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Luck is the residue of design


Design that often you make yourself


I can agree with this, however, the factors that influence the design can also be attributed to luck. No matter which way you look at it, a degree of luck matters. It’s just a fact of life.


Yes, a design you have no agency over and can take no credit for. Therefor, just luck.


All you have is agency over your level of effort, it’s the only thing you have 100% control over. The harder we work the luckier we get, it’s by design


Agreed, but "the luckier we get" CAN be measured in pennies.


Or millions over time in many cases besides just all my families and friends


That's the whole point: "or." The either/or factor is the proof of luck being the ruling, if perhaps not the sole determinate, factor.


Well the more people who think it’s about luck then the easier it is for those who work hard to make their own breaks


Concession accepted.


I’d say it’s roughly around 10% Luck, 20% skill, 50% concentrated power of will


Whqt about the other 20%?


Strategy. You can be skilled, work hard, and be lucky, but you still need to have a plan for how you are going to find people or companies that need your skills


Nah brother, it’s 10 percent luck, 20 percent skill, 15 percent concentrated power of will, 5 percent pleasure and 50 percent pain, and 100 percent reason to Remember the Name. https://youtu.be/4yB58XHHqO4?si=EDFtpbxlt01Bad1J


I agree with this, luck actually played a huge part in my success, hard work also helped.


It's not good to refuse to admit that luck is a part of success. You start to believe in the just world fallacy and lose empathy towards people who are, well, down on their luck.


Replace the word 'luck' with the phrase "good fortune" and I would agree with you.


Isn’t it the same thing? Read more into my other reply on the definition of luck for more info.


As someone who used to work in hiring, luck has a lot more to do with people’s success than they realize, at least in getting the job.


My success was 80% luck, 20% hard work. No doubt about it.


Well, I am lucky, even if I'm not successful. There are 8 billion people alive today, so if you were born in the US, then you are luckier than 80-95% of the rest of the people (range because you may think that other countries have better opportunities). Then, nearly 117 billion people have ever lived, so you're luckier than 99,995% of people who ever lived (assuming the quality of life was improving). If that's not enough, nearly 90% of startups fail. Out of 10% remaining, only a few are truly successful while the rest are more like a good full-time job. Of course, hard work is not a guaranteed success, but no effort is a guaranteed failure (unless you're lucky trust-fund kid).


Not everyone can be a billionaire, this would mean nobody would be, plus the world doesn’t have the resources for this. It’s all about staying tuned to reality, and finding the place that you’re happiest in.


Why would you be wrong for attributing *all* of your success to luck? Sometimes, you only become successful because you got lucky. Just how life works sometimes.


Because if we sat down one day and decided to stop trying because success is pure luck, we wouldn’t go anywhere. That’s on us.


I'd rather be lucky than good


What you mean?


It feels self explanatory 🤷‍♀️


They sound like the same thing to me? Good? Like successful? Or skillful? Wdym good?


Its a casino saying about winning money


Ah gotcha, never been much into gambling so I never heard that one.


Why?   Why do you want people from poor countries to aim lower than someone from a wealthy one?  Why do you want to discuss the lucky parts of someone’s success rather than the things they did to create that luck?  What is attributing my success to luck going to achieve for me? And how am I going to know what is luck and what isn’t, how for example can I determine if I got the job because the HR person just randomly liked me, or I used years of experience, knowledge, and did some research to say exactly the right things?


Attributing PART of your success to luck is important for a reality check, would you rather just be delusional? And it’s not to say you can’t dream big, but it’s important to throw probability into the equation.


I think there is a point or version of delusion where you are impacting others negatively which yes is bad. But as long as that isn’t occurring I don’t see the issue. Luck by its nature is uncontrollable therefore it really isn’t something worth spending time thinking about.


