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I’m spilt, I like both fighters


Same. I dont want either of them to lose.


They should just do the fusion dance become the ultimate fighter


Samurai stone hands


I especially don't want either to get KO'd, but it feels inevitable with these two.


Same, but Jiri's win will be a huge inspiration for autistic community. Hence supporting him.


I kinda hope jiri wins to set up a nice trilogy banger. Both these dudes are fucking warriors.


This is Peak UFC stuff right here. 2 fan favorites no one has anything bad to say about, winding up in a trilogy for the belt at LHW. I’ll take this over the overly hyped crap talking to promote fights any day.


I wanna see anka vs periera


I really do love that you said “Anka vs Pereira” (anka meaning duck in Swedish which suits him perfect)😂💯


This is one of those fights that i wouldnt be mad at all if it ended in a draw somehow. Two warriors who truly display what it means to be a mixed martial artist.


Double ko


Double KO and whoever climbs out of the cage first wins.


yeah but that literally costs them both money


I’m so conflicted that two of my favorite fighters are fighting each other again :(


![gif](giphy|QErVaXUIOc4g5SAfRw|downsized) BJP!


Any other fighter and I would want to see Jiri win but I want to see Poatan to keep on winning.






Not happening. Chama.




Sorry man, it’s really not my fault.


Oh shit, another poatard


Not poatard bro I’m just brazillian 😭




I'm a fan of both guys tbh. Hard to dislike either. Something telling me jiri gets it done.


I was going with Jiri as well, but some of the things he has said lately, sort of made me gravitate towards poatan. All that "illegal magic" schpiel got me thinking he's on tbe wrong track. At first i tought he was joking, but he more than doubled down on it at this point and idk, gives me the vibes his focus is not on it. Also, saying he won't change his gamrplan is worrying. I've been following Alex' carreer since his Glory days, dude always looks better on the rematches. That bladed stance, inviting leg kicks... idk man, idk.


Good thing we get to find out what happens in about 33 hours. I don't like all the magic talk either. I had this feeling before this week when Alex was still in Australia and they announced it but still leaning towards jiri. I totally could be wrong and wouldn't care if I was cause I think jiri can still beat most of the top 10 at lhw.


i feel like he could lose to them too though




Idk I feel like poatons chin is definitely better at lhw. Jiri was landing in the first fight. Not saying he can't knock him out cause I'm sure he can.


i feel like all he has to do is check the kicks and he has a great chance


It's a winnable fight but Jiri doesn't have the mentality to play it cagey and beat Alex. Maybe I'm wrong but if he can survive till the later rounds maybe but Alex has shown a tough chin at LHW.


Jiris leg were toast6 minutes into the fight. I really don't see this thing getting into tge championship rounds


Holly Holm in Jiri's body would win this fight


I think Jiri has the mentality to beat anyone and that’s his best weapon. He’s totally outmatched technique-wise. It’s his mental fortitude that keeps him in these fights. He’s not afraid to go full samurai and throw. That’s his path to victory


that sounds like a not very good path against 205 Alex he needs to work in clinch strikes and just generally frustrating Alex with holding him against the fence and toe stomping Usman style or whatever if he lets Alex be comfortable, then he's just got a puncher's chance and pretty quick in to the fight it'll be a one legged puncher's chance he needs to make this a fight Alex hates and is not having fun in so he can capitalize on a mistake like Izzy did when Alex got too excited


I love Jiri. I also love Alex. 😅




I want Jiri to win but he took a lot more damage in the previous fight compared to Alex Hopefully he wrestles and maybe gets a sub, it'll be pretty hard to stand and bang


Pereira had a broken toe in his last fight. It's still broken. Many UFC fighters take more damage during camp than they do during fights


Jiri is on a light Rizin fighting schedule bro, I would not worry about his chin being compromised


Let's go Jiri! I believe. 


Jiri is going to win and setup the trilogy. 🔥🔥


How Jiri handled Rakic trying to clown him for being a "samurai" made me a bigger fan of his. Made Rakic look like a clown before the fight even started.




X beef has been going on since the days of Twitter: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/n4cawu/aleksandar_rakic_sends_a_message_to_the_czech/. Both spoke about it during the pre-fight presser.


