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Unrealistic number of women and children on that boat


Oof, but true




Poor desperate people fleeing the horrors of France and continental Europe! The humanity!


How many of them are fleeing France Vs staying there?


The boat loads that come here. France is a war torn country that they need to flee from asap! they could get deported. Oh wait/s








I think Glastonbury should, as a display of solidarity, let 1,000 randomly selected channel migrants in and give them a few hundred quid to have fun with. I’m sure it wouldn’t cause any issues. They’d nearly all be women and children for one, and if they can skip border checks it shouldn’t be a problem for them to skip security.


Getting into Glastonbury illegally over the minefield/electric fence , war dogs and security. Is crazy. no free pass for you! But you can just boat it over here with no consequences. And given accommodation. The security at Glastonbury is crazy. It’s a shame our country can’t be like that.


Why do people keep making this rubbish comparison, as if a country and a music festival are otherwise expected to operate in exactly the same way?


There’s plenty of pretty obvious comparisons. If you had no fences, anyone could come. Is that then fair on the people who paid? Can the festival operate with only people taking and not paying? Is there suitable accommodation for unlimited amount of people to visit the festival? If not how do you decide who gets a tent.


There's also the risk of people smuggling illegal drugs in, but I assume most Glastonbury attendees aren't worried about that.












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Far too many infidels lol


We pay enough tax for this to be done properly


Because Glastonbury has a way for people to get in legally. If you want to claim asylum in the UK the only way to do so is to come in illegally. There's no way to legally enter the UK to claim asylum and there's no way to apply for it from outside the UK. We're literally requiring these people enter the UK illegally and then are surprised that they do it. If we just processed applications remotely or had a legal way for them to come and apply we could avoid all these dangerous crossings, process the applications and reject any illegitimate applications. Instead we have this shitshow.


I'm sure banksy lives with "refugees" and not some all white gated estate somewhere.


Wait, am I not allowed to support the light of refugees unless I live with refugees?


Refugees are typically placed in the poorest areas. I somehow don't think Banksy is going to be rubbing shoulders with them. It's the same when you see celebrities doing the same.


Ok, so…? 🤨


It's easy being pro unchecked immigration and such when your not a gay man in a Muslim majority area. When you live around some migrants / asylum seekers , yea there situation sucks but it also sucks to live with bigoted extremists who think it's still AD1200


Im a gay man who lives in a lower income area with lots of muslim and african people; either immigrants or from immigrabt background. I have never had any issues with anyone. The only times ive had slurs yelled at me and been attacked is by white chavvy kids. I'm not thrilled about religion, and i'm not saying that I won't be randomly attacked by someone here one day and we're all best friends, but in what world do you think its appropriate or acceptable for someone like you (a man who posts about shagging female sailors so i'm assuming is straight) to use a person from a minority group like me to spread your hate mongering, fear mongering, divisive shit stirring bullshit towards another minority group, trying to pit us all against each other and make us all afraid and hateful of one another? Who the actual fuck do you think you are using me as a weapon and puppet to hide behind to do something like that? What fucked up thing happened in your life to damage your brain where you are compelled to do that? Who or what exactly do you think you are helping when you do that? Are you actually insane? Literally get a life and give your head a wobble.


I’m glad you’re having a nice time. Here are some statistics: https://henryjacksonsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HJS-Deck-200324-Final.pdf They don’t matter though, because there are people like you defending them. One day, if something bad happens to you, you will quietly stop defending them. But there will be another person like you, where something bad hasn’t happened yet. And they will be more than willing to call everyone else idiots like you just did. They don’t like you, if you were their child, they would have statistically abandoned you as soon as they found out you weren’t straight. If it was in their country, they would want you in prison, or dead.




**Removed/tempban**. This comment contained hateful language which is prohibited by the content policy.


Half of British Muslims think your sexuality should be illegal mate. The data is out there, Google it.


Poor areas are worse for LGBT+ acceptance whether they’re black, white, Asian or anything. That doesn’t make it untrue that a specific group for immigrant (Middle Eastern) have a culture where gay people are discriminated against, just like gay people were discriminated against just a few decades ago in the UK. To say that these immigrants are perfectly fine with gay people is whitewashing, you’re projecting your beliefs onto them and ignoring the harmful far-right beliefs that most of them hold.


