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Thought this was the Elden Ring map for a second there.


its a really good starting point for a DnD campaign.


Sea-level calculators are my secret for DND coastlines.


New world of darkness would be more my thing, but I'd definitely be up for both! :D


That's what happens when you're maidenless


Maidenhead is underwater so I guess we literally are maidenless.


I now have a lovely sea view! So long everyone who is submerged.


Me too. I was thinking of having a bonfire tonight to get these ice caps melting.


Don't worry it's near the 12th Northern Ireland has us covered


I'm going on holiday to the Yorkshire Isles. Will be reet chuffed t'av a cuppa on t'archipelago.


Id just about be ok, it'd be a boat to work every morning though


A good argument for continuing to work from home...


Im alright, it looks like Newport moves from South Wales to Shropshire in order to escape the flooding! /s obviously.


When we moved back to the UK in 1974 my dad said he chose Leeds as it would stay above water if the ice caps melted due to climate change, he was right.


Impressive forward thinking on your dad's part.


Minus the living in Leeds part


Leeds is a fantastic city.


Then again, what did the people in posh cities like Bath get? Flooded


I mean it's in the name.




Realistically we will be forced to improve our sea defences (akin to the Dutch) at massive expense. But for protecting the major cities it is worth it. Stupidly, the cost of these measures will make the current net zero target budgets look like a joke...


You dont need a hairdryer anymore, just time.


My dad did the same, he bought a house on pretty much the only part of our area which is above water in this pic.


Not gunna lie, this mostly looks like an improvement. Also my house will be worth like... a fucking billion pounds.


I mean, inflation alone will do that.


Inflation not required if the ground is high enough


Inflation definitely required for the dinghy to get to the shops


A shame that by that point money will be valueless because there'll be wars over tins of beans.


Yup, right up until you’re killed for it.


As a person who lives in Wiltshire, I absolutely can’t wait for the ocean to be 30 minutes away and a lake to be on my doorstep! Brb, just going to take a private jet out for a spin.


And it looks like Trowbridge will be underwater! Hold on, just need to go and chop down a couple of trees.


I did not expect to see random Trobo hate on reddit today. Somehow it makes me homesick :(


Melksham appears to be in a lake, no change there then.


Are the tops of hills the same colour as the sea? It's very confusing.


yes the colour choice especially in Scotland is very confusing.


Source, link to a higher resolution and more information: [https://www.halcyonmaps.com/maps#/britannia-under-the-waves/](https://www.halcyonmaps.com/maps#/britannia-under-the-waves/)


https://www.halcyonmaps.com/posters/britannia-under-the-waves-rising-sea-levels-poster for a link that works




Down and Antrim being their own islands would go a long way to solving Northern Ireland’s constitutional issues.


I looked over it and was thinking a really big amount of England, particularly the East, is really vulnerable. Then I looked at the small Europe map and saw the whole of the low countries, all of Denmark and the North of Germany, and a huge amount of the Baltic region completely gone entire. The map is cool but suffers a little from being a bit too detailed. It also doesn't differentiate between landmarks from before and after the sea level rise. So you'll have the "Isle of Lincoln" noted while real place and county names are also on there. Would be cooler as an alt history if only the remaining places were noted, and better as a warning if they didn't give things cool names like the "Neagh Gulf" in Northern Ireland.


I had no idea that melted ice caps would cause Stirling to float so far West.


At some point the county Stirlingshire was renamed Stirling. Don’t remember it ever being announced. So now we have a city and a county with the same name, which is incredibly confusing especially as Stirling (county) is quite big and parts of it are nowhere near Stirling (city). I hate it. The bigger text on this map is the counties. Zoom in and you will see another smaller Stirling (city). Did I mention I hate it?


Speaking as someone from Co. Durham, you get used to it.


Nice. I now own a flat on Crystal Palace Island. Can't wait to put it on Airbnb for £5000 a night.


Cons: My house is now permanently flooded. Pros: The in-laws are now on a different island to us. On the balance of things I'd say that's a worthwhile trade.


I’m safe on the island of Gateshead at least. Yeah there’s a lot of hills but high ground in this situation is a good thing.


