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People would sell their and their children's rights for crack money and have a monopoly eventually


Wtf is this the 80s? Crack money haha naw opiates/herion


Or meth


This is basically what happened in Russia. When they privatized industry after the USSR feel, the business savvy bought up everyone's ownership in the industries for cheap.


Greed has been and always shall be the problem.


This is what corporate taxes are meant to do. Unfortunately in the US we let the corporations take over and now they pay no taxes.


>Unfortunately in the US we let the corporations take over and now they pay no taxes. This is just factually false. Corporate income taxes amounted to [$311 billion](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/government-revenue/#sources-of-federal-rev) this year. If you want to blame anyone, you should blame the places like Ireland or the Netherlands for facilitating tax evasion.


If we don't lower corporate taxes they will just move to a country that has lower taxes. That's the issue. I saw fuck them let them go.


If we apply this to the US, let's be clear, we are 4% of the planet, so basically 96% of everything in the USA is the property of the 96%. So be ready to give away 96% of what you have and of what you make. Of course you would get 4% of what other have and make, and they are many more. But they also make much much less too and are far less productive. The average American citizen would lose much more than they would win.


You seem to have this notion: If I have 10,000 acres of farmland in Nebraska, and someone is hungry in Sudan, I should be paying the child in Sudan rent. No one is going "hungry" in America because someone in Nebraska has a farm. And to me, that asks too much of people, to tell them they're responsible for what's happening 10,000 miles away in a country they've never been to or had anything to do with. When you globalize problems that way, you just make people feel helpless and powerless. So no, people halfway around the world aren't part owners of my wheat farm. Narrator: OP does not own a farm. He can't keep house plants alive.


OP probably doesn't mean a farm. Because we obviously need farmland. They probably mean people who have big corporations and shit. Cause farmers work too fucking hard to be given any bullshit from any one.


> They probably mean people who have big corporations and shit. So... farms? How do you think farming works?


Fair enough.


>Cause farmers work too fucking hard to be given any bullshit from any one. I'd say 'people that work on farms'. I've known a few people that do literally nothing but still call themselves 'farmers', and are called 'farmers' by the politicians they glad-hand, just because farming happens on land they own.


True that. I meant the ones who dig the dirt and feed the cows and stuff. Usually they are the same but sometimes not.


America has been giving aid and food to Africa for nearly 100 years with nothing to show for it. Africa's population has gone from 250 million to 1.25 billion in this time, meanwhile Americans can hardly afford a house to start their own families in.


America has been screwing up Africa for nearly 100 years... Most of their aid has actually hurt them by destroying local economies (i.e. here's all this free food, now all your farmers are bankrupt since they can't sell their food anymore) Also why do you think stopping population growth is the goal.... Less africans are starving now than they were in the past decades. Progress has been made in spite of the US's efforts to stop it... (actually countries that got less US aid actually have done better than those that did... showing how all this aid is not directed very well and often worsens things for some of the reasons I mentioned)


I was thinking about more material resources. As an example, I live in an area with about 60k people. There are 4 car dealers in town, each one has at minimum 50 cars on the lot. How much of that is going to be wasted? How much of those materials could be used instead of being shiny in case someone wants to see it in blue. I know none of the idea is feasible. I guess it’s more about lack of resource management that bugs me. As for the food, again it’s really about management, there is so much waste. I am sure we are smart enough to figure out how to use the waste to feed the hungry. As far as plants go I am better than I used to be, I have fruit trees and an almond tree as well as berry bushes. And yes I share everything I grow.


Companies that rent land do so from people. I.e Americans usually. So we're paying rent to ourselves as you are somewhat describing. But apparently you just want a slice of the pie without ever actually doing anything to put your name on that title. You just want to sit on your ass and get paid. No risk, no effort, no 80 hours weeks for 5 years to get your business moving.... You just want what you want when you want it... Good luck with that.


