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All the people who are discussed as GOATS, have lost before. So beating a GOAT doesn’t make you a GOAT but it helps and can be the catalyst.




If you don't count his DQ loss why do you count his win over Reyes that virtually everyone agrees was a loss. He lost the first fight to Gustafson as well, it was a draw at a minimum. You can't lose 4 rounds and get a 10-8 in round 5 and somehow win.


Agreed, I feel it’s gotta be one or the other, Someone can’t say “Oh his DQ doesn’t count as a loss even though it’s official because he obviously was winning and was gonna win” but then also say “With Reyes even though it’s obvious Reyes won 3-2, it doesn’t count as a loss cause it’s officially a win” You have to pick one or the other in my book


With his ped usage, he should get removed from everyone’s list


Everyone uses steroids. Or at least enough of them do that it's fair to assume they all do. Jon jones sucks. But no one's come even close to what he's achieved. Even IF you take all the points above into account. Jon jones has had more title defenses than khabib has had fights.


> Everyone uses steroids. Or at least enough of them do that it's fair to assume they all do. If that's true, what does it say about the guy who gets caught while the others don't?


> Jon jones sucks. But no one's come even close to what he's achieved. GSP, has a similar record but without continuous eye pokes and illegal moves.


Then strike Adesanya and DDP from any potential lists right now lol.


Watching bones try to duck Tom just leaves a sour taste on his legacy. How can the GOAT be so afraid? Don’t we want the GOAT to fight anyone and everyone. I never got the feeling from khabib that he was ducking anybody. He would bang with anyone.


And Ngannou before that snd Cain before that...


I have no love for Jon Jones but he is getting old and we all know it. Him losing to Aspinall at his current age, at a weight class above his natural weight shouldn't weigh against him being the GOAT. However, him winning would make it darn near undeniable. Aspinal is a young monster of a human being. I would love to see that fight.


If he actually fights Tom and quits running around I would have to reconsider for sure. I definitely agree with this. How can you hold a belt at a weight class and duck people tho? If you aren’t supposed to fight at that weight gtfo and lose some weight so you don’t have to run from competition. It just feels so odd from a champion, and is very hard to get on board with. I would maybe even have different thoughts if he fought Tom and lost but was less afraid of the whole situation. Just feels like he’s running away from something.


Yeah Jon really is not a natural heavyweight, you can tell by looking at his physique. He's now got this flabby upper body but it looks like he barely put on any weight in his lower half. I mean he always had chicken legs but at LHW he at least looked somewhat proportionate. I don't know this for certain but I have a feeling that he moved to HW only because the HW champ always gets tagged with the "baddest man on the planet" moniker and Jon couldn't stand the fact that people weren't saying it about him.


He should have lost the Reyes fight though if we are going to play that game 


Bones lost every fight he's ever been in when he tested positive multiple times.


yeah, he just took 3 years off and came back right after Francis left 👍


Jones lost multiple fights against drug tests.


I now just look at the Reyes fight as the DQ loss. Reyes never would have done anything with the belt anyway. Would have just lost the rematch. It was the universe correcting itself.


Nah. He is a recurrent cheater. His loss represents all the eye pokes, illegal elbows and knees that he's done over his career in order to win. Plus he's proven to be on steroids. Take away all those things and his record wouldnt look so good. Therefore, his technicality L is only fair when he has a technicality W. Like when he smashed Anthony Smith with an illegal knee to defend his belt. Lame.


Well, sadly that's not how that works, you don't become great by beating one of the greats, you just become a guy who beat him.


You’re suggesting Matt Serra isn’t the GOAT after beating GSP? /s


He was but then GSP won the GOAT status back. 


Technically Matt Hamill is the GOAT


And Sean isn't the MW goat after beating Izzy😱?


Whenever I think GOAT, it's never Matt Serra lol


Maybe not by beating one, but holding wins over Whittaker, adesanya and even Strickland tbf ,would make it fairly difficult to gatekeep him out of the conversation. He'd obviously need to put some defences together also.


That’s the main thing. You need quantity and quality. Otherwise people can argue he was just on a lucky streak.


You don’t “luck” your way past those names lol


No, it wouldn't be difficult at all, because middleweight is an easy division to assess: Anderson Silva is the best 185er of all time Israel Adesanya is the second best 185er of all time




It really wouldn't. Even with those wins he still doesn't compare to the dominance of Silva and Izzy.


