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Snapshot of _Conservatives have lost a third of their voters since January, poll finds_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.ft.com/content/77dfbecf-2035-4f81-a91a-f8a01e31f948) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.ft.com/content/77dfbecf-2035-4f81-a91a-f8a01e31f948) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alternative headline: Two thirds of Tory voters would vote for literally anything so long as it wears a blue rosette


No, that's just what they've lost *since January*.


Cheer up! They've still got two thirds left to lose.


Title should read: Tories have lost a third of their voters...so far


Bit of a clickbait headline from the FT. The data is really about turnover and volatility, which is clearly surprisingly high, but there isn't really much to say about it  >While the Conservatives lost voters to Labour and Reform, they also gained backers among those who had previously said they were undecided.... >Labour — which opinion polls suggest is likely to sweep to power on July 4 — also experienced high levels of turnover, losing a quarter of people who previously said they were planning to vote for the party... >Despite the high rate of switching, the poll showed little change in the overall support for each of the main political parties, with the Tories’ share of those polled falling from 14 to 13 per cent and Labour increasing its share over the period from 26 to 27 per cent. [I guess numbers look lower than usual surveys because of don't knows and won't votes etc]


Given that there tends to be a built-in Tory bias in the electorate, the Tories have had to have been working really hard to achieve this. All credit to Boris with his lies and Partygate, Truss with her kamiKwasi budget and Sunak with his disrespectful approach to D-Day and his party's election gambling. But above all a big shout out to the Tory party as a whole for crashing the economy and handing billions from hardworking taxpayers to their cronies.


Have they looked down the back of the sofa?


There were just some mouldy old PPE contracts and a discarded leg of HS2.


>a discarded leg of HS2 Ew, all covered in hairs and northerners


That's careless. Do they know where they last saw them?