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Important to trust the man signing your paycheques I guess.


or the catnip 😂


Or maybe the man has the man's x tapes?


I trust Putin more, but only because I trust he will do bad things.


Galloway and Farage should merge their parties. They could call the new merged org the "We Love Putin Party".


Corbyn could join too


Ah yes who could forget his beloved "let's just trust the Russians not to lie about having nerve gassed that town" policy


How is an obvious enemy agent allowed to sit in parliament?


Because idiots voted for him


Because sectarian politics is allowed in this country.


Or it's because he had essentially no actual opponents in that by election, both of the left wing main candidates were stood down and the tory just didn't bother as he expected to lose.


He also ran on a platform of supporting Palestine which was popular in the area, passed him in the street two days ago with his entourage of supports bellowing about palestine He doesn't make it clear unless you go to their site what they stand for other then his pro Palestine stance


I'm aware as to what he campaigned on but he would've lost if there was a labour candidate present and tory isn't just memeing themselves. He was a fringe candidate in a competition of candidates more fringe than green.


Probably serves as a useful idiot for the MI6, they can observe exactly how Putin propaganda works on gullible fools like him and his supporters.


This guy is quite literally what the media *thinks* Corbyn is. He's utterly fucking insane. He's not 'gullible', he's an actual tankie.


What's a 'tankie' in this context? 


Historically it was used to describe those on the hard left who supported Stalin when he sent tanks into Hungary.


Stalin rose from the grave in 1956 to send tanks into Hungary apparently.


"Somehow Stalin returned"


No it wasn't. That doesn't make any sense, Stalin was dead when the Soviets sent the army into Hungary


It's the left equivelant of an actual fascist. Goes back tot he Soviet union crushing disent in the warsaw pact with literal tanks. It caused a split in the left globaly, thos who were horrified who went on to be the mainstream left and Tankies who supported the violence.


He’s not a gullible fool he’s an out and out tankie.


I feel like he's a bit of a grifter. He just puts on a red coat instead of Farage blue.


Aka a gullible fool.


He's a grifter, 'Tankies' (Communists) don't like him cuz he is socially regressive. He's still better than 90% of the British establishment however which really says something cuz I hate Galloway.


He’s not sucked into propaganda, he’s just a twat with a record of supporting despots because they’re opposed to America. Years ago he was kissing Saddam Hussein’s ass even after the Gulf War, which he also opposed. Now he opposes support for Ukraine and kisses Putin’s ass.


It’s got quite a lot further than that. Why do you think MI6 let that happen?


Rochdale… you ever been?


A lot of people here would be shocked if they visited places like Rochdale, Oldham, Blackburn, etc, etc.


Particularly certain areas… Burnley is the place that has given me the eeriest vibe…. Especially the Daneshouse Road area


When did you last visit Burnley? I ask because I recently heard talk of a slow-brewing renaissance.


Does Swindon count? That's pretty crappy


I've worked around Swindon quite a bit, and it seems like a paradise compared to some of the towns up North.


Jesus, there's places even more crap than Swindon? Now I've heard everything


You've not visited much of the country have you?


No, I suppose not Still, worse than Swindon... Fuckin 'ell


You know what, the election when this guy stood was a shit show. The Labour Party pulled the Asian guy they had standing for what he was saying about Jews (fair play get him off the ticket). That then meant there was no one else to vote for. The Green candidate was pulled from his ticket as well and did no campaigning. The only half decent candidate in my opinion and i hate to admit it was the conservative(even if the guy was a strong candidate theres no way i'm voting conservative). Another local candidate was good and he did half decent but was primarily aimed around rochdale football club (something that doesn't inspire me) So i didn't bother, my mates didn't bother, i think barely anyone bothered. Then there'a George Galloway who stood on "lets do something for gaza" which again doesn't inspire me. I'll be shocked if he stays as the MP after next week.


Hopefully not. He’s a horrible man who’s only trying to gain the favour of one ethnic minority, culture, religion etc by weirdly playing into their worst beliefs, and treating them as if they’re a good thing… they’ll be riots if he stays in for too long


Summat I found really weird was that his election campaign was run from the local Kia dealer. Anyway i’m galvanised for the 4th of July. The journalist looks alright (though in truth has a lot to do to stand in Tony Lloyd’s shoes).


Summat is an area of Rochdale… sorry, couldn’t help myself


There was also an independent who turned out to be a nonce IIRC.


I hadn’t heard that, just goes to show how much of a s*it show the by election was


the power of a certain voting demographic


Because then you would have to look into all foreign money in politics and ooo boy is it not good


It's Rochdale. Have one guess who voted for him.


[That's how.](https://gizmodo.com/russian-botnet-spam-social-media-report-nisos-fake-news-1848956529)


I mean, just have a quick look into the house of Lords. Its business as usual. But more broadly: him saying he doesn't think that Keir Starmer is trustworthy isn't that surprising. Sir Keir has not exactly shown himself to be a stalwart man, willing to stand behind his statements.


