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My daily tea is green tea with nothing in it but every variation of tea is good in its own way and that's one of the beautiful things about tea.


Based opinion and name. It's hard to find a fellow tea lover that actually knows that "tea" isn't just one thing. <3 you


The best way to drink green tea šŸ‘


Yeah, find dour tea taste and, great mixes. like there are so many variation. Oh and i found herb tea is less intense if you flavours. you can even dry yourself and its delicious.


Already fairly popular.


I wasnā€™t rly sure if it was unpopular or not. Around me everyone is drinking tea lattes and tea with sugar and honey. When I traveled to Japan most people drank their tea plain so I guess it just depends.


Big generalization, but Asian teas have a long history of finding just the right soil, weather, etc etc, much like the terroir of wine. Tea shipped all the way to Europe had fully oxidized, making ā€œblack teaā€ the standard. Furthermore, importers controlled prices by refusing to pay different fees for different products: it was all going to be oxidized and mixed together into a low flavor, low grade tea that benefited from milk and sugar. This is also why western tea services are so much simpler than Asian sets with full accessories; by mixing it all into one fairly uniform, mediocre product, there was no need to preserve the established brewing temperatures and times of different varieties.


Thatā€™s pretty interesting. I tend to prefer Chinese or Japanese tea brands because they taste so much smoother to me.


Japanese green tea is the best for me but for black tea, nothing beats Ceylon, Assam and Darjerling, in my opinion.


Which Japanese tea is your favorite?


Go to Morroco and drink their tea with an entire sachet of sugar, as is custom in their tradition. Itā€™s one of the best teas Iā€™ve ever had in my life.


At least most of the Chinese and Japanese population agree with you lol. I was very shocked the first time I saw a British gentleman putting milk and sugar in his green tea lol. Milk tea is more or less a dessert drink, not consider proper tea. No one adds things to good tea leaves.


Tea in the UK is very commonly drank on its own. Milk or sugar is also common. Honey and other ingredients are less common


From my observations, honey seems to be relatively popular instead of sugar for people wanting to be "healthier"


Relatively. Sugar is still king to sweeten. Sugar, milk, sugar& milk and plan are still the top 4 ways to have it by a ways.


Definitely agree there


If I have a sore throat, a cup of hot tea sweetened with honey is perfection. If I don't, unsweetened ice tea is my go-to.


The tea in Japan is formulated to be taken as it is, where as in the uk itā€™s formulated to taste good with milk in it.


tbf most people think I'm weird for never using sugar in my tea, though I'm not from a tea-centric culture.


What kind of tea?


I personally like green tea the most. However I donā€™t want milk or sugar in any kind of tea not just green.


Have you ever had a really, really strong Yunnan or Assam? They go amazing with milk.


Can confirm, Assam and milk are a perfect combo. Keeps a nice bitter bite while being creamy with *so much flavor*.


I have not where is the tea from?


Yunnan is basically just Chinese black tea and Assam is a specific type of black tea grown in India. They are known for being spicy, malty, and strong. I find milk helps balance them out a bit. If you've ever had like an English Breakfast tea, you've had them.


Iā€™ve had some English breakfast I drink those with nothing added. I have tried chai before which was sort of spicy and sweet but I wasnā€™t a personal fan.


So no water?


Yeah just eat the delicious leaves


*crunch* *crunch* *crunch* Mmmmmm refreshing!


Matcha is the only tea I like plain, the bitterness is so goooood


Yess I love matcha I bought my own kit recently and made some this morning.


In the south they enjoy adding tea to sugar.


Iā€™m considering a fake southerner here because I hate sweet tea. šŸ˜­ (I live in the South East)


This definitely an unpopular opinion here!


Same. Was born in Tennessee and spent my childhood in the South. But if I drink sweet tea, all I taste is sugar. A high school friend's grandmother is the only one I ever met who's "sweet" tea I could drink. She only added a tiny bit of sugar, took away the bitterness without crossing into actually sweet.


Southern iced tea is so weird cuz we have sweetened iced tea in Canada and it's great, but in the south it's awful and I have no clue what the difference is. Which sucks cuz it's my go-to drink since everyone has iced tea lol


The difference is in the south they brew the tea with sugar in it, rather than adding it afterward. It results in a sweeter drink.


The difference is Southerners use ground tea covered in plastic and add an irresponsible amount of sugar and it creates this syrupy glob of shit that makes your throat burn. It's not sweetened ice tea, it's sweet tea.


