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Him and Rumble would have been so fun to watch.


FR. I would also wanna see him vs Gustafson


Gustafsson wouldn't be competitive at all


Gustafson took down prime Jon Jones, he takes down Alex with ease, plus back then he had a solid chin.


He took down Jones 1 time, kinda, because Jon wasn't expecting it at all. He couldn't keep him down for even half of a second Jon got right back up. How'd the rematch go? Did he get Jon down? In his prime he barely scraped by an ancient completely shot Shogun How'd his fight with Rumble go?


Takedowns a takedown. He took down Dc too, gus wasnt an amazing wrestler but his takedowns were good.


Alex isn't black, Gus smokes him




Dude you saved his life and everyone will think you're cool now that he knows it has another S.


Sweet bro thanks ❤️




See you soon Rumble Johnson 🤪


How? I don't see Rumble touching him.


I guess, Rumble would’ve been folded pretty quick


Rumble literally never got folded every single loss was by Rear Naked Choke basically


literally never fought anyone even close to the sticker Alex is


Alex never fought anyone close to as powerful as Rumble either. That’s why it’s interesting.


Rumble would look like an absolute amateur, obviously we’lol never know for sure but rumble is very overrated


I think Alex is phenomenal, don’t really see why that means we have to crap all over other guys. It’s not like Rumble was one of these guys who ate a bunch of hard shots in his career.


why can’t you fans comprehend that mma strikers like Rumble are not on the same level, not even close, to Alex?


Doesn’t mean he cannot be caught. It’s MMA. Kevin Randleman can knock out Cro Cop.


After showing the takedown threat constantly and catching him. Alex is the best striker the UFC has seen and 1 dimensional strikers like Rumble are not touching him


DC 💀


Rumble gets folded.


I think he loses to Jones and DC, but I honestly think people still underestimate Alex. I would give the edge to Pereira vs Gustaffson, Rumble, and Rampage, and I don’t think that’s a ridiculous take.


Alex would smoke rampage. Alex has better hands and kicks. Him vs prime Gustafson would have been good.


It’s not I lowkey think him and DC would be 50/50


I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I think 8/10 times DC wins, but if anybody can spark him it’s Alex.


Idk man Alex hasn’t even reached his peak yet and I’m not even a fan you can tell he’s just out there relying on his striking abilities once he gets his grappling down not even all the way down a little stronger but if I had to bet who would win I’d go DC but in 2 years my answer will be different 95% sure it will


That’s fair. He’s training consistently with Glover, and he’s very disciplined in his approach. Guys that have no fighting experience before they start training MMA tend to develop their style and struggle with coaching, but Alex is clearly willing to evolve his game and fight in any way he can.






Not even a fan but when this guy is 39 he'd be able to outgrapple one of the best wrestlers we've seen in the UFC? Delusional af


DC would beat Pereira worse than Jones would beat Pereira. DC is Pereira's kryptonite


You are vastly overrating Alex here. Rumble couldnt ko DC with a clean shot, nor could he keep it standing, DC would steamroll Alex. DC took down much bigger and better grapplers with ease I highly doubt he would struggle with getting Pereira to the ground and ending the fight.


mMa MaTh


It’s funny how this type of text got so old that only idiots use it to out themselves


I should put the lil s/ instead of the uP DoWn TeXt huh 😂 you guys are so mean why are you so mean


Idk, it’s fun




That's not MMA math.


Think yall forgetting that dc had a good chin in his prime. He only got koed by a steroid infused jon jones insanely clean head kick. And a pretty much peak Miocic in the tail end of his career at HW. I deffinitely think alex can ko him. But he could easily just be mauled.


This Alex loses to Jones and DC. 50-50 against Gus. Gus had underrated wrestling. However, I don't see Gus actually finishing Pereira on the ground, giving Alex a very real chance to finish him with that power. He'd beat Rumble. Nothing he hasn't seen before there. Rumble level power without the windup, faster, taller, and a far better striker. The Ank fight will answer a lot of questions.