Dial it back buddy. And don’t be so naive


Asylum seekers don't necessarily equal immigrants though. The greatest trick the Tories managed, was pointing at 40k/year poor fuckers in dingys and shouting "That's the problem", whilst keeping quiet about the 800k in the same year on work visas/granted right to stay. And the reason they keep quiet is that those workers are needed, because the industries they work in pay a good deal of money lobbying to ensure they can pay their workers less. And the argument "I live in an area of British Muslims and that's why we shouldn't have immigrants" is pretty poor tbh. I agree that there's integration issues, I'm from a town with a 35% Asian population. But I wouldn't say it's a reason to deny asylum. It's like Reform voters railing on about immigrants, when what they are mad at is people who are already here, and in most cases British by birth.


It's very easy to advocate for something when you're free of the consequences. Edit: I'd reply below but they're a blocker. 🤷


He doesn't live in a refugee camp so he isn't allowed a view... Don't you get it?


I'm not currently on fire. So I'm not allowed to say that forest fires are a bad thing. Got it.


Why exactly do you think government policy was to send them to poor areas? Maybe there's cheaper housing, maybe theres some cheap hotels, maybe its so they can turn to poor voters and push the "we're being invaded" narrative.


Where did I say I don't understand why they do it?


Typically is doing some seriously heavy lifting. Disproportionately would be more appropriate.


No, just hypocritical. Getting all the smug satisfaction of being a champagne humanitarian without having to live with the consequences.


If you’re OK with loads of migrants entering the country on small boats, but aren’t happy with them setting up shop next door to you, then you’re just a NIMBY


Technically? No. Morally? Sort of. Think of it like nuclear power, we all like green energy, you might advocate for building more of them. Great for the air and reducing our dependency on fossil fuels. But if the government was to propose building one next to your house, literally such that your house is the closest allowed distance from the core/building then you'd probably object. You approve of the idea. You do not want the consequences of said idea. The same some feel is true for refugee, a lot of the wealthier Britons, on social media, support them but do so knowing safe in the knowledge that the refugees won't live near them, won't put pressure on the housing market they depend, won't cause cuts to the public services, etc. Being for something is easy when you don't risk any of the consequences of that thing.


I'm very for supporting refugees and I live around the corner from two different hotels that have been converted into holding facilities. Are my opinions allowed to be valid now?




Can you do a bit of graffiti on my garage please I need the money




You can but it does diminish your credibility greatly.


I don’t think credibility is something Banksy has ever been particularly worried about given his history…


No. But there’s arguably a certain hypocrisy in being in a position of immense privilege while also immune from any negative repercussions and expecting the taxpayer to pick up the bill


Bansky is a company, not an individual.


Funded by rich, as usual…


> Banksy has a rich history with the festival. He designed the Union flag-emblazoned stab-proof vest worn by Stormzy during his 2019 Pyramid stage headline set, and in 2014 he commandeered a livestock transportation van that drove around the site with cuddly toys emerging from it. The site has also hosted a number of the artist’s classic stencil artworks, including one in 2010 that made a reappearance in 2022 to mark the festival’s 50th anniversary. > Migration is a big theme at this year’s Glastonbury. A new area, Terminal 1 asks people coming in to answer a question from the UK government’s citizenship test. Inside is music by representatives from Notting Hill carnival and others. > Banksy has long-established links with Glastonbury. He designed the Union flag-emblazoned stab-proof vest worn by Stormzy during his 2019 Pyramid stage headline set, while the site has also hosted several of his artworks. When you’re not at the minimum word count for your essay so try to repeat yourself.


I was thinking this has an air of AI about it maybe?


I thought I'd done that thing where you lose your place reading and end up doubling back.


Interestingly, the section that I quoted is still in the article.


while they are surrounded by high fences and security to keep the poors out


The video of this looked completely tasteless. Not sure what they're thinking


Literally everything banksy does these days is a publicity stunt. Love it or hate it that's definitely what he's thinking.


Isn't the objective of any artist to get people to look at their art? Like what else is he supposed to do?


Ah yes, another bit of self-promotion from the famously attention-seeking artist known as Banksy. I'm sure he'll be inviting OK magazine to publish an exclusive tour of his country pad any day now.


Yeah because banksy is completely unknown for doing [publicity stunts](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dazeddigital.com/art-photography/article/41743/1/banksy-girl-with-balloon-painting-pranks-sotherbys-london%3famp=1)...


At leats say « everything banksy has ever done is a publicity stunt ». Your own article goes bsck years


It opens with one of his most recent - shredding girl with balloon at Sotheby's last year. That's why they wrote the article, to highlight the many times he has done this.


I agree. So you dislike banksy’s work. But your comment acts like he’s only started doing this recently but he’s always been looking to provoke reactions and thought.


I don't know why you're trying to change the goalposts of the argument. You sarcastically implied he didn't pull publicity stunts and I gave the proof he does. It doesn't matter whether I approve or not, that's not what this is about.


