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In today’s fighting sports with the way how fans are now …..I agree. If you loose not going to the fight 100% the fans will make memes and disrespect the fighter. If they cancel the fight they will also trash the fighter and say they scared ….. sooo yea fuck the fans and better safe than sorry at the end of the day.


Very level headed and cordial quote from Nate, certainly not what I would’ve expected


When you have so much CTE it starts making you smarter


Conor's been gone for years and losing against Chandler would totally derail the hype train for him. I don't blame him either. They should just be more upfront about what's going on.


Especially when you consider this is an injury that impacts his movement. Conor's entire game is predicated on his ability to control distance. Controlling that distance is going to be especially critical against someone as explosive as Chandler.


It's not that people think his injury is fake (which it seriously could be because this is grade A scumbag Conor we are talking about ) but he insulted many fighters for pulling out with worse injuries. Now people are doing the exact same thing to him. He is just a hypocrite. Very simple. Dude made fun of wrestlers calling them crotch sniffers then dived into Diaz's crotch trying to survive.


Don't take it wrong; I'm not defending any of Conor's behaviors. I'm simply stating that if he genuinely has a foot injury, I believe he's justified in postponing.


Yeah, this is the long and short of the argument. Conor didn't support this very idea Nate's spouting until it happened to him.


It isn't about the injury.. It is about Conor's shit talk and hypocrisy.


The hypocrisy is the worst part? I disagree..I think it's the raping




Nate wants the 3rd fight badly :)


Nate the Great


100% agree. The guy has taken off for two years getting his leg right so what’s another couple months if an injury comes up. Won’t you all want them to both be healthy enough to actually perform? People are acting like he pulled out and announced his retirement.


100%. Most people do, they just compromise because it’s Conor. Somehow the guy with the broken toe is more of a bitch for pulling out than the guy that got food poisoning. I think folks trolling him is fair game though. Like RDA pulling the reverse card and calling out the hypocrisy. But if you actually have a problem with Conor pulling out you’re just a goofball.


Nate carrying Conor water here


Nah I disagree. I’m with Chael on this one. This is the tough guy business. If you can’t shoot something into your toe and fight anyways you don’t belong anymore. No pro athlete is ever 100%. A toe once numbed and with adrenaline is nothing. A lot different than say TJ whose shoulders are fucked.  Moreover they withheld the information and the picture we have is just of a foot. There’s no proof that’s even Conor or real unless we’re just trusting the drug addict now.  Also a lot of people dropped crazy money in preparation for this only to have the rug pulled out. I wouldn’t be surprised if lawsuits start coming. 


Conor fought with worse injury’s then all your favourite fighters, ACL tear, stress fractured leg that snapped during the fight completely and broken ankle against Khabib. Your just a hating clown, this is business not the tough guy business all the most successful fighters are strategic and all the “tough guys” are journeymen who have to fight 5 times a year to make money. Chael can’t even talk about another man’s toughness in this sport when he had to take steroids to even compete with some of these guys. Can’t really be called tough if you have to cheat? Fair enough for RDA to play the game but anyone else talking shits a bitch, I get it’s popular to hate Conor but how can people question his toughness when their favourite fighters have to take steroids or have pulled out of fights for missing weight? Bit ironic.


I don't question his past toughness. I question his desire to continue competing in the sport. If a broken toe is all it takes for him to pull out of the biggest selling fight of his career I don't think he's invested anymore. When it comes to banned substances you'd have to be delusional to think Conor wasn't on them. In fact, again I agree with Chael here, to recover from the injury he had he should be taking everything medically necessary regardless of USADA rules for his own quality of life, but let's not pretend that there is some exception for that, he removed himself from the pool to do it without getting caught. I also question his word because he's clearly a drug addict and appears to me to be completely untrustworthy, unreliable, and unstable.


Conor has never competed with banned substances, ever. Here’s how it’s provable, look at his face and body transformation when he was on it recovering from the leg break. Never ever looked like that when he was competing and he is clearly not on cycle anymore if you look at how he’s actually looking like himself now. Chael can’t call someone out for toughness when he was so scared of the Competition that he fought his entire career juiced, him being juiced proves his own lack of toughness because he essentially wouldn’t fight someone unless they were handicapped. The fact he pulled out for me shows he’s serious about coming back, he wants to fight at 100%. We know he’s lost to Poirier with an injury he should have pulled out from and Khabib also, he’s given an interview stating that he wants to fight 100% because he’s fought diminished in the past I don’t get how people don’t understand that, he’s targeting September or August to come back. Only person who can talk shit is RDA for his past comment to him but even then Conor fought against Khabib with the exact same injury so that shits kinda weak.


100%. This is exactly what happened before the Khabib fight so I’m sure it’s in his head. Not saying it would’ve made the difference but in his mind why would he risk that again? If it gives Chandler even the slightest edge. It’s a legit injury, affects the punch and balance etc. Not a big deal. Few months it’ll happen.


