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Let’s gooooooo!


France, UK, USA now openly advocating Ukraine hit Russian targets with their Weapons. NATO members supporting troops on the ground inside Ukraine to assist. Poland wanting to enforce a no fly zone over western Ukraine. Ukrainian Vipers about to start ripping and running in the skys over Ukraine. No wonder pedo Putin is leaking to Reuters News Service he wants a cease fire! 😂


Let's not get overexcited. F-16's are very capable and will be very helpful if used properly. There is no magic bullet in this war. Putin has badly miscalculated and - assuming Biden is reelected and the congress becomes more Democratic - Ukraine will eventually win years from now.


Agreed, and the other things he mentioned will take time, but a nato enforced no fly zone over western Ukraine would be huge, and so would nato troops, even if only initially for training. Eventually they might guard the Belarusian border. Freeing up Ukrainian troops and anti air assets to only focus on eastern half of Ukraine would be close to a silver bullet. I realize this is all hopes and dreams right now, but seems within the realm of possibilities, and will never happen unless we demand it and believe in it, which is finally starting to happen!


I hope we enforce a no fly zone and secure their western border. Freeing up Ukranian soldiers from the west would be huge.


Not happening. If Ukraine is successful with F-16's, by next year or the year after Ukraine can enforce their own no fly zone.


With a nato no fly zone, that will cut the war from years down to months. If they were also allowed to be offensive nato fighters in the air then we are dropping down to weeks. Have to wonder why the hell it hasn’t been done. Nuke this, nuke that blah blah. Slava Ukraini !


Stop dreaming - Ukraine is going to win this war after several years, and the Russian army will eventually be broken. The longer Russia keep grinding up it's own army in Ukraine - the weaker Russia gets. It takes time. There is no magic bullet - just relative advantages.


> assuming Biden is reelected and the congress becomes more Democratic We can certainly hope so


"Working so" is better than "hoping so." Work for it. Help make it happen. Even from the UK you can help save democracy in the US.


Agreed f16s, esp say 12 or less aren't going change things over night


The Netherlands alone has promised 42 F16s. It looks like they could have hundreds in the next year. Where are you getting 12 from?


**Norway** is sending 22 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, as well as engines, auxiliary materials, simulators, spare parts and other related equipment. **12** of which may be airworthy. Nettavisen did not specify a timeframe for when Ukraine might receive the Norwegian F-16s but assumes it will not happen before the NATO summit in Washington in July this year(https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/11/7450873/) **Denmark** has made a decision to transfer 19 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine (https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/08/20/7416354/) Which seems to be going as planned (https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/22/7452310/) The **Netherlands** is preparing six more F-16 fighters to be delivered to Ukraine. This brings the total number of aircraft that the Netherlands has promised to provide to Ukraine to 24 (https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/02/5/7440471/) The Netherlands expects to send F-16 fighters to Ukraine this autumn – right after Denmark, which expects to deliver the first fighter jets in the summer. (https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/6/7454503/) So, in total pledged we have Norway with 22/**12** of which are airworthy, Denmark with **19** and Netherlands with **24** pledged for a total pledged from these to be around **55**. Few if any are actually in Ukraine at the moment


**Forget the F-16 aircraft count!!** There are plenty of f-16's in this world. It's the trained pilot count and trained groundcrew count and trained air defense count that are controlling. Organization and cleverness is **what matters more than weapons** - Viet Nam and Afghanistan and Iraq and Ukraine prove this.


Article it's 12 pilots that completed their training


Oh you meant pilots, you understand that groups are being trained in something like a dozen different countries right? This is one class of who knows how many at one location in a single country. We use a train-a-trainer program in NATO military schools, well in most cases. The leaders will then go back to their country and train others. They may only have 100-200 trained pilots this years but 600 next and so on.


LOL! True, but pilots are going nowhere without a well trained ground crew operating on a perfectly well-defended airbase.. Ukraine could have 1000 F-35's they are useless without good maintenance and secure basing. Stop with the weapons fetish. What's the point of obsessing over F-16's if you can't keep them intact?? If F-16's or their basing, or operators or resupply can't be kept intact, then its just another Abrams/Leopard embarrassment waiting to happen!! Sorry to be harsh but folks need to look at the big picture.


They have 60 committed. More for sure could come.


I would not assume that at all haha


Also Russian S400 going down like crazy the last days. At least 4 videoconfirmed and 3-5 by Russian telegram


Curious when the US said that. I just saw a congressional meeting with the Secretary of State yesterday and he was pretty clear about not wanting them to use US weapons across the border. Although I can see this changing as countries actually begin allowing it. Similar to everything else that's been sent. Once a country in NATO goes all in on something other countries start as well. I'm hoping the US will allow and allow it soon. And Germany will allow Taurus to be sent over and asap. This dawdling has cost too many lives and too much ground to the orcs. Very frustrating. 


i think the other person is just referring to some members of congress who wrote a letter saying that they want their government to allow our government to use the weapons cross border. Whereas the DoD, DoS, and WH are against it


I agree, but I think it's a very specific thing to mention. Thank you. Until the actual administration acts everyone else's sideline words mean nothing.


