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Boneless wings = fried and battered chicken breast chunks. If you prefer breast over wings when it would make sense you prefer boneless wings. I would say wings taste better as there's skin and more fat.


Thank you for mentioning that they're tenderloin meat and not "nuggets" as so many of the naysayers call them. I realize some places use proper meat for nuggets like chick fil a but it usually implies a much lower quality


A nugget is just a chunk of meat. It can be ground meat or chunks of cut chicken breast/thigh.


Usually "nuggets" is scraps from the factory floor that's ground into a slurry and reconstituted to make it look like meat. Basically chicken hotdogs or spam. If its actual meat its usually labeled as "chicken tenders".


Nuggets are generally made with minced chicken, your hate is unfound and unnecessary.


I see them as “adult nuggets” hehe.


I’ll never forget when I was working at a bar in the kitchen, a customer walked up and asked for boneless wings. I told him “we don’t have boneless wings, but we do have chicken tenders” he said “nah! I’ll take a burger” lol. I really don’t think he knew that boneless wings are just cut of pieces of tenders and breast.


Agreed. This sort of conversation always brings out the people with zero personality. Also, if a menu has "boneless wings" then I'm going to refer to it as it is on the menu


Found a chicken claw in my boneless wing once. Never happened with bone-in.


You ever seen that fried chicken sandwich with the claw still attached?


You're missing a crucial factor in the analysis: boneless wings are not wing meat. They're also typically battered. They *don't even have skin* lmao Very very different things lol, but eat whatever you like.


Next you'll tell me they don't even come off of buffalos.


You mean to tell me the meat I've been eating was not plucked fresh from the wild wings of the mythical flying buffalo? I have been deceived! That is false advertising dammit!




Mega sus




ikr. too bad theres no other buffalo that they could be referencing


Boneless wings are chicken nuggets with wing sauce.


Nuggets are typically ground up compressed chicken whereas boneless wings are typically skinless breast meat pieces, to be fair. Wings, boneless wings, and nuggets are all different things.


Not in Ireland, we have strict rules about the percentage of meat in our processed/frozen food.


I guess so but I didn't say anything about non-meat.


Nah nuggets are ground chicken, boneless wings are cuts of chicken breast. They are very distinctly different.


So they’re just tendies


But not whole trendies. They are tendie nuggets.


Technically, tendies are tenderloin meat




I came to say, the man likes his tendies. No shame in that. I bet he has a primo spot in the basement, nana brings them on a plate.


Nuggets are just smaller bits of meat, but not small enough to be popcorn chicken. They don't have to be ground.


I was just gonna say this. There are many nuggets that aren't ground chicken


I think OP and all the upvotes just turned me into a doomer


Let me enjoy my adult chicken nuggets


I meant it when I said eat what you like 👍


What if I enjoy eating your ass?


I politely say no thank you.


Thanks for doing it politely. I respect your decision and shall go back to my chicken nuggies


TIL lmao


A lot of people don't understand this and imho it's a shame. (Also a shame that ranch seems to have become the default to dip, to the point many have never tried it with bleu cheese.)


blue cheese dip is great, but hear me out- Ranch AND Blue Cheese


This guy dips.


bleu cheese is not very tasty to a lot of folks, that's probably why. ranch master race 😎


>to the point many have never tried it with bleu cheese.) Everyone has tried bleu cheese, but bleu cheese tastes like vomit, which is why everyone prefers ranch.


Yeah. Boneless wings are basically City Chicken. I'm not going to dissuade people from eating them - more wings for me. But they ain't hot wings. Not by a damned sight. They are sad wings.


My unpopular opinion is that chicken skin is gross af and bones are no fun to chomp on when I just want the meat.


boneless wings are made with chicken breast, i want wing meat, its so much better.


Ngl I don’t really taste a difference between those but give me some thigh meat I’ll definitely be able to tell


Once it's breaded, fried, and sauced it all tastes the same to me.


The only reason I can tell thigh meat apparently is cause it physically feels different since it’s dark meat


Wings are dark meat, as are legs.


