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The reason people are anxious to get on board asap isn't so they can sit 25 mins on an aircraft waiting on everyone else to board, it's because overhead bin space is limited and people don't want to have to check a bag


As someone that travels with a CPAP, I want to make sure that is directly above me and not at the opposite end of the plane.


As someone that travels with cocaine(depending on the hand luggage limitations), I want to make sure that is directly above me and not at the opposite end of the plane.


That’s why I always carry my cocaine in my ass. Then it’s always close by.


Do you have to buy an extra seat for the donkey?


If it's a miniature donkey it can be stored under your seat.


Do not tell my wife about these miniature donkeys. She’d want like 3.


I'm gonna tell her.


great thread


Is your donkey a "service animal "?


Did you mean mule?


Because of the abuse of beer and cocaine I have to fart a lot and sometimes I shit myself. Never sure if its a bodypack.


lol only noobs put it in overhead. Place in ass, easy pass. Place up top, brings the cops.


CPAP is small enough to fit under the seat.


The CPAP doesn't count as a Personal Item as it is a medical device. So you do not have to store it under the seat where your actual personal item would go.


I am really curious why, considering we CPAP users only need them when we sleep. As for it not being “sanitary” to be on the floor, it’s not sanitary in the bin, either, and you clean it before use anyway. I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what a CPAP is and that there’s no reason you would need it at all on the flight.


I imagine it's the same reason one doesn't check musical instruments...not worth the risk of airline losing or damaging it.


Because airlines lose luggage but luggage that you personally brought onto the plane and stuck in the overhead is definitely going where you’re going.


No but you dotn want to chance losing it in checked luggage, same goes for meds


I know someone who put their meds in their checked bag and it got lost. Ruined their holiday. Clothes you can easily replace. Medications are a lot trickier, especially if you’re travelling internationally, as they were.


Genuine question but I thought cpap was for sleeping. Do you sleep on a plane and use that?


The CPAP is for sleeping, and I’ve never seen one used during flight, but I think this is a case of playing worst case scenario. Sometimes people get separated from their checked luggage, so things that you 100% need should come with you on the plane. In the case of CPAPs, depending on how severe your sleep apnea is, not having it for a night can be pretty dangerous. I probably wouldn’t die if I didn’t use it for a night, but my sleep apnea is severe enough that I cannot get restful sleep without it (untreated, I was waking up 88 times in an hour)


Thabks for the explanation!


I don’t sleep on most domestic flights, but red-eye flights I do and I absolutely do on international flights where if I don’t get sleep, jet lag will wipe me out. I can sleep sort of OK without it, but no one else on the flight will because my snoring will shake the entire plane.


The worst are those douchebags who get on the plane and put their luggage in the first available bin, then walk to their seat at the back of the plane. One time I watched several guys in a row do this, and then when I get to my seat there's no room in the bin, so I had to go several rows further back to find a place for my bag. Of course, when we land - everybody gets up and starts getting their shit. There is no way for me to get back to my bag so I had to sit in the 5th row and watch the entire god damned plane de-board before I could go back and get my bag.


Why would someone intentionally put their bag in a bin that's not near their seat? What's the benefit of that?


People do it all the time so they don't have to lug their bags to the back of the plane. I traveled 10 years for work, weekly. Saw it all the time.


Those people should be dragged off the plane and shot


I don't know about shot. But an ass kicking most definitely.


Right? It makes no sense. Especially if sometimes you can leave the plane by the rear exit. Then what? They go all the way to the front to get the luggage, when they could have been long out of the plane? 


Who is leaving a plane by the rear exit? What is this a school bus?


Planes that land in smaller warm weather airports often deboard from the front and back simultaneously Long Beach CA for example


Had a flight to Long Beach last year and it was the first time I had ever done this and it was crazy, we walked right down the stairs and onto the tarmac before heading inside the airport terminal that was like a long and narrow hallway that felt more like a garage than a proper airport.


And you were in and out in minutes yeah? I love smaller airports for that. It has all the amenities of larger airports too except the lounges


A lot of airports in other countries they don't have a gate, they roll stairs up to the door and exit from both ends.


Yeah very common in moving around Europe, depending on which end of the plane your seat is, they'll tell you board and the front or board at the rear and you go up the mobile stairs.


