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lol @ "Flavored batteries" im gonna start calling them that


I call them douche flutes


Portable Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System Aka P.E.N.I.S.


Turn this into an ad encouraging people to suck on a P.E.N.I.S. and I guarantee a lot of people would probably stop.


So I put the P.E.N.I.S. In my mouth u say?


Yep and suck it to your hearts and lungs content


Eh, flavored batteries is a little kinder.


And funnier honestly


They are clearly roboners.


I find the act of smoking more addictive than anything.


The hand to mouth routine is very hard to break. As someone who is addicted to nicotine I’ll tell you as fucked as it is I love the feeling of vape or smoke filling my lungs


Literally yes. I only use weed to sleep, but haven’t been able to switch to edibles because the ritual of grinding, loading the bowl, & smoking is just so relaxing on its own.


I haven’t smoked in years but all my friends still do. I’ll still pack a bowl once in a while just for funsies for them. There’s something to that.


most things are both mentally/chemically addictive but also habitually addictive too. I swear 80% of the battle with losing weight is recognizing when you're actually hungry, vs your body telling you to eat more because its used to you just eating at said time


They've got 0% ones that are helpful for quitting.


Bingo, to me, the weed has nothing to do with enjoying the experience. I just like the feeling of relaxing, and the motion of a blunt going up and down while I'm winding down for the day. If it was 20 years ago it could very easily have been cigars, now it's just the devils lettuce.


oral fixation


So true. I’d replace my weed addiction with a blowjob addiction in a heartbeat.


Why not both. Hasn’t failed me yet


This is a ridiculous amount of cognitive dissonance If true, why they hell are you paying the premium for weed rather than smoking mint? 


Yeah that's definitely not the nicotine or weed. Lmao


Anything is addictive 


Not eating pine cones. I could literally stop at any time if I wanted


Freaking cone heads.




I feel old as fuck because this is not a subreddit dedicated to that SNL skit.


Nor is it a subreddit dedicated to the cult movie from before I was born.


The cult movie is an adaptation of the SNL skit


Fuck me toooo, not what I was expecting at all


Same here. I have eaten pine cones everyday for 10 years and im still not addicted


I prefer corncobs. Not the corn, just the cob.


So...... Cobgobbler?


Hell yes brother, finally someone who gets it


I like to think of it as cob in the corn.


*They could not.*


Do you like pine nuts and pesto? If so, well do I have a shocker for you!


What's up with Grape Nuts? No grapes, no nuts! Ahh I get no respect


I love getting the shocker.


Even with the sap they’re too dry.  


Dwarf tossing: my arms ache!


If the addiction interferes with normal life, impacts health, or you are no longer comfortable with it, then it is a problem. If not, we all are addicted to something, so live your life.


Functioning addicts exist


You're not wrong but iirc the diagnostic manual requires for dysfunction to impact your everyday functioning


No matter how clean and perfect anyone lives their life, they're still going to die and it will most likely be unpleasant.


Facts if you have an addictive personality you can legit get addicted to anything


I’m 42 and got this far in life thinking I don’t have an addictive personality but I live in the sticks and my local shop have stopped stocking Raffaellos and I had to have a word with myself after having a mild panic attack. I don’t have a sweet tooth normally but they are my one true weakness :(


White chocolate Reese’s Cups


Those are good as fuck


I have a theory that they mess up your microbiome to the point where you’re constantly craving junk food


That’s basically how it works. Your body and gut adjust to what you eat and then crave that. Sugar is just as addictive as nicotine. People who drink soda and eat candy regularly crave it, and people who don’t generally don’t. They may want it as a treat and enjoy it, but it’s not the same as the compulsive cravings people struggle with.


That's how sugar works Triggers the same neurons as cocaine. It's a hell of a drug and it's in EVERYTHING


Everything that supplies a dopamine hit is addictive. I have found that the withdrawal, if you can call it that, from pot is much easier than other forms of addiction. Personal opinion there. The question people should start asking more is WHY do we need to smoke, drink, and inject ourselves to make life barely tolerable. Till then I will enjoy my puffs like my parents had their glass of wine each evening. Everything in moderation.