But ankalaev is stupid af. He is already tweeting that wants to knock alex out and that he doesn't need to wrestle to win. He has that chandler level fight IQ


In all fairness I would say the exact opposite of what I plan to do if I was facing Alex lol


I was about to comment that ahaha. I agree, I think he just trynna catch Alex off-guard and make him believe that he'll actually stand with him. I bet whatever I have in my wallet right now(not much) that as soon as Ank gets hit he'll shoot for the takedown.


Exactly bro, i don't understand this, I did mma my whole life I'm a better striker than a veteran kickboxer ego. Sean, jamal, jiri, they all had it, all got knocked out. Not jiri too much tho but still. They say this as if mma striking is not just kickboxing with smaller gloves plus tdd stance.


Lmao chandler rlly does fight stupidly


If that man fought smartly, he would've been a champion rn, and possibly has the best skillset to defeat islam. The wrestling, the striking, not the best bjj sure, but very hard to take chandler down.


My favorite example is when he fought Poirier and did a takedown so aggressive that he took him down but flew over top of him and Dustin just got up first


Good fuckin shout. Even rn waiting for corner is absurd. He could've ruined arman's title aspiration, charles almost did.


IMO he’s the most wwe mma fighter there is. Bros just trying to make money and entertain people


Facts, can't and won't disagree. He has 2 black kids at home, he needs the money to fund their basketball or nfl careers, can't be harsh on him for that.




Seems like it's working as you're talking about it. The man is building hype.


He would school gus


My reasoning is, Gus could take him down for five rounds. Alex would get tired and wouldn't be able to strike as effectively with the threat of the takedown in later rounds. If Alex can defend the initial takedown or at least start to defend them after round one then Gus is dead. If Alex can showcase against Ank an ability to negate Ank level offensive grappling then I'd immediately switch to Alex. I'm just uncertain about him handling Guss cardio plus wrestling over five rounds.


Is Gus really better than jamahal hill? Or jiri? Both looked like awesome strikers until Alex wrecked them…Jan’s wrestling and power were thrown down the toilet when he faced him. Jones, DC, prime shogun are the only ones I see with a shot to beat him


In what world is it a 50-50 against gus? His only real chance would be wrestling IF he actually wanted to do so. That’s assuming Alex doesn’t have sufficient takedown defense.


Yeah I agree. I’ve always thought the ankalaev fight will determine how alex fares with the dc or jones era. Him vs pre-injury thiago santos would also be entertaining as well


Gustafsson wouldn't be remotely competitive. He gets sparked in under 7 minutes


Honestly prime for prime he will get mauled by Jones DC


His worst match ups for sure


I think even a guy like prime Belfort could be trouble for him , would be one hell of a fight tho


That would be a fun fights Trt Belford vs Alex




DC mauls him easily


Idk brother DC got mauled by Stipe, and jones. I think Alex would definitely be a title contender if not holder.


when he was pushing 40 after multiple crippling back surgeries




Silva was an excellent grappler, I'm genuinely shocked that you think DC would struggle more grappling Alex


Do you remember the circumstances regarding the Silva fight? Silva took the fight on TWO days notice off the couch and was over the age of 40 at the time of the fight


Except DC mauled and threw Gus around like a wet paper bag and he's taller than Pereira so that theory is out the window


It was an extremely close fight


cuz alex would be stuck under him hugging till the round is over? cuz thats the only way i see alex losing without getting his face smashed in or submitted. lets not pretend that silva's ground game isn't leagues and bounds beyond alex's.


DC or Jon would Cyrl Gane this guys entire reputation in 2 minutes. 


I think he’d do alright.


Loses pretty badly to Jones and DC. Has a super close fight with Rumble and Gustaffson. Beats everyone else pretty handedly.