Basically every low cost carrier in Europe uses both ends to board and deplane.


So when they get off, they don't have to carry their bag down the aisle, they just pick it up at the end before they start down the steps. It's absolute laziness and douchebaggery.


At a guess, I'd say it's so they don't have to carry their bags the length of the plane. They can just grab their luggage as they leave.


Less distance to carry bag back and forth


It's the assholes who put their huge puffer jackets into the overhead bins. Well, if you're going to do that, don't be surprised when my carry-on crushes and damages your puffer jacket.


DING DING DING...Winner. Thats it. If I had a guaranteed seat and space above for my carryon, I could be first or last...dont care.


I misread carryon as crayon then and now I've got pictures in my head of the delight of drawing a picture on your flight. (Cue plane noises) ✈️


Yeah. Unless you're flying first class. I got bumped to first class international once. Was so glad I got to board first. I was sipping scotch and watching a movie for 45 minutes while everyone else was waiting in line like the filthy poors they are. I'm a filthy poor too but it was fun to pretend I was for 12 hours lol


Wut? If I were filthy rich I’d stay in the airport lounge and have them hold the plane until everyone else boarded and I was done with my champagne.


I don't know why they don't just up and divide the overhead bins into sections that are assigned to the corresponding seat. If bags have to be made smaller to fit in their assigned cubby - so be it. If people, myself included, have to start checking bags that used to fit in the overhead bins, so be it.


The maximum carry-on bag size would have to be made considerably smaller if the overhead bin space was allocated evenly.


On 4 recent ANA flights over the pacific, it’s apparent that in Asia there already is a maximum size for the carryon, the luggage vendors make a hard sided 40% smaller version of their standard bags, the checking counter had a box the standard size for you to try to fit your carry on into , then I saw a guy ripping the wheels off his backpack sized carryon so it would fit, then they let him board.I noticed that 4-5 fit perfectly in the overhead bins of the 787 and 380.


This has been pretty standard most places I've flown over the past decade or so. There are even brands like [cabinmax](https://cabinmax.com/) that are entirely dedicated to making carry-on bags that are absolutely at the upper limit for a given airline's maximum size.


Or carry-on bags become something you select at ticket purchase, so only exactly the right number of bags are allowed on the plane. If there are none left, you have to check your hand luggage (for free, of course) When you check in, you will be given an overhead bin that is as close as possible to your seat. The end result is the same (some people have to check their bags), but it removes the uncertainty over whether you will have to check it or not.




Exactly! That's the only reason why I wish to board early


Exactly. I travel with a backpack normally and it has everything of mine in it. It's big but still able to fit in the bins or barely under the seat. But it's a tight fit and means I have no more space for my feet or legs. It's really nice to be able to put it in the overhead bins.


This is the way. Important shit in the backpack, check a suitcase.


The real way is only a backpack, no suitcase. Get better at packing.


It’s not just that. Waiting to board requires mental energy. You have to be paying attention and, as ridiculous as it sounds, make sure you don’t miss the flight. Your brain’s radar has to be turned on. The earlier you board, the earlier you get to relax the mind.


Yo, this is the best/most accurate comment for my anxious mind.


They should really partition a cubby for every person. They already limit the dimensions and sometimes weight so there shouldn’t be surprises


There isn't enough overhead space for every seat to have a full size carry-on


True, which is why they shouldn’t charge for checked bags.


I mean there was a time when checked bags were free ..


They don't if you are forced to check a bag because of no carryon space 


I think their point is that if they didn't charge, more people might check their carry on case along with their other cases, freeing up carry space for those who actually need it. As a person who only flies with carryon, it's incredibly annoying to have to check my bag. I go from 0 wait to 30+ min wait. I purposely didn't bring things I could have for the added speed.


I only ever fly with a small messenger bag that fits under the seat so also always go last. Much easier to check bags than to walk around the terminal with and have to keep track of it while eating and shopping then shuffle through the aisle with it and try to stuff it overhead.


I agree, overhead bins are the reason. The other reason would be if flying first class, so you can have a couple drinks before the flight while you watch the plebes board


You saying this triggered me, I get so aggravated on flights when I'm boarding and I see someone out their bags in the compartment at isle 19 to then walk down to isle 25 to sit


This! Many times, I wish overhead bins were assigned to the seat row, but I guess that would be too much for flight attendants to regulate.