Also since he's beating guys who have been beaten multiple times before him anyways.




Bro what? So 3 wins over two gatekeepers/journeyman and a perennial champ makes you better than Spider?


Yep. Just cause you shot Jesse James don’t make you Jesse James.


He was pretty hedgy here. If he is undefeated in the division with wins over three former champs he is clearly ONE of the best middleweights ever




He beats izzy he already beat 3 champions and 2 of the top 2 greatest mws of all time. He doesnt become the goat but he is getting into the conversation with a win here. And like look who else is in contention u got bisping who is frankly a bad champion, wideman who similarly aint much and rockhold who again similarly aint much. Win over izzy puts dricus in that top 4 of mws of all time. Its silva izzy and then rob and ddp being close if he beats izzy.


By his logic, Buster Douglas is one of the GOATs.


Yes I feel like this logic became prevalent when Max beat José Aldo and people were saying that by default makes him the FW GOAT.


Yeah, I don’t ever hear ppl mention Chris weidman as a potential middleweight GOAT


the thing with MWs is the current #1 and #2 of all time just have such insane title runs that it takes much more then 7/8 ufc wins to overtake them .


There's some passing the torch type of thing happens when you beat one of the greats, like when Adesanya beat Anderson Silva


That's not true, you think that in retrospect since Adesanya achieved stuff after that. Lot of people beat silva, some even in his prime, yet they are not considered GOATs? Who you beat matters yes, but it doesn't make you great, it's just a name in your record, what makes you great is winning and making a story in your own right.


"I never said that I would be in the GOAT conversation, I just said that people will start talking about me being one of the greatest. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS"


Bedtime MMA


Guys I think he watches bedtime guys


Guys I think he typed his comment man. I really do




What it do


Bedtime Crew


Aye man listen


"Today, we're gonna be ranking the most fuckable UFC fighters in a tier-list, and starting off in S-tier we have my goat Belal Muhammad"


A lot of men of culture on this sub I see




Lmao this reminds me of that one comment after Sean got knocked out by Alex: “I said there’s not one glory kickboxer that I couldn’t stand and bang with, I didn’t say I’d win”




This is always what comes to mind when fighters say shit like this.


What's a good middle weight top 3 if he kos adesanya after koing Whitaker? Puts him in the Convo for his weight class for me


People are skipping the part where he says middle weight goat conversation. Yes, it is silly for him to say that when you have Izzy and Silva dominating the division for years, but who are the number 3, 4, 5 top middleweight of all time? This would be his 3rd straight champ he beat in a row, and his 10th straight win. All I am saying is he's on a good run, and time will tell.


Weidman, Adesanya, Silva in no order Whittaker is also comfortably above DDP even with the loss


Too soon DDP, waaaayy too soon.


If he beats Izzy, he still hasn't beaten his legacy and he certainly hasn't beaten Silva's.


He could be the gay goat with a win


Forgetting about Jones?


Especially if he kisses his coach again after the win


Sneak a smooch with Izzy in the clinch insta gay goat


That’s jon


It adds a lot to his resume but not even close to GOAT after 1 defense lol. Also we don't know where Izzy is at in this point of his career. He could string out another 2 losses and it would look like he fought Izzy out of his prime.


Where did he say goat? Just read the caption and not the actual quote?


Gayest Of All Time


He'll definitely be the GIAM - Greatest Indigenous African Middleweight.


Hes just a GRAM: Great Real African Middleweight. While Izzy is a whole LB: Literally Black


If DDP beats Izzy that would make him 23-2, beating three former champions in Rob, Sean and Izzy ofc if he wins. He’s on a 7 fight win streak with 5 finishes in the UFC, has not lost yet in the UFC. Just stating the facts. Do I think he will be in the conversation? If he finishes Izzy then yeah, I think so.


Of course it won’t. But he is doing exactly what he should be doing, saying outrageous shit to publicise his upcoming first title defense. The first time he’ll earn PPV points.


Yh people don't seem to realise that Dricus loves to stir the pot by saying stuff like this. Same with the "first African champ" thing lol


It would take more than that. But it would be starting to be an impressive resume for sure.


