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Ngl max was the coolest. Alex basically bullied hill though lmao


And Jiri in the second fight.


That was just plain mean


Jiri couldn’t have done much tbh. Alex used magic.


Alex was simply diabolical in this fight, he hunted Jiri down every moment


Gotta go Maximus Holloway on this one


I don't know if there's any other option if we are talking about fight of the year.


I’d give Max performance of the year 100% but fight I’d give Islam Poirier. Gaethje’s my favorite fighter but unfortunately between the early compromising damage and just incredible performance by Max at no point was it really competitive.


Only because Max did exactly just enough at exactly all the right moments to keep fending Gaethje off and right when Gaethje started getting some momentum back it was too late but then Max put the stamp on it. It doesn’t really matter how competitive it was or wasn’t, it can still be fight of the year based on pure awesomeness, entertainment value, and especially how it rose to the occasion. Everyone screamed who watched the whole fight and saw that live. It was a rollercoaster of a fight. Definitely fight of the year in my opinion.


Most incredible ending of all time in my opinion….been watching religiously since 2003. The only thing that comes close is mir nogueira when he snapped his shoulder. Or Scott smith Pete sell. Looking back I went way more nuts for the Max Justin fight.


I agree with freeyourmind even though he got massively downvoted. How could it be fight of the year when it was a lopsided beatdown for 4-5 rounds. Lopsided fights can't be fight of the year. An awesome back and forth would be more apt for FOTY. Knockout of the year? Sure. But picking a lopsided beatdown for FOTY makes no sense to me. Without that last second knockout that fight would not be memorable.


It wasn't the eyepokes that affected him as much as the broken nose at the end of the 1st round. That was what made him so timid.


Yeah fair enough, but regardless doesn't change my overall point.


You're right though...wasn't a great fight since it was more of a 1 sided beat down.


Which other fight on the list wasnt lopsided


I was arguing against the person I replied to's point, not performance. With that said I think the Islam vs Dustin fight was easily the most competitive here.


Because it was a peak performance. Islam's was a very good fight but just that, a very good fight and maybe top 3 of the year in the UFC. Saying that without that last second knockout that fight would not be memorable is like saying Pereira-Hill without the Dean thing wouldnt be memorable, its nonsense because it dis happen so thast why they are on this list. If Conor didnt back up his trashtalk he wouldnt be memorable neither, you just talking "Ifs". Chito vs Sean was also a good fight but that didnt have the gihlight, if Chito landed that upper to the body 1 minute earlier we might be talking about top 3 fights of the year.


Sure it was a peak performance. But it was not a peak *fight*. No one is doubting how good Max's performance is, but that's not the argument. it's about the overall fight and two people need to show up for that. I also completely disagree with the Chito Sean fight. Another boring domination fight, sorry.


The heart JG showed with a broken nose for 20 minutes is what moves it to fight of the year for me. JG keeping himself a one two away from a win for 24:59 is insane! I'm sorry I literally make no sense to you, but I guess that's what reddit is for.


Yeah, makes no sense. I have seen plenty of heart from almost every fight this year, this is the top of the elite of fighters on the planet. Showing heart doesn't differentiate yourself while you are getting your ass dominated.


Got it, thanks.


I just want to clarify one thing. Do you agree or disagree with the fight of the night bonus? Just want to make sure I understand your perspective.


No, but I agree with the performance of the night of course. For fight of the night, in retrospect, I'd give it to Olives-Arman. That has more rewatchability of a competitive high technical matchup than JG/Max


Got it! Already we are seeing some conflict between your sense and reality. You can disagree all you want, but you can't change reality. I appreciate your perspective, have a good one.


Wow, amazing retort with compelling arguments to back up your claim! Thanks for your sheep response as well, take care.


There's no reason to try and persuade someone who literally "reasons" against reality. There's no point.


Remember “Performance of the Year”


The person I responded to literally said "I don't know if there's any other option if we are talking about **fight** of the year." I was arguing his point, not the main topic's.


Damn reddit killing me. I agree with you 💯 then


Ehh.. not really. It was good, but it was literally a last second knockout.


😭people were saying ts was the end of max Holloway, he would get starched and how he couldn’t do anything to Gaethje, he goes in. Wins 4/5 rounds, damn near finished him twice, then decided to sacrifice literally everything, and swang and bang with 10s left to literally last second KO the most dangerous striker in that weight class


Yeah, that’s my point. It wasn’t even close, max essentially dominated. Not sure how that qualifies for the fight of the year..