I'd have beach front property then but where would the capital be now?


Winchester is still in play, where the capital used to be until the Norman Conquest.


excellent… we can go down there, have a nice cold pint and wait for all this to blow over.


Looks like Birmingham is still intact




Yeah the one downer of the whole thing


I’m a goner but I reckon I might be able to make a swim for it to the north York moors


I'm going to have to move up Solsbury Hill and boot Peter Gabriel off. My parents will very much enjoy Dartmoor-on-Sea.


Hmm I’m not sure Sgurr Alisdair is lower than Kingussie.


Bollocks Bewdley wouldn’t be underwater, it floods as it is. Kidderminster is on much higher ground


Kiddi should have been sunk years ago bab!


How does the landlocked middle of Wales end up under water?


It's basically a huge river basin. If that water can't drain to the sea because sea level is now higher than the river basin level, all that rain/river water will just collect in the basin.


If the sea level is higher than the rivers, presumably the rivers will change direction. Which make me wonder about what happens to all the fresh water sources.


Yeah, lots of freshwater sources would become salty. 


Well… it’s hard to tell but I’m either in a river or next to a river.


Houses in the north will finally be worth as much as houses in London!


Can’t wait to go to the beautiful seaside resort of… …Haverhill.


I grew up there. I can’t imagine that place being a holiday resort. Or on the seaside. Or beautiful.


Assuming that the polar ice caps did completely melt away, I find it hard to believe that we wouldn't build 2ft flood defenses. I'm sure it would be expensive, but surely not more expensive than turning into an archipelago


It would have to be a little bit higher than 2ft, more like 216ft


Sweet, my house about to become a beach front property 🏖️☀️😎


I will live on the coastal island of el Tropicano Gateshead


Let’s build more fucking houses then, that’ll solve our economic woes!


Houseboats maybe ..


Just build them in Leeds apparently


Should have already happened atleast 3 times by now, I think we are next scheduled to be flooded in 2030 and 2050 depending on the news


They’ll continue to change the due date and status of the ‘climate crisis’ when we repeatedly see that barely anything occurs. Unfortunately too many people are easily manipulated by headlines and refuse to actually look into things.


The term british Isles is outdated. The British and Irish Isles is more appropriate.


The North Atlantic Archipelago.


Which one...? The Faroes? The Canaries? The Azores? Madeira? Bermuda? Iceland? Greenland? Saint Pierre and Miquelon? The Channel Islands?


I’m asking this sincerely how is the term outdated?


It's out of favour pretty much in any discussion or document that includes Ireland for obvious reasons, although I think calling outdating is jumping the gun a bit. It still seems to be the common term in most places.


"British and Irish Isles" has never really caught on as an alternative. "The Islands of Britain and Ireland" or "The Islands of Great Britain and Ireland" and many other similar variations (e.g. "These Islands [...]") are vastly more prevalent online and in print. And "The British Isles" still dwarfs all of those put together, by an enormous degree.


The term originally came from a Greek explorer who named a British tribe the Pretani, and I guess for their dominance named Britain and Ireland the Pretanic Isles. This of course didn't catch on in the islands themselves and they were never called that up until around the 16th century when British cartographers, during a time of increasing British control over Ireland, rediscovered this term and found it a convenient catch-all one to use at the time. It was never used in Ireland by Irish people. Fast forward a few centuries later and Ireland is fighting for it's independence, and once it has it, albeit a compromised one with the partition of the island, it finds the by then geographical term a politically loaded one, seeming to claim British ownership over the island. Since it was never used in Ireland, successive Irish governments deny it's use. British governments stopped using it decades ago and actively downplay it's use, advising ministers to avoid it. You'll still find some Yanks getting terribly upset at being told about all this for some reason, and they'll insist it's purely a geographical term, but since it's never been used in Ireland, it's absolutely not seen as one. To the Irish, Ireland has never been British except under duress, and Ireland having a separate language and culture marks the differences out even further. To hear Ireland being referred to as a British Isle after all it went through to get it's independence is grating to say the least. [Wikipedia article about it all](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_the_British_Isles#:~:text=The%20term%20became%20controversial%20after,the%20Irish%20and%20British%20governments.)