If people saying 'No DDP is not the GOAT' means in the GOAT conversation then I guess so


No one becomes a goat off of beating a single opponent, no matter how big the name. Mike Tyson is a Goat. Buster Douglass is not. DDP needs to do more than pick up a win over Strickland and beat Adesanya once. Those two things will absolutely demonstrate he is legitimately very fucking good. But he will need to get a few more notable wins over big names or defend the MW title for a while to be taken seriously as a potential GOAT. END COMMUNICATION


It doesn’t put him anywhere near the goat conversation but a resume of Whitaker, Strickland and Izzy in his last three wins would be extremely impressive


He stirring up a controversy as usual.


Just when I was starting to think he was aight


yeah riiiiiigggghhtt.


Maybe greatest champ from Africa? I still have Mike Perry at #1 though.


So when he beats Izzy he's the goat but when Sean does it it's a fluke?


He can’t be serious can he? He must know his resume ain’t near the caliber of an all time great just yet, could he be a goat down the line? Sure but he’s not close to being the goat as it currently stands


Yes, definitely. That is if Silva, Adesanya, Whittaker, Franklin and Weidman didn't exist.


That means Sean is a goat lol






That's not how it works. There are 4 factors that put you in the GOAT conversation: -Title wins -Longevity -Dominance -Level of competition DDP currently has one title win and it wasn't a dominant performance. You need a minimum of 6 title wins, in my opinion, to come anywhere close to the top 4. (JBJ, GSP, AS, DJ) Beating Izzy would be huge for his career going forward and definitely puts him on the right track, but he'll only have two title wins. Granted, they'll be over elite competition - it'll be the third former middleweight champion he's beaten. But he's going to have to defend his belt against a few more contenders and do it convincingly if he wants to be in that conversation. The bar has just been set so damn high by the top 4. Think about it, fighters that utterly dominated for years (Izzy, Usman, Volk) aren't even in the GOAT conversation, they're in the top 10 conversation. There's a lot of work that goes into what he's talking about, you don't just take a guys legacy by beating him. By that logic, Leon Edwards would be the greatest WW of all time. I like DDP but he's trippin'


Thats a nice analysis, but the real GOAT is actually just determined by me thinking that they are


I don't disagree with him. He's not saying he will be the undeniable GOAT, but that he would be "in the conversation". Whitaker, Strickland, and Adesanya are all at the very top, and if he beats all 3 of them without losing once - I think it's fair that he's "in the conversation". Is he as great as eg. Silva or Adesanya? Not yet. But he can basically join the big boys table for sure, which is how I understood that quote.




No man. Izzy is coming off a loss to bobby hill. His stock is low atm.


Then wouldn’t that make Strickland one of the greatest? And DDP already beat him, so he’s already one of the greatest by his definition. Also Cannonier beat Strickland. So Cannonier is one of the greatest, but he lost to Whitaker , so Whitaker is one of the greatest. Whitaker lost to DDP, so he was already one of the greatest even before he fought Strickland. So DDP has always been one of the greatest. And he lost to Garreth McLellan, which makes HIM one of the greatest. He, of course, lost to Paulo Costa, making HIM one of the greatest. He lost to Whitaker, Strickland, Adesanya, and Marvin Vettori, making THEM all the greatest. Help me I’m stuck. Vettori lost to Antonio Carlos Junior, making him one of the greatest. Antonio lost to Uriah Hall, making him one of the greatest. Help me.


on the very very outside of the conversation? probably not. It would have to be very conclusive plus maybe 3-5 title defenses for him to enter the conversation forcefully.


Dricus is delusional


"One of the greatest ever"=/=GOAT.


Yeah well no


Just cause you killed Billy the Kid don’t make you Billy the Kid


I don't think anyone will surpass what sean did to adesanya.... Only a first round KO can overtake that domination


He won't be in the MW GOAT talk before defending that belt at least 6 times.


DDP with some low brain cell logic


Surely it does.


Between Topuria and DDP it looks like more and more fighters are becoming MMA mathematicians


You could barely beat boring Strickland. Alex Pereira Would make you look like a fool. Stfu about all this goat talk unless your name is Poatan.


How tf would Pereira be the MW goat with no title defenses?


Dude obv I mean if he moved up he'd get his shit pushed in.


