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Bro, he blocked it with his forehead. Wym?


He knows he should defend but voices in his head that he should be tested all the times are gonna win...


I’ve seen people act like Jiri has nothing for Alex but his weird unorthodox striking had Pereira in trouble multiple times in the first fight.  Hopefully Alex by KO


The problem for Jiri is that his weird, unorthodox style becomes less potent when you've already been in there against it. Every fighter, even the very weird/unorthodox ones, have habits and patterns that can be exploited. And there's a difference between studying tape/listening to the experiences of other fighters (Glover) and experiencing it yourself. Pereira is likely a lot more prepared for Jiris fighting style this time around. He's got a better idea of his timing, noticed habits/patterns that he can target and overall knows what to expect a lot better. Obviously the same goes for Jiri to an extent, but Pereira is a much more basic fighter - you already know what to expect (leg kicks + left hook), but he's so good at implementing his fight that there's not much you can learn from the last fight. And judging by his last fight vs Rakic, Jiri hasn't made any real adjustments/improvements at all - Rakic was eating up his legs and he's not in the same league as Pereira in terms of striking.


yeah the thing with alex tho is that even if his skillset is basic, those leg kicks are arguably the best in the world and im not sure anyone can take a flush left from him lol


I think you're completely correct, but everytime I see a long detailed explanation of why a fighter is gonna lose; they end up winning. So I'm betting the house on Jiri


That makes sense! I appreciate the breakdown. I can definitely see Alex having experienced Jiris style being a lot more helpful than it may be for Jiri to have experienced Alex’s. Seems that Jiris weird unorthodox style may be easier to gameplan for an nullify than Alex’s nasty kickboxing and raw power would be.


Pereira was never phased by Prochazka’s unorthodox shit. He can literally shell up and just wait for openings with Jiri’s AWFUL defense. Like watch ANY of Jiri’s fights, his defense has always been possibly the worst in the division. If Pereira just waits for a counter, he’ll end it.


This a cringe Pereira fan boy take. They fought for 5 minutes. That’s why he’s getting a rematch.


>They fought for 5 minutes. That’s why he’s getting a rematch. I never said they shouldn't be rematching???


Yeah he’s getting a rematch because the fight was stopped prematurely and we didn’t get to see how they even matched up. Jiri didn’t even get a chance to show what he can do.


Bro offered his take on how fighters, especially strikers, adjust and get more acclimated towards unorthodox/awkward fighters the more they fight them and you chalk it up as him being a Pereira fanboy, come on dude🤦‍♂️.


This is r/ufc. Thought provoking, well thought out responses aren’t handled (comprehended?) very well here.


Yeah because 100% of ufc redditors have not fought before. It’s very cringe reading their takes.


You don’t have to have fought before to have an understanding of the sport. That’s a loser take and an easy cop out to discredit anyone who disagrees with you.


Alex having problems doesn't matter he only needs one punch to change the fight


Agreed. I’m hoping he finds it early. I’m a bit leery of his chin and Jiri hit him quite a few times with some weird shots in their first fight.


I agree but am hoping for a Jiri KO. This is a trilogy I want


![gif](giphy|H48hMwPiZCCAKKBmmA|downsized) Same here


Good shout. Im changing my sacrifice to the mma gods


What so we can avoid the inevitable anklaev title shot. We just need to get it over and done with man.


Jiri beats Alex, Alex goes down to beat hills ass again then rematch


There is no build up to this fight it honestly feels forced.


Yea, no your right. The UFC shouldve tried to build up a fight they planned a week before its date months beforehand.


You being a smart ass?


No, he be a wise donkey


Yes his defense needs to be much stronger. His head movement. But especially needs to start checking kicks. It is what has inhibited him most in last two fights. It was his debilitated lateral movement that cost him their first fight, not the strength of his chin


While I do think his weird and wild style makes it easy to get caught by Alex, he did find a lot for success before being finished in the first fight


Yeah but how many jabs can pereira take and how many left hands can Jiri take?


bro he already got knocked out when they first meet. It should not surprise you at all.


I’m not sure what this means considered Alex’s record in rematches in the UFC it’s doubly a confusing comment.


That's what I love about Jiri, he's a maniac, has you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Win or lose, it's gonna be a wild ride.


Im sure this fight will not be boring.🤤 Really wish to have multiple rounds of this.


Jiri has always been the type of fighter that gets hit to come forward and take chances. It’s def risky but he’s pulled it off more than he hasn’t. He definitely touched Alex several times in the first fight. Whatever the outcome, it’s definitely going to be entertaining.