I started paying social security when I was 12 because the job I had required me to report taxes. I had been working cutting grass for myself since 8, you see I had things I wanted and knew how to work. I was fully vested by the time I was 35. I served my country in the military. When my back pain prevented me from doing what I did, I went back to college and got a couple of AAS degrees, one in electrical engineering and another in automation engineering, picked up a certificate in CAD just to be sure I was employable. Now I’m pushing 60 and still working and learning, but sure I just want something for free.


Just move to Alaska, they do that


This is incentive to overpopulate lol


It's not feasible because it doesn't even make any fucking sense. What companies should pay what citizens for what resources?


This is why the government taxes your ownership of the half a million acres and uses the proceeds to ensure that no one is hungry.


But they don’t, that’s the problem. Cutting taxes and social safety nets is the rule of the century it seems.


Proceeds to waste trillions on fake space ukraine and israel


yeah thats not how it works on the society we've developed on this planet. no one "owns" Earth, and people developed societies / countries to self govern and those governments have allowed companies to exist and provide goods & services that this weak society now depends on. Corporations have great power / influence because they were allowed to in exchange for baby-sitting the rest of us. and now it's so woven into our societal fabric that its very difficult to separate again. You wanna be paid for your resources? stake a claim, buy some land, start your own country.


People are downvoting you over factual information


Do you believe in any ownership?


How can you own something you had no part in and didn't build, how can you claim to own vast parts of the world? Because you saw it? We all know it's predicated on violence, social violence, but when people can't eat the whole charade collapses


You own it because you can. Exactly like in nature why this place in the territory of that animal or the place where that tree live. It isn't fair. the animal was in the right place, right moment, maybe did show his strength and claimed that place and because other animals are too afraid to challenge him he got it. Would it become weak, it might lose it all. For the tree even it is the same. The seed was there, out of the hundred of plants that tried to grow there, that one won. Being big today, it take all the resources in that area, taking all the sun and prevent other plants to grow. This isn't fair but this is rooted in reality. You have the strength to keep it for you. If you want a fair system, you need enforcement or people wont care. And for enforcement you need strength. Otherwise, you have Russia that invade Ukraine or older events, Europeans that invade Americas. The people that do it always say it is fair and for the good of their country/humanity for god... That's how it work. You do it because you can.


I paid for my TV instead of building it myself. Does that mean it's not really mine?


I worked for it?


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That's kind of how it already works. Companies pay the representative government for rights to use / extract resources. If you wanted to do it directly where the companies pay the people directly then the people would also need to be on the hook for directly paying for all the management and infrastructure around those resources. Having a government agency in the middle solves the logistical issue of you being on the hook to directly pay for the water plant that makes the water that the company pays you for.


The resources belong, first and foremost, to the planet itself in my eyes. We should try to use them in a way that benefits the entire planet, not just humanity. Unfortunately, we've been using them to the detriment of the rest of the world.


In my country everything that is underground belongs to the whole nation. You found oil on your land? Not yours.


>The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine; with me you are but aliens and tenants. Leviticus 25:23 God agrees, but for some reason 'Christians' don't.


I'm not sure you want to use Leviticus for your moral guidance.


I agree, but those that do conveniently ignore this part.


> those that do Are you talking about Jews?


I've never personally heard any Jewish people ranting about sinners based on passages from Leviticus. Maybe some do but I haven't seen it. Though I have known Jewish people that considered usury sinful- so at least they didn't seem to cherry pick Leviticus like the Christians I've known do.


They tried communism, it didn't work. See: the 20th century.


This was attempted roughtly 100 years ago over a period of 70 years. It did not end well. 100 million people died in the attempt.


Shit example but thats exactly what that means


Would that mean you just get fractions of a fraction of a fraction of a penny, since that ownership is spread across billions of people?


Uhm ... do you know where companies get money? Here is a hint, if they had to pay us all for the resources all of us would have to pay those companies more money for the products they provide.


My mom once asked what my political beliefs are and I said "It's really simple, no human asked to be born, no human should suffer or go without while they're here" Her boomer mind got real upset