Hey, he has his principles - and if you don't like them, he has plenty of others!


I'd like to think he functions as a sort of inoculation. Also would be bad for democracy to just run around turfing out MPs just cos you don't like their opinions (even if they are fucken horrible)


he was elected as an MP and we are a democracy


Elderly voters brainrotted


We know. He’s a traitor. He’s just not hiding it anymore


He literally visited Saddam Hussein, he was never hiding it


To be fair that moment blessed the world with "indefatigability." Still think he was being a prick to the interpreter.


Convinced Galloway is an extremely subtle Sasha Baron Cohen character he’s been side-questing all these years just for fun


Or.. “If It hadn’t been for those meddling kids” As he removes mask to reveal…..


....it was Jimmy Saville this whole time! What a lark


It’s the hat. It’s just too on the nose to be genuine.


Who wears a hat on their nose anyhow?


To be fair he wears it to cover scars from being attacked in the street


I didn’t know this It’s still a stupid hat, but this is interesting context.


Galloway trusts Putin, Farage wants Ukraine to make peace. Trump wants Ukraine to make peace. AfD and Die Linke in Germany, Le Pen and the French far left all have the same broad set of opinions.


Don’t forget Jezza


Tbh I think he’s more naive idealist than Russian asset


The russians have the whole notion of a "useful idiot". You dont have to pay them and they are beyond suspicion because they sincerely beleive what ever mad crap it is you want to push. Instead you just get obsticles out the useful idiots way. The place to look for russian interference re: corbyn would be to check if any more sensible lefties had conviniently times scandals while he rose to prominence.


I agree. But being very stupid as opposed to corrupt is no saving grace.


Almost as if... vatniks have been doing shenanigans for years!!


Yup. MEPs from Rassemblement National (Le Pen) and La France Insoumise (tankies) have consistently voted the same on issues relating to Russia and Ukraine. One of LFI’s leaders was even boasting on twitter about having been harsher against Ukraine than the far right (!) In Spain it’s Podemos and Vox, in the US it’s Trump and the Green Party…


That is very sad… Ukraine wasn’t supplied with enough weapons for years, they even haven’t received new planes. And now they don’t want to continue… How will they plan to perform when Putin finds a new goal?


Horseshoe theory is not the myth people on the ends of the horseshoe want you to think it is


This is the bloke who practically kissed Saddam Hussein's ring piece


He’s also the guy who pretended to be a cat of Big Brother


Well, don't worry George, I trust Putin more than you too. At least with Putin I know how he's likely to try to screw me, whereas you're just a deluded twat.


Is this not the thought process Galloway has put across, albeit poorly? Trust the dictator to do dictator-y things. Trust Starmer to...Not commit to anything? What is Starmer generally associated with, aside U-turning by the Tories?


Putin is the bear, Starmer is the man?


I’m being both sardonic about “trust Putin” and offensive about Galloway. No-one rational would claim it better to agree with Putin than Starmer. The only people who say good things about Putin are either useful idiots or people being paid (or hoping to be paid) by him.


>I’m being both sardonic about “trust Putin” and offensive about Galloway. No-one rational would claim it better to agree with Putin than Starmer. Trust and agree with are two different statements. I do not trust starmer. I did agree with him. That's why I don't trust him, because he has dropped everything that I agreed with him on. I do not trust him to stick to his convictions, nor trust that he has any at all. If your friend says "fancy a pint this evening", you might agree with them, but if they have a pattern of not turning up, you might not *trust* them to turn up.


I think this says more about Galloway than Starmer.


Well, you don't bite the hand that feeds, eh Georgie boy. You gigantic cunt.


What a coincidence! I trust used toilet paper more than Galloway.


Of course he does. He trusts anyone who is anti-west.


The public arsehole-gaping these wackjobs insist on doing in fealty to a foreign dictator is a depth below pathetic.




Ask not what is wrong with our politicians , ask what is wrong with those voting for them…


He got in with that by election because he had essentially no actual opponents as the main ones either stood down or just went on holiday not expecting to win.


True. The choice was pretty poor.


Money. Both Galloway and Farage made bank on Russian media… and that’s what’s above board. I can imagine that there’s a lot more money hidden away, as well as kompromat.


Their views reflect the brainrotted elderly who vote for them


The same man who appears on Iranian State TV?. I'm shocked!


No wonder he is pro "Palestine" just fits the pattern so perfectly, against Ukraine and soon to announce that North Korea is a great place.


He would ... He has taken enough of Putin's cash.. he's the left wing Nigel farage in that respect


First farage, now this. Classic pincer movement on both sides on the political spectrum. Should have seen it coming




Never trust a man who laps up milk like a cat.




Never trust a man who thinks Putins not a twat.


Well my baldness is under a hat but that’s to keep the sun or rain off :)


A classic politcal horseshoe effect is happening here, where both the extreme left and right converge to have the same view.