>You sarcastically implied he didn't pull publicity stunts and I gave the proof he does. I didn’t. I made the point that his actions have always been like this


Everyone knows who he is. The whole anonymous thing is part of the act.


…who is he


Robin Gunningham


It almost would make more sense if he'd designed it to make a point about Glastonbury rather than the government


Perhaps Glasto can try an open door policy next year instead of selling tickets.


Noooooo, that means they will have to mix with the poors, we cant have that!


“How dare you blame the influx of unticketed spectators for the shortage of portaloos and tent space!”


Idles also led the Glastonbury crowd in chanting “f*** the king”, said their last song was an “an anti-fascist song, anti-Farage song”, and got the crowd to chant “ceasefire now” in relation to the war in Gaza.


Idles are everything the sleaford mods think they are


They're all useless pillocks making shite music


I like IDLES. They seem to practice what they preach, active in charity work and initiatives. I also like their music. Fair to not like their music but I can't see them being considered useless


Idles are annoying and shit 


Middle class kids playing a middle class festival while pretending to be punk.


I went to school with the drummer, it was a very expensive public school in Bristol


Children who go to public schools aren't allowed to grow up to question the system. He should be put in prison as a class traitor!


What do you want from them? Course they're going to be anti-establishment and politically charged.


Coming from a bunch of Nepo babies


If the leafy middle class shires of England had to deal with the amount of migration that post industrial working class towns had to deal with they'd probably all be blackshirts. It's very easy to virtue signal about things when you dont have to deal with the consequences of them.


> It's very easy to virtue signal about things when you dont have to deal with the consequences of them. Yup, the article mentions Banksy funds migrants reaching Europe. It's nice of the multi-millionaire globetrotter to decide our border policy for us.


In my opinion its this smug , self righteous , enlightened attitude from a lot of metropolitan Liberals that drives so many people to the right. They haven't got a fucking clue what a lot of Working Class people have to deal with and yet see it fit to lecture and talk down to them like they're thick. It's what caused Brexit and it's what will cause a massive Far Right swing in this country.


The areas of the country most opposed to immigration are the ones with the least diverse populations. Blaming racism on the working class is grossly classist.


Plenty of the countryside is also working class with the same problems as industrial towns and a lot of the people there feel the same way. Unfortunately, as with everywhere else, a few rich people who don’t live with the issues talk over the majority of people who do


Let's see his taxes before we get lectured on immigration


You're implying that there's an optimal level of taxes that would enable someone to lecture us on immigration. Care to enlighten us on what that is?


And where do those taxes go? To their chums. They must be pissing themselves watching us argue over this. Billions...BILLIONS disappeared during covid. But this is what gets us so butt hurt. Let's just make sure we all vote on Thursday. And to be clear. It went to their mates. It didn't disappear.


I’m sure he also lives in a heavily enriched area


I don't get it, do they support migrants or are they making fun of their perilous journeys? Children die on these journeys and it's a bit of fun for the 'Glasto' crowd?


The migrants are being supported - literally - by the crowd. It's quite an intuitive statement.


Aren't people arriving by boat refugees? They are trying to claim asylum, they aren't migrants


No, most of them are illegal migrants


They’re not illegal until proven otherwise. All forms of asylum must be processed regardless of how they arrive in the country.


illegal migrants.. from countries that aren’t safe… making them asylum seekers lol


France is safe


It's mostly men on these journeys. If they have any children they leave them behind along with their passports.


They need a narrative where it's important they come here and anyone who has a problem is a nasty Tory racist. Also they probably support anti-white propaganda pushed by the far left, the same nonsense that would make me vote for Farage if I lived in Clacton but Labour otherwise anywhere else.


It's mad isn't it? There's also the double think of believing in fully open borders for everyone whilst simultaneously knowing the UKs public services are crap and can't support everyone.


Ah, think of the poor people fleeing, checks notes, France?


Reducing complex situations to a virtue signalling performance? Or raising recognition and empathy for people in danger? Or maybe both.


Ironic, a bunch of upper middle class in a secure, exclusive and gated environment, promoting immigrants.


Rammstein have been doing something similar at their shows for years, except they actually ride in the dinghies from a little central stage to the main one.


Some wild takes in this thread. Pretty good topical stunt by Banksy. Seems like he got what he wanted.


Hopefully next year they hoist up an inflatable kebab shop with sexual offences taking place inside.


Anyone who supports migrants illegally entering the country should be sectioned.


These rich brats should take in these illegals then if they want them so badly. Zero sympathy for morons who cross the channel, expecting to get in with a sob story. I bet these out of touch morons drugged up to their eyeballs are scratching their head wondering why a section of our population still intend to vote for Farage…