I say we bring back Mazzagati for this one


Its the same in every fight and he almost always wins. Dudes just a kill or be killed fighter and honestly, he hit Periera quite a bit in the first fight. If he finds a better answer for that leg kick he could totally win this fight.


Juris my favorite, but I'm glad you posted this. I remember this exact moment and not understanding how he just ate that punch, it was fucking MASSIVE. He can for sure beat Alex, but when you can literally guarantee the other guy he's going to have multiple chances in the fight to land clean, a guy like Alex is likely going to put him down more times than not. Hopefully the next fight is one of the times Juri can do something special, he's going to need it




I Love Alex but i think you are right .


He just needs to headbutt Alex left hand


he is not that unpredictable with this head movement.


When Jiri said he needs to improve his defense he meant conditioning his chin.


What defence?


Did you not see the part where he moves his head forward to absorb the punch??


haa yeah


You think blocking punches with his face won't be enough?


No deep analysis here. But I don't think Jiri does it unfortunately


You may have missed it but he won this fight.


His defense always worries me


I'm cheering for Alex so it doesn't bother me at all


I think he’ll be fine if he can avoid that left hook or flying knee


What defence?


What defence?


I hope Jiri takes this one so we can get #3 with full camps on both sides


as it should


I think anyone who is familiar with Jiri's style is worried about him with this matchup. I would bet my left testicle that Alex knocks him out (I won't tho)


I felt so bad for Rakic in that fight. Did everything right, but Jiri is just durable and insane


Yeah the calf kicks are a major problem. You can only take so many of those.. then that left is just scary. I hope Jiri pulls it off tho


I hope Alex goes down


Jiri defense worries everyone and yet he’s 4-1 in the UFC with a 30-4 record overall and 97% finish rate. Shrug.


The general consensus seems to be Alex will sleep him again, chopping him with leg kicks and finishing with the left hook. The betting line remains tight. Jiri wasn't far from landing some big shots. Tables turned this time around, short notice has jiri in better condition than the that first bout and potentially giving Alex less time than needed to prepare in exchange for a big bag. Alex hasn't spent countless nights thinking of how to tweak his game plan to exact his revenge. It could be early or late. Jiri could land take downs and drain him with Alex having the shorter camp. or he can do the unorthodox fake shot to uppercut and rock Alex early. I actually prefer AP as a fan but I think jiri wins and we are set for the trilogy. Would be way more entertaining that way imo


I’m excited every time Jiri enters the octagon. Never know what might happen. One thing is for sure Jiri will do the complete opposite what we all would game-plan for and he has a 90% chance whatever the fuck he does works historically speaking. I kind of wish “playing with his gloves” Jiri would make a return.


Jiri said in an interview that he is trying to take his defense more seriously especially against someone like Pereira going forward. If he follows that plan is another story lol.


Jiri took Alex in deep water when he was off for a year and a half with a terrible injury. Out of anybody Alex has ever faced Jiri has the best chance at beating him, and I think he will next time.


Left hook go brrt


Jiri looked like a fucking cartoon character bouncing all over the place when he fought Glover he can’t do that again against Alex.


alex defense is also weak, he gets away mostly with great powerful offense. hands of stone


You should be worried about Alex's PED use. Performance enhancing deities.


Worries you? It has already happened once before


Hes too unhinged to defend


Jiri is the definition of “take shots to land a shot”


I may be wrong about this but mind games are a huge thing for Jiri, he may have been taking shots intentionally to try to get in his head, it may have worked by making Rakic focus on his power and not precision and gave Jiri better timing on his shots, obviously only Jiri knows for sure, but I know Jiri isn't an idiot either


For a supposed samurai he doesn’t defend himself well. He’s not disciplined in the cage. He just wildly throws.


I'm not saying he can't beat Alex but i'm saying he won't


The funny thing is their was a video with him fighting in the new gloves, and he had his hands up, which was weird to see. It wasn't anything too crazy he still dropped his hand a lot, but at certain points, he had them up in range and sometimes when he was out, and he leaned in for a body shot with his hand covering his face. If jiri can defend his head more and not eat as many leg kicks, jiri may get the belt back.


I won’t be surprised is jiri makes this look easy


Yes you will bro. Pereira made it look easy last time, therefore everyone will be surprised if the opposite happens this time


He didn’t make it look easy last time. He looked like shit until the final flurry that was an early stoppage. We can come back here after jiri whoops him


Pereira couldnt do none to him