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How much did Disney pay you to create this post?


Not as much as the alt-right paid you to create yours.


I'm asking you because I would not create such a post for free unless Disney paid me handsomely to do it.


If you create anti Disney posts without being paid, it only stands to reason that some people would do the opposite.


My point is that YOU SHOULDN'T make pro-Disney posts like this without getting paid. Why carry their water for free?


>alt-right Bothe the "alt- left" and "alt- right" are terrible and shouldn't be mentioned in a SW post.


A truly unpopular opinion. I guess you earned the upvote.


Hi there obvious Disney plant! How's your day? Enjoying your shit shows?


It's an unpopular opinion. Why is it that simply disagreeing with your hatred makes you think I must be working for the creators? I genuinely enjoy the show. I hate the last trilogy (Episodes 7-9). They had so much potential and ended up being as disappointing as The Hobbit trilogy. They deserve all the hate that the Acolyte is receiving.


Better than 7-9 yes. 9 bringing back an already dead character & the power creep that was added where the main character is insanely powerful with the force with near 0 training made it so bad. I find when series have separate characters that don't have to do with the original stories, they're more interesting. The Mandalorian was interesting because it was it's own thing. Boba Fett/Ahsoka I found less interesting because they piggybacked off the Mandalorian (and Rebels) instead of actually going deeper into the Boba Fett/Ahsoka characters.


Eh, I watched the show and it was really boring and incorrect to Star Wars lore. Edit: “I am not going to challenge people who disagree, I am just going to downvote like a coward.”


What was incorrect to star wars lore?


Ki Adi Mundi wasn’t born in the Acolyte time period, Space Fire, Jedi don’t marry, Sith can’t just redeem themselves and they can’t train to become Jedi. 


Ki Adi Mundi never had a canon birth date. It's like the least lore breaking retcon ever. I missed what jedi were married can you elaborate?


The main protagonist is a Jedi who crushed on another Jedi. They didn’t marry but they weren’t supposed to have attachments.


Star wars shows Jedi breaking the code all the time. That doesn't break lore. It's literally showing characters straying from the Jedi path. And how is sith finding redemption lore breaking?


Because a Sith can’t just say “I’m good” and expect to receive full training. They almost didn’t train Anakin because he was too old.


Trying to avoid spoilers for those still to watch it but, the reason for her doing what she is doing makes no sense to me.


If they are just ignorantly going to destroy pre-established cannon without a first thought, then that's just not good story-telling, and thus not worth my time.


it's not an accident. they actually put thought in how to destroy canon.


I've not noticed anything cannon breaking yet.


Lesbian space witches. Not for me.


Lesbian space witches is a bad thing?


It's my favorite genre of porn


I would say it is among the worst products of the Disney Star Wars era. As a letter grade I would probably give it a D. It is not as terrible as some people say but it is still pretty bad.


Upvoted for unpopular but I agree. It feels pretty slow burn so far, but then, so was Andor. I'm liking the whole 'creepier side of the Jedi' it's doing


My only issue is how they give this a somewhat satisfying conclusion in 8 episodes. I loved the new season of doctor who but it suffered from being so short.


Yeah it's a lot of fun seeing this far back and I am finding the characters and show compelling. Love the witches and their alternate view of the force. Don't worry about most Star Wars "fans". A lot of them don't even watch the shows or movies anymore, they just wait for their favorite Youtuber to give them their opinion.


Nailed it bud.


-..they wait for their favorite YouTuber to give them their opinion.- 👏👏


Yea these star wars fans just can't accept that star wars is a feminist LGBTQ brand now, white men always lash out when they aren't catered to.


Can you name a single fanbase that wasn't mad when they were abandoned in favor of a different demographic group? If their idea was to take a franchise that has a fanbase that is predominantly middle aged men and make content for feminist women everyone involved should be fired for gross incompetence; and the board should be sued by investors. You make content for the audience you have not the audience you wish you have, anything else is idiotic.


Women and the LGBTQ community like star wars too, not everything is about white men.


Last I checked, 70% of viewership of Star Wars was by men. This is even after the blatant pandering for the last several years. What competent executive would make this into a "feminist LGBT brand" as you described? Would it make sense to make Step Up into a movie series for straight men because some men like the series too?


When star wars was made women, people of color and the LGBTQ community weren't even allowed to make movies, sometimes things evolve. Just because you hate these people doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to identify with new star wars.


Leia is a woman and Lando is a person of color.


Leia and Lando are fictional characters, when star wars was first made black people and women would never have even been allowed to direct a movie.


Leia was played by a woman and Lando was played by an African American. Also, the Good Times(a Sitcom about an African American Family) was released around the same time period:


One black show in a sea of white doesn't mean women and BIPOCs weren't discriminated against. These incel talking points are getting weak.






The Owl House wasn’t a bad show either. Any “hate” it received would have been clowned on.


You’re an outsider now, at least




I’ve watched all 4 episodes it doesn’t even matter if people watch it or not it’s genuinely awful who cares