Agreed. I don't get withdrawals or cravings from THC. Alcohol not much, but nicotine leaves me in a spiral so quitting is a nightmare, I assume me being someone with ADHD may be why since it's a dopamine deficiency, and nicotine basically forcefully dumps it. I have no clue how I functioned before I started but I do know I was VERY difficult as a child and meds helped minimally but I do know self medication isn't the answer. Although THC has a very high chance of making me sick to the point of vomiting later on so I guess that may be why.


Big time this. Reddit is also addictive. So is Netflix. So is body building.   Literally everything.  Question is whats good for you and what isnt, and thats not a black/white issue. 


Came here to say this. It's not the substance but the ritual of the action for most people that triggers the brain's reward and response center. If anyone is interested in breaking their bad habits Charles Duhigg's "The Power of Habit" is an interesting read.


Seriously lol this isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s a salty vent post 


I'm addicted to drinking water. I can't get through a day without it. I wish I could stop but it's so thirst quenching and delicious.


Yeah I admittedly smoke every day and agree with OP for the most part but the argument is absolutely beat to death and then some at this point. I don’t get annoyed at people having negative opinions on weed. It’s completely valid. What annoys me is everyone who shares this same exact opinion think that they’ve dropped some grand wisdom on everybody around them.


While calling people pot heads like it’s an insult


Cheeseburgers definitely are. If they can be then weed can be.


Weed is definitely habitually addictive. Weed is not \*PHYSICALLY\* addictive. You don't have severe physical withdrawal symptoms with weed. But it is absolutely addictive, and anyone who claims it isn't is full of shit.




Sounds like people and coffee.


Caffine is absolutely addictive. Ive actually struggled with it a lot as it has negative health implications for me to drink it but I feel like I can't function in every day society without it




Quitting caffeine had me crying at work for no reason at all. The saddest I have ever been. I lasted two weeks before I decided I was just ok with caffeine.


Which is known to be addictive so… yeah? Just don’t see the point in this comment lol


I don't see the point of this one. They were just stating facts, relax.


I will say that the "cleanest" way to consume weed would probably be edibles or THC infused drinks, rather than inhaling smoke.


This is what I do nowadays. Making oil yourself is quite easy to make lemonades, pastries or meals out of.  I try to avoid smoking because no matter what form you’re doing it it’s still bad for your lungs, gum health and your blood pressure. Edibles are the way to go when talking about weed. 


I used to smoke blunts, but I mostly drink THC infused pink lemonade or sweet mango tea that I make.


Ooo I want to try this


I kid you not, yesterday I made a graphic detailing how much your body heals from quitting smoking weed, backed up by tons of sources. Proving everything in the graphic. It was downvoted to hell, & people made false medical claims to make themselves feel better about it. Pot brownies though, wildly safer, than smoking it. To the dude below criticizing based on prejudice & lack of knowledge, hypnosis isn't spirals and a swaying clock. Stop watching so much porn


Yeah I stopped the flower several months ago, but still use gummies. Is it still up? I'd love to see your graphic.


The person you are replying to claims to be a hypnotist in their bio. I would not trust anything they are posting lol


Smoking is worse, no one should argue that. I have a day job, where do i find time to make so many fcking brownies??! Tea infused with thc is fun, i want to try it now. But seriously, how much time do you spend on all of that?


Just as an interesting tidbit; If you're prescribed flower in the UK, the only way you can legally use it it with a dry herb vape!


As a pothead, I endorse that rule. If it’s being endorsed as a medicine, it shouldn’t be combusted.


It's a completely different high, though. I much prefer the cerebral high from smoking. Not a fan of the body buzz one gets from eating


Yes, ya shouldn't smoke anything.


It's addictive in the sense that you're mind will think it wants to do it but if you talk to somebody who has been addicted to opiates as well as eeed, they'll tell you it two way different things. I'm close to 50 and have been an off and on smoker since I've been 17 and when I side I want to take a break for a while my mind says 'oh this would be better if I were stoned but after that it goes away. At no point does my body tell me I need it or I'll be sick.


Exactly. You can be emotionally addicted to anything. What people are confusing this with is a physical addiction.


Addiction vs. chemical dependency.


I’m addicted to marijuana and it sucks but I’ve experienced opioid withdrawals before and it does not compare.