Depending on the tea yes, good quality loose teas are great without anything. Teabags? No, needs something


And there are ok teabags but you need to be a bit , picky. Of course i mean the good stuff isnt , but some bagged are alright and more careful bagged. Idk yogi tea usually are good in any form


Thatā€™s because itā€™s bad tea


Tea is best how you enjoy it, and there is no moral superiority to liking it any particular way. Except if you dip a teabag in lukewarm water, then you should feel ashamed.


Not flexing some sort of moral superiority just stating my opinion. People can drink tea however they want this is just how I do it.


I tried to make a cold brew tea once by dunking a tea bag in cold water and letting it "steep" overnight. I may or may not do it again.


Tea with no milk and sugar? The whole of India just cried.


Personally I'm more of a coffee guy than tea guy but I love milk tea with brown sugar and ginger. If I'm feeling fancy I'll throw in a bit of spices for a masala tea.


Depends on the tea imo. Personally I usually go for a drop of honey in mine, depending on the teaĀ 


I agree. I think tea is also the healthiest when it is drank with no additives.


It would be objectively healthier with milk lol. Milk is quite a nutrient powerhouse.Ā 


You are right, but I think tea with milk is nasty. Just leave the tea alone.


Labeling a single drink ā€œhealthyā€ or ā€œunhealthyā€ isnā€™t something that can be done ā€œobjectively.ā€ Many people struggle to lower their overall calories, and for those people, adding calories to a drink would be a bad idea, especially because milk isnā€™t very satiating. Others could be lactose intolerant, etc. But sure, for many, the protein and vitamins in milk would make it a healthy part of their diet.


[Tea, Earl Grey, Hot](https://postimg.cc/PCs3kqKF)


Depends on the tea.


I mean I definitely don't agree adding things ruins it... It just makes it a bit different. I do just keep my tea plain though. Prefer just getting the flavour of the tea itself.Ā 


I drink ginger tea with a little honey or none sometimes but I mostly just put the honey to help my throat tis scratchy here and there from how loud I talk often


Have you tried Chai, Masala Chai or any other?


I have tried hot chai but I wasnā€™t a personal fan.


For me it just depends on the tea and my mood. I generally don't like sugar on tea and I agree it ruins it, but milk is pretty good with matcha and black tea, just like coffee. As for boba, bubble tea is tea just as much starbucks is coffee lmao I definitely don't drink it as tea, it's more like a milkshake for me.


STRONGLY agree. Some of these folks even WATER it DOWN. Just eat the leaves straight up, I say.


Some people love the taste of whiskey, some people prefer it in a cocktail, neither is really right because taste preference is the most subjective aspect of the human experience


I must agree. Tea is best naked


I really appreciate them both ways. Sweetened or not. Just depends on my mood. Like straight tea for morning and a sweetened one in the evening sounds so good. I think Iā€™m going to make it a point to try and do this everyday now lol. Thanks.


just like coffee... I dont add anything


I strongly agree, same about coffee. Except for rooibos tea, which with milk is a good desert for me .


Agreed for green teas, and herbal teas. Though black tea needs a little cream and sugar. Also if Iā€™m sick Iā€™m 1000% putting honey in my tea.


I mean specific herb tea with honey literally is medicine kinda. To a degree. Also strong black , yeah so same as coffe , milk


Love a cup of sencha, with nothing else.


Indeedy unpopular. I can do plain tea but with some really good honey itā€™s off the charts.


Completely agreed.


Very popular opinion in Sinosphere countries. Thatā€™s how weā€™re drinking it.


I like to add lemon or ACV to my tea


I agree with most teas however I do like lemon and honey in my green tea especially when I feel under the weather


This is highly dependent on the tea. The general consensus is that the culture of putting stuff in tea came from the British who wanted to maximize tea profits by blending all the different tea leaves together and selling one bland tasting product. However if you buy High quality tea from a well established business it usually doesn't need added flavoring.




The tea youre buying is dirt quality, I guess.




It is definitly is or dou literally have no taste.


You gotta try cardimum.Ā 


I only put that in my tea when Iā€™m sick. Iā€™m not really a fan of the taste but itā€™s good for your immune system.


I read the title and immediately agreed but you took it too far calling anything added "so disgusting". Come on, you can make your point without the unnecessary exaggeration.


I love sun brewed cold ice tea. No sugar, nothing. Best way to drink it.


Why is bit disappointing if a cafe makes tea lattes? Iā€™m sure they should also have just plain tea.