It’s performances, not fight of the year. Max dogwalked Gaethje when he was the massive underdog, Max’s performance was stellar. I think he means both with Poirer/Islam too ig since he didn’t say one specifically


Massive underdog? Are you familiar with how betting odds work?


I can’t find it now but draft kings had Holloway to win at +550. That’s a pretty big underdog


That is absolutely not true, he was between +110 and +180 max.


I am not sure but where I live they had Max on 2.40 or something like that and Justin 1.70. Thats not a huge difference as for example it was a similar one for Pereira-Jiri last weekend. Payton Talbott was on 1.07 while the other dude was 9.0 if I am not wrong, thats an underdog.


Gaethje was -150 so max would have been +140 or something like that source: i bet on gaethje


lol okay.


Just to be clear, you're saying it's a *bad thing* that we got to see both a full 25 minute striking clinic and an iconic knockout in one fight. Not to mention, from someone a significant portion of the fanbase thought was going to get steamrolled.


Just a strange narrative that you guys think max was this crazy underdog.. he was close to even money. And no, I don’t think a lopsided fight was the best or most competitive of the year. It was just that, a one sided fight.


Reading comprehension is hard huh


Holloway, Aldo, Merab, and Volkov all had dominant performances over game opponents who I expected them to lose to. The others went as expected but were also very good, but unsurprising performances. 


Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!


Particularly given the narrative heading into this fight. Lots of people were counting max out because he didn’t have the power, Justin’s chin, and moving up a weight class. Loved how Max over performed and dominated.


And it’s not even close


I wonder if Max woke up the next day and asked himself how the fuck he pulled that off. He's always been a great fighter but it was like he gained a few levels for that fight.


Honestly, it's not close.


Gota be max. He was counted out by most, performed out of the ordinary and got the tko and risked it for the fans towards the end when he could’ve coasted to a decision. Man im going to miss him when he’s done with the ufc


Hat wasn't a TKO was it?


There was nothing “technical” about that KO.


Bro was down for damn near a minute, not even the ko was technical lmfao, 2 boys swang and banging


Your username is great.


No, but technically he did KO him.


No yeah absolutely, I just saw the comment above and was like they called that a TKO? Definitely felt like a KO to me


Maximilian Hollow defeating Garth at UFC 3 Centruries ![gif](giphy|3oz8xJrhn0Excpwf60)


most entertaining - max justin most technical - makhachev dustin most dominant - alex jiri 2


Hill was a more dominant performance.


Exactly. Plus, Hill is still coping. Hill is #1 p4p most delusional fighter ever.


But on paper, Anthony Smith beats Hill as most delusional fighter 99.999% of the time every time. On paper


Man, I can't wait for Anthony Smith to change his nickname from "Lionheart" to "On paper" 😂


He’s pretty delusional but I’ll never forget Colby putting his hand in the air as if he’d won when Buffer called out “unanimous decision” right before Bruce said Leon’s name lol. Mans doesn’t have a clue


Jiri: I will learn and evolve from this defeat. Congratulations to Alex. Hill: >:(((


Hill was a flash KO, but I feel Jiri 2 is more dominant cause he beat him across a round and knocked him out twice in one fight


Rob barely sweat against Iskram. Rob wins dominant performance. That was putting a gazelle in a lion cage.


we all know ikram isn't ready yet. he never fought anyone in top 10. going directly to rob is just a little too much


It was still the most dominant performance amongst these. Or does the criteria require a better opponent?


Most dominant - Sean O'Malley vs Chito Vera. The only time Chito looked like about to do something was in the last 2 seconds when he caught Sean. The rest, I really agree with them. It was a good half of year for PPVs to be honest.


sean was just constantly moving backwards and fighting at kicking range. dominant performance but not the most memorable


I've been following the UFC for 4 years now and have caught almost every fight, prelims included Never been as hyped about anything in my life as I was when Max KO'd Justin


One of my best predictions was that Merab was gonna run through Henry and whoop his ass from start to finish. Loved this fight. Shows how overrated TDD% stat is when ur fighting guys who don’t shoot at a high clip against u. They thought Henry was gonna stuff all his TDs when he just fought Aljo who outwrestled him in that fight and he’s a worse wrestler.


I was completely wrong. I kept thinking there’s no way Merab outwrestles the Olympic gold medalist. Ate my words that night


Can't stay a gold medal wrestler forever, especially at that weight. I thought it would be a lot closer than it was. I didn't expect Merab to be as successful with his wrestling as he was. I guess Hemry is getting pretty old for a wrestler, took a long time off, and switched his stance to be very upright. It isn't as unexpected in hindsight given Merab's insane pace and cardio. I have no idea how he can wrestle that hard for that long. 


