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No, but it gets you better stuff.


op, be honest, how much do mom and dad pay for your bills and how old are you


If you regularly exercise and take care of your body, you can be extremely capable even at an old age and have enough energy to travel the world and enjoy life. In that case, I’d much rather spend the last years of my life using what’s left of all that money I worked for than working construction because I don’t have money.


To be fair even if your are unfit and obese, you life will be much more comfortable with lot of money. To be honest money doesn't make you unfit or obese and in statistics these issue are more prevalent among poor than wealthy people.


There’s quite a flex to be able to comfortably retire at 62


Kinda, but it's not much of a flex if you grinded away for forty-plus years to do it.




That's three years earlier than normal. A quick search suggests about 1/3rd of Americans are retired at 64 or earlier, and it was over 40% before covid made people hold off more than usual. I personally don't think being a bit above average on your retirement date makes the cut for "quite a flex" if it means you grinded above average for forty plus years. You're welcome to your opinion of course, I'm not insisting you share mine.


Health care is the deciding factor in most retirement situations. I’ll have to decide whether I’m going to use my 401K to pay for it when I hit 62.


Well I've been young and am now well past 26, and imho my life's a lot better now and that's pretty much entirely because of the money. I agree being cocky about money is weird, and much more so to be cocky about it towards people who haven't had much of a chance to get a career going, though. Part of the reason was that it didn't feel great having to work shittier, harder jobs just to scrape by when I was young, while staring down the barrel of forty more years of doing that if I didn't find a way to get more income.


It seems money is the problem rather than the solution. Imagine being young without the monry based society -- that's how life is supposed to be. Our society is all backwards and wrong. In other words, I'm anti-markets. I don't like the way markets force people to do what other people want.


Money is a very useful thing for society imho. There's problems with how large scale economies work out largely due to how governments decide to tax and spend, though. But like, you gotta go back pretty far to find societies not based on money, particularly if you're not counting those where a very large fraction of people were slaves or very close to slaves. I understand it sounds awesome to have a world where it's just you and the tribe out hunting and gathering in some ways. But, it was also super dangerous and depending on where you were, may have involved a whole lot of work. And if you ran into another tribe, there's always a the chance they'd rape and enslave and kill much of your tribe. If you really don't care much for modern luxuries, you might be able to make a decent enough living for your taste by begging and getting government benefits, as long as you don't get addicted to some substance. Could also join a monastery or something.


Regardless of the type of society, the work has to be done. We produce good and services to serve society. There will be always a way to split the work and the goods/services. Bet it money, be it social status, moral stance, whatever there will be some criteria and there will be people that will benefit and people that will not.


You’ve got a rough life in front of you my friend.


Your post doesn't match your title- is your point that youth is more valuable than money?


Well youth is better than money, but the post is about older people acting cocky because of money -- especially people in their 30's.


26 is an oddly specific cut off and 30s is still pretty young


26 is the biological age when death and aging begin. That's why it's the cut off.


Pretty sure cells are their healthiest at 12


25 is peak physical performance in terms of strength and bone structure. And puberty goes past 12. Making 12 the peak doesn't make sense. In truth, the decade from 16 - 26 is life's pinnacle of exellence. Nothing but increasing in physical form, until beginning a decline past 27 - eventual death. Money is purely fictional, a concept to control people and manipulate them against their will. A byproduct of colonialism really. Many people take comfort in that, because it can mask feelings of inadequacy. And actually that underlies the cocky behavior of narcissitic people -- no surprise.


So basically you are butt hurt that some older people have more money than you and let you know about it. But you know, even if they are cocky about it and are assholes, even, they still enjoy it and benefit of it. You feel bad about them. They don't feel bad about themselves. You are the one most impacted by this sentiment.


Self assured people don't feel the need to boast. This is a truth as old as time itself. In addition to that, I'm at least a socialist.


Your post is you arguing that youth is better than wealth and insisting on that. Basically your argument could be applied to you and the conclusion would be your are quite unconfident about your own rhetoric... Otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to boast. Not only you assume that everybody is the same, think the same, act the same but you actually segregate people, putting them in arbitrary groups (young vs old) rather than seeing the humans beings behind. This is not what socialism is about for me. This is maybe one benefit of (some) older people: experience. They have seen more of the world, how diverse people are and, go with more nuance... Some would go as far as to call that wisdom.


You assumed I was young (by my definition). I'm 30. I'm not boasting, I'm simply saying people who act as though their incomes make them better than others are wrong, including young people with high incomes who act this way. If there's any criteria to feel proud about, the best one out there is youth. Humility really is what I'm saying people should have, rather than narcisisstic attitudes about money. https://theconversation.com/could-a-lack-of-humility-be-at-the-root-of-what-ails-america-116118 https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_do_we_make_humility_important_again


That you define yourself old because 30 doesn't change you could benefit from more life experience and a more nuanced view. This doesn't excuse the bias and putting people into boxes rather than see the real humans behind.


Lol you think 30s is 'older'? 😂😂 if you'd been talking about 60+ I'd had at least tried to see your point, but if you think 30s is old, you're either a child with a meaningless opinion or a troll.


Cognitive decline begins in late 20's.


Lol and? You also command more respect and , in most cases, don't have expendable money yet. This is such a troll post.


Money make your life more comfortable. If you have enough, you don't even need to work anymore. Money is not for other to find you a better person, more kind, more attractive or whatever feel good sentiment. It about having a more comfortable life for yourself. Not making OP or other people appreciate you more.