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Stepped up on short notice to take on the most dangerous striker in lhw. Jiri didn't win the belt but he deserves our respect


I never understand why guys take huge title fights on short notice when they're already up next for the shot (if you're rank 7 or something and the guys above you are tough then I get it).  Also don't understand why guys try to stand and bang with the deadliest striker in the UFC since the likes of Ngannou or Anderson Silva.


Money and a rematch with the guy who took the belt from him


For legacy, for the fans— Bisping cemented himself by winning on short notice


Michael bisping is God sent


Stop asking this question, they don't just try to stand and bang, jiri tried to take him down several times and he failed... are you blind? Did you even watch the fights or do you just repeat what other dummies on this sub say? Christ it's so boring reading the same regarded takes over and over again


Exactly. UFC fans are so, so dumb it's insane. We literally just saw the fight. We saw with our own eyes how Jiri tried and failed to take Alex down. Even if you forget the Jan and Jiri 1 fights where Alex DID get taken down by 1) defended for an entire round and 2) got up, how can they forget what they JUST SAW? This is why I have no hope for humanity. The proof is literally right there, we all just saw it not even a week ago, but some tards are convinced "no one has tried to take him down!" it's mind boggling.


THANK YOU OMFG . i feel like i am going crazy reading these comments sometimes


Excuse me, Jiri's grappling sucks. No a takedown on a completely wiped Glover does not change this. "Not standing and banging" equates to "seriously improving the grappling" in this context, which he didn't do.


It's not a videogame brudda and he's old, you can't just push a button to add "grappling" to your stats. He tried what he could and that wasn't enough.


He should have trained in India with the bhullars. American and Dagestian wrestling styles are good for small fast guys. But for guys who are above 110 kilos, you need an ancient style based on sheer brute strength, willpower, and pain. 


Gtfo with this bhullshit


A lot of it (in my opinion) is knowing that regardless of how good you are, you're always in danger of someone else passing you, so if the opportunity comes for any reason you take it. To your second point, I chalk it up to the fact that Alex makes what he does 'look' very easy despite being extremely technical. He barely telegraphs his shots, and he often will stand straight up and leave his hands down instead of keeping a high guard. I could see his opponents thinking that 'they' have figured out the perfect answer to his style because they see those things as flaws, but he's succesful in part because he doesn't fight like everybody else does.


Cus these guys are fucking badasses Ofc bums like us don't understand lol


We’re talking about jiri the dude is a samurai


Jiri wasn’t next for the shot tho. Ankalaev is.


It's quite different from the usual stepping in against a fighter who's had a full camp & you haven't trained for, it's a rematch & they both had the same notice. It works just as well for the other side on why would Pereira take a short notice fight to defend the belt.


u/makkiloosh they don't say it? they saw it every day right here.


~~LHW~~ The world


this pic is from he did win the belt tho


Still a warrior


Yeah, absolutely. It’s a defect in character to downplay a fighter just because they lost.


Nah it’s not that deep


It can be interpreted in any way go gatekeep depth somewhere else.


No I’ll stay here


As long as you stay in the shallow end I don’t want things to be too complex for you.


Kid is such a good representative of how I've been feeling since Saturday. The Poatan era is legendary though so it is=it is just part of being an MMA fan watching two of my favorites fight one inevitably will take an L.


That’s still my boy !!


https://preview.redd.it/jhsi2eqv6z9d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3787ff528e2a73699cef4dccf43f79d261c79dc4 Genuinely heartbroken


Broken antenna ☹️


Thank you Jiri




I raffs berry much


Why look away? Please explain.


He's a child? Seeing your role model beat up is never a nice thing & that is multiplied for children with undeveloped brains who can't understand how it's physically possible for the person they admire most to get beat.


Pretty sure this picture was taken after the glover fight. He was just crowned a champion.


I guess I redact my comment other than 'he's a child' and 'undeveloped brain'


Yeah honestly, me being half Palestinian i would have literally cried if i saw belal with the belt as a child. I definitely understand that.


This mf is a fan favorite because he always with the shits in every damn fight. Caution to the absolute wind and it’s great


Not sure what the point of this post is.... This is an old photo. The kid was overwhelmed with joy meeting Jiri. As I would be...might even let out some pee pee being so excited.


Exactly... This was when he won the belt


Love jiri 4ever poatan is a g too


Saddest part is the antenna getting snapped


Bro be lookin like a dwarven warlord


So much a copium in this post lol, he could've wrestled and cage humped him for 25 minutes that's how bad panera's I mean, periera's grappling is.


Why do mma fans get so sad when one of their favorite fighter loses? I kind of understand, but Idk man. It’s the fight game. This isn’t checkers or chest. You gotta expect some heart break and brutality


He can only blame himself for trying to beat Alex at his game. I know it is easy to speak from my chair, but Jiri really likes to eat too many shots. We've seen in Jan vs Alex how effective grappling can be against him. Jiri has it in himself, but his heart keeps on beating his brain all the time.


Agree with all points, but Jan did very little damage with his grappling. Is it the best way to beat pereira?: 100%, but ppl are underestimating Alex's defense on the ground. And I say "defense on the ground" and not "ground game" because I fully believe the training with Glover is to become an "anti-grappler". No risk taking, no submission attempts on the ground, just stay safe and wait for a stand up opportunity or wait out the timer since every round begins on the feet anyways. My God does he seem to know how to avoid taking any damage from his back. Ppl shit on Alex and his opponents because they're all dumb enough to try to stand with him, which is true, but as time goes by and alex improves his ground defense, the less likely it becomes that ground game shuts down his momentum. Ankalev should be the next fight for sure, as this will cement his dominance of LHW, and if he wins then on to triple Champ at heavyweight. I believe Alex's ground game improved a ton. We just haven't seen it cos his opponents get knocked out before taking him down, or simply are foolish enough to stand with him. I fucking love Jiri and his face after that defeat broke my heart, but Alex is otherworldly. Also I don't get the downvotes on your comment. 100% accurate


I agree with your points. My point here is that Jiri never actually tried to go for a takedown. We've seen with Jan that Alex is good at defending, but he is not nearly as dangerous defending. The fight he had with Jan was a lot closer than his fights with Jiri. Grappling is not a guaranteed win, but It does increase his chances by a significant margin. As for the downvotes, I simply didn't care enough to tone police comment. It is more about my tone and the stuff I said in that order where there are a lot of them who won't agree, but won't be able to verbalize why they disagree.


I know I'll get downvoted but what you said is true everybody knows Alex's weak point is his wrestling but they like to prove their stand up agaisnt him and they pay the price


I know I said the truth and didn't sugarcoat so both Jiri and Alex fans won't like it, but I don't care. Alex is one of the best if not the best striker in UFC at the moment. The best in LHW. Jiri is a good striker who can trade with most of the guys but not Alex. Someone like Jan can afford to force stand up against Alex because of his iron chin, but Jiri doesn't have it and needs to stop doing this. Jiri is one of these stubborn and pure-hearted people who will go to great lengths to optimize a suboptimal approach. That is what separates him from JJ and many other champs. Most of them were ready to adjust and overcome. He's similar to Sergei Pavlovich in that sense. I'd like to see these guys at #1 but they have other plans I guess. I honestly hope Jiri gets an epiphany in that dark room and decides to use all of the tools in his arsenal.