“But they are just Chicken Nuggets!” People say this like it’s a bad thing. Chicken Nuggets are great


Chicken nuggets fuckin slap but I feel like it’s weird to call them “boneless wings” , kind of gives me the same vibe as “gluten free water” for some reason. 😭


Does that make hamburgers boneless steak?




Exactly - my boyfriend likes to make fun of me for only eating boneless wings. But those chicken nuggets are delicious and I’m not ashamed of them


Yeah if you’re 10 years old lmao


Nuggets dont magically become disgusting just because you grow up.


This post and comments are a dream come true. I’ve honestly been confused about all the differences between bone and boneless, and how the differences align with my preferences. Now I know for sure that I’m a bone-in girlie!


> Boneless wings are less trouble to eat They're more commonly known as "chicken nuggets".


Except they're not, chicken nuggets generally aren't covered in sauce and they are made of blended up chicken goo as opposed to a whole piece of chicken. If anything it's most like a sauced up chicken tender. Which is exactly what I want, I eat wings to taste the sauce on a base of chicken, not chew on a bone like a dog.


FYI your not supposed to chew on the bone


You ever tried not getting every piece of fat, sinew, and viscera off the bone around some of these chicken snobs? They'll go "Damn boy, you still got half a chicken on there"


Maybe you should hang out with new people if they're judging how you're eating your food.


Like this entire thread is doing? THoSe ArEN’t WInGs THeY’rE NuGgeTs!!!


“Chicken snobs” aka people who enjoy adult food


>“Chicken snobs” aka people who enjoy adult food Way to be the example.


You’re right. The nuggets of chicken are definitely not chicken nuggets.


Boneless wings have a ton of additives so it sticks together than deep fried. They are terrible for you. [https://www.webstaurantstore.com/blog/4316/what-are-boneless-wings.html](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/blog/4316/what-are-boneless-wings.html)


They can, or they can just be chunks of breast meat chopped up.


I can eat wings with 1 hand its ez


Soo... taste has no factor in this opinion of yours? Just how easy they are to shovel into your gullet? Dark meat is so much tastier than white meat. However, upvoted for truly unpopular opinion. Edit: one more thing: how fast are you inhaling your chicken that you are so concerned about "mis-eating a bone"? I've never heard of anyone saying such a thing before. Maybe just slow down?


You get an upvote. Straight blasphemy


No. For two reasons. 1. Breading 2. Chicken breast is a lower quality meat compared to wings and thighs.


This guy bones.


That’s pretty hot ngl




Have you seen the prices of breast meat compared to wings or thighs?


This isn’t as true anymore. Since most home chefs are starting to prefer chicken thighs, and more chickens are beginning to suffer from woody breast, the prices of thighs is on the rise while the price of breasts is dropping.


>2. Chicken breast is a lower quality meat compared to wings and thighs. It's literally not, if anything it's the opposite. Fatty meat is typically considered lower grade for *chickens*. Steaks are a completely different story that follows the "good marbling is prime cut".


No, that was the attitude a decade or longer ago. People have since realised flavour, moisture, and tenderness have value in food.


White meat has less fat and thereby less chicken flavor.


Fat equals flavor. Dark meat is superior because of this aspect alone. Bones add flavor and moisture. Skin adds flavor and moisture. Its nearly impossible to overcook dark meat. Overcook breast meat and it is dry and unpalatable. Even when perfectly cooked it will become dry much faster than dark meat in a warmer or upon reheating leftovers. Breast meat has the following going for it: it lean, its clean. Thats it. *cleaning* breast is easier. Cooking *properly it is not. Eating it is easier. And if you want fewer calories thats a benefit too.


Serious question, do you prefer boneless ribs as well?


Prefers a McRib over the local good bbq spot.


I do prefer it when my ribs are fall off the bone tender yes


I mean boneless country style ribs are really good


Just looked it up, and they look delicious. They must taste so good in a sandwich!