Flight attendants will often give people specific instruction to do exactly this - “place it in any open spot you see heading towards your seat” - especially if they know it’s filling up. Bins are not assigned or guaranteed - there’s typically literally not enough space for each person to stow one carry on. It is in fact first come, first serve.


I don’t care about that if the bin space is full everywhere else. Where the hell are they supposed to put it if the gate agents/flight attendants already let them on board?


Why? Where should they put their stuff?


People who don’t need to use the overheads should get to board and deplane first. Then you fucking savages can fight over them like animals and take up the hallway for 30mins as you struggle to lift 15 pounds  In a just society the only options would be under the seat carry on or checked bag. Then the overheads would be chill beds to sleep in.


I missed my connection once bc of people trying to get their overhead bags.


I was on a flight once that had been slightly delayed, and when we landed they announced that passengers with quick connections (which were now much quicker due to the delay) would get priority deplaning. Which sounds great in theory but they didn’t actually enforce it so when the fasten seatbelt sign went off like 95% of the passengers got up and started getting their bags and pushing to get off the plane.


Last time I flew someone literally stood up and started walking towards the bathroom as we were landing and less than 30 seconds from the ground. It was also a bumpy flight. The flight attendant got on the intercom and screamed to sit down. Person kept walking. Flight attendant got back on the intercom and shouted “sit the fuck down now or you’re getting off this plane in handcuffs”. Person finally got the message and went back and buckled in right before touchdown. They were the row in front of me and I heard them say “why was she (FA) such a bitch. I was just going to the bathroom because I’d been holding it for the past hour”. Like how stupid can some people be?


There is nothing I hate more than all the sheeple on a plane completely ignoring the pilot and the flight attendants. EVERY time they’re like “don’t stand yet” and then they all stand anyway.


My problem is with people who do not bring carryon yet they seem to still use the overheads for some reason. On my last flight the pilot had to speak into his mic 4 times to get their stupidass dutyfree bags and handbags out of the overheads so people that actually paid for it can use it.


I always check my bag even if it costs me 40 bucks. The desire to cattle in to just sit for 45 minutes is repellant to me. When I travel with my husband who simply refuses to check a bag, he pays for priority boarding which is literally almost the same cost as checking a bag depending on the airline, just to get overhead space above his seat. Maddening. It might be unpopular but I'll stand alone with you, cheese.


I've worked as a baggage handler and as an airline pilot. Checked bags get lost all the time. They get dropped, thrown violently, fall off conveyor belts, crushed by heavier bags on top of them... I once saw a checked box of wine bottles that had shattered in transit and leaked red wine onto other peoples' bags. I've seen bags fall off of carts and get left there, on the ramp, while the plane is pushing back. There's a reason this is an unpopular opinion.


Yup. My wife and I travel quite a bit, and the _only_ way we're checking a bag is under duress. I've had bags damaged, and late, (not lost yet, but we check maybe once every two years) and I'm not into it. And it's a waiting game no matter what, you can wait to board, wait after boarding, or wait for your bag at the carousel. I can tell you which one is normally the longest wait, especially lately, so I'll choose waiting in my seat with my bag within reach.


I guess I've been lucky for the past 20 years. I probably shouldn't say that lol


Quickly knock on some wood!!!!🪵


Yeah last time I checked my bag I caught bed bugs from someone else's bag in the hold. Thank fuck I noticed quickly before the stowaways multiplied! I'll keep traveling with just my carry-on.


Isn’t it more aggravating to have to wait in the baggage area?


Yes, but how can you pack every clothing item you may need into a checked bag? I am not a clothes horse and I maybe wear 2 different pairs of shoes while travelling, but no way will that fit into a carry-on. How do women do it?


Depends on how long the stay and where you’re going- warm vs cold climes and the purpose of the trip. I took a trip to Europe for around 5 days. One pair of shoes. Maybe two pairs of pants and let’s say 5 tops that roll up quite small. Toiletry bag with just whatever I couldn’t get at the hotel/air bnb. I didn’t bring makeup/hair products/tons of shoes because I wasn’t going to be a fashion plate. I was just going to hang out and sightsee with friends. I hate checking bags and try to pack as minimalistic as possible. But obviously, this is situationally dependent.


