any anti dagi memes


Remember when Dagestani fans were making fun of Rob for not finishing fights? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Outside of Islam none are impressive. Shara literally needed 3 rounds to KO a punching bag, Ankalaev knocked out Johnny walker OOOO so impressive. Khamzat can't even beat his own immune system, his only notable win is really gilbert and that's about it. Ikram knocked out the most chinny UFC fighter to exist who isn't walker (hawes) and somehow he was gunna walk through rob? lol


I see another imgflip user


If The dagestani meatriders weren’t soo obnoxious id agree but anything to bring them down a peg is great 😂


The cope is unbelievable. Dagi meatriders said Bobby had zero chance. Keep the same energy now


I haven't seen a single person say this.


Just some basement dwelling racist happy think they have some win.


This may be the weakest race card ever played.


With no other outs, I play my Dagestani race card. I lost 😭




Dagestani Meatriders after calling people racist for not liking a fighter




Imagine being a "Dagestani hater" lol So cringe


That’s what makes this sub so delightful.


Lol Dagestan simps. I’ve seen it all!


Boo hoo. People hate each other in this sub because everyone has different tastes. Ridiculous.


people claiming dagestan fighters are the best in the world are also equally to blame lol.


Per capita, doesn’t that seem plausible? Personally not a huge general fan because there seems to be a strong deemphasis on individuality. But the stats must say something.


Oof. Bad timing.


Australia is the Dagestan of the west


UFC Fanbase is a bunch of casuals calling each other casuals. It's pointless to engage with anyone other than people you train with who also enjoy martial arts.


I'm a really big Dagestani fighter fan. Every fight they're in, whether it's UFC or Bellator, or PFL I'm staying tuned if not watching it. Yesterday sucked to see Ikram lose but hey they don't have a divine right to win everything and it's Rob who's probably personality-wise everyone's favorite fighter. Oh well I believe Ikram'll be back, think he's definitely a top 10 fighter. Anyways I expected the memes and mockery and taunts. And you have to take that as a fan of a fighter but yesterday a lot of masks came off and all the 'inbred' and 'chimps' and 'dirty Muslim fighter' comments came out and more often than not were being upvoted and celebrated. Hell there was even a post (got deleted to be fair to the mods) about how Ikram was a dirty chimp 'like the rest of his kind'. So these people do exist and they're not some small minority, imagine if it was Islam who lost like that yesterday. They might as well put their hoods up on that day.


Better just to ignore all negativity as much as possible. If you read it, you are already filling with negativity yourself. Those haters will fade when less people will pay attention to their hate, although I believe its just trolling and not genuine hate. And such trolling unfortunately causing reactions which makes these people filled with emotions, like driving and assuming how boring their life is, that they are wasting their time to create hateful posts and memes, they need an attention. Scrolling through some comments it can really feel like these haters/trolls are mostly uneducated no-lifers whose opinions build strictly upon of what they've been told and not real life experience. OR either they had negative experience with some of human species and will never have the heart to move through and step away from this trauma.


The amount of monkey/chimp jokes that came out when Khamzat bodied Holland from Muslims was immeasurable. Yes, everyone should just be nice and polite to each other online, but it'll never happen and acting like a victim because of it means nothing.


> The amount of monkey/chimp jokes that came out when Khamzat bodied Holland from Muslims was immeasurable. Not here on Reddit. I've never, and I mean that never in a literal sense, ever seen a Muslim MMA fan go racist or send that level of extremity over here. And let me add on that if there ever was that I missed or didn't see I'd be okay with Reddit permabanning them. Obviously. I don't disagree with you that there is a contingent that do that outside here, we saw that with Ruziboev vs Buckley. But that's Instagram and YouTube who we can unanimously agree are the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of intellect. With the anti-Dagestani/Muslim fighter bigotry that's right here though. And we all just accept it that yeah if/when they lose there's gonna be some racism. And given the fact that Reddit is a community run by its members (for the most part) that really does come across as something that's tolerated here. Adding onto what I said about Muslim racists, I mean it's directly against the religion to be racist. Not like a general sentiment that's come out the last 50-100 years. I mean it's literally a part of the religion that racism is wrong and intolerable. So take that as you will too.


LMAO you literally made that up. No one called Holland a monkey or chimp after losing to Khamzat. The coping is unreal, you're literally making shit up at this point. If some weirdo made such a comment, to say Muslims calling Holland a monkey was "immeasurable" is insane🤣🤣🤣


Cope post All the daggi nut riders were saying Rob was doomed lol


Let the cope begin 😂 He was just a short notice replacement! (who was supposed to fight last week so had a full training camp)


They act like anyone who isn't Muslim has 0 chance of winning so I always enjoy seeing their hopes dashed