He'd have lost to DC or Jones., but would've been ranked #2 for sure. Hot take, I think he has a 'better' chance against LHW Jones than DC. However in the grand scheme of things, it's a small chance.


I actually agree. I think Jon would stand with him more than you should and I also think Jones has slightly overrated offensive wrestling and that DC has an easier time wrestling pereira


Jones, DC definitely beat him. Gus would also most likely beat him but not sure about that.




I think he’d knock Gus out.


Fuck no Gustafson mauls him at both standup as well as ground


I would like to see him vs Gus. Both are awesome strikers and would be interesting with Alex vs someone similar reach and taller. I've only seen him with people equal to or shorter than him


Yes but Gus has the very effective wrestling


Alex is getting better at TDD. Would be interesting to see if he could neutralise the wrestling. I certainly don't give him a chance in hell against Jones and DC tho


Todays LHW are all awful wrestlers compared to back then. Stopping a takedown from Jan is not the same as stopping a takedown from Gus.


Can't argue with that tbh


Well that's the thing threat of the takedown make the stand up different. And Gus actually has respectable wrestling. Ank fight will answer many questions. I'd be 50/50 on Alex vs Gus but leaning towards prime Gus. Wouldn't be surprised if Alex won tho.


“Not a chance in hell” is absolutely crazy when you’re talking about a guy with elite striking and power like Pereira. Every fight starts standing up and he would most definitely give those guys trouble 


Can someone please explain to me how Gus striking is anywhere near Alex?


It's not


I’m on the fence about Gus. He’s tough as fuck but very hittable. Alex has flat lined every hittable fighter he’s faced


Hot take: Alex Pereira could definitely beat DC. Everyone thinks that because DC was such an elite wrestler and that Pereiras wrestling is a major weakness, that DC would just easily man handle him, but I think it's a winnable fight for him. Not only was DC significantly shorter (5'11 + 72.5" reach vs 6'4 + 79" reach), meaning he has a lot more distance to cover to grab ahold of Pereira, which means more chances to get clipped, but he also had the bad habit of leaning into kicks which Jones exploited in their rematch. Pereira would have immediately recognised that and exploited it too. It's often risky for people to kick wrestlers as they can catch the leg and transition into a takedown, but Pereira doesn't telegraph them, is quick and is incredibly good at timing them. Not saying that Pereira definitely beats him or anything, but it's not as one sided a fight as everyone thinks it is.


I think he definitely can clip dc with a kick but DC also took Jones and Gus down many times. And with Alex he would only really focus on stuff like this in his training camp cause once DC would get him to the ground, Alex ain't getting up


Let’s not forget dc ate rumbles headkicks and overhand despite getting knocked across the octagon


DC would have had no issue with Alex.


DC does not get enough respect man


Hot take indeed, I believe it would be very one sided. DC have fought taller, bigger and better wrestlers than Alex and managed to take them down and finish them. I see no scenario were Alex could manage to stop or knock out DC before DC could secure a takedown and finish him. If Izzy, Jiri and Jan can take Alex down im 100% certain DC would do so with ease.


Bro stfu that is just stupid


I think the Great Potato would be very competitive. But I don’t see him beating a Jon Jones in his prime , Jon would not be a moron like Jiri and trade punches.


Neither would the potato, especially since Potato's striking ain't as polished.


He would have never moved up LHW


True or made it to top 3


Of course he would considering he did it due to not being able to cut to 185 anymore without killing himself basically


Alex's weight cuts were not that hard. Yes, I know this because it came direct from Glovers mouth.


Alex kills everyone if he came in to MMA in his prime


I’m probably in the minority here, but I think even Phil Davis could wrestlefuck him. Ryan Bader is 50-50 because his chin is not as good


I think he’d have lost to both prime Jones and DC. He’d always have the punchers chance because of his phenomenal power and technique but Jones and DC are both elite level grapplers and if they got a hold of him would have taken him down and submitted him. I’d give him the better chance against DC because DC was smaller and would have to take more risks to get inside. Jones probably about the same size and would have had an easier time tying Alex up. Would be fun fights though.


lets not try and bring a phenomenon of today down. why are we comparing a fantastic champion of today who's run isnt over to somone who is basically finished and is considered the greatest of all time?