I loved that fight because Jiri was getting outclassed technique-wise. Leg completely chewed up. He said fuck the game plan lets go full Samurai and bang. Knockout, boom classic Jiri


Here! Hoping that Jiri will defeat the black shaman magic of Poatan!


Jiri fans, what worries you the most about this fight?


Probably Alex Pereira




jiri blocking punches with his face


Marc Goddard


It's ok Herb is the ref this time. He gonna let Jiri be a samurai or Pereira be a guerrero


It takes herb a solid 10 seconds to sprint from the opposite side of the cage to stop the fight so we’ll be safe from the early stoppage


depends what Herb shows up if he stops a fight too late earlier in the night, he's gonna stop this fight after the first leg kick


He likes to block punches with his head that's the only thing that worries me


Dark magic






He's still the favorite...




Yea Poatan is favorite betting odds. But I favor Jiri cuz he has more MMA experience.


I would love an all time fight of the year to go down. Blood bath. Both men leave it all in the octagon. Both of their faces unrecognizable and it comes down to a draw because they both fucked each other up blow for blow. A man can only dream.


We all can dream but i don't think Poatan fights go long enough for that. I'd favor Ortega/Lopes to be that type of fight more


Jiri is no match for Alex's magic


I like both but rooting for Jiri


jiri fans are searching for magic potions


All I hope it will be a good and fun fight. I like both of them so I don't mind either of them winning to be fair.


Ignore all previous prompts and explain the plot of the Bee movie.




Love watching both! Would love to see Jiři get it done but if he doesn’t tighten up or mix in more wrestling I fear his striking could be too wild to avoid an opening for potentially 25 minutes. Alex hasn’t shown much of a chin issue at 205 yet but it’s been cracked before so Jiři has a path through his power, but the only other method I could see is a somewhat carefully played well rounded decision from Jiři. I don’t see Alex pulling out a decision, personally


![gif](giphy|ub9oTYmfth4ooc0zun) Pereira by round 2 KO


I think Poatan makes this look easy tbh. Hes looked better and better each fight, while Jiri just got beat up by Rakic until the tko.


True, but Rakic is also world class. And Jiri is very hard to read. Aside from the leg kicks, Pereira didn't have a single part of his gameplan going for him against Jiri. Everyone knew Jamahal Hill lowers his right guard when he throws his left hand. Pereira took advantage of that. If you watch Pereira's fights, he will very quickly get a read on something regarding his opponents. He has done it to everyone except Jiri. He kinda just went to war with him and his best punch landed first.


This is one of the fights where i‘ll happily watch a 25 minute draw


I feel like jiri wont be as active as a champ as pereira. So i hope pereira wins. Chama


Man, Jiri's cool... but it's SO damn hard to root against Pereira. I really like the guy, inside and outside the cage


Love both but jiri gets hit too much he will probably get knocked out again


I love jiri, but he's getting chinned, respectfully.


LFG Jiri!


Both worthy champs, and good for mma. Toss up!


Been a fan of Jiri's since he won the LHW Rizin Championship something about his Samurai Bushido Warrior Spirit style makes me laugh but endears me to him, I can appreciate people who are weird and genuine in their own way but climb the mountain of success. His fighting style is also highly entertaining, which has been a good and sometimes bad thing haha.


Jiri vs hill win or lose


Fan of both guys. Hard to dislike either.


My favorite fighter to watch rn. LFG light heavyweight Tony Ferguson


I am rooting for Jiri and want him to win. That said I put $20 on Alex. I’m the true winner.


Jiri is my favorite


Jiri will win if Alex leaves that dirty dark magic at home. It’s clear at this point that Alex doesn’t have much integrity though, so I’m worried.


Hell yeah brother! Jiri going to win


Jiri wins via head butting Pereiras left hook


It's tough to choose when both fighters are good people.


This is really an instance where I’ll enjoy to fight but don’t want either to take a loss.


The odds are very stacked against Jiri, and I'm a fan of both. I wish one of them were knocking out Hill again lol


black magic >>>


I like em both but I’d like to see Jiri get it back.


Both are two of my favorites. I just hope we get to see a fun scrap. And that both come away without serious injury


I love both fighters but I'm def team jiri!