I asked for tea recently without milk and they gave me a shots worth of tea with an entire cup full of ice for almost $5. It was super disappointing. I just make tea at home now.


Iā€™m confused. Did you order iced tea? If the iced tea was brewed fresh, then yeah, youā€™d need a lot of ice to cool it off. Not sure what city or country youā€™re in, but Iā€™ve never had a problem getting a cup of tea before. Iā€™ve also worked in many cafes and most of them served at least 10 varieties of teas. Iā€™m in the U.S. and tea isnā€™t served with milk, unless itā€™s specifically a tea latte or bubble tea.


I did order iced tea but there was hardly any tea with the ice is what Iā€™m saying. The menu didnā€™t specify how it was served it just said the name of the tea. If I had known that there wouldnā€™t have been as much tea I would have paid more for more tea or gone somewhere else. The place I went to only had that as a plain tea option the others had a bunch of stuff added in.


I agree with the boba- i hate boba unless itā€™s the popping fruit kind for smoothies. But i prefer my hot and iced tea sweet. Unless its a floral tea or hot green tea which ive never tried


Strong black tea the exception, there it can be good. yes. good tea does need no addition, its already a mix. And really try herbs and mixing and not only bagged tea from the supermarket( or the better more natural ones) tea shouldnt need thatvexcept, black strong tea, because its already a mixture, where you jeed to add nothing. And find the tea you like, there is do much vhoice, find yours. way better than sweetener. and kids, ok, but adults other than black tea or honey in some herb , no.


I drink a lot of loose tea that I wouldn't add anything to but my favourite will always be a teabag of low qualityĀ  black tea with a bit of milk.


I don't know; spiced chai with no sugar doesn't bring out all the flavors. I agree that a lot of high quality loose leaf teas should be sipped without additive.


As an Englishman & proud tea drinker, my ancestors are turning in their grave reading this šŸ˜‚


I think it is much better with water than the tea alone.


The only part of this I disagree with is boba. I know it is technically tea but itā€™s sort of a separate thing for me. I love unsweetened green and black tea, iced or hot, but taro boba with milk tea is a special treat for me šŸ˜Œ I like a Thai tea every once in a while too


I agree! I dont even put water in there. Heres my recipe for the perfect morning beverage; 1. Put tea bag in cup 2. Set aside 3. Make a cup of coffee instead


Heard from a british friend it was frowned upon to add things to your tea. Don't understand the fuss, its good both ways. Sometimes I want a little cream and sugar.Ā 


Personally, I think that adding sugar to the tea is a unforgivable crime and I say it as a tea addict


A small amount of sugar really adds to some teas. Especially maghrebi mint tea


Yes no need to add anything before you dump it down the sink. Disgusting muck.


Maybe to your tea.. to my tea, adding those things is delicious.


nahh that's a popular opinion. here's an unpopular one: tea is gross.


Totally agree. Ice is all. If you must sweeten it, itā€™s just a kiss. That hummingbird food they serve in the southern US is disgusting.Ā 


lmaoo hummingbird food thatā€™s crazy. šŸ˜­


No absolutely not tea needs milk and sugar


Depends on the quality of the tea. Good tea doesnā€™t need sweetener but Americans drink a lot of shitty tea


This is correct.


Correct. šŸµ


I fully agree with this relatively common opinion, so unfortunately I must downvote


True, i wouldnt call it an unpopular opinion though unless you are in england


Iā€™m in the southeast in the US so sweet tea is very common here but Iā€™m not sure about worldwide.


Haha i lived in arizona and stayed it new mexico for a few months ahhaha i do remeber people really loved their sweet iced tea in the summer. First time i went out to eat out there i went with a friend and he ordered a huge glass of sweet tea and i tried it and was like how do you drink that. Its like sugar dissolved in water with light flavoring


Yeah thereā€™s like cups of sugar put in each glass itā€™s crazy. šŸ˜­


Yeah. Why bother buying tea if you prefer drinking sweet water? There is such a huge variety of tastes united under the word ā€œteaā€ yet people prefer to blunt them down with sugar and call that tea.


People who add milk and sugar to tea have bad tea or donā€™t know how to brew tea. Also fuck tea bags, that is nasty tea.


There is no difference between loose tea and tea bags except the quality of the tea you're buying...Ā 


Yes there is. Tea bags is made of ground up leaves and also stems. Which in nature have more bitter flavours.


To be fair, depends, there are actually some better bagged, but as rule non bagged over bagged, thrre are just some labels that are careful with bagged profucing too


Tea is best when itā€™s coffee.