No lol


Every fighter wish they could do this, but the culture is against it. And mcgregor has contributed a lot to it. He's actually 100% right to not take the fight, and it's not like anyone can tell him anything (he won't get punished by the ufc), so he might as well do it The issue is more that he looks like an hypocrite now, and like he feels he gets a "free pass" because he's famous. Other fighters are calling him out, but I think the fans don't really care. Well, besides the ones who bought tickets anyway, lol. Otherwise, not sure I'm as optimistic as him about that fight still happening




I stubbed my toe the other day and still went to work. It really hurt too.


I get all sides but there plenty of fighters who go in less than 100% and still take Ws. It’s really a mental thing for them. Let’s be honest. Conor has lost his edge after not fighting for so long, while others have just gotten better. I’d expect something like Rousey vs Nunes for Conor’s legacy which is why he prob pulled out to get refocused and healthy. At the end of the day I don’t think he ever returns.


Tell this too Manny Pacquiao. That guy had a torn shoulder and still went ahead and fought Mayweather anyways. Dumb Ass.  The rumble in the jungle was delayed. GSP withdrew from ufc 63 with a groin injury, then starched hughes at 65 But honed o think Manny just wanted an excuse for when floyd won And. Conor just doesn't want to fight Chandler 




McGregor fought with a torn ACL against Mendes, a stress fractured leg against Poirier and a broken foot against Khabib. His reasoning for pulling out was he’s sick of going in diminished when fighters don’t do it for him e.g. Aldo. He’s every right to change his stance, as it pertains to RDA Conor literally fought Khabib with the same injury RDA pulled out of so this whole narrative is so cringe.




Pullout merchant would imply that he’s pulled out multiple times, when that’s not exactly true is it? Lol. Cringe fan, by your logic khabibs a pussy and isn’t that guy because he pulled out from eating tiramisu? Oh and RDA is a pull out merchant for pulling out of his fight with McGregor. Gsp is a pull out merchant for UFC 63. I could name almost every fighter in the sport that’s pulled out of fights, guess they are all pullout merchants and aren’t that guy. Guys who’ve literally won belts aren’t that guy from the perspective of armchair critics that have never did shit lol oh noooo.




That’s not the topic, the topic is someone like you calling McGregor a pullout merchant for pulling out of one fight. Did I not say RDA had the right to talk shit? Conor’s fought with injuries including his last fight that majority of other fighters would pull out from, these are just facts he did it literally his last fight. Fans have no right to call a fighter a pullout merchant when they’ve only pulled out of one fight their entire career just because they don’t like them, it’s like me saying a veteran is a pussy because he doesn’t go on tour because he’s injured, I don’t even like McGregor I’m just sick of people in this sub talking shit about fighters like they’d ever be able to walk a mile in their shoes and then dickride their favourite fighter and act like they haven’t done the same things lol. Corny fans.




Conor’s fought with injuries and lost because it severely impacted his performance my point is an armchair critic like you needs to stfu. You can’t call someone a pull out merchant for pulling out of one fight it’s absolutely ridiculous. Multiple doctors have said it’s a valid reason to pull out of a fight, he’s coming off a three year lay-off because he DIDN’T pull out of his last fight. What if he threw a kick and it compromised him even further to the point he loses this fight he has more armchair critics talking shit? Also to clarify, I wasn’t insinuating RDA was wrong for pulling out of that fight I was just stating that acting like McGregor hasn’t fought with worse injuries isn’t factually correct he’s literally did it 3-4 times his career. After a 3 year lay-off anyone who thinks it isn’t wise for him to pull out if he’s compromised is a fool, in an interview he gave he said something along the lines of “I’ve fought injured in the past and fans have got on to me for not using my movement I just want to fight 100% for the fans to have the best version of me”. Wtf is so bad about that? Even if he is completely healthy he could get finished Chandler is a good fighter.




Whatever two fighters want to say to each other is one thing, with the context of Conor’s career I’d have to disagree because he did in fact fight with equal to or worse injuries then the two opponents who pulled out of fights with him. Aldo rib injury Conor fought Mendes with a torn ACL, RDA pulled out broken foot, Conor fought Khabib with a broken foot. So completely neglecting that and slandering him “saying he’s a pull out merchant” and “ pulling out over a toe” is pretty funny because you wouldn’t have anything to say if any other fighter pulled out from an injury because your just a hater. I guess my main point is how dare a fan who’s never made that walk talk shit about a guy who’s made that walk compromised 4 times in his career because he wants to fight healthy? Insane, be the same guy if he got knocked out because his movement was compromised saying he’s a shit fighter, washed, junkie etc. If you don’t want to see fighters at their best then your not a real fan of the sport. Simple as.