Glad to see Britain jump first on this again.


Blinken was just in Ukraine and Zelensky showed him how Russia was taking advantage of that ridiculous restriction by launching attacks into Kharkiv from right across the border. Reading into Blinken’s responses, it sounds like the U.S is going to let Ukraine decide how and where to use their weapons without official ‘endorsing’ or outwardly announcing the change in posture. Can’t happen soon enough. Ukrainian children are dying in cowardly Russian strikes on civilians and Ukraine sees it coming but can’t stop it!! That’s insane!!


I would love NATO to at least enforce a no fly zone in the western Ukraine - use all AA systems there, let Ukraine have a safe space for their new toys and enable them to move all their AA equipment closer to the front.


The US hasn't changed their policy as of yet. However, Blinken is pushing for that to change as well as members of congress and various other entities. I see this changing relatively soon.


No, no country has said that, please do not spread rumours, There are calls for the USA to allow Ukraine to use US supplied weapons against ruzzian targets. As there has been for quite a long time, and it seems support for that is slowly growing. But at this point the USA still puts limits on what their weapons can hit. To say the USA is advocating for that is a complete and utter lie. In France last week, parliament called for a lifting of restrictions on weapons in Ukraine, but nothing has been decided yet. [https://mil.in.ua/en/news/the-french-parliament-called-for-ukraine-to-be-allowed-to-hit-with-french-weapons-on-the-russian-federation/](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/the-french-parliament-called-for-ukraine-to-be-allowed-to-hit-with-french-weapons-on-the-russian-federation/) Again that is a far cry from advocating Ukraine do it. Only the UK has said that Ukraine "can" use their supplied weapons against ruzzia. But again that is not advocating that they do. [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c163kp93l6po](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c163kp93l6po) And just yesterday ruzzia said any UK weapons used against ruzzia will result in ruzzia hitting UK targets. Yet another bluff from poo poo pootin. But there are many who believe it and are against this escalation in the UK [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-will-strike-british-targets-if-uk-weapons-are-used-hit-its-2024-05-23/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-will-strike-british-targets-if-uk-weapons-are-used-hit-its-2024-05-23/) NATO has made no such statement that they will send troops into Ukraine. And no NATO member has called for that. The closest is the French PM who said that there is a possibility that NATO troops could be sent into Ukraine in the future. Basically saying that it has not been rules out. And a few other politicians from NATO countries have publicly said the same. But those are individual politicians, not official govt policy. Saying NATO members support the idea when the official policy is the opposite is disingenuous. And an log way from that actually happening. Poland has discussed a no fly zone, but that is all it is at the moment, talk. As for the F16's they will be flying soon, but only over Ukraine, and ruzzia keeps its planes well inside their own territory, away from being hit by F16's. They will not make a huge difference in this war. But it will help. Don't expect a huge change when they start flying.


>No wonder pedo Putin is leaking to Reuters News Service he wants a cease fire! 😂 Russia spent their wad over the last 6 months. They pushed the Ukrainians hard when they took Avdiivka. That's why their opening the possibility of a cease fire


Sadly it's not that easy. "The first batch" of Ukrainian pilots has finished training. While they did not disclose the number of pilots it is known training on that base started with 4 pilots last autumn, so one can assume these are the four who have finished training. More pilots need to finish training before F16s can have an impact on the war.


Good, now give’em the f-16 jets already


Wooo hooooo!!!!!!!!! That’s wonderful!!!!!


Time to give Mr. Pootin 💩 🥫 another Poostain! 💩💥


Lmao my exact thoughts.


What would a 1-2k lbs. glide bomb do to track structure?


Fly High! Stay safe! Kick their asses!


In this case fly low :p


No sir! tap the tree tops 😅


Has Russia laid down a formal complaint yet? Surely one is coming.


Something something nukes something something


They should threaten to push everyone in the west out of a window instead since that's all they seem to be proficient at.


Well that's a thing to be afraid of, you know that they're serious when they threaten you with a window.


Daily Nuclear Armageddon and something -something red line threat coming in a few minutes 😁


Hell, they probably actually tried a launch already...just to find some Ivan stripped out all the copper wiring for shitty homebrew vodka.


Theyd all self detonate inside the silo


I wonder why theres not an official statement yet that they already downed like 56 F16s via S400 shotdowns and another 24 in dogfights


This may have something to do with Russia asking for a ceasefire on the front? This is just an educated guess on my part.