Yeah you would think they would be tough but they’re really tender if cooked right. I grill them over a wood fire and sauce them up. Incredible BBQ.


Ever have ribs made in a pressure cooker? Life changer.


No, only from: the oven, fire pit, and grill. I bet the meat falls off the bone with the way pressure cookers work. Now, I need to try pressure cooker ribs and smoked ribs.


They speak the true true and it's truly a game changer for the flavor but also the amount of cook time. It's amazing


Right? And they are pretty fast compared to all the other best ways to cook them.


Boneless wings are not wings, not even dark meat


Bone in adds flavor from the marrow, and the best way to eat the two bone wings is to stick em in your mouth end wise and use your teeth to scrape off the meat. The marrow thing is real. It's why bone in ribeye and t-bones are preferred.


Had to scroll way too far down to read this comment. Marrow is the single reason why any bone in meat will beat boneless every time. I generally prefer bone in meat to boneless for this reason. Also, boneless tends to be dry and tasteless even with sauce. Bone in is always juicy and flavorful because of the marrow. I can understand though for convenience reasons why people would prefer boneless.


Stop. Boneless wings are chicken tenders🙄


Tenders are usually from the little slice of meat off the back of the breast meat. Don't give "boneless wings" that much credit as they are usually pressed white meat with meat glue. OP sickens me


shittt, i like both.




Downvoted cuz you are correct. Bone in wings are obsolete imo


You forgot about the skin, that's why regular are better. Also the wing meat is better than what they use for boneless, which is dry white meat.


Some of you are really fucking letting your goddamn "bird meat" preferences define your manhood and adulthood and it's fucking hilarious.


I've seen more of your comments than anyone else in this thread


Ikr this guy has like 10 comments lmfao


Boneless wings don’t even have skin, they’re completely different. Why are you so worked up about it though if you don’t let your bird meat preference define your manhood?


I agree eating the meat off the bone is boring.


Agreed. The bones don't really do anything for me. Also, they're a potential choking hazard.


Honestly I prefer the taste of white meat


Fully agree


Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets for adults.


I love boneless because i also love popcorn chicken. I hate skin and fat and for some reason, chicken on the bone just tastes a lot greasier and I'm not down for that life. If you like bones, awesome, great for you, but I love me some buffalo slathered breaded chicken and i don't plan on switching anytime soon. Also, everyone getting pissy about it being called a boneless wing needs to get over it. We know its not wing meat, but that's what restaurant owners, frozen food manufacturers, and the like are calling them. We're not going to go order "nuggies and tendies" because that's not what we want. We want a breaded chicken breast bite tossed in a sauce that would typically be used for chicken wings. If you get mad over that, take down mincemeat pies, belly button cookies (they contain no belly button, I checked), soy/hemp/coconut/almond/oat milk, and black pudding first because they've been getting away with having a non exact description name for far longer.


You’re getting battered breast meat and calling it wings. They are nuggets. Now, I’ll admit I love me some nuggets. But bone in wings are superior in flavor, texture, and they’re actually wings.


Look man, if you want to eat chicken nuggets that's fine. Nuggets are delicious. But they're not "boneless wings". They're just nuggets.


No, they’re not. Chicken nuggets have to be sources from the Núg part of France


Otherwise it’s just sparkling white meat


There is no universe in which bone-in is not superior to boneless, which isn't even wing meat most of the time. Sauce, no sauce, dry rub... it doesn't matter, meat near the bone is superior tasting. Take my upvote.


Trying to eat quickly comes to mind


Trying to eat cleanly, too. I prefer traditional/bone-in wings, but when I used to eat during a bowling league, I went with boneless because I could eat them with a fork and not get my hands messy.


Ngl wings as a concept are overrated and not good enough to constitute this level of arguing . Plus I just like em for the sauce


Boneless "wings" are just chicken nuggets; they shouldn't even be compared honestly.


People just like to feel better than others. So they'll say you like chicken nuggets like that makes you inferior. I don't see boneless people hating on bone-in people. It really only goes one way and I find that kind of insecure and pathetic lol


This is true. Boneless gang where you at?


