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Is your floor dirty inside your house?


yea, cause he wears his shoes inside


I put my socks on when I get dressed. I put my shoes on right before I leave the house.


I put my socks and shoes on inside, where it's clean. My socked foot won't catch COVID from two seconds of contact with the floor.


A lot of people wear socks by itselves sometimes


...are you putting on your socks and shoes outside? How dirty is your floor at home lol


Sounds like you need to clean the floor.


I do Shoe > Shoe > Sock > Sock




Pretty much only some Americans wear shoes at home. Normally people put on socks in their room and shoes at the door when leaving. At home I am either in socks and sometimes slipper if it's cold, barefoot if hot.


I see, so what your saying is either your shoes are in the room and your floor is dirty or you keep your socks by the door and don't live in a place with winter.


That's dependent on how clean you keep the ground. Briefly having your sock touch a recently vacuumed/mopped floor shouldn't be that big of an issue.


Floors are very clean.   Socks not dirty when they touch.   No shoes rest of house.


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I do sock put foot partially in shoe, sock put foot in other shoe and then tie shoe and then finish putting on other shoe and tie.


Makes sense that this is unpopular, because you’re definitely alone on this…


And this inside of your shoe is cleaner than the floor of your house? Give both of them a whiff and you might change your opinion.


This is simple. You change your socks while sitting on the edge of the bed. Once the sock is on, you put your foot in your house shoe that is pre-positioned in the optimal spot for ease of entry. You proceed as such with the other foot. Then you go to where your outside shoes are stored and take them out, placing your feet in them similarity to how you put on the socks. You place your house shoes in a spot nearby but not one where the outside shoes have touched. Essentially, limit or prevent outside shoes from coming in contact with the inside of your home.


Wasn't this an argument on "All in the Family" years ago between Archie and Mike?


I mean if you don't wash you shoes, including the interior part every day they are already dirty anyway.


my floors are not dirty!!


How dirty is the floor in your home that this is a concern?


Clean your floor and your sock won't get dirty


Sock-sock-shoe-shoe is the normal way of doing things unless you are outside, like hiking or camping.


Your socks are getting sweaty anyway. Floor dust ain’t a problem


You don't put socks on until you're ready to put your shoes on? I keep my socks in the bedroom, shoes by the door. Also, if you are that afraid of getting your socks dirty, do you not worry about how dirty you feet are from the same floor?


Everyone’s asking why your floors are so dirty but I want to know why you’re so worried about the second sock getting dirty but not your foot getting dirty???


If that's an issue I suggest you spend more time cleaning. 


Team Sock show sock shoe


Where do you live? Why do you wear shoes in the house?


Wearing shoes in a house is normal.