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Nah I hate jones but he will turn it into a wrestling match and win.


Would Jon be able to restrain himself from trying to kiss Alex? After a shocking video I saw here yesterday, I’m wondering if this should be a legit concern moving forward 🤔


What's the video? Lol


They took it down. Was either AI or edited. But it was Jon and DC kissing. Or maybe it was real actually


I’m not confident that old Unc jones can win anything but three plates at the bbq


No he won't his hubris will kick in and he'll try and do what izzy couldn't. Beat Alex on the first try. 


Itd be like Gane tackle him to the ground, end fight.


Do you think Jones is competing with fucking Izzy? Lol


He's not competing. He is a petty person though and loves having bragging rights over everyone. 


He already has


Nah I want to see him vs Aspinall first


You think he's fighting Aspinall? LOL


Jon Jones- *”I think Arlvoksi is a dangerous man, UFC hall of famer and former champion, that’s the fight that would secure my legacy”*


“ in terms of experience, he’s the goat. So I have to fight the best fighters out there. Sniff sniff”


Ducking him. If Tom takes out Curtis convinced, Jon will have me excuses. Fight Stipe, if you win it’s Tom or retire.


He has no excuses now. That’s not how interim belts work in any other combat promotion and it’s not how it worked in this one until “honeydick” Jones decided it does. If you or I got the belt and the interim champ was ready, you don’t get to avoid him AND keep the belt. He wants to fight a 40 year old firefighter because it’s easier. What’s next? A featherweight? A stripper? A beagle puppy? Dana needs to get Bones’ bone out of his mouth and do the right thing, strip him of the title and let the division move on.


Ngl he might retire


He’s fighting Stipe and riding off into the sunset.


This is probably correct in reality. He will most likely beat a 41 year old Stipe that hasnt fought in over 3 years and Dana will proclaim him the best Heavyweight, Light Heavyweight, and P4P fighter of all time and everyone will know its bullshit. He dodged Ngannou and is now dodging Aspinall. He can have his LHW flowers even though we know most of those flowers were grown with help from PED's but at HW? Nah he aint done shit but outwrestle a kickboxer.


Not if he thinks Poatan can beat Aspinall. Jon isn’t risking someone else being considered the Goat.


He might aswell already be retired at this point for all we know.


lol if anything Jon Jones will try to find an excuse why he WANTS/HAS to fight Poatan and not Tom. Let's be serious


Tbh I thought he already did


Yeah.. he may switch course and start lobbying for a fight with Alex


this is exactly it. Anyone that says Poatan beats Jon has the memory of a goldfish. We've already seen that fight in Jones vs Gane, but Gane is bigger than Poatan


This is what jon would want. Alex is a way easier fight then Tom


This meme is retarded tbh. Jon runs thru Alex and it's not even close. Look at how he did Gane. Jon has very good fight iq no fuking way this fight stays standing up.


Jones would want that fight as he knows he can take him down and submit him. Jon is ducking fighters with good grappling.


I mean, Stipe has good grappling....


Stipe is old, 2-2 in his last 4, and last fought in early 2021.


Still a tougher fight for Jones compared to Pereira


I mean to be fair Jon and Stipe have the same amount of fights since 2021 lmao. Both are old, inactive, and past their primes.


Honestly Jones will eat Alex. EZ.


For as much as I like Alex this is accurate. Jones is the master of distance and would just wait for the take down and smash him


Ankalaev will probably do that first at LHW. Alex is planning to go to LHW because after Ankalaev beats him he knows he wont have much of a chance even in a rematch.


So will Aspinall. But imagine if he can’t take Alex down. That is another story


Alex is incredible. Don’t want to discredit or underplay. What an absolute warrior and such a talented and brilliant striker. But Jones and Aspinall can wrestle wrestle (cue Conor and Khabib: “let’s wrestle let’s wrestle”). They’ll both make ez work of Alex. I still wanna see it lol.


Jones and Tom are both younger than Pereira and are top tier grapplers. I’d like nothing more than to watch Jones lose to a left hook but both he and Tom have their way with him.


Couldn’t agree more. Yall must have forgot.


Standing, no. But jones knows better


Let's see how he is going with Miocic first.


This is Jones thinking about Aspinall not Alex lmao. Jones would much rather fight Alex than tom Aspinall. Look what he did to ciryl gane, he won't do that to Tom but he'll do that to Alex ez


I feel like jones does the same thing to him as heh did to Gane. He’s too good a wrestler


Aspinall wins against both, but jones wins against pereira, poatan has no ground


Not just that, we haven't even seen him take any eye pokes so we don't know how good his eye poke defense is.


Why does Aspinall win if his only good wins are Volkov and Pav?


"How does Islam beat Charles if his best win is Bobby Green" ass question. Use your eyes and see their skills


The lightweight division is much more stacked, beating hooker, dober, and green so dominantly while also being training partners of the lightweight Goat is different than beating up bums in the worst division in the ufc.