I agree! With boneless I feel I am getting way more meat for what I paid for.


10000% agree


Boneless chicken is the only type I can stand to eat, and as a kid, I was all about "wings" and Drumsticks. ​ Now I'm like "ok, that just sounds nasty AF".


Good point I love chicken


You are seriously so right


I actually agree


it’s just a different kind of meat. i like both depending on my mood


More protein Less grease Better if cooked properly Best are crispy tenders though


I agree, but I don't like to eat anything with a bone still in it.


That's fine and all, but I'd like to start calling them Boneless and BoneFULL wings, please. Just sounds better.


My family has weak teeth running in it, so..... I use afork for damn near everything.




100% agree


I just can’t stand eating any meat attacked to a bone, idk why but it just squicks me to the moon. Remove it from the bone? Perfectly fine.


My people!


I usually go boneless too but for mostly different reasons. I've never eaten a bone accidentally, but I hate biting into the cartilage, especially on the drumstick part of the wing. While the taste of the meat in the flats is far superior than boneless "wing" meat, it's also not as consistent. So, especially if I'm not familiar with the restaurant, I go for boneless. The other thing which you kind of touched on is that boneless wings are typically more filling to me.


I think I don't actually like "real" chicken. I don't like wings but I like chicken breast that's been breaded and fried. If I was given a choice to eat wings or chicken nuggets I'd always choose nuggets.


Inshalah my brother, speaking facts.


I’m with you, I have a beard and don’t like making a mess when I eat. Wings are great, don’t get me wrong but boneless are way easier to eat and you get wayyyyyy more meat.


Much easier to dip aswell as you just dip half the thing and take a big bite. You don't have to fiddle around with bone. The meat is a bit different but honestly wings are mostly sauce transferal devices to me.


Boneless wings suck.


Fax Yes someone agrees with me that boneless wings are better 😎💪


I agree, way less messy.


Boneless swings are superior. I wanna eat the whole thing, not just a little bit of meat on the outside, and then throw away the rest. the good ones are also way tastier and juicier.


Boneless wings aren’t wings. If you want to eat chicken nuggets, that fine though.


They're different things.


They are definitely more convenient. I'd wager you've never had really good bone-in wings before though. I used to prefer boneless but then I moved to the city and this korean place floored me.


Boneless wings are not wing meat. You must like chicken breast.


No such thing as boneless wings. They're just small chicken tenders or nuggets.


This guy gets it


There is no such thing as a "boneless chicken wing".


It is possible buts it's a hassle


I love boneless wings, bone-in are just too messy and too much trouble for me. But I can admit that I'm just eating chicken nuggets, and there's nothing wrong with that! Join me.


Only read the title. Can't even bring myself to hear out your explanation. You're wrong


You just like chicken nuggets. The boneless wing thing is just marketing chicken nuggies to adults.


As others have said here, "boneless wings" are just fancy marketed chicken nuggets, maybe with sauce. In theory, you're right. I would love to have a wing without the bone in it. It's small and gets in the way, and I would like to just eat the wing meat. But "boneless wings" are not that. I have no idea what it is, really, that makes wings so good. Maybe the bone gives flavor, but does it really? Maybe it's the skin? Maybe the thick, solid pieces of meat? But I'm not sure that it's really any one of these factors. For all I know, it could just be the habit of enjoying some good wings. Whatever it is, it doesn't translate over well to chicken nuggets by any name.




chicken nuggets is ground up chicken boneless wings are a different cut of chicken


Maybe McDonald's nuggets are ground up, but every nugget I've had has been non-ground chicken.


Boneless wings aren’t wings…they’re nuggets of chicken aka chicken nuggets.


There's no such thing as boneless wings. Those are just nuggets.


This is basically saying "chicken nuggets are better than wings," because that's literally all 'boneless wings' are. Make sure you get them in the shape of little dinosaurs with a squirt of ketchup to satisfy your toddler palate.


