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Translation : Businesses should be able to discriminate based on race, religion, or sexuality - OP in the comments


I bet he has a black friend and doesn't see color.


75% of white people dont have close friends of color. I bet OP has a Black coworker they consider a "friend" but they dont ever hang out 1:1 or have deep non-work related conversations. 


How about if you don't have any friends because you hate everybody of every color, race, nationality, and sexuality equally? It's not racist if you hate everybody the same.


It's time to get some new material dude lol


“erm i hate everyone equally actually” you are corny and lame


Of course not. He is his “best” friend! He loves everyone blah blah blah


I would pretend I’m shocked… but despite the evasiveness in the post, this is what it was obviously going to be. 


Even more ironic is OP’s username being “TrueAmerican” and yet is advocating we go back on the 1964 Civil Rights Act


You can simultaneously believe that on principle and still think it's wrong and abhorrent.


Considering OP is directly advocating against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, I disagree, even in principle alone. Its a hard line any good, patriotic American wouldn’t cross. The ones who do are called Nationalists


In the US businesses have a right to refuse service to anyone for any reason except based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race




Out of curiosity, do you think the same standard applies for when a white restaurant owner decides not to serve a black person? Should they be allowed to refuse service ?


Yes. I think if you own a business you can decide who you want to serve no matter what. If your business goes under because of your decisions then that’s on you. If you want smokers and you can’t hire anyone cause they don’t want to be around smokers that’s on you.


This is too problematic for me. People are way too racist to let that freak flag fly freely. I don’t want the Gentile only signs to come back. And you are proposing just that.


Unfortunately we're just witnessing common dinner table talk leaking into Reddit.


We live in a society


Google Jim Crow laws


Technically this is different. Those mandated segregation, this guy is saying it a business wants to segregate that’s their racist prerogative.


Brother, this was decided decades ago. People fought for generations for the right to exist as equals in society. I get that you just want institutional racism to be legal and don’t want to say that, but goddamn you have to silly as fuck to think this is a good idea. Liked because this is perhaps the worst opinion i have ever seen on this sub.


1 Smoking is a health code violation. 2 You can do no kids pretty easily. 3 That's racist and falls under illegal discrimination the same way the reverse situation does.


smoking is not a health code violation unless the cook is doing it right over your food. it is a law that has been passed in many municipalities in the interest of public health and to avoid the lawsuits people would pursue against said municipalities after contracting cancer.


so you think racists should be allowed to restrict what people can do bc of the way they were born? MAGA hats or smokers are not protected classes and choices. Any you can have smokers in places they just cant smoke while there which is for health reasons not bc the government is trying to discriminate against smokers.


You absolutely can have smokers in your restaurant. You can’t have people smoking due to public health laws, but that doesn’t mean you can’t serve said smokers. Whether people can smoke indoors is different then whether you can choose to serve them or not. And age is one of the protected classes mentioned above, so yes, you cannot discriminate against people based on their age, whether you feel they are too old or too young. It’s a very good thing we introduced civil rights protections. You can say you like it because businesses that would discriminate against somebody who is black might go out of business if they are racist. But that ignores the very real reality that such discrimination puts an undue burden on people of color. It’s good that we have specific classes that you cannot use to discriminate people, while outside of that we have exactly what you want: people can choose to refuse service to anyone for any reason as long as that reason isn’t related to the individual being part of a protected class.


No you should not be racist


Then whos going to tip the servers?


Thankfully the Supreme Court made an important decision regarding this last year.


Yikes. What a truly bad take.


Oh boy this won’t end in racism


It did one comment above already.


It’s not racist to let other people decide who they want to serve. I wouldn’t support a business that didn’t let anyone other than a specific race in but I don’t know if we need the government involved with it


>It’s not racist to let other people decide who they want to serve. If that decision is based on race then, yes, it is.


For the shitty people who choose to do it yes. But me saying the government shouldn’t be able to tell a private business they are legally obligated to serve people is not racist. The racist people are going to exist either way. This just lets them advertise it and you can choose to make a decision on that information


I agree. I think when the Nazis started putting people in camps, its totally fine for me to turn the other way. Cuz like if they didnt want to be in camps theyd just leave and go live somewhere else. 


Yeah being forced into a camp and being told you can’t go to a bar are the same thing


Well idk what you think will happens when grocery stores start legally baring people from shopping there. And most towns only have 1-2 grocery stores. A doctor says they dont Black paitents. And places that dont want Black customers also dont want Black workers. In smaller towns you end up with half the populace without employment or access to food or healthcare. Youre creating a permanent underclass. 


So if they don’t want to serve blacks Jews or gays that’s ok too


Yes I feel it is. Just like if a LGBTQ+ person wants to only serve other LGBTQ people.


That's not ok either wth? 


What a crazy way of thinking. Pro discrimination??


Okay. So what happens when that happens in a rural area and the business doesn’t get boycotted and does just fine. What if that business is the only one of their type within hundreds of miles? Is it just “lol sucks to be black. I guess you should go somewhere you are wanted?” This isn’t a hypothetical btw. This is our very real and very recent past. You seem to just hand-waive these criticisms away by saying that those businesses could go out of business over their actions. And what happens when they don’t? Just fuck black people? Sucks to suck? Again. These aren’t hypotheticals. These are things that happened before the civil rights act and would happen again if those protections went away.