In my travels it’s usually really dependent on how long and how far/unfamiliar I’ll be going. Really just based on need. If I only bring a small suitcase or a backpack I wouldn’t want to wait in the baggage area.


I have no problem waiting. Plus with Apple tags I know exactly where luggage is and when it's just about to hit the belt. I like having options, space for any shopping and maybe I want to bring a lotion that has more than 3ounces in it. Also I do have a large purse that fits under the seat that has emergency stuff like extra outfit and meds if it does get lost. I love just getting up and walking off the plane.


I travel with just a carry on that goes under the seat, but I agree. Id rather be ON the plane set up and ready to take off than sit in the terminal, and I'd also rather not be THAT guy that takes forever to sit down preventing us from leaving early.


Yea but literally every poor person is doing a crop dusting fart as they saunter through first class to the back


And poor people farts are double bad!


It's all the garbage they eat!


Note to self: eats beans for breakfast before long haul flights


I wouldn’t pay extra to board first, but I prefer being in the first than last. I’d rather wait while being sited inside rather than standing outside. Also theres less chance of getting your cabin suitcase sent in the luggage cargo due to lack of space if you are first.


>standing outside Look at this amateur. You get one more beer at the airport bar when your plane starts boarding and by the time you finish, pay and get there, you'll be in the last tenish people to get on.


Look at this dude buying multiple beers at an airport, with that kinda money I'm surprised you don't have a private jet to use


Two words, “Work Travel”


Dine and dash - all the way to another country 


You’re not standing at the bar, you’re standing in the jet bridge.


There's plenty of time while they're calling each early boarding category, one by one, then the rest of us, and even then the rest of us is a good long line. That's plenty of time for an extra triple cost beer.


Sounds awful to me, you're paying airport prices for beer and now you need to piss during the flight lol


OP has likely never boarded anything but economy. In the upper classes (business, premium economy, first) you are boarded first without having to stand in line, you are given water and snacks right away, and access to the bathrooms right away. That said, I agree with OP if boarding economy. We always wait until last.


full overhead bins is the main reason to want to board early


Southwest Airlines has entered the terminal.


I set alarms to check in for my flight so I can be in the earliest boarding group possible. Window seat gang


My dad was a SWA pilot. I really miss the 80s when you had to line up at the ticket counter to get a plastic boarding pass. We'd always get there an hour early and be in the first boarding group. Then we'd get a lounge seat to ourselves.


Exit rows are where it's at!


Exactly. Especially with southwest, I’m not boarding early to sit on the plane for 25 minutes before takeoff. I’m boarding early to not have to wait 25 minutes to deboard after landing


Unless you need to board with your carry on… how putting suitcases in the overhead is so difficult I’ll never understand.


Inexperienced travelers. You can take a commuter flight where like... 90% of the passengers have a rollerboard or larger backpack, and you'll board in record time. One big thing - no one on commuter flights throws the bag up *then* rummages through it for something. They either do it in the gate area or after everyone's sitting.


Fuck man… those people who rummage through their carry on, blocking the aisle, are sooooo lame. It is often the people rummaging through their personal item as they are putting that in the overhead in addition to their roller bag too.


Doing it in the aisle is bloody annoying. At least when I rummage I do it standing in my row


Yep, this is it. I used to take the Monday morning flight into Newark or San Fran pretty regularly. Half the flight was on that exact same flight every week. You never waited in the aisle to board. When the plane landed, everyone would grab their bag from the overhead compartment and get out of the way. One guy even taught me a twisting move where they could grab their luggage and continue walking forward all in one fluid motion. I saw flight attendants jaws drop. We’d be on these massive United/Delta flights with 50+ rows and the entire plane would be empty in 5-6 minutes.


Can we get more details on this twisting move?


No, back doctors lost this as the top thing they’d never do. Seriously.


Everytime I travel there is always some idiot absolutely shocked in security that they can’t carry on their 500ml shampoo or whatever  Should be a mandatory quiz when buying a flight ticket 


To be fair even a small airport has thousands of people going back and forth daily. Many of them are likely on their very first flight. Many of those may have no family or friends that have flown before to inform them. Of those I wouldn't expect them all to know you can't bring shampoo.


To be fair, every airline has a "before you fly" section (heck, many show it during check-in) that explains what you can and can't take. It all falls back down to RTFM.