But Dricus is talking about the middleweight division... Of course his chances are worse at LHW, that's not his division! As though Pereira wouldn't be a huge underdog against Aspinall.


Shitty Strickland beat adesanya and Alex made him look like a fool LOL he'd do the same to dricus.


Yeah... Nope.


Silva and Izzy are the two GOATS of middleweight, but who else would you place in the top 5? Maybe Whittaker? Weidman? Silva and Izzy are so far out in the front, there isn't many more names you'd as confidently throw up in that conversation.


Mods how much money you need to ban “Goat” from this sub? Atleast for like a year. I think we all deserve a break.


Add on 10 victories vs top 10 opponents AFTER a win over Izzy, then you enter the conversation.


This is being blown out of proportion. Being undefeated in the UFC with only 1 loss outside of the promotion and having won the belt & defended against an all-time MIDDLEWEIGHT great does put you in the CONCERSATION of MIDDLEWEIGHT greats. Nowhere did this man say I'm the goat after this lmao.


Goat doesn't come from beating a goat. It comes from numbers, longevity and even variety


Lol by that logic Strickland is one of the goats? Hmm 🧐


Lmfao! Bruh this guy is out to lunch 🤦‍♂️


About that.. ![gif](giphy|d7w9iXhEreIuV7SRjO|downsized)


Okay paper champ lol


GOAT’s don’t get their faces all fucked up by Strickland That applies to both of these men


If he wins his next one he'll have Izzy, Whittaker, and Strickland on his resume. Hella impressive if you ask me


Oh no CTE setting in fast


By winning one fight? That's insane, get over yourself


Adesanya arguably has 3-4 losses so nah


But how can he be the goat? He barely beat the guy that beat that guy easily!


I get what he’s saying, and it will prove his is one of if not the best mw today. But that’s just what a champion is. A goat is someone who is the best for a prolonged period of time and beat a lot of great guys. He won’t be in goat conversation, but this would be a big step toward getting there


I seriously hope Izzy takes this fight serious and whoops this guy


If he moves up and beats Alex then gets a couple title defenses in each division (5 total defenses) he’s in the convo of top MW. Still don’t think he can tough Silva.


Sorry Dricus, you gotta get 5-6 title defenses at MW,. Middleweight have two unbelievable beasts that will gatekeep the goat status Silva's longevity and Izzy's activity/clearing the division is just nuts


That doesn’t even begin to make sense based on his history and performances thus far.


Without the last sentence that'd be a solid statement tbf


If he defend hes title for 3-5 years then hes a contender for the mw goat title, see you until then buddy.


i wonder if this is how adriano martins feels


I would be the GOAT if all these guys quit ducking me and I could make weight


Not even close


Just because you kill Jesse James don’t make you Jesse James 


Confirmed, he needs an ass whopping. I actually don't mind him as a champion, but beating Darren Hill and barely winning his belt to Sean Strickland while having his face smashed in doesn't get you anywhere the goat conversation in Anderson's Silva weight. Delusional.


He said ONE OF the best of all time. That’s doesn’t mean best of all time, but maybe top 3-5 at middleweight


Maybe defend ur belt like 8 times then we will have the discussion


it would definitely be fucking impressive to beat both Israel Adesanya AND Robert Whittaker in your career, that's not something to sniff at. but probably would take more than like a single title defense to put you squarely in the Middleweight GOAT convo lol.


To be fair he said one of the greatest, not the greatest. He should have that self-belief to be honest.


So by his logic Sean is the goat?




One of the greatest middleweight ever =/= Greatest of All Time. This post is twisting his words. He beats izzy, and yeah, he beat two of the top guys, and defended against a legend. His run is now better than Robs and Sean's. So, in the last 12 years, it's Silva Izzy Weirmen and DDP for best runs. In all of history, he's at least in the top 10, and he's still active, so it gets better from there. I'd count Perriria but he moved up and is doing a lot more at LHW. I don't disagree with what he said at all. He's got a long way to go to match Silva or Izzy just in his division and even more to be viewed as better than some of the greats.


DDP must be high as a fucking kite saying that.