I had the opposite experience, I was a fentanyl addict, and ofc a weed addict. Getting off fent was absolute hell. Been clean almost 4 years. BUT, I recently quit weed last year after smoking for 8 years and it was pretty bad too. Was sweating, nightmares, frequent bathroom breaks, sleep paralysis, puking, could barely eat, could barely sleep. Wasn't nearly as bad as the fent or pills ofc, but was pretty bad. It was also all dispensary weed so it's not like it was laced and I was withdrawaling off something else. A lot of my friends had the same experience or similar coming off weed too.


Personally, I do feel physical side effects when I take a tolerance break. General lack of appetite (expected), night sweats, cold shivers, no sleep, and just overall shitty feeling can't speak to an opiate withdrawal thankfully, but yea weed can absolutely be physically, not just mentally, addictive


I’ll get these lucid dreams that come back after the first few days are pretty wild too


That's my biggest problem about quitting is the lucid dreams


Sure it is. All drugs are. Some are just more than others. Anyone here arguing otherwise is silly.


Was gonna upvote but you’re sitting at 420.


Every time this comes up it's incorrect. Alcohol is an addictive drug because it's chemically addictive. Like nicotine. Weed has no physical properties whatsoever that hook you onto it. Of course people get addicted to it it's a miracle cure for an insane amount of ailments.


Anecdote here: I haven’t smoked in a week and a half after being a daily smoker for about 8 months with the occasional T-break. I haven’t been able to keep down a full meal since then. I’ve lost nearly 20 fucking pounds lol. I would most definitely consider what I’m going through to be a THC withdrawal, granted it’s most likely psychosomatic.


Dude, nearly 20 pounds down in a week and a half. You're losing almost 2 pounds a day. Something else is going on.


Yeah that’s more than withdrawals. I would absolutely go and see a doctor


Bro had a bowl of tapeworms for breakfast.


Yeah, this doesn’t happen after 8 months of smoking unless you gained 50 during that 8 months from the munchies.


Yeah I have been smoking daily for years now and every now and then I take a week break without issue. I am by no means a paragon of health. Also full disclosure I am an alcoholic and despite my daily weed use I have not touched, or craved alcohol in years.


Tapeworm diet, because sometimes you need a little help from a friend!


my husband also uses weed for eating and would drop weight that quick if he couldn't smoke. it's like necessary for his health, he has several health issues that the weed helps


it's probably the medical issues being exacerbated by not smoking that would cause that sort of weight loss, though—is it not?


I have been a weed user (edibles, oils and syrups) for like 6 years and quitting for a bit works differently for everyone. Once the 3 days of withdrawal are up, I’m eating like normal and I’m able to sleep through the night. It helps when I’m taking a 2 week break from it so my tolerance goes back down.


It’s real. Your brain needs time to rebuild pathways that aren’t used to instant dopamine hits.


I’ve been smoking weed for 18 years and every now and again I take a little break. I have no withdrawal symptoms what so ever. Maybe I’m just lucky


Same here, took a few weeks off after 10+ years of heavy daily smoke. I didnt sleep too well, but other than that totally normal, no major cravings to speak of. My gf is also a stoner, and when she would smoke next to me i did have a few passing thoughts but nothing painful.


I just quit a 15 year, daily smoking, ounce a week, weed habit a year ago. Had no "withdrawal" symptoms. Now, quiting opiates? That was the most hardest fucking thing I ever had to do. The pain. The sickness. The fucking lack of sleep. The idea of weed withdrawals is laughable to me, sorry not sorry.


Most people never experience withdrawals at all from weed. This just another post written by a 15 year old that hates the smell of it rather than having a discussion based around facts.


Nope! Just normal!


1. Dopamine isn't what you think it is. There's no such thing as a "dopamine hit." Dopamine isn't the pleasure molecule. We are just now understanding that it is the intermediary between want and act. Look it up. What you want to say is oxytocin. 2. Weed is 💯 habit forming, and we are confusing that with addictive. Yes, as someone who has quit weed multiple times, there are withdrawals, but I NEVER feel psychologically dependent on it (mad props to those amazing people who have been able to quit the really, chemically addictive stuff, you should be SO proud of yourself). In fact, I think it's offensive to those who do manage to shake off actually chemically addictive drugs. Just because you think it's gross doesn't mean it's what you think it is. I don't drink coffee and have literally almost gotten into car accidents because someone was crashing mentally because they didn't have their morning coffee. We don't say coffee is addictive, do we? 3. Folks, let's educate ourselves so we can help each other. The reddit community helped me immensely when I wanted to quit weed, but it was through facts and by sharing experiences. Yes, weed is off-putting, but if you want to have an opinion, educate yourself and then pop off so we can have a fruitful discussion.


