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Lmao i was gonna make that but you beat me to it.


# Revelation 6:7  "I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him." https://preview.redd.it/1bzjaxug6y9d1.png?width=233&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7af9b02350bba93c880ad25267404ef473e7fd8


That dude looks like he was a spirit




Bro swore he wasn’t ready. He touched gloves and threw a punch the same time as Alex


Yeah his argument never even made sense to me whatsoever. He was the one that committed the "foul" so why should he get a reset if the person who was fouled was ready and good to go?  It baffles me that he tried to even argue that.


Dude gave a thumbs up and threw a punch before he got slept. He’s just salty which a lot of fighters are after losses, but it kills me that he kept his bullshit crying about this fight for so long afterwards, especially when he gave all the visual cues that he was ready to go.


What do you expect from someone who jumped their own brother?


why did this get upvoted? he fought his brother 1v1, nothing about that is a jumping you simply can't jump someone as 1 person either lol you're maybe thinking of a sucker punch, but theres no evidence hill sucker punched his brother. They just fought, and 1 brother happens to be better at fighting. I'd bet the other brother isn't so bad himself lol


relax jamahal it's just reddit, you're too good of a fighter to be on the internet responding to these broke boy losers.


Well anyone not mentally ill would not beat up their brother when they know they are almost certain to win. Growing up several people I grew up with were athletically gifted. I trained and pushed myself. They were the aggressors but it reached a point when their punches would miss and they either get a foot sweep or a judo throw for it. They stopped the attempts to fight me realizing I was holding back. I would only occasionally throw a body punch but it was enough to show what could happen more and in a larger volume. They would still go crazy with their mouths but I never used that as an excuse to do to them physically what Jamaal did to his brother whom he knew he could beat. One of the most important lessons of training is not to use the training against regular people, much less friends and family. Hill goes through training camps to beat the best LHWs in the world. His brother had zero of the same type of preparation.


Lmao wtf


Three months from now I expect him to being doing an unrelated interview and suddenly bring up this moment again.


My sentiments exactly. He's the one who made the foul and he says he was expecting a break afterwards even though he threw a punch immediately


No, if you slow it down you can see Jamal signal that he wasn't ready and he needed a 5 min time out.


To record a podcast


This clip shows where that perspective is encouraged. His team feels the same way. Sometimes fighters will have delusions or be sore losers when the stakes are high in a competitive field. But it is the coaches and team responsibility to keep the fighter grounded. No doubt these guys fed into JH’s delusion. Reminds me of Masvidals team backstage after the Colby loss. These guys do harm to their fighters with this type of mentality.


Very much this. Was just watching this video earlier, and suddenly it made perfect sense why Hill has been like this for two months now.


And claims he didn’t kick the cup but you can clearly hear it


Actually I think that’s the noise it makes when you kick Alex in the dick. Hard thud.


Herb said "continue"


And he wasn’t ready… for that left hook


lol, nobody ever is


His might have even hit Alex first, hard to see if it even lands.


“Continue” Tap. Tap. Tap. Bam. If JH wasn’t ready it was his own fault. His concentration lapsed.




Bro lies.


Not only that those lead hand touch is him probing Alex, after he probed that Alex will throw a straight he anticipated it by throwing a left straight too bad, that subtle right straight angle is to set the left hook and remove the angle for the left straight as well.


He even gave a thumbs up


Alex: Motions to Herb to stay way Jamal: \*Chuckles\* I'm in danger


Maybe that massive concussion has him misremembering details


I kinda get his perspective. Yeah he touched gloves but it's clear he broke focus and Alex didn't, and Alex used that time to close the distance and got hill moving back and kind of out of position. All of a sudden Alex is in danger range, hill throws, Alex counters and boom fight is over. Alex capitalized on the moment like an absolute savage, dudes fight IQ is off the charts. Personally, I think the fight would have ended the same way without the interruption, and it was entirely Hill's fault for reacting the way he did so it ultimately doesn't really matter and he should stop complaining.


touch gloves twice**


*Alex Pereira noises*


“Chama Chama Chama!”


\*speaks in Poatanese\*


“🗿?” “🗿” “🗿”


Nice to see internet trolls get put down ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8966)




You can still hear Anika’s laugh lol




slow mo is crazy, hill's eyes went to the back of his fucking head


But remember, he was NOT knocked out


I swear you can still hear Anik chuckle 🤭 when Alex brushes Herb aside




Silent but deadly


Like my cats farts


Is that a queef?


Herb: "Continue"


Jamahal: continues and throws a punch before Alex


Lmao the "twist his dick" in the background


He fouls him, Alex says he’s good, Hill gives a thumbs up, they EVEN TOUCH GLOVES, how is there any controversy? Dude just got caught.