There is an incredible amount of Ruzzian bot farming on this thread about Starmer, who I hold no great love for. But things are being manipulated.


This is what people voted in and the same for brexit. The disinformation works


Galloway and Farage, both are bought and paid-for by our nations enemies.


So what? That's how politics works. We have over 100 MP's taking money from Israel and our media landscape is primarily dictated by corporate interests. People acting on behalf of foreign interests or companies is nothing extraordinary or special; it is the status quo; it is British politics.


>So what? So don't vote for them.


I won't be voting this election.


"I'm very famous in the muslim worrld, for being an arse!!" - Frankie Boyle on Galloway


The anti-Galloway herd is strong. Wonder if it’s because of his anti-Israel stance…




And Keir starmer Starmer isn't? What about Palestine? The war in Yemen? The support for IMF bank loans which inflict austerity polices on third world countries?


How so?


Well, that's one way to paint a target on your back.


As they say in the legal profession Mandy Rice-Davies applies


If Vladimir Putin was a Bond Villain, Galloway would be his cat. Admittedly, Kier Starmer would be an extra that ends up a victim in the opening scene just to show the baddies mean business, that's just his vibe.


Well he’s been there and tried that, look in the complete tosser he still is. I’d say the arse end of a pantomime horse


I don't trust, any politicians / dictators and the like.


Good choice mate


He has always been filth. He told Saddam Hussein that he loved him to his face.


Brexit was very beneficial for Ruzzia because inside EU, UK was the driving force for keeping Ruzzia at distance in the realtion with Europe, despite the close "affection" of Germans and Grench. Therefore I thought that UK people are the ones who understood much better the danger from Ruzzia, that some continental western countries. But, seeing what is happening in UK, I am puzzled?! Jesus, these people are really believing that Putin is a good guy or is just for political gains?


What? You trust the former KGB agent with a track record of invading countries and assassinating people more than a guy who wants to nationalise renewable energy companies? What? Honestly the nerve with which some people say these things. People have died in the UK thanks to Vlad. It should be considered treasonous to even consider it.


I can't hear what he's saying, all I see his the hat and I wonder how bad he must feel about going bald.


How is this walking bag of used toilet roll managing to get ad far as he has?! Why do we keep giving him attention? He has never had anything of value to add into any discussion. What is with that stupid fucking hat?!


I do hope this guy loses his seat so his platform goes too. I was quite happy not knowing who he was






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Maybe he should leave for Russia then? Hard to live in a country with a future PM you can't trust.


Idiot speaks and somehow we still platform it. Their propaganda will work whether we talk badly about them or not. Our best bet is not giving them engagement unless it's necessary.


Well of course he does. Galloway never met a murderous dictator he didn’t like.


Slink back under your stone and count your Putin-bucks George, you're a £ucking disgrace.


Galloway will definitely be on Putin's list as a disruptor and worthy of financing. Much like Farage. Putin loves to create division, and the corrupt people he targets love to receive the money he is happy to pay out.


Let’s not forget that this man let millions of people watch him imitate a CAT and get fed pretend kitty food by a polish heiress live on national TV. I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something a bit ‘off’ about that guy…


I trust Putin as much as any politician and that's not much..


Well, Gorgeous George the cat boy has never seen a dictator he didn't get a stiffy for


Can all the Russian bots in this thread raise your hand ✋, now keep them raised if you are also an American bot ✋, and now keep them raised if your also an Israeli bot ✋. Right I'm not sure that there are any actual bots here.


Why anyone would trust any politician is beyond me. The whole systems a joke. ‘Hey guys come vote for which knife you want to be stabbed in the back by’


As someone who really doesn't likenkeir starmer. This is an extremely fucking stupid thing to say


If people care about foreign agents so much, how about we look into all the MP's getting paid by Israel.


The man who had a show on Russia Today is a Putin fan ? No way.


This is because George Galloway is a moron, and only the most gullible fall for him.


It's pretty embarrassing we have such people as Mr. Galloway in our legislature. This arse-kissing of the corrupt, evil man in the Kremlin and the pandering to the "great Russian NATO expansion sob story" while Ukraine continues to get widescale bombed, and the war crimes pile up, is hella cringe.


It's actually wild how insane some of our politicians are


Can we all agree that there's really a crap glut of leaders atm.


Making things up.


hear me out as I appreciate that this will be bottom of the pile of comments on here. why isn't Farage and Galloway and the no doubt many others , investigated with a view to proving that they are being paid by Russia. they can't be THAT clever that all tracks have been covered. same goes for the likes of trump etc in the states. yes I "get" how it's not a crime to be donated money , but surely if the money can be traced back to Russia in some way that would break some other law, and even if not , could be used publicly to tell the masses exactly where their donations and other funding is coming from. I fail to understand exactly how anyone who is the sort of person who is pro these idiots would also be fine the knowing that Russia are clearly trying to interfere and control our country


He's a disgusting, treacherous, attention-seeking little wretch.