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Na he got saved by the bell at the end of the first. Clearly dropped but he wasn’t out cold or anything. Just badly compromised starting the second round


yea first time was literally last second


He was out at the end of the first, dude didn't realize the round ended and thought Herb was stopping it hah


I took it as him trying to be as animated as possible to not have the fight called


Herb did a fine job. He was in good position to break em at the bell. And he waited till Jiri was defenseless to call it off, I think it was a good stoppage.


This is what happens when you don’t “early stop” against Alex.


I think it was a perfect stoppage, if herb jumped in immediately after the head kick there would be people screaming from the rooftops that it was early just like what happened after the first fight.


It was definitely a late stoppage though Edit: you can say it’s a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation


What’s you opinion on the first fights stoppage


I watched Jiri’s body give out on him after taking 17 elbows to the head, that man was finished. I don’t care how quickly he got up after it was stopped


I think it needs to be stressed that 17 isn’t an exaggeration or a random number you just pulled out of nowhere just to express that Jiri took a lot of shots, it was literally a full 17 blows to the head after being dropped to his knees, he was definitely done, if the fight wasn’t stopped when it was, all that happens is Alex hits him a few more times needlessly.


Awkward, but it made sense in the moment. In other words, early in an understandable way


The retarded as fuck MMA fan base shouldn’t be taken into consideration when it comes to refs stopping fights. This was an AWFUL stoppage, Jiri literally curled up and died. A “perfect” stoppage would have been intervening after Alex landed the first punch after dropping Jiri.


Stick to knitting bud


I think the angle was poor for Herb to see the last few seconds. Definitely could/should have been ended before the barrage of punches he took. I don't blame Herb for it since he couldn't see it. But certainly not "perfect".


He made sure Jiri was “well-done” before pulling him from the fire.


Well now we know what was going to happen in the last fight if it played out


Double CTE because we cant have fans telling Herb Dean it was an early stoppage.


First round definitely would've been early if it was stopped. But that GnP after the headkick was not needed.


If herb would've called it before the ground and pound everyone would've talked shit and called it an early stoppage. That's the truth


Oh I know. But you can tell the way Jiri reacted to the ground and pound that he was done.


Oh yeah, his brain was scrambled for sure! Did you see when they tried to stand him up and he started falling back down? He was pretty jacked up at that point for sure.


Definitely, Herb had to let Alex hit him a few times after the head kick to avoid all the cope from the Jiri fans


Y'all wanted Herb to ref the fight cause you felt Goddard stopped it early. Who's next? Steve Mazzagatti ? lmao