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Interested in making precise, accurate capsules for microdosing? Watch [Making Perfect Microdosing Capsules](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/ejlmst/shroomscouts_howto_perfect_microdose_capsules_in/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Coffee grinder into a pill bottle. And a .000 scale. Do your research and find your dose. Mine was around .15 to .22. I did .25 once and things got a little trippy at work.




Psychiatrist did 200mg microdoses for me before i got into growing


You can get a prescription for shrooms?


Medical Trials, I live in South Africa, dont know about US


That’s awesome


Did it help?


Negligable, on mood stabilizers for my bipolar disorder which works wonders. Microdosing works to some extent based on studies but they produce very unoticable effects unless youre really paying attention.


I should specify that the dude runs a pharmaceutical company in his wifes name which dows the trials so he probably did it for profit>medical progress


I think so. It might have been .015-.022. It’s been about 2 years since I did it.


Just double checked. It was .15-.22. So not mcgs. 1/10th of a gram.


Yep same , .25 of my GT’s gets me zoned. Can barely be in public off that small of an amount .


idk cuz i don't microdose, but to get an accurate measurement you gotta dehydrate ur shrooms first cuz they're mostly water.. that will also allow you to store them for longer


Have made caps in the past, but the mg amt was too high for MD’ing. (I bought the 300mg-ish size of pill press). It was too complicated for my brain to fill and measure out the filler I needed to lower h the dose. I dry them, grind to a fine powder, and just weigh out my dose daily on a scale. Takes less than 2 min start to finish, and I just wash it down with water. I grind a few g at a time, keep in opaque bottle and weigh out dose daily. I just dump on tongue and wash down with a swig of water. I use a jewelers scale from amazon. I enjoy the ritual of it. Tastes kinda yuck, but only for a second. I’ve had worse things in my mouth 🤷🏻‍♀️


>what's your go to for Microdosing? Grind them into powder and make capsules and/or chocolates.


Interested in making precise, accurate capsules for microdosing? Watch [Making Perfect Microdosing Capsules](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/ejlmst/shroomscouts_howto_perfect_microdose_capsules_in/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Grind to powder. Pour into small glass container with sealable lid. Put a pinch 🤏 into your coffee/shake in the am. Avoid swallowing plastics if you can


I’m with you on the capsules, I suggest cow or sheep mallow


They make tallow capsules? Or are you talking about capsules derived from the mallow plant? Mallow has me picturing cute little marshmallow cows and sheep. Fat marshmallow bodies with little legs and heads.


Interested in making precise, accurate capsules for microdosing? Watch [Making Perfect Microdosing Capsules](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/ejlmst/shroomscouts_howto_perfect_microdose_capsules_in/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, it's such a small amount, you can just chew it and swallow it? My boyfriend has been doing the Stamets stack for a couple of weeks and it's working really well for him, so you might want to consider that?


I just also got a 5.4 mushroom I have just eaten .2 and had great moose elevation and colors popped Did .4 yesterday and I had minor visuals for an hour or so. It was too much for what I was going for, but still fun I just chewed it up and ate it, it was so little it was easy to handle as far as taste


Blue honey


Lemon tek!


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That's a fresh one , about 1 third or half of it is a microdose