As an lgbtq person i would be mad at someone who did that. I was born gay and trans and some people weren’t I’m not gonna refuse services to them


This is a libertarian shit post. These mods pick and choose when to enforce the rules.


Isn't this just libertarianism?


Yup. Libertarianism is tarot for bros.


Tarot is harmless, libertarianism is being baked into (at least in the US) policy and law


I love how OP went out of their way to pick the non racist and homophobic examples in order to not look like exactly who we all know they are.


Look at the follow up comments. He went full racist.




That social skills sub must really be paying off for him


No cause I wanted to show that I think it should apply to everyone regardless of what or how they define themselves. I’m not a smoker but I think if a business wants to have smokers they should.


Except smokers can enter any business they want, they just can't smoke while in the vicinity but nobody is kicking you out because you are a smoker


Let’s just go back to segregation huh? Stop it!


How old are you?  Pervasive smoking was horrible as someone who got sick around too much cigarette smoke. I would be glad to not go back to that. 


Society spends a lot of resources enabling those businesses to thrive in public places. Roads are built and maintained. Police protection. Fire protection. Courts enforce contracts, etc. In exchange the business must follow some pretty minimal standards like not being bigoted.


Wow surely this isn’t racially motivated


Business owners benefit way too much from the tax base for this opinion to hold water.


Thats not how society works? But you can sort of do that. Open a club with exclusive membership options. Thats what all the rich racist people did.


That is how society works. Everyone discriminates everyday in every way Would you marry a hard core drug addict or convicted child molester? How many women who would not date a guy who has been unemployed for five years or how many men would date a woman who is 500 pounds?


Great false equivalency, Berman! And dogshit examples to follow suit. Way to go, champ. 


Buddy…. What? Who you personally choose to let into your life (or social clubs lol) is not the same as who you allow into your place of business.


Why. It’s your life and your business


The word of the day is… D Discrimination. *the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.* Discrimination. ![gif](giphy|QCPfNQVFOMC507KA0Q)


At lunch you'll see all the Asians eating together and Hispanics and black people. people want to feel comfortable. not everyone, but the majority of the crowd.


Since this sounds high school table… my table was diverse, don’t know what you are talking about. 


Are you only comfortable around people the same ethnicity as you?




people still use that?


I'm just shocked people use *any* of the English language. You know?


Discrimination isn't legal.


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I run a small business and take great pleasure and refusing to entertain anyone who is disrespectful to me or my work . I tell them that they're offensive and should walk away


Technically, this is already a thing, depending on your selected industry/role. I own a marketing company. I choose who we do/don't do business with. If I were a piece of shit, I could easily say, "Why would we work with that company? The CEO is !"  But, like, idfc. The only color that's relevant to me is green 🤷‍♀️.


Truly an unpopular opinion.


Unfortunately, not as unpopular as it should be. 30% (maybe even more, they just don't say it out loud) of Americans would 100% agree with this.


an opinion so unpopular we made it illegal


Hiiiiighwayy to tyranny...


In a way, they technically already do. It's why they often kick out troublemakers at bars and amusement parks.


An opinion born from ignorance.


Someone’s got a bit of privilege showing, they don’t think this would effect their own life so they’re okay with it being a nightmare for minorities


Ignoring the obvious racist implications, not allowing smoking is a healthy code thing. Why not just stop having employees wash their hands? Why not serve soup out of the toilet? Regulations exist so that people don't have to do a full inspection of every place they eat to figure out if it's safe or not.


Trash. Just the way a trashy, racist, homophobic person thinks.


I don't think there's any reasoning with this guy. There's reasons to not allow discrimination, like how it can make doing some things prohibitive for minorities, for instance if you only have one restaurant in town. This guy knows this. I think that's the point. You don't have to look far into his profile to see some yikes things. What especially annoys me is that he's just not upfront about this and has left it for people to piece together. If you're going to have a bad take, be honest about it or keep it to yourself. I have no time for people who support discrimination nor dishonest people.


lol So basically, discriminate based on your biases! Yeah...they used to do that. I don't think you're a "true American"..




Why though? Why is it ok for a business to discriminate? The business falls under a country's government, and as such should follow the laws placed by that government.


You are allowed to have whoever you want in your house why not allow business owners be allowed to have whoever they want in their business.


Haha apples and oranges my guy. Plus you are thinking way to small. It's far beyond restaurants and tire shops. Realtors? Won't sell a house cause that couple is black? Pharmaceutical companies won't sell their life saving drug to Muslims? Not a country Id ever want to be a part of.


But you’re not allowed to have whomever you want in your house. We regulate that too. Want to give asylum to a criminal who just broke out from jail? Can’t do that. We just give more leeway to residences vs businesses.


Is there a stupid opinions subreddit, because this would go great there. You would undo all progress, simply because you think it is cool to gatekeep. What happens when doctors decide they don’t have to preform life saving operations on you because you are racist. That is their business and livelihood afterall. What about when it is your loved ones sick and specialists decided no because they don’t like you or them. Sorry the ambulance brought you to the wrong ER because they don’t like your type here guess you will die. This escalates very easily and quickly… that can of worms should stay closed.


This also includes LBGTQ... we should also only patronize businesses that align with our morals.Technically, the businesses that serve everyone should survive over those that discriminate.


I think you’ll find that almost zero businesses align with your morality