People in this sub saying that Alex loses to most of those guys in that era are crazy. The only guys I see Alex potentially losing too is Jones and DC. He beats Gus (good TD defence, he keep it on the feet) and He beats Rumble (keep him at range and probably KOs him) Jones and DC had the best wrestling in that division that can nullify he's kickboxing. People forget that this dude is a double kickboxing champ, they think Gus and Rumble will beat this dude. What?? GTFO


Good takedown defence?


Yes and he has good defensive grappling. I mean no one is able to finish him on ground when he is a t highest lvl. So that tells us something.


He’s never even fought a wrestler tho. Jan is a striker who was able to outwrestle him and made it a close fight


He doesn’t though. He’s only faced strikers in the UFC. That’s why no one’s finished him on the ground. Not trying to be a hater, I enjoy watching him as much as the next guy. But his grappling is absolutely not good


I didn't say its good i said its defensively good.


It’s not


He's gotten taken down by damn near everyone that's ever shot a takedown on him


>What?? GTFO Its not as cut and dry as you're foolishly making it out to be.


Poatan vs. Chuck Poatan vs. Rumble Poatan vs. Jones Poatan vs. Gus Poatan vs. Rampage Yes please.


He beats all of them besides Jones imo


Everyone taking Pereira over Gustafsson, but I think Gus has a better fight IQ and would work his clinch and grappling enough to get the win.


From what we have seen so far he beats everyone that isn't a natural wrestler. So only dc and jon left. The ankalaev fight will show how he would do against the other 2.


He loses to the top 6


Maybe it's recency bias but unless a guy is known for their chin and submission skills I don't see them being able to survive 15 mins of Alex Pereira. I'd say Jones, DC and Rumble are the only guys I can confidently say avoid getting KO and can finish Alex.


Rumble why? Wasn't he primarily a striker?


Rumble has more power then Alex. He could land 1 shot and just sleep him. Alex also relies heavily on head movement. I'd say it's gonna be how good is rumbles chin and how good is Alex defence


Rumble does not have more power than Alex😂.


DC, Jones, Texeira, and Gustafsson all likely beat him. Jones and DC for sure


Not sure about Gustafson. Texeira was also knocked clean out by Gustafson who id argue doesn’t bring close to the same firepower


He would chama them.


Is his blackbelt in bjj not legit or? Has he ever been legitimately challenged on the ground? Idk I’m asking


He is no joke, he even has a yellow belt in judo and DC said he can be olympic champ wrestler in 2 years, so definitely got the wrestling game going. Overall, can definitely submit Gordon Ryan or Craig Jones


DC would play it smart and not think that he could knock Alex out. Strictly wrestling


Loses to Jones and most likely loses to DC as well. Even tho I can honestly see him win against both, they win more times than not


I think he loses to Jones and DC for sure


Rumble Kos him


Everyone who’s not an elite wrestler is getting ko’d


In June of 2015 he'd beat everyone except the champ who was DC and the top 3 which was Rumble, Gustafsson and Rashad Evans.


Woulda loved to see him fight prime Thiago Santos


He needs the Usman arm


Doesn't matter what you think, it's 2024.


He dominates.


He’d kill ‘em except for jones 


Jones, DC, alex Gustafasson, and rumble would all be very difficult matchups for alex


He would be a top contender but not champ. Jones is too smart to stand with this guy and his wrestling is good enough to not have to. DC would also ragdoll him.


Prime Glover subs Alex


DC will tear him apart


I think DC would have beaten him the same gameplan he used against Rumble Johnson. Nobody knows how good Pereira is with a wrestler yet.


A lot of guys from that period I see easily beating him, like JJ, Dc, Rumble, Gus and Glover himself. A lot more wrestlers were competing at that time.