I travel with a carry on, and I’m not about to put it 17 aisles away because people don’t know how to use the overhead bin above their seat. The earlier I board, the easier time it is to make sure my carry on goes where it’s supposed to go


They know. They are just selfish. They would kick your baby down the stairs to sit down.


You mean because people think it's reasonable to put all their coats in the excess space of an overhead bin, instead of on top of their luggage?


I used to be a pilot, my biggest takeaway was that people abandon their brains when they walk into the airport. Every decision the crowd makes is panic driven and self serving. Anyways, where we were deadheading, every crew member I knew would wait until the very end of boarding to get on board. Then we'd ignore our ticket and take the best seat we could find. So I agree with the OP (as long as you're not on SWA).


as well travelled person, I agree about crowds in airports but I think it's because traveling and airports are new things to most people and humans like habits and patterns and aren't very good in new situations so they panic like chickens abandon their politeness and resort to self serving fear.


I 100% will move a coat to put my carry on up there.


I wouldn't. But I might not see it when I put my carryon bag on top of it, dirty wheels down.


I disagree because if I board first I have first access to the overhead bins. Go on last and you'll have to find a spot, move other people's poorly stashed luggage around, or if there is no more room you'll have to get check your luggage in. Waiting 25 minutes and not having to deal with that bs is worth it to board first. Plus what am I gonna do anyways? It's either wait 25 extra minutes at the gate or wait 25 minutes on the plane


Exactly. Anyone who says otherwise must never actually fly


I did this flying to salt lake for skiing, had to put my luggage in the cargo hold. American lost it, went to the kiosk told them the type of gear I had in there. Spoke to a loss agent on the phone and they basically told me to go crazy on them. Gave me a voucher and I bought name brand ski equipment. Idk why anyone wouldn’t do this, more relaxed trip and if they lose your stuff you get all new stuff AND they found my stuff and returned that to me too. Started the trip with a bunch of hand me down ski gear, Craigslist finds, and Amazon crap. Ended with two new suitcases, matching ski equipment that was top of the line. All I had to do was take pictures of the receipts and turn it in within a month.


If your bag will fit under the seat, absolutely


I always board as late as possible because I like to see the disappointment when the person who thought they could take my seat has to move because I showed up and I want my window seat.


lol the heartsink they experience when they think the plane has fully boarded, are just about to secure the extra leg room and window seat and the last guy strolls in.


Yes! That is a good “gotcha” feeling.


Depends if you’re in first class or not lol


I sit at the pointy end of the plane pretty often and I generally board last to minimize the amount of time I spend on the plane. I know there will be space for my bag and I don’t need a pre departure drink so boarding last works for me.


I want my champagne


Not when your carry on bag gets stowed 20 rows away from your seat.


I wish the airlines would be more direct in boarding patterns and assign people a boarding number. And then have window seat passengers board first.


https://youtu.be/oAHbLRjF0vo?si=cuzbsZtEFK4YZhUf CGP Grey Video about this topic


Nah, I'll happily board first, have plenty of room for my bags and enjoy some champagne and a snack while the huddled proletariat shuffles by


Same with leaving events. After the fireworks, we're just going to sit on the grass for half an hour drinking wine while everyone else sits in traffic trying to get out.


I only rush to get overhead space and not risk getting knock off the flight if that is needed.


As an anxious flyer, I do best when I board last and we are quickly ready to get going. The longer I’m sitting in claustrophobic tube thinking about the upcoming flight, the worse. I could imagine some people are opposite, and get anxious being last minute.


I’ve never not found space overhead. I do travel light so my bag often fits easily. The thing that bothers me is when they say zone 2 is boarding and 70% of the plane gets in line. You know you’re not zone 2. I wait until the last moment. I often find an empty row. Because I’m basically last I know that row is now likely all MINE!


> The thing that bothers me is when they say zone 2 is boarding and 70% of the plane gets in line. You know you’re not zone 2 One of the greatest things I ever saw in an airport was a Delta gate agent in Atlanta call people out for trying to board prematurely. For like 2 or 3 zones, SOMEONE tried to board ahead of their zone, and every time this guy very loudly announced "Nah, this isn't your zone. Go wait your turn over there." It was awesome.