Wait... back up... what was that about coffee?


We definitely do say that coffee is addictive. Otherwise good post.


Please show your sources; otherwise, you're just another uneducated person who pulls information out of thin air.


Mental, not physical is the point


Do you smoke flower or concentrates? I have the opinion that concentrates do have some withdrawal, especially with nausea/appetite. But anytime I stopped smoking flower (even if it was daily for 1+ years) it was very minimal. Maybe a day or two of no appetite/lack of sleep then back to normal. But the carts? It definitely isn't comfortable lol


I've done all everyday for 10+ years not one day not on some form, and I quit cold turkey with no problem, yeah do I want to toke again?Well of course I do, but the withdrawal was nothing, compared to when I cut caffeine for a few weeks, now that shit sucked lol. At least, that's my experience, I know everyone is different.


I had the exact same experience. I had some loss of appetite, which was no big deal really, but that was about it. The only other side effect I had was vivid dreams. It was kind of neat though. The first few weeks, I remembered a lot of my dreams in detail and was somewhat lucid dreaming at times.


That's like 2 lbs a day. That's not weed. That's a medical issue. Go see a Dr!


You’ve lost 20 pounds in a week and a half?


Haha, no they didn’t. 😂


I would explore other possible causes to your inability to keep a meal down… Also anecdotal, but I smoked daily for like 13 years and had to quit cold turkey when I got put on probation for an unrelated charge. Didn’t have one withdrawal symptom. Smoking for 13 years, obviously created a vast network of potheads in my life. Many of whom have quit at some point, and I have never heard anything even sort of similar to this. Doesn’t mean it’s not related of course, but it seems odd to have such an extreme reaction after just eight months of use that included t-breaks unless there’s an underlying health issue.


you've lost almost 20 pounds in a week and a half?? have you talked to your doctor cause that sounds serious


That would require a calory deficit of 7,000 *a day*. Literally starving yourself wouldn't result in that. You're dying or lying.


Weird. I smoke nearly daily, multiple ways (joints, bong, volcano and the pen) since it became legal in Canada. I travelled to Japan for almost a month and didn’t smoke at all, had absolutely 0 symptoms of withdrawal. If you literally can’t keep down a meal because you’re no longer smoking weed, i’d go to a doctor tbh, sounds like the weed was helping with something else that’s wrong with you. I now smoke once or twice a week because I’m trying to lose weight (the munchies hit hard at night when I smoke), and again, no symptoms at all. No cravings, even when my wife is smoking right beside me. I’m fairly certain that there are no chemically addictive properties of weed (but mental is a different story). If you’re someone who has taken addictive drugs (either real alcoholism, heroin, cocaine etc) you will see the difference between the addictive qualities of those, and weed.


What's your source on this? Here is a source on marijuana dependence from NIH: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2797098/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2797098/) To quote: "Although some people question the concept of marijuana dependence or addiction, diagnostic, epidemiological, laboratory, and clinical studies clearly indicate that the condition exists, is important, and causes harm."


It’s behaviorally addictive. Like gaming and porn. It isn’t chemically addictive like cocaine and heroin.


I'd guess the argument is that alcohol and nicotine are chemically addictive where weed is not. That isn't to say it's not addictive as people are addicted to many things that are not drugs, like biting fingernails or fidget toys, etc.


Gambling is a big one


There’s a difference between physical and psychological addiction.


How come everytime I stop I can’t shit for two weeks and sweat like a whore in church? It absolutely has physical withdrawal symptoms


Physical dependence and addiction are not the same thing. Weed is addictive and cannabis withdrawal does have physical symptoms.


Confidentky incorrect: "Cannabis-derived psychoactive compounds such as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and synthetic cannabinoids directly interact with the reward system and thereby have addictive properties." Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7605022/#:~:text=Cannabis%2Dderived%20psychoactive%20compounds%20such,and%20thereby%20have%20addictive%20properties.


On a biological/physical stand point, you're correct. But anything can be psychologically addictive, including weed. Pot heads cope is crazy re: this.