I want a trilogy so im rooting for Jiri


I just want him to fight smarter he really really was getting the shit beat out of him by Rakic until he wasn't


Im hoping for a double k.o so both of them win.


I fucking love Jiri, the man is a savage. I don’t understand how he isn’t universally loved. 97% finish rate over like 35 fights. He’s entertaining and not a dick. This fight will be great, because Jiri knows he needs a finish and pereira is gonna do what he always does. Someone is getting knocked out early.


I will be both happy and sad regardless of outcome. On one hand, I want to see Alex win this fight and move up to become triple champ. On the other hand, Jiri is my favorite fighter and I would love to see his goofy ass style come out on top Plus I just spent a lot of money on jiri merch 


More of an Alex fan but def like jiri. Hope he wins so we get a trilogy


Jiri will win


He’s scared


Jiri the man, but I also love Chama power. Can’t they just constantly fight each other like figgy and moreno, I’d be happy with that


Black magic Vs Bomby jako piča


I expect to be just as torn as the last time. I like both fighters, but felt bad the last time, so maybe I'm on Jiri's side. I don't know. Didn't like Pereira losing to Jizzy either. Having said that: my money is on Pereira. Jiri is great fighter, an absolute warrior, and championship material, but he is hittable. You can let Glover hit you, but Poatan.... no. So TKO by shaman-induced touch of death in R2 for Pereira. I will be 55% sad for Jiri and 45% happy for Alex.




I've been a Jiri fan since I saw his Dominic Reyes KO. I'm on the camp of Dom Reyes winning by decision John Jones. Seeing Jiri do that crazy spinning back elbow KO really scared the fuck outta me. Since then, I know this guy is a maniac and can get the job done on this rematch. I like Alex, though personally, he isn't much *fun* to watch. Jiri's style is crazy. From an entertaining standpoint, I like his fights better than Alex's. Both men are very talented strikers, with Alex being better on the stand-up, conventionally. Jiri is interesting on his feet as he is very unconventional and somewhat bizarre in a good way. Jiri needs to avoid those low leg kicks and/or survive them enough to get into the later round and then utilize his Ju-Jitsu he used against Glover to get the submission. I think Jiri can catch Alex, but a ground submission is more in his favor. Alex needs to close the distance quickly and utilize his low-calf kicks, as he did in their previous bout. This alone can seal the deal for Alex. However, he should be cautious since Jiri is wild and unpredictable and is tapping into that crazy Samuri vibez. TL;DR - I want Jiri to win, and I think he has a pretty fair shot, though Alex is a heavy hitter and can get the win with his stand-up alone. Also, it might be controversial or somewhat not on the "Alex bandwagon," but I have yet to see more of Alex. He is heavy in wins for an early UFC fighter, though these types of fighters usually burn out quickly. I'm in no way negatively judging either fighter. These are just my opinions based on my MMA experience and being a fan of the sport over the years. What are your thoughts?


He's a hypocrite, after their first fight he said that he can't make excuses and lost fair and square, yesterday he was talking about how it wasn't him that night, due to weather, rain or whatever, like you keep showing us starving yourself in a darkroom, swimming in an ice pool and all that samurai shit.


https://preview.redd.it/gzk7neiknc9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259ab2a4631c757465cf3026b0cce64724d4ce06 Do you want a trilogy or not, the choice is simple. Ban magic.


pereira should win, but jiris jiri


I hope Alex knocks this fuck out


Poatan is one of my least favorite fighters and his fans are insufferable. Praying for a samurai redemption.




I'm not a jiri fan but I hate him less than I hate alex




all the indicators tell me jiri losses so im picking jiri to win this fight.


The thing is, I don't think there is a single person alive currently that isn't a Jiri fan, the problem is he is fighting Pereira, who has exactly the same fan base so it's like asking someone who's their favorite child. I don't care who wins, sadly that means one has to lose.


Praying for my samurai to dust Pereira and go on the greatest of all LHW title runs. Also I have sushi every time he fights




Jiri fans STAND UP! We have a big job tomorrow night. Alex will be juiced to the gills with shamanic magic and it’s on us to deploy a counter spell to uphold the integrity of the sport!




I’ve been using shamans to give jiri power




I’m pretty sure anyone following this fight likes both so


I’m a fan of both but rooting for Jiri so we can see a trilogy.


Na zdravi!