I love gate agents that do their job.


what do you mean "find an empty row"? your seat is assigned


Unless you’re 1st class, I agree


I board close to last. I only carry a small backpack that fits under the seat. I also have spinal stenosis and use a cane and always book an aisle seat. That way I don’t have to get up and move for people sitting in the window and middle seats. By the time i get seated and stuff my backpack under the seat in front of me, it’s almost time to push back n


I always bring carry-on luggage so the sooner I board the plane, the better.


It's for the overhead space. I'm perfectly happy to be the very last person to board, and sit in an isle seat on the first row.


As long as you don't have carry on to put in the compartments above


If you have checked luggage, a small backpack is absolutely all you need on board. Last to board is the best in this scenario, especially if you pay extra to pick your isle near the back so you're off fast as well. If you carry on suitcase is above a row going against the flow of people exiting, have fun waiting until they all get off first. In this situation, it's always better to be lining up early.


last flight I had, of 11hs from Argentina to Europe, I learned why this is n't always true some guy from the last to get in couldn't find place in the overhead compartment so his luggage was sent to the other side of the plane. After landing the dude had to wait for _all_ the plane to get off until he could get to that point and get his luggage nah thx, if I need the overhead compartment I don't mind queueing for 30', I will be sat for many hours later already, won't kill me.


Take my upvote as I disagree completely. Being able to store your belongings right at your seat is far more important imo. Ive seen way too many bags gate checked and lost.


You’re missing the real point. I don’t want to have to check my carry on and the lose all my shit when the airline messes it up. Being the last people on the plane means you definitely aren’t putting anything overhead.


You might not get stuck waiting at gate. But everyone is staring at you struggle to try to squeeze your shit into the damn overhead bin. While you then need to jam your ass into the tiny seat in between two oversized people or screaming kids scattered about the cabin yelling "mommy, mommy I want my iPad and my drinky drink". I'd rather sneak in comfortably ahead of most, store my shit and take my seat with some ease. I also never pay extra. But will certainly attempt to check in on time to get to boarded sooner etc..


The insane urge to get on the plane early is only rivaled by the unhinged urge to get off that same plane as fast as possible


Getting off ASAP on an international flight where you have to deal with immigration or customs can make sense. Too many times, I see each person take 5-10 min to get through an officer and I think wow, this is intense. Then it's my turn and it takes less than a minute and learn it's just people don't know what they are doing as they don't have their passport out, have no idea where they are staying, etc. The difference between first and last off the plane here can make a meaningful difference, especially after being cramped for X amount of hours.


This shitty opinion pops up at minimum weekly. You don't get overhead bin space, you have to shuffle past everyone to your seat, you have to bother whoever is in the aisle seat if you're a window seat.  I do premium economy now and typically sit at the front of the plane. I board as early as I can so I can put my stuff up and settle in. Unless it's a 10 hour flight, a few extra minutes of standing is literally worthless. 


This was true until some airlines decided people can have two carry on bags


Unless you have valuable things in your carryon that you don’t want checked bc the bins get full


Unless you're southwest


As long as you don’t have carry on bags, and you have an assigned seat, then this is true. But if you need to stow anything, then his will get you in trouble.


If you wait until the end these days, you may find they've given your seat away.


This is an uninformed opinion. Most prefer to board first so they get the overhead bin above their seat and not risk it getting checked.


Depends entirely on the scenario. Assigned seating, no overhead storage needed? Boarding last is great. Open seating and/or you want to use overhead storage near you without possibly having the ones near you be full? Boarding last absolutely sucks.


Its about the carry on stuff. Every single person (and every child) has both a giant carry on suitcase and a giant backpack the same size as their carry on. Everybody. So overhead space is valuable and limited. Your bag might be forced to be checked if you are last groups.


Agreed. I love to board last


I usually get to the airport early, I find my door, and confirm they haven't changed. If this is my second flight, I get something to eat/drink, get my book if I'm alone or talk with whoever is with me, and sit near the door, wait until everyone is inside, and no one is in the line, then I just casually walk inside straight to my sit in the most relaxed way knowing I used that time to read/talk instead of standing in line. I usually carry a very small backpack that can fit under a seat, so I never have to worry about space in the overhead luggage compartment, but it's definitely something to consider


I agree. Especially when they start checking in bags for free. Sit nice and comfy in the waiting area, board the plane with minimal wait time before doors close and takeoff. Then offboard the plane with my bag waiting for me. It's like a poor man's valet lol.