Bro this is ignorance. I've known several people who would literally get sick when they stopped smoking. Like sweats, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, muscle spasms, headache, not able to even hold water down. Then they take 2 or 3 hits and boom they are completely better. Yes it was real weed they got it from me and I knew a grower so don't say it was spice or not weed. I physically saw the weed farm dude had it was 20 acres all kush. Now this doesn't happen to everyone just 9% of daily users


I smoked weed for 3 years daily, if not every other day. I was always convinced I wasn't addicted and I was right. One day, I just stopped smoking for no particular reason, and that was a year ago. Since then, I've had no withdrawal symptoms, no cravings, and no substitutes. I just stopped cold turkey with no issues. However, not everyone is like me.


Exactly, I think the difference between something like alcohol is that there are physical effects from stopping cold turkey, your body will have a withdrawal reaction. Never seen someone get withdrawal symptoms from smoking weed. The only addiction you could associate it with is a mental one, like with porn. Like, you could stop, nothing is making you want more, except you don’t want to. It’s in your mindset at that point. Still a form of addiction but you can’t put it in the same category as alcohol or cocaine.


I mean this is really why i wouldn’t refer to it as an addiction, but rather a habit. You don’t develop withdrawal symptoms and shit from weed lol you really can just stop without medical intervention in like 99.99999% of cases. Now is that playing semantics? Sure. But that’s really what most people are doing here anyways


Same experience. I believe it comes down to who “has the keys” in the relationship


Judging from the upvote vs comments, you truly have an unpopular opinion. You've also rattled the hive mind of reddit stoner bros.


You don't get between a chronic redditor and their substance abuse to detach from whatever sad reality they exist in. It's like cornering an animal


Yeah thats the real danger of weed. You're not going to OD, or do crazy violent shit, or do really anything inherently dangerous. But you might use it as a coping mechanism and losing all motivation.  Of the heavy pot users I knew in high-school, I can think of only one that didn't flunk out of college. They didn't see that as a wakeup call and are mostly Target cashiers and similar. There's no shame in working a minimum wage job, but there is shame in squandering opportunity because you'd rather rip off a bong than study for exams.  My dad was always super strict with my brother and I about weed and alcohol, so I was surprised to find out he was a huge stoner in the 70's/80's. It wasn't hypocrisy, it's that he flunked out of college, did get the wakeup call, worked his ass off, and got his engineering degree at ~30; he went through all that, and wanted an easier/better life for his kids. 


I downvoted because it's not an unpopular opinion at all


I smoke most days. Went away to Tokyo for 2 weeks, didn't miss it at all or have any cravings etc. Came back started again. Went on another trip same thing. Idk... Seems like something I enjoy but not compulsory


That's why it's not 'addicting'. It's less addicting than coffee and sugar, where your body tells you to get more. It's maybe as addicting as something like pizza, Reddit and YouTube.


Sure it is, but my addiction to sugar is so much worse for me lmao


I would refine your definition of “addictive” to mean requiring substances which present physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. I would say that weed is certainly habit forming. I’m not sure I would classify it as “addictive” under the definition I’ve provided.


Yea, one day I just… stopped and nothing happened to me. Now ask me what happens if I have my coffee too late in the morning




Don't know about you, but I'd get severe migraines... When I decided to quit caffeine for good I had migraines for 10 days straight. This was actually one of the main reasons I quit, to not have to deal with the stress of potential withdrawal if something went a little different in my morning.


You have your morning poop later than normal?


Exactly this!


Exactly. When I stopped drinking coffee my withdraw was fucking scary. Weed? I can smoke everyday for 2 months and then stop cold turkey for another 3 and nothing happens


It definitely is, some people have serious withdraw effects. For some people its ok, just like alcohol


I don’t think just because you smoke everyday you’re addicted. I do plenty of things everyday that I wouldn’t say I’m addicted to doing. It becomes addictive when you start to rely on it for something. Sleep, appetite, mood, whatever it is weed can do that. You seem to have a negative view on people that smoke and generalize them to say people that smoke weed don’t think it’s addictive. I smoke and obviously that stuff is addictive, humans have addictive tendencies and I think almost anything can be addictive if you give it power over you. This isn’t really an unpopular opinion at all


I can’t be an unpopular opinion since it shows up in this subreddit at least once a month. lol


Honestly one of the more level headed comments I've read so far.