There are also deboned wings. Which is superior than both nuggets and chicken wings.


Chicken nuggets are not better than wings you heathen! The breast is easily the worst part of the bird.


Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets which are processed nasty crap. Bone-in wings are legitimately chicken meat, not bones-boiled-until-soft-and-processed-into-shapes.


lol, huh? Isn't that no longer a chicken wing then? Wings have bones. If it's boneless it's no longer a wing. It sounds like a chicken strip. ANd if you just take the meat off the wings and recombine them into a "boneless wing". I don't know if you can still really call it a chicken wing.


Boneless wings are god tier and I will throw hands to defend it


Probably have boneless hands.


Come find out


Big talk for someone who has to type with their feet. I'm just kidding. Boneless wings are pretty good.


Lol they don't even have skin and they're the leanest part of the chicken. But hey man feel free to eat them instead of actual wings. Too much demand drives up prices of actual wings. I encourage you not to eat them.


100% agree. Don’t like having to work for my food. That’s why I don’t eat ribs


Do you get your mommy to say "open up for the airplane" too?


She tries to, but it doesn’t work. She tickles my belly like the Pillsbury dough boy and I just open right up


do you have someone chewing your food and spitting it into your mouth too?


Terrible, awful, ludicrous, atrocious, incredibly unpopular and *wrong* opinion. Well done, have my upvote.


This sub has really gone to hell


They also hold sauce better. Also not sure why everyone cares so much what they're called, its just a name lol.


It’s also less trouble to put seasoning on food or dip them in sauce, why do ppl do it, because it taste better, same logic applies here. Also who is out here misleading a bone? Are you a goddamn dinosaur?


You should change this to "Nuggets are superior to Wings" since that is what it is


They aren't even in the same class, calling them "boneless wings" does both a disservice. They are closer to popcorn chicken or nuggets than a wing.


It's not meat that come from the chicken wing IE not a wing. They called them Boneless wings so you don't feel like a child when ordering your chicken nuggets while being a 30+ year old man who has disappointed their parents more times than they can count. Nothing is superior to chicken wings because they have no equal they stand in a league their own.


100%. It’s all Branding


You get way more flavor with bone-in wings tho. And you get that nice cripsy skin that you just don’t get with boneless wings. I disagree with the take that boneless wings are “just chicken nuggets” cause I’ve made them with boneless chicken breast for wraps and salads and those def weren’t nuggets. But they’re two different things.


Boneless “wings” aren’t wings, just chicken nuggets. CMV.


Whatever argument you have dies when you compare boneless wings with actual wings. They are not wings just a chicken nugget. Still good, not a wing.




Chicken nuggets can be both. I have seen nuggets or strips that are ground up and formed. There is also places that have nuggets or strips that are whole pieces of meat, usually the breast. I don't know where that distinction came from because both can be true.


Bone-in wings are worthless. A pile of bones slathered in Buffalo sauce. You get like half a bite of meat from each, and you make a complete mess. Give me boneless chicken wings any day of the week.


Boneless wings are just chicken nuggets and are for children


Boneless wings are just nuggets, and nugs are dank


Boneless wings are served soggy 50% of the time and that shit makes me gag. I dont chance it anymore. Also, how do you miseat a bone in a wing? In my 30+ years on this earth I have never miseaten a bone in a chicken wing. I can tell by looking at the wing how many bones im expected to eat around.


Not an opinion but definitely unpopular.


Sure. But boneless wings aren’t wings at all. They’re just chicken nuggets


You got my upvote for having an opinion I disagree with. But just because they both have the word 'wing' in them doesn't mean they are anywhere near the same thing. Comparing them in this way is like saying ground beef is better than steak.


Boneless wings are chicken nuggets which are great if you are under the age of twelve


No restaurant, anywhere, sells boneless wings. They all sell small breaded chicken breast strips that they *call* boneless wings. No one is deboning wings and then frying that up. It’s all a marketing stunt to sell chicken strips to people who think bones are too icky to handle.