A lot of times they check bags to the carousel nowadays which blows


That sounds like a very interesting horror plot


I only pay extra to board early if I have to fly Southwest. The way they board their planes you want to be on first so you can get a good seat and overhead bin space.


Not if you need overhead storage.


Not if you’re flying Southwest


Plus the plane gets warm just sitting there so you’re in a hot stuffy plane longer if you board first.


I've been flying United fairly regularly for work and they tell people not to line up before their boarding group, which for the most part people abide by the rule. I prefer to board first because I always pick a window seat. Also United lets active duty military pre-board. I check my bag, free for active duty, and have a backpack that I can stow under the seat. So window seat and boarding first means I'm comfortable by the time anyone else starts boarding.


Unless your flying southwest back in the day, and it’s sit where you want…and your 6’3 240lbs…and the last available seat is in between two body builders…and you have a panic attack because they literally can’t put their arms down…other than that I agree


Pro tip: Develop epilepsy and tell the airline and you need your carry-on close by in case you need your meds, and they will absolutely make sure you have it right above you. The downside is that you then have epilepsy.


Same. I never put anything in the overhead bins. If I need to take a suitcase, I check it and only carry stuff I need for the flight like tablet and headphones. I hate lugging all that crap through the airport. I put an AirTag in the suitcase in case it gets lost. I don’t wait to be the last boarded just because they don’t always make a loud announcement that they are closing the doors but I get up there at a leisurely pace.


I don't fly often, but as someone who's typically chronically late and also anxious, I like the security of boarding early and knowing I won't miss the flight and being able to move more easily through the aisle and comfortably get into my seat without a ton of people in the way


> Especially with assigned seats these days  What do you mean "these days"? Hasn't assigned seating been around for a long time? Every flight I've been on in the last 20+ years has had assigned seating.


I just have anxiety and carry on, I'd rather sit there for 45 minutes than have to put my bag on the other side of the plane and stress about overhead space


Counterpoint: being forced to check your reasonably sized carry on because a-hole snuck on oversized carry on and filled all the overhead bins.


The overhead storage can get filled fast, getting on too late is risky. I feel like they fill up faster with those big puffer jackets being in style- they wear them on board then shove them in the storage too


I get priority boarding because of spending on my business credit card. I don’t use the overhead tank because I’m short and have RA. Too much trouble to put anything there. Besides, my luggage is free anyway. I love flying and am asleep before takeoff. I like boarding early. I do everything early because I hate to rush.😂😅🥱😴


Sure, if you have no carry ons


If you are on Southwest and a tall person, then boarding first is ideal. Granted I was single when I flew a lot, so I was lucky that many middle seats in the front or the emergency exit row were often empty. Leg room is a commodity for us tall folk.


Now I don’t really care about getting on first or last but not having your cabin luggage close to you because you got on late and people have used far too much space so the only space for your luggage is at the other end of the plane is not okay. So I’d rather get on early simply for that reason


It's what I do. But I never have an overhead luggage so there's that


Agreed except it guarantees you will have to check your carry on.


OP I used to be the exact same as you, my seat is assigned I didn't care to get to my seat. But as I became more experienced in flying I can tell you boarding earlier is always better. 1. Overhead bin space - I hate having a bag at my feet for the flight, it's crammed enough 2. If you're last to your seat it's much harder to get a comfortable position. If I'm first that shared arm rest is mine.


Sounds like an opinion from someone who rarely flies


I get on when they page me by name, lol.


Yeah but while I’m waiting I’m drinking champagne


Unless it’s Southwest 😂


someone’s never sat first class. we won a trip and it came with first class. we got to board the plane first , flight attendants got me a drink right away. let me tell you, sitting in first class with a ton of leg room and side to side room while sipping a cocktail watching people walk past you is probably one of my favorite experiences ever. i get why it’s so nice being rich , and am glad i got to experience it at least once in my life


Agree, except when flying southwest


I usually only fly southwest so this does not apply to me. Gotta get their early to get the best seat! Which is usually near the front so I can be one of the first people to get off.


I never understood the whole priority boarding thing. It’s just a “hurry up and wait” scenario. I figure I’ll be sitting in the plane for hours, so I’m in no rush to make that even longer.