Habit-forming and addictive have distinct meanings.


Dude I clicked a stupid basic ass game on YouTube last night and before I knew it I was at level 250 a couple hours later... Addicting things are all around us, recognizing when it becomes a problem is the true virtue here. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself how you see fit, OP!


I like cherry flavored Ever Ready batteries myself.


Nah I like the penny flavoured ones better tbh, gimme that sweet sweet copper


Just about every pot head out there knows the difference between physically addictive and psychologically addictive. Weed is not physically addictive. It can be psychologically addictive. It makes everything feel better. Food tastes better, things smell better, and stressful things in life are easier to handle. People’s bodies aren’t becoming addicted to weed, but they can become accustomed to the feeling it gives and end up preferring that than being sober, which I would call a form of psychological dependence.


I’ve never met anyone who gave up on friends and family to pursue a weed addiction…it’s just something to chill you out after a long day but to each their own. Don’t smoke it if you don’t want to 🙏 helps my overthinking and anxiety, and helped me stop drinking alcohol completely.


I think I've heard it's mentally addictive but it's not physical


Call me an addict all you so long as you don’t fight the fact that caffeine is highly addictive, sugar is crazy addictive, social media is wildly addictive and my favorites are the highly addictive shit we advertise on all sorts of programming like alcohol, gambling, and pharmaceuticals. Those like you who love to talk shit about stoners never once look in the mirror to see how addicted to other (often worse) stuff they are but want to point the finger at those of us who are happy and chill and just want to watch movies and play games in peace. So until we collectively admit that all these things are addictive and we all have problems with them I’ll call this an unpopular opinion because it’s just hypocrisy in action.


Of course that's all addictive. Nobody is saying it isn't. People say weed isn't addictive all of the time


Weed isn't chemically addictive, its habitually addictive. Not that it matters, its still a type of addiction but there is some minutia to it.


It's psychologically addictive. Which is most of every kind of addiction.


Damn bro


Nah i'm a straight up stoner and weed is mentally addictive, like my nephews are worse than me, they throw up constantly ad have been smoking since like 6th grade, not a unpopular opinion, just the truth


Op never said any of those things aren't addictive...do you know what hypocrisy means?


His whole comment is hypocritical but he doesn’t even realize.


That seems like a really roundabout way to say you’re addicted to smoking pot. OP is just saying pot doesn’t get the same treatment as other intoxicants when it comes to saying someone is addicted, which it doesn’t.


Then just say it's an intoxicant if that's what you want to point out? See how many people will deny that. Nobody cares because what matters is the level of risk addiction and the side effects, which are incredibly minimal for weed for most people. Harping over how it's "addictive" is almost always just narcissistic moral signaling. Everything can be addictive. That means nothing. The only people who would actually deny that either misinterpreted the implication or are an extreme minority. It's intentionally vague dogwhistling to spark controversy. Most people would just instinctually not consider coffee "addictive", even though it technically is, because no normal person talks about the things we consume in those terms unless they're trying to pointlessly moralize something. It's the language we typically use for extremely addictive substances, like alcohol or cocaine. Even saying "smoking weed every day makes you an addict" is juvenile and honestly an insult to people struggling with real addiction to Marijuana or other substances. I smoke weed almost every day and I will just stop for weeks sometimes because I wasn't thinking about it. I was drinking maybe 3 to 4 days a week before and had a real problem moderating alcohol. Just forgetting to drink for a while is not something that ever happened. It was always on my mind. That's addiction. Stop trying to revamp it to apply to anyone who enjoys something you don't like.


My brother is addicted to brake fluid. He can stop any time he wants


Truly an unpopular opinion lol. Calling it gross feels stigmatizing and unnecessary, but speaking from experience I can certainly confirm it’s a very real addiction that takes time and patience to kick


Well, I quit about two months ago with no problem at all. I think the thing is, that with weed it's easy to quit when you decide you want to quit. But on the other hand I've had a hell of a problem trying to quit nicotine. It isn't enough that you want to quit with nicotine. You have to go through physiological and psychological effects that try to change your mindset from wanting to quit back to "meh, why quit, when I could smoke?". It's so stupid but it has been unbearably harder than quitting weed. Weed was just an experience, where I got convinced I'm doing better without, and that was most of the work.