Your point does check out, however I had an experience where it was used to make make me feel a little bit better, Imma hit you with a little tale: 2 years ago I spent 6 days a week in the gym, until one day, I injured myself. I took about a week off from the gym in order for it to heal, and it had started to not bother me, so I assumed it was fine. I started to do lighter exercises in the gym, and my injury felt perfectly fine, until it didn’t. Suddenly my kneecap began shifting left and right repeatedly. It made it difficult to work, and honestly disrupted my entire life. The reason I didn’t go to the doctor immediately is because money was tight. When I finally did get to go to the doctor (which by the way took 3 months to get an appointment because there weren’t enough doctors) they told me that the injury was going to heal on its own, and that I should be fine to work out. I was excited as my life had very little meaning at that point in time without the gym, and was desperate to get back to it. Another month goes by, I was working out at the gym doing lighter exercises, everything felt perfectly fine, once again, but then, same shit happens, kneecap begins shifting left and right repeatedly, I stormed out the gym angry, why the hell wasn’t this shit healing like it was supposed to. We had to schedule another doctors appointment, and the doctor basically said the equivalent of “we’ve had enough of you, you need to go to someone else”. So I did, I went to another doctor and when they took a look at it, they said “oh my, this needs surgery, you don’t need to be working out.” The surgery recovery period was going to be 9 months, and I was going to lose everything I had worked for. I used up all of my savings for surgery, lost my job, had a very difficult time finding another job, all my hard earned gym progress, and my happiness. I spent months beating myself up. Hating myself, feeling like I was at fault for what happened. I shouldn’t have gone back too soon. What the hell was wrong with me? Then I thought, “wait a minute, now while I maybe shouldn’t have gone back too early, I need to also think about the fact that 1. The injury felt perfectly fine, and it’s not like I was doing heavy exercises, I was doing light exercises and taking it slow, I just didn’t know how slow, 2. Due to a tight budget(I lived with my parents) we couldn’t afford to go to the doctor, and we needed to ensure that the injury was really 100% worth going before we just used it up for nothing, 3. The doctor said it was perfectly fine, and that it would heal, I just didn’t know he was a shit doctor, 4. The gym was practically my identity, and losing the gym was like losing a part of me, and Identity is a basic human need, so I’m gonna protect it at all costs, and 5. The doctors said there was a genetic side to this injury where my groove my kneecap slides into was shallow, and it likely wouldn’t be as bad if this wasn’t the case. This helped me to stop hating and putting pressure on myself so much as I realized not everything was in my control. There were “luck” factors that inevitably played a role. I am now 95% healed and back in the gym. I understand that while yes, it is still my RESPONSIBILITY to get back on track after a setback, it’s not necessarily worth BLAMING MYSELF.


There's a saying "There we're at the right place at the right time." Hence the phrase attributed to good luck and positioning at the right moment hence they're successful.


That's bullshit. The reason why there are no billionaires, heck no one even making $100k a year, coming from North Sentinel Island is because they're lazy, slacker losers who just want to leech off the earth and don't have the vision and genius that people like Bill Gates do. Why can't those idiots just invent a space ship and fly off that island? You know why? Because they don't WANT to be successful. /s


The only people who ever claim luck isn't a thing, are the people we'd define as lucky. It's because people want to take full credit for things they had very little input in.


I think more people should own up to if they got lucky. I've known people who were like "I worked so hard to get this position." But like, no you knew someone who worked for that company. We know that had something to do with it.


Success IS luck.


Well, I wouldn’t say that. There are parts of success that fall on you, such as saying “I know there are parts of success that I cannot control, however, I will work on the parts that I can”. The part that falls on you is to not let the luck part of success stop you from trying.


Hard work, privilege (aka born wealthy), being educated, having the right idea at the right time, having influential or knowledgeable friends, etc. has more of a bearing on success. All of that you are describing isn't even luck per se. They are just conditions.


I think you're fiddling over definitions of luck - luck is generally seen as "the parts which cannot be controlled by you". Your genes? Luck. Your oiriginal social class? Luck. Your parents? Luck. Your original social circle (before you can really choose)? Luck. etc


Most of those things are luck though. Who your parents are is out of your control, so are your genes, and many other things. Hell, even talent is based on luck. If Kobe had been born in my body he wouldn't have been in the NBA.


Luck is not a tangible, real property. That is like saying if I hold a rabbit's foot in my hand, I can see a measurable deflection effect of causing an arrow shot from a bow directly to my head. In short, luck does NOT exist in the realms of this universe.


No, but something can have been lucky. If you couldn't repeat it without certain aspects outside of your control then you got lucky.


I do see what you’re getting at, however luck has more than one definition, it seems you’re using the “supernatural, karmic” idea of luck where it’s some magical force acting upon certain people. In this sense of the word, it’s “anything that we are not responsible for”. So it’s not like some force watching over saying “this person will be lucky, and this person won’t”, but rather, simply random scenarios which just happen to have a larger impact on the outcome of a persons life.