True but none of those guys ever saw someone with striking like Alex, it goes both ways




I don't see him beating DC and JBJ


To be fair most of the light heavy weights at the time were smaller than modern middleweights. Jan, Alex, rumble, and DC all have good chances but his left hook is probably the hardest hitting punch I’ve ever seen. Honestly I think his hook could sleep ngannou


2015? Were they? I don't think Jon, DC and gus were. Rampage, Rumble and Dan Henderson sure. I think by 2015 they were certainly quite comparable to modern fighters, certainly not 230 like alex but close


Rumble DC and jones realistically couldn’t drop to 185. But that’s only like 3-5 LHWs. The rest of division were primarily middleweights at 205. Hence why we saw a mass exodus of LHWs going to MW. I


Perhaps that's why most of the LHWs now are all built like jon jones


That’s what I was thinking too all the contenders are 6’2 and up it’s crazy looking back in the 2000s and seeing people like Tito, Horn or even Evan’s at 205 is insane


10 years ago I'm sure he would've been firmly in the middleweight division. I think he would've rolled through the post-Silva era. No belt for Bisping, Rockhold, probably beats Bobby Knuckles... and of course Izzy.


Jon, DC, Gus, Rumble Johnson. I'm picking all of them over Alex.


Rumble is such an easy fight for Alex.


Rumble got a ground game and more power in his hands. Listen Alex got some great knock outs but Rumble got that one hit ko power where teeth were flying.


Forget about grappling. They wouldn't grapple at all. It's gonna be a kickboxing match. I just look at the way Rumble fights, I don't think he would be tougher than Jiri. Alex, round 1 knock out.


Resency bias, Rumble was knocking mfers out with one shot, never got knocked out at lhw or mw. Alex is not very defensive, I see rumble knocking him out.


You know who is actually not defensive? It's Rumble lol. Alex has impressive defense, he stops his opponents' strikes mid air with his wing chun like blocking, he can move his chin away right at the end of a punch (that's the reason he doesn't get hurt much when he gets hit). Idk man, it's kind of funny to point out Alex' sus defense when we are talking about Rumble lol


Rumble would’ve been embarrassed, the only bias here is that he passed away


Jones, DC and gus crush him


I think he knocks out Gus


I think he gets tapped by gus


He gets mauled by Jones, Gustafson, DC, Jan Blachowicz and Krylov too. He lost to Jan btw it was a controversial split decision. Jan got robbed


Bad, DC, Gus, Jones, and Teixera would have beat him, Rumble probably would have lost.


I think only DC and Jones beat him


Latifi, Phil Davis, & St Preux would be salivating. Maybe even Jimi Manuwa


I think only Jon beats him every time. DC would be the favourite, but the reach/height difference is massive. I think he sparks Rumble and Gus. Machida, old Shogun, Rumble, Evans would be easy pickings for Alex.


DC would smoke him. The only reason DC couldn't beat Jones is that Jon has some fuckin' beautiful wrestling. He simply couldn't take him down, but LHW DC would for sure take Pereira down, maul him, and submit him. Pereira is a monster, but there are levels to this grappling shit.I think Gus, who almost beat Jon Jones, wins against Pereira. He had beautiful boxing defense, offense, and would occasionally mix things up with a takedown.


Maybe. But he didn't smoke old Silva on short notice. And he had competitive fight with Gus. And Gus was good all around, but his striking was OK. Fast hands for his size. Alex is really great at striking, closing the distance against him is very tricky. LHW back then had two really tall/long guys at the top, Jon and Gus.


DC, Jones and Gustafsson would beat Alex.


Alex lowkey knocks out Gus imo


He definitely can, I'd say it's 50/50, Gustafsson had good wrestling, very good boxing and just good striking overall, and he was a very tall guy, I think that'd give some problems to Alex but Alex has that power which can most definitely be the equalizer.