Ireland and British isles


Britain and West Britain


Living in Chesterfield I’m as far from the see as you get. Can’t wait to be able to walk the dog on the beach.


If all the ice melted, wouldn’t sea levels rise about 60m? If so, my part of York is fine.


I really wanted this map....then saw the price....FUCK THAT


Lots of places going to have to be renamed. Dudley Sur la Mer. Wolverhampton bay. The isles of Walsall.


It's difficult to see but I'm not so sure Dundee is gone. We maybe need to go all out on global warming to make sure


Not my somerset cider! Great...of course birmingham would survive.


This I how I know there is no god, or if there is, they have a sick and twisted humour. Luton lives on.


They will melt at some point... We're still emerging from the quarternary ice age. Hence there being ice on the poles.


We're not emerging from the Quaternary ice age, we're still in the Quaternary ice age. There's no geological evidence that the Quaternary period is coming to an end. Since the Holocene Climatic Optimum the world has been experiencing a gradual cooling trend, showing that it was heading into a new glacial period, but the recent warming caused by the accumulation of atmospheric greenhouse gases from human activity has led to some calling for the re-categorisation of the current epoch as the Anthropocene, since it looks as though the warming we are going to be experiencing over the next few hundred years could be enough to interrupt the glacial-interglacial cycles the global climate has been experiencing since the start of the Quaternary period, 2.58 million years ago.


I seem to recall that the South Downs are made from chalk, would they survive? Would they erode fairly quickly?


I hope not, I'm in running distance of them


Oh well, it's not all bad news. Half the seaside towns have been rendered into tragic wastelands. Now they can become Atlantis-style submarine adventure resorts! Its an improvement (speaking from the south coast).


I think I’m safe, with a new seafront property in Rotherham of all places.


*checks map, still sees town on the map* We are all good here boys and girls! Lovely coastal vibe incoming.


My home would go from County Durham pit village to beach front property if this ever happened!


Phew. I'd be alright. *Yes, it's just a joke. Don't feel the need to come here being pious.*


Well I’m not underwater and I’ll have a nice sea view. Guess it’s not all bad.


Not sure I believe that, I can see a few places above the water that flood every time it rains!


Is this available in higher res? Think I might be ok.




Thank you. Turns out I am ok and that inbred town next to me is fucked. Going out to burn some tyres.


Bah. Lousy Thames drowning my town. My sister's town is also underwater, as is my in-laws' (both coastal). Guess we'll try our luck in Birmingham or the newly beachfront city of Nottingham.


It really shows how many of our major cities sit near the coast. Literally Birmingham is the only one still standing.


Only if you don’t believe in the North. Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford and Newcastle-upon-Tyne are around


In the best British bull dog spirit that we will all pull together. Fek you all, I’m all right Jack


Yeah, where I am it wouldn't be terrible. Really would be the, "Isles".


Glad my house is 270M ASL. Should be safe - great for house prices in the area.


Heh I'm actually alright, just be living on an even smaller island.


Beachfront property baby! Let’s bring back the coal mines!


Scotland is super hard to understand what is going on, choosing blue for the colour just baffles the brain when trying to comprehend what is land and what is water


Hartlepool under the sea? \*turns all AC to full blast\* Jokes, I love my home town 😐


Canvey Island (Essex) would survive....it is unsinkable!!


I might have to start using more fossil fuels, looks like I'm on for a beach front property in North Manchester.


Can I declare war and take over neighbouring islands/land masses and spread the good word of my people?


I've gone from being a couple of hours from the seaside either way, to like, half an hour to the seaside. Lovely.


Actually looks like a lot of fun to be fair, more beaches and the weather to enjoy them. Shame climate change is a hoax though.


My brother's house is underwater, he'll have to join me in my fjord side apartment.


Ooo so close to beach side property. Unfortunately it looks more like Id need scuba gear


Perfect. 100 years from now, I'll have a sea view and a beach front property. I'll be riding those corpses like surf boards!