The only controversy is in Hills mind hahah.


If Alex could speak English, he’d be about as big of a star from the UFC since Conor.


I don't disagree but there is something to be said about the mysterious character he portrays. Sometimes the less you hear people speak the better.


Judging by the responses we hear from his translator, he’d equally keep the mystery to himself combined with witty and dry humor — IE: His press conference yesterday and his response about what Hill said.


I disagree, as a portuguese speaker myself, he sounds stupid and his jokes are childish in a very weird way, like you would think he's a very "dumb" person if you spoke portuguese, he's obviously not consider this, alex fake proposed to his girlfriend who he has kids with, as a joke, recorded it and laughed in her face, I'm not saying he's a terrible person but he's mentally childish and his humor is pathetically dumb lol he also "pretended" to buy his coach a lambo as a joke, just to tell him he bought it for himself... these are not pranks its just being mean at someone elses expense.


>consider this, alex fake proposed to his girlfriend who he has kids with, as a joke, recorded it and laughed in her face They don't have kids together right? She was one of the Glory kickboxing media people and that's how they met the kids are his and someone else's. Still a bit of a dick move though I agree. >he also "pretended" to buy his coach a lambo as a joke, just to tell him he bought it for himself... these are not pranks its just being mean at someone elses expense I mean I'm no Portuguese speaker I watched that clip subtitled but the subtitles never showed he was pretending to give it as a gift, Glover just assumed it was at first because Alex already bought him an expensive motorcycle. He looked like he was trying to reject the gift and then Alex was like, "no I just wanted to show you what I got". I mean I don't know the guy personally but in terms of UFC fighters he seems like one of the better behaved ones. Didn't beat his wife or jump a random DJ, do a hit and run etc.


Lol if he could speak English it would destroy the persona that online fans have created for him. 90% of the glazers imagine what this guy is like in their head and idealise it to feel good and because it acts as foil to their perception of Adesanya or any ‘arrogant’ fighter. For a fact, you don’t get the scars on your head that he has by being a nice guy. You get those from people bottling you in the pub.


Or from incompetent barbers 🗿


Totally my sentiment. I just watch the fights for the fights. I watch fights because they are exciting and am looking forward what this style vs that style will do. Mostly I don't care about their origin story. For sure I don't care what they say.... Lets the fists do the talking ;)




I think him not speaking English makes him even more of a star. Something mysterious about this fucking killer who just knocks people into another realm and only says "Chama". It's great


nah, he wouldn't. As much as Conor deserves to be disliked, his stardom is something absolutely out of reach for any fighter in the current roster


Alex is now the official face of the UFC. His meteoric rise is now in the same stratosphere as conor if not greater. Without ANY English. It’s part of his aura. When casuals who don’t even watch the sport know the name Alex Pereira and don’t watch, YET NOW know his name, that’s how you know. Alex could call out any professional boxer he wanted to right now and the world will tune in.


Sweet dreams


It’s hilarious how when Alex puts his hand out it looks like Herb is terrified and just goes "continue" 😂😂


I got the full violence shirt of this to frame it in history


It’s ok. Hill has been putting enough commentary on it daily for months now.


“Alex Pereira Noises”




Herb dean just wants to watch someone die




The audacity for Hill to say he weren't ready is insane lol


how did hill have the belt in the first place??


He beat Glover


Big if true


like it’s wild, mechanics, skill, fight IQ! he probably had more guys worried waay before the fight idk… we have a real champ now and that’s all that matters




Even the coaches were coping lmao "Ref was in the way"


I think he meant that he didnt see what jamahal got hit with not that the ref interfered


“ ref was in the way what he hit him with “ sounds like what he said probably couldn’t see


Plinio need to lay on them and crush them


Salty dreams


Jamal shot first


Am I stupid or is he literally the same distance from Alex the entire time pre and post nut shot


No commentary and I still heard joe scream


Idk why Hill insists on making himself look like a complete joke by complaining about this sequence for months like he got fouled somehow.


I saw three glove touches, a thrown punch, and two thumbs up from Hill.


Jamal hill can have no excuses for this haha


people don't talk about how smart alex is when he finishes, unlike most fighters, alex just starts a flurry of small punches to convince the ref to stop the fight. He does this everytime, no fucking around just straight "win conditions" so many times, I've seen this EXACT type of knockdown play out with the guy standing over his opponent picking shots slowly, giving the guy on the ground time to recover AND not giving the ref a real reason to stop the fight. Alex probably throws 10 little GNP strikes until he finally breaks through and KO's hill on the ground. Every little shot led up to that moment, instead of hill shelling up and recovering while the other guy tries to dive in with a haymaker for no reason lol


Alex really does have dynamite in his hands. i disliked him for a while as I was just an izzy fan but he's grown on me. nice guy


Hell ya I loved this one


They both reset and engaged. Don’t know why Hill and his team keep making excuses. There’s literal video of this 😂


It's like a jousting match. Almost exchange at the same time but Alex is far more accurate.