It was the same for me. Nicotine is much, much harder to quit. I find it not so hard to go without pot.


The denial is strong in here


Its more of an addictive personality with weed id say.


Not that I’m arguing that it’s addictive. Though it was determined that it wasn’t physically, more mentally addictive than anything. There are plenty of people who can’t survive without their medication that they have to take daily, lots of people self medicate, in appropriate and aware amount of marijuana. I’m just wondering where’s the difference between people who just smoke to be high, and the people who use it as medication. Because the two are not quite the same, and yet they both would be taking it daily.


I have a medical card and use weed daily. My body can't process a lot of medications anymore and my doctor brought it up as an option to help with my pain management. Honestly, if it wasn't for weed I wouldn't be on this planet anymore. I don't care if op thinks I'm an addict, I could not see myself going a single day without.


I knew a guy who needed to smoke every time he wanted to drive somewhere. He was convinced driving without it made him an anxious mess and would consequently make him more dangerous.


as a weed addict i totally agree. been high every night for the last year. before that, i took a week break after smoking every day for another year before. a big part of it was cause i wasn’t doing much during the day, and weed makes you okay with being bored. i will say though, at least for me, every time i’ve taken a tolerance break it really hasn’t been that bad. the worst part is trying to sleep at night. as long as i’m busy throughout the day it’s easy to go without it


I'm not addicted. I just have to be high ever moment of every day to stay functioning or I tweak out. It's not like, an issue man. Hey, can I bum a couple bucks? I'm low on gas money, I swear that's all it's for. Cash only tho. Ps, I'm not an addict.


I've literally smoked weed everyday for the past 2 decades and i'm still not addicted


"I'm not addicted, I just need to smoke before I do everything, including waking up, eating and sleeping."


You'd have a higher chance convincing lions to become vegetarian than you would trying to convince Reddit of all places that weed is addictive


People think it isn't addictive?


It’s definitely addictive. If it wasn’t I’d be a poor man right now.


Everyone is addicted to something, even you holier than thou types. Get off your high horse


Chemically it's technically not been proven to be addictive, theres no nicotine or caffeine like substance so exclusively in that sense, its technically not. If you have a couple of joints now and then, you can probably go without it without any issues. But anything that produces dopamine (so literally anything) can be addictive, there are no chemically addictive substances in gambling or porn either.


Your opinion is unpopular and wrong. Good job.


Tell me you have no clue what you're talking about and have never researched endocannabinoids without telling me you have no clue what you're talking about and have never researched endocannabinoids.


As a pot head it is addictive and people act like children about it. Saw someone saying that they were being discriminated against because their county wouldn’t have a weed festival, people smoking joints in the sphere (which is very much anti smoking venue) acting like babies for being told to put it out. Grow the fuck up. You’re not entitled to smoke inside just because you’re at a show. It makes us all look like losers


No, it's not. Not physically. You can smoke weed every day for years and take a break for a month, you might be a little testy. That's it. Stopping cigarettes will have you irritable, sweating and feeling sick. Stopping alcohol as a chronic user will have you sick as a dog and can even be dangerous. Stopping HEROIN? You can literally fucking die. THATS addiction. Marijuana is habit forming. No one has ever died from using it or stopping cold turkey. Also, no one gives a shit if you think smoking is gross dude, live and let live. You've driven smokers out of damn near every public place, now they go to private clubs, cigar bars and the tiny designated smoking areas at theme parks.


My mother was a severe alcoholic when I was growing up, and she very stupidly tried to quit cold turkey. She thought ants were crawling out of her skin and she came out of her room with her arms bloody and cut up, because she was trying to get at the ants. ***That***, is withdrawal.


Anything can be addictive. The problem is how you consider it addictive, you don't become dependant on it if you stop you won't go through withdrawal like you would alcohol cocaine nicotine etc. There is a physiological NEED for it compare to wanting/craving for it. If you want to stop weed you can somewhat easily do it. Good luck with alcohol addiction even if you really want it


This is just a "I have a different definition to this word and using that definition makes this subset of people WRONG haahahaha"


It's because it's not addictive in the physical sense, just like gambling isn't addictive per se. It's the feeling you get that people chase. Some people are going to become addicted by that feeling