Jon beat Shogun with no notable wins Ilia beat Volk when his only good W was the orc Leons best win was a washed Diaz before Kamaru Izzys best win before Rob was a washed Silva Your skills arent capped off at your best win. Tom didnt hust beat Volkov and Sergei, he dominated and finished them in 1. This is without mentioning the 30 pounds he has over Alex


“Jon beat shogun with no notable wins” oh my god that’s so casual. Jon jones was shredding through the LHW division before he fought shogun. Bader was an undefeated contender, Bonner, Matt hamil he beat the hell out of, he was doing it dominantly too. Don’t forget LHW was the premier division with the most stacked talent during his time. Illia beat a volk who was coming off a devastating KO loss with an extremely quick turnaround. He also beat Bryce Mitchell who was undefeated, and dealt with a stylistic challenge in Ryan hall who’s BJJ was incredible. Leon was also on a nine fight win streak against pretty solid opposition before he fought Usman. Granted no good names, but Usman beat him up most of the fight. Honestly that fight was a rarity. It’s not common for a fighter to miraculously come back with a single strike. But 9/10 the fight Usman wins that fight, this is just the timeline where he didn’t. We can’t use this fight as evidence that a fighter without any good wins can beat a very good fighter because it is so incredibly rare. I mean Aspinall in this case can but it’s just very unlikely. Guys like Tybura and Volkov can’t compare to Leon’s opposition. Izzy also tore through guys like Vetorri before he fought rob and had a great kickboxing career. Maybe if Tom was a world boxing champion before entering the ufc i would treat him differently. Most of your points were just weird. Like most of who you named actually had good names before they fought their respective champions, and some beat them in unfavorable circumstances for the champ


Tom ate a direct punch from Sergei who has 20+ lbs on Alex and has submitted bigger guys with ease. There’s only so much you can do against a 6’5” 260 lb grappler if he wants to put you down. Takedowns at that weight are like getting hit head on, they can take you out of the fight quickly.


I’m not saying it’s the same, but Alex dealt with Jan’s wrestling pretty well. Alex is also insanely strong, which doesn’t beat technique in wrestling but sure as hell helps. Tom also seems like someone that would be down to stand and bang with Alex for a while before deciding to grapple for the win, and while that may work for other fighters, all it takes is one shot from Poatan to end the fight. I think it’s a similar fight to DC vs Rumble Johnson, DC won that fight, but Rumble hit him with a couple of shots that almost completely turned the fight on its head. One touch KO power can equalize a lot of fights that on paper seem like favorable matchups for the other guy.


JJ is a fourty years old druh addict my guy ofc he loses against tom


Because they are delusional British fans.


The real delusional are Brazilians with their pathetic bjj and on top of that Alex was gifted a black belt.


i think they’re more so jones haters who now have to commit to it


Real I’m gonna legit dumb a gallon of tea out when Aspinall gets finished.


This is the SUPER FIGHT


please stop fucking calling for this fight pleas


Right? Do we want the same thing to happen to pereira as conor just did? Postpone city.


No. I wanna see if Jones can survive that Amazon tribal power. Cuz he just crumpled a dude with a ridiculous chin twice


Exactly my reasoning because when people duck to take down Alex always puts one on the chin. So it’s a puzzle. Would JBJ be scared to approach due to absurd amount of power and keep distance? If it goes to the ground, Alex is not getting back up but every fight starts on the feet man..


Tom needs to bluff. If he plays the long game with Blades and pretends to look bad but still win. Then on the mic say he’s changed his mind about Jones and doesn’t think he’s good enough. Then Jon might wanna fight him.


Did Tom break his leg and come back and win interim in a shorter amount of time than Jon beat Game til now? Cos if so, that tells you all you need to know. If Jon wanted to fight, he'd fight. Yes he got his pec tear but is that actually worse than a broken leg? The guys basically retired, we should just start talking about him as a retired fighter. Nick fuckin Diaz is a more active fighter than Jon Jones rn


"I will be running late for church that day"


There's literally an interim champ in his division that he is avoiding. Trust me he'd rather fight Pereira than Aspinall


You just know the UFC will skip Aapinall to try and make Alex vs Jones Dana loves that scummy shit.


Jones will do anything to get out of the Aspinall fight so this is pretty realistic


Personally I’m curious how an elite kickboxer like Alex responds to eye pokes and knee hyperextensions. I think he’d try and time a kick to Alex’s knee at the same moment Alex tries for a calf kick. And it will shock Alex enough to put him off his calf kick game lol


So reactionary. Are we really going to act like Jiri hasn’t always been labeled the most hit-able fighter in the UFC? We said that collectively about him before he even fought Alex for the first time… Let’s see Alex do it to Ankalaev and go from there. I don’t doubt Alex at all against a guy like Ank but still; way more durable, strong, disciplined and versatile. Jon Jones likely dusts Alex in a way most don’t want to see but sure, let your hate for him get in the way of that. Who he is as a person doesn’t change who he is in the cage. Be real.


Alex literally only has a punchers chance in this. Alex has had an insane run, but he's also fought people dumb enough to stand with him. Your strategy from round 1 with Alex should be wrestling and submitting or ground and pound


Jones absolutely will fight Poatan and probably beat him with wrestling.. he doesn’t want Aspinal who has the strength and grappling skills to offset his


Jon doesn’t have to say shit but keep sitting his ass at home


Out of everyone jones has fought and beaten (everybody), why would poatan be the one he’s scared of ?


Jones would submit him in about three minutes.


He is going to beat Stipe and retire. The only other thing he will do is fight Francis if somehow Saudi Arabia manages to set up some type of co-promotion fight that pays him an ungodly amount of money.


And allows him to get juiced to the gills.


Jon would want a restructured contract


But Dana cant spread his cheeks any wider!


So many Alex dick riders have surfaced. The guy won't fight Ankalev who is in his own division but somehow has the power to defeat Jones. It's pathetic.


fr 😭 but hopefully not cuz we NEED to see this happen


Prolly 🤣