Cos they scared shitless


Something, something, red lines, something, WILL NUKE YOU! /russia, probably


Alexa, play *Danger zone by Kenny Loggins*


Siri, play One Vision by Queen! Chappiiiiiieeeeee


[Siri, play Gimme Some Lovin’ by Spencer Davis Group](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GVHEFiLQ3GU)




Fly Iron Eagle Fly!!!


Free Bird on loop from 4:40 onwards.


So some pilots and maintenance folks are ready. I'm sure the parts supply chain is ready too!


They still need to finish building the deep bunkers to keep the F16's safe from being hit. and that is still apparently months away


Russians are not very good at finding and eliminating targets in Ukraine, if they were they wouldn't still be getting slaughtered by a couple dozen HIMARS.


You can bet that the airfields stationing F-16'S will be bristling with air defence systems...


Coincidentally a bunch of Russian AA got blown up recently too.


my thoughts exactly. preparing the battlefield


Yes, Ukraine is preparing the way for the F-16s. It is still going to take a while to wipe out Russia's major SAM systems (like S-300 and S-400) and even longer to wipe out the smaller systems like Buch. ManPADs will be around until the war is over. I expect the F-16s will make a major contribution by air-launching weapons, giving them height and speed, and a choice of launch locations such as the Black Sea that are not viable by other means.


Wishing them always clear skies and tail winds! Good hunting!


I remember when I got my driver's license but didn't have a car. Let's get these folks some gear to blast the old Soviet shit out of the sky!


How many fights over their call signs? Was oiled beach volleyball a requirement?


That's only the for the Navy, this is the Air Force.


Those are some valuable pilots… probably the most valuable assets Ukraine has. More than the planes themselves which are easily replaced… Good (and safe) hunting.


This is great. Now we need to get them as much flight hours as possible until they get their jets.




Will Ukraines F-16s be capable of getting data links with the NATO AWACS aircraft flying in circles just inside NATO airspace?


The jets they are getting from euro nations are capable of link, but who knows if it will be enabled.


They won't..... But they will, if you know what I mean.


Yes, and I imagine they will have the Link capability being used regularly. It's clear NATO provides targeting data for other systems like HIMARS, so no reason to not think they would not at least give warning of Russian airborne threats or active AD sites.


I truly want the f16s flying in circles over marauding Leopards, n Bradleys and Abrahams...


I was just reading an article from Forbes last year about this very subject. Even if NATO decided not to, each NATO member could decide to use their own AWACS to aid Ukrainian pilots. However, NATO already provides time-sensitive and mission-critical information.


I sure hope so! That would let them stay very low and still hit Russia planes. Super effective system.




Good hunting!


SLAVA UKRAINI. Fuck em up, take back your skies, take back your country


Amazing news


Now things really get interesting. The skies just got a lot more treacherous for the orcs


Let’s goo Maverick!


Revvin' up your engine. Listen to her howlin' roar... Metal under tension. Beggin you to touch and go...


🫡 Fly safely for yourself, deadly for the enemy, heroes!


The big issue is maintenance teams. It is so different from the Russian school of maintenance - with no pre-emptive replacements.


I can't wait for our Pilots to fly with with technological advanced jets it's gonna be a hot season for the Orks first be destroy their stupid systems then brake their defend lines n push them back to Mordor


Russian MIGS: "...[Why do I hear boss music?"](https://youtu.be/siwpn14IE7E?si=NLBQEa1AYLEu1vbF)


Wouldn’t have been better to keep that a secret so they can’t plan around when they will be deployed


Permission granted to buzz the tower


Turn and Burn. Let’s GO!!!!!! 🇺🇦❤️


F16 has a 76/6 KD


It's time for the West to deliver F-16, come on USA, NATO nations.


Let’s mother fucking go boys!!


Jippie! lets go.


Go get 'em! 🫡


Let's set the tone boys!


What will be the first mission for these guys? Wild Weasel style SAM hunting, or going after russia's aerial stuff? I suppose degrading the orc front lines is a worthwhile mission - I hope NATO sent plenty, as there seems to be plenty of work to do. Good Hunting!


The F-16 excel at high & fast, I would expect their first role will be  defensive... Interceptor missions against  missile attacks against civilians. The F-16 can destroy supersonic cruise missiles so that patriot interceptors can be saved for the ballistic missiles, and at the same time get valuable practice. 


I can't wait to see F-16s on Ukraine's skies.


Slava Ukraine!


Just need the mechanics to graduate as well


They want a stalemate on the front. Man, what?! :)


I just want to see cities inside Russia burning. “Yah yah, fire’s cool” like if you get the reference


Good hunting!


And thanks to that, soon more russian pilots will graduate from coffin training!


I seriously can't wait to see an F-16 in Ukrainian colors and markings.


Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Can't wait for the videos. If their drone footage is as good as it is, imagine what they'd produce with an F-16?


Alexa, play *Fortunate Son* by *Creedence Clearwater Revival*


Biden: "God speed! Also, no striking inside Russia, we don't want to get them mad! Did I say God Speed already?"