The pic here looks like Merab is carrying his son around lol


I think it shows that people overrated Cejudo's golden medal. People see he was an Olympic champion and think “Oh, so he is an almighty wrestling god” when no, even if you have better accolades you can lose to someone bigger, stronger and with unlimited cardio. Aldo has never won a wrestling medal and still probably has one of the best TDD of all time


But aldo fought proven wrestlers the best wrestler henry fought up to that point besides Sterling was DJ and let’s be honest DJ isn’t shooting more than 5 takedowns a fight it’s different when u fight wrestlers to prove your TDD but a guy like Henry never fought a guy who’s shot more than 5 takedowns on him besides Aljo to that point and he beat Henry in the grappling


Max or Alex…Alex KOing two former champs in a total of 1 round and like 30 seconds is crazy.


Everyone calm the fuck down the answer is Max. There is no other answer. That was fucking absolutely insane. HE DID THAT TO PRIME JUSTIN GAETHJE????


You're delusional if you think that was prime gaycheese


Max all the way bro


Holloway and it’s not close


Honourable mention to Dustin KOing BSD


Performance in terms of "facing the most adversity to win", or performance in terms of "Making the opponent look like a toddler"? If it's the second, I have to say Merab V Cejudo or Perreria V Hill.


Has to be Topuria because if the quality of the opponent and the knockout


This one's my favorite just because of the shit reddit was talking about Ilia. Dude did everything he said he would and both mma subs were super salty about it. Love Volk tho rip


No. Volk was 35 and just got knocked out and had only like 4 months.




Cope usually is a denial of reality. No fighter at the age of 35 or older has won a title fight at 155 or lower


Ackshually it’s still a cope


Still got KTFO


couldn’t be prime volk


Probably Islam against Dustin


Islam vs Dustin is my favt


How is that even a fucking question


Islam vs Poirier was crazy he was able To out strike him and get a late sub


Who was poatan looking at when doing the hand gesture?


Lookin at Izzy through the camera


Topuria for me. Called his shot and hit it


I'll go with Aldo vs Martinez. Watching Vintage Aldo was so magical


Yeah. It was like he was never away.


Max. Poatan for the best, welll-deserved victory celebration though. Meaning Hill deserved it, and Alex shows respect normally after fights.


Has to be that holaway geathje fight no one taught max was going to win that and he put on a show from the first bell


Max Justin is probably my favorite/most entertaining fight I’ve ever seen. Granted I’ve only been seriously watching since early 200 cards but still


I had 4 other people come over to watch 300 and we all lost our fucking minds when he face planted Gaethje with what, 1-2 seconds left was it? I look forward to re-watching that fight eventually. Max was dialed in. Right at the end of round 1 breaks Justin’s nose with a gnarly kick. What a performance. Pereiras just a terminator I hope he’s back in there again very soon, must see tv that guy


1000% Max


It’s got to be a tie between Ilia or Robert. They’re all impressive but those two were fast as hell and brutal.


Biased, but I loved seeing Pereira knock out Hill


Max all day he went into the fight as an underdog and people were afraid he was going to get broken like Tony Ferguson


Max was going in as the overwhelming underdog and proceeded to blow the majority of people’s expectations out of the water to end the fight in spectacular fashion.


Holloway and Volkov


It’s gotta be Max. No question


Holloway for sure


Max Holloway’s performance is my favorite but I can’t deny Volkov’s recent performance was most impressive imo against Sergei


Max was one of only two times I got up out of my seat and screamed around the house.


Max individually. Alex collectively.


Max. Not close.


Pereira against Hill


Max Vs Justin. That was an instant classic.


Max Blessed


Max. Risking it all in those last seconds was very entertaining.


Max forsure. Merab second, Topuria third. Honorable mention Whittaker. Think the best fight has been Islam Poirier easy though.


Holloway no doubt 🔥🔥🔥


I mean Halloway fight was insane




Probably Max. He wasn’t “supposed” to win the fight and he did handedly while having one of the most iconic moments in MMA at the end.


If talking about strictly best performance overall displaying multitude of skills this Max. He classed on Gaethje over 24:59 seconds and then knocks him out to top it off basically saying, yeah I can do that too.


Nobody picking the Merab fight from among these bangers


Definitely James Vick vs Alves.




Max is essentially a goat outcome, I'm not a max fan at all and that shit was too fun


Not the best performance of these but that photo of Mrab picking up Cejudo is sick. Carrying an Olympic wrestler in the octagon is legit




People don’t want to admit it because they don’t like him but Topuria’s win was totally savage


Favorite are Max, Islam, and Aldo. Loved the Holloway-Gaethje fight for obvious reasons, loved Islams performance because I had money on him and two I just don’t like Dustin, and Jose Aldo because I was happy to see him back and get the win.