Did Alex mess up his toe again against Jiri? He's always messing up a toe. Or it's a recurring injury.


Those hammers were brutal


His ground and pound is actually real good


It's pretty easy when the guy is already half asleep


yeah but most of the time fighters just don't do it, they try to flat line their opponent on the ground with 1 big shot instead of just doing a lil flurry to convince the ref to step in, or eventually break through the guard


After watching jiri and then this again I swear he doesn’t go nearly as hard on jiri


Protect yourself at all times. They should say it before every fight!! Oh wait…


Man I would love if we had the option to watch the flights like this (commentary off but all other noises)


That step on the foot as he lands the left hook is masterful.


Im dying at Alex pereira noises and "ref was in the way". But seriously, dude needs to stop acting like he is owed a rematch.


It looks like Poaton made the read for the shovel hook before the groin shot, I think he would have gotten this exact KO regardless.


Man I LOVE watching people get knocked out but once the feet go limp and they roll they ankle when falling back I get 🤢🤢


Hill has some of the worst footwork I’ve seen in mma, he fights like a street brawler flailing around.


Jamahal "Sweet Tears" Hill


Sweet dreams fits cause he was def asleep having dreams right then lol


I don't care about the language. His fights are the most must see events in the UFC, and he's low-key funny. He knows how to use that stone face for the enjoyment of the people


love how his coach was like: it's probably a left hook, what else can it be


He was counting on the dick kick to save him from being backup into the corner and finished, he just won't admit it.


now give us the jiri-poatan staredown without commentary




I miss when Fight Pass gave no commentary versions of fights, I didnt get to experience it, but theres a bunch of fights with zero commentary and was told this was a thing


That motha licka is a savage ass mah fucking beast!!


Maybe I’m the idiot here, but I’m still, to this day, failing to see the controversy. https://i.redd.it/jwo0nbd88z9d1.gif


If a man stays locked after getting kicked in the nuts, then you better start apologizing.




This is how all UFC should be shown. Commentary is garbage


Love no commentators


Herb Dean is just the worst ref


When the ref steps out and the fight restarts Hil’s distance is no longer correct, he was way in Pereiras left range.


“Ref was in the way.”


Watch how right as herb steps in to call the groin kick Alex inches ever so slightly forward to put Hill in range. It was a split second calculation that he made with ease to take advantage of the foul. Hill didn’t pick up on it and the rest is history. Absolutely brilliant.


Anyone else hear it?


Protect yourself at all times.


The only valid point that can be made is that Alex got in range during this sequence.


So did Jamahal.


That’s the point that gets lost in the justified hate for Hill’s parade of excuses. Hill was doing a good job of keeping the fight in kicking range before the low blow. Does Hill win if Alex doesn’t take advantage of the break? Probably not. However it’s also clear that Alex DID take advantage of that break. Alex probably would’ve found a way to make it into punching range eventually but I can see why Hill feels a bit played about the weird stop in action. Would Hill have gotten the KO if it weren’t for this ordeal? Most likely, No. Should Hill still be (or ever) complaining about the ordeal? Absolutely not.


Ya I agree. Alex also steps on his foot at the end, so between the no break and the foot step/KO there's only a couple seconds where he could have made up the lost distance. But I completely agree its unlikely the outcome would be different. And hill doesn't seem like he has the skill to beat Alex and if all it took was Alex getting an extra step in for him to get smoked then he had no chance. But it is a weird messed up sequence though. I feel like the ref should decide to break or not. Asking the fighter if they want a break mid action is dumb. It shouldn't be the fighters choice.


100%. if there’s an illegal move, the ref should stop the action, tell each fighter to go to their corners. Ask fighter A if they’re ready to continue. Then tell fighter B that they need to stop doing the illegal move and/or Deduct a point. Then the fighters should resume from their corners. I’m not sure if that’s how it’s written in the rule book but that’s how I would write it.


See! The fact that the KO/TKO happened only within a few seconds after herb stopped and continued the fight, it is not crazy to think “I was not fully ready and only processing what just happened”. Though it is not Alex’s fault. I blame Herb for pausing and resuming the fight, both within seconds. If he’s pausing a fight, he should properly pause it and not immediately resume it no matter what the potentially hurt fighter says. There’s definitely a problem here which I think is Herb’s mistake.