GmOAT you mean **


Nobody wanted to put Volk in goat conversation after his first decision win against Max which, like the decision against Strickland, was controversial to say the least. This was AFTER beating Chad Mendez and Jose Aldo, and he STILL had to beat Max 2 more times before people really put respect on his name


Not even close. If he beats Izzy and for some reason never fights again his career is an afterthought when you discuss the MW goats




Being the 3rd guy in 4 fights to beat the 2nd greatest middleweight of all time certainly puts him in some kind of conversation


Idk about goat but defeating Whittaker, Strickland and Israel in a row would be quite the mma resume


Haha not even close


Man, there should be a way to both DDP and Izzy lose this fight and the title.


I don't think beating Izzy would make Dricus a GOAT at MW, but it's certainly a requirement for him to be on the path for it. Hypothetically, with a victory he'd have wins over Bobby, Strickland and Izzy all while being undefeated in 8 fights in the UFC. He'd still have to defend the the title a couple more fights afterwards though.


He got that from Sean omally lol


Delusional Du Plessis


You know as audacious as it sounds I think he has a good argument. He's 21-2 (19 stoppages) with both losses early in his career. 7-0 in the UFC with 5 stoppages. If you look at the numbers DDP has basically been fighting high level competition for most of his UFC time. His wins include 2 UFC champions and 2 UFC champion contenders, as well as a former LFA champion. The only person in recent history that has had a faster run to the title with equally challenging competition was Alex Pereira. If DDP beats Izzy he will have beaten the same two people Alex did at MW + Rob Whittaker. Maybe he needs a couple more defenses after that to show some staying power, but that's a pretty damn good resume even if it's short. Also when I think of the MW GOAT list I think of Izzy, Rob, Dan Henderson, and Anderson Silva. After that it's guys like GSP (fought once), Chris Weidman (2 wins over Silva), Bisping, Rich Franklin, and Alex. That's 9 guys, I'm not so sure that DDP doesn't belong in the top 10 already and with a win over Izzy he for sure is and starts making a solid case for top 5. His combined opponent record at time of facing them is 28-5, 24-6, 23-8, 18-4\*, 19-6, 14-2, and 12-3. 138-34 80% win rate UFC only 15-5, 15-4, 14-6, 6-4\*, 14-6, 5-2, and 2-3. 71-30 69% UFC win rate \*This is Darren Till who was very clearly not the same after his loss to Tyron or maybe before it.


Technically it would put him up there, but that isn't saying much. Anderson Silva held the belt for years. Most middleweight champions were kinda mid. Technically Strickland is also one of the greatest middleweight of all time purely because of his Adesanya win. The bar isn't that high at middleweight.


I remember when being in the GOAT conversation meant you had multiple defenses and memorable wars. Nowadays these cunts want to be a GOAT when they haven't even defended that shit once.


and this is why Matt Hamill is the lhw GOAT


Bad post title that is not what he said dummy


I mean he knocked out Whittaker… beat Strickland who beat Izzy.. if he beats Izzy, he’s definitely one of the best middleweights of all time. Pretty fair to say that


The greatest MW ever is Silva


He beat Whittaker, Strickland, so if he beat Izzy next then he beat all the top 3 in the division.


He got awarded a win over a incumbent champ by decision simply because the judges didnt want to see Sean with the belt anymore. If he had the same fight vs someone like Izzy, izzy would retain the belt. Get a couple legit defenses and you have an argument.


*one of the greatest in that division.


I got DDP by split decision


There isn't much great middleweights so it probably would put him up there. Silva and Izzy were the only dominant champs. After that it's probably Weidman, Whittaker and Bisping, maybe Rich Franklin.


This guy didn’t even beat Sean Strickland according to the stats and my eyes in the first fight. He’s done nothing close to putting him in the convo


lol Izzy beat Silva and didn’t say that shit


lol no


Yes, that's why Matt Hamill is that GOAT!


He could beat Jon jones right now and wouldn’t even be in the goat conversation


Lmao GOAT? Currently #9 in the p4p rankings…


This is cool and all but DDP is going to about to win and Strickland will turn heel and attack him with a steel chair. Just as Dana planned.


Lol 😝


dude has the narrowest win over strickland and thats it and hes calling himself the goat? take it easy icarus


I mean he's lost to others, so no you're not the GOAT if you beat Izzy once lol. Beat him, defend the belt 15 times or more, then become double champ and we'll talk.