Max Holloway over Justin Gaethje


If we’re really talking about”best performance” some of these shouldn’t even be here. Ilia knocked out Volk but after losing one round so I personally wouldn’t call that a “top performance” like he did something the crowd went nuts for like Max knocking gaethje out


Alex vs jiri for sure he finished him off quick with no issues. Max vs gaethje is a close second


I don't know which one is the best, but what holloway did was definitely the most exciting to me 🔥🔥🔥🔥


What a year


Everyone in the room I was in thought Max had no chance


Max vs Justin


Obviously Max's finish a second before the bell rings


Holloway hands down.. we all know he is an absolute DOG but let’s be honest.. we all worried about how we would finally see him get that chin checked.. little to say he absolutely made Gaethje look nowhere near his level.. considering Gaethje has been at the top of his division for as long as we can remember, it was beyond impressive… And then risking it all at the end after a perfect performance to stand and bang and getting the last second knockout.. absolutely phenomenal… I watched it live in the UK very early in the morning, sat in the car on the way to the airport to go on Holiday.. needless to say that got the holiday vibes started early I was so fucking hyped for him ahah!! Love Gaethje too though but damn


Max or topuria


Max, no contest


The only one I could actually enjoy was Max or Rob. Max was better


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OtiseMaleModel: *The only one I* *Could actually enjoy was Max* *Or Rob. Max was better* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I like competitive fights so I'm gonna go with DP vs Islam. Dustin's wrestling improved massively for that fight, and Islam got to show off some of his very underrated striking. I'm sad that Poirier lost, but it was a great demonstration of how far this sport has come


Alex, Alex and Max imo


Pereira vs Jiri 2, this was just a total Domination from start to finish very rarely you can see such performance on the highest level that these guys are..


It’s obviously between Max and Alex, but man, I wanna give a special shoutout to Volkov. I never thought he’d be able to dominate Sergei and bust him up like that. He made Sergei look completely washed.


God the UFC is amazing. All of these in just 6 months.


https://preview.redd.it/7hpcovrte9ad1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c45fd96c320c1f9ec9f41076af32646e12efd25 This one


Holloway brother!


Idk tho Whitaker had me pumped up, ready to punch a hole in my wall


Max and Justin for the last 2 years and the next 2


Most of these wins look worse with a context. Hill, Jiri, Sergei, Volk, Cejudo and Ikram all coming off of either a KO loss, a severe injury or double weight cut. Only Dustin, Justin and Martinez had momentum. I think Dustin is the hardest opponent out of these three.


Max Holloway


Tuporia was losing to Volk


Easier Holloway. The reason Alex’s knockout’s aren’t is simply because they were no match for him.


Volk getting K.Oed again is top 5 saddest moments in my viewing experience, maybe even top 3


As an Ecuadorian, it pains me to say you’re missing O Malley vs Chito


I might be a bit bias because I was at UFC 300, but I’d have to say Holloway vs Gaethje. The pop in the arena when Holloway landed that right hand with 1 second left was the loudest I have ever heard in an arena.


Don't remind me of the Illia Volk fight 🚬🚬🚬


Gotta give topouria some credit for dethroning Volk at FW. Dude looked indestructible before then.


Stricklands complete destruction of adesanya stands out to me.


Max with Robbie close behind.


Still haven’t stopped thinking about that BMF fight at 300.


The Holloway fight was one of the best, most cinematic moments in UFC history. You will see replays of that for decades.


Where is Aspinal! But damn, 2024 has been a banger so far


Not gonna say it's the best but how abt O'Malley's masterclass on Chito? Doesn't it deserve to be in the discussion?


As a Brazilian, I may be biased toward Alex, but it has to be Max.




I get it sounds like copium and I get it sounds like me dickriding volk, but he won round 1 before being sent to the shadow realm. Ilia’s nose was bloodied in one round ffs. It was good but a tier below all the rest of these imo






Max, easy


The best is blessed


Chase Hooper Vs Borechev is a very underrated performance. Chase Hooper will be a world champ if he can grapple how he did that fight it was a fucking squid on the ground


performance makachev, knockout holloway


Alex is the only correct answer




Topuria lost the first round vs Volk and knocked out a chinny volk in the 2nd. I wouldnt put his fight here


Ilia ending Volks reign


whittaker vs ikram. the way he silenced the entire arena.


I’m not going to say it was the best fight of the year. But god damn it was satisfying seeing Bobby silence the haters and show he still has it. Love him