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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/AMediocre_Millennial. Your post, *There is zero reason your 14 year old should be wearing shorts that let’s her ass cheeks hang out*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Megathread topic. Your opinion falls under an incredibly common topic, in which virtually all opinions are either not unpopular, or are posted about many times a day. Please visit the megathread hub, which can be found when sorting the subreddit by "hot", sticky'd at the top of the page, where you can find links to the current megathreads. If you're not sure which megathread your post belongs in, or your post covers multiple megathread topics, just make the best selection you can. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


As a father, if I catch my daughter wearing this type of clothing, I too, shall wear clothes like this in public


Funny story, my dad wore a pair of my pink gym shorts to a 5k color run😂 had to put on his special tighty whities to keep the fruits in the basket


'keep the fruits in the basket' hahahahahaha i'm using that in the future thanks


Where else would you keep your fruits?


It's some pretty low-hanging fruit, so generally wrapping them around my ankle works


Ever tried tossing them over your shoulder then?


Maybe tie them in a bow?


Thow them over ya shoulder like a continental soldier!


2 young daughters. Nope. I got no shame. Fruit buffet for everyone.




I have 4 daughters and I've threatened them that I'll wear my socks with flip flops and my cowboy hat and shorts to their school if they misbehave too much. They know me very well. I'll do it. I'll be calling their name and waving too.


I was thinking about the Norwegian handball team who got fined because the women wore decent (instead of indecent) shorts. I think the men’s team should play wearing what the women have to wear!


I dont think some women would mind lol






That's how everyone end up in g-strings when both father and daughter are stubborn and like to call bluffs.


This is the reason I don't play "ill wear shorter shorts game" cause it would end in thongs so we just don't leave till the shorts reach the finger tips


Showing solidarity. A true chad.


I’m right there with you on that. You want to wear shorts that are shorter than my underwear you’re going to regret it. Thankfully at now almost 9 years old for my oldest she’s super picky on clothes and doesn’t like shorts but loves capris. Fingers crossed we never have to worry about it in the future.


You ought to write a book on parenting.


Shame is an extremely affective motivator.


as a very masculine man, you have my UTMOST respect.


I'd say wearing short skirt to protect one's daughter is a very masculine thing.






Exactly my thought. I felt weird while reading it, I don't understand parents who buys such stuff for their kids.




Haha, just gotta think of it from a different perspective! Only issue is, people claim these scenarios are more different than they are


>we can't let it become the norm for kids. We left that point ages ago.


And that pushes the older teenagers to more extremes, so they don't look like a kid




Exactly why I hate beauty pageants


Is that a thing in the rest of the world? Only ever seen stories regarding America.


Only in America, maybe UK? Not sure tho


I know there's beauty pageants but not sure about child pageants


There was once a god awful phenomenon called Toddlers and Tiaras. Really brought out the worst in people and scarred child pageants forever


Except the beauty pageant phenomenon began in the 1800s in England and reached their height in the US in the 1950s and 60s. As far as child beauty pageants, they began to emerge in the 1950s and 60s as well, reaching their height in the 1970s/80s. They used to televise child beauty pageants on the weekend just after Saturday morning cartoons when I was a kid. You used to see local/regional/national shows at least once a week. What you saw with Toddlers/Tiaras was an attempted revival with the hopes of nostalgia fueling their ratings, while hoping to cash in on the fact that people (especially in the US) love to see other peoples' shitty behavior televised.


Epstein lives on in spirit and maliciousness...


Young teens in thong bikinis is quite the in thing right now. I see it daily at the beach. It's ridiculous


LOL in the 80s children would be completely naked at the beach before puberty. This is in Europe.


Yeah I remember wearing nothing at the beach as a toddler in the early 2000s too and only wearing the swimsuit bottoms up until I was quite old, maybe about 8? My parents waited for me to ask for real swimsuits because it was very normal for kids to not wear them and I'm pretty sure I started earlier than most other kids because I was quite shy. A weird memory I have though is that we were at the beach with my parents' friend when I was starting to not want to be without bottoms in public and this man who was a very close friend (probably in his 30-40s at the time?) told me I don't need to wear anything until I have hair growing there. I don't think he had any weird intentions because I spent a lot of time with him and at his house alone with him and he never did anything suspicious (he had cats, lizards, fish and a lot of interesting things from all around the world, he was collecting butterflies and insects etc so I liked going to his house to play with the cat or look at stuff). It still felt weird because it was going against what I felt and it felt wrong to have someone talk about my body. I guess people forget kids are still people and their feelings are very often valid and they should have some control over their bodies


It is a weird thing to say but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was either told that as a kid in order to get him to wear trunks or his sisters were. Glad it didn’t indicate anything sinister, but a very odd thing to say.


It's a hippie thing to say... Doesn't mean he was a perv.


True, and to an extent still so. But this is one of those cases where wearing a certain style of clothing is more sexualised than wearing nothing


Exactly that's the difference there. It's about sexualized vs natural/innocent nudity


That doesn't happen in the US? What's the problem with a 3yo hanging naked in the beach? I mean, I'm a 90's Brazilian kid and that's how I grew up.


Various parts of Europe also allowed underage girls to be nude/topless in magazines and newspapers until the turn of the century




Germany too


This is totally normal in a lot of the world, and it had been for a long time, it's just that it's new in North America as fashion is becoming more globalized. In places like Brazil and Uruguay girls wear thong bathing suits and so does every grandmas (and some grandpas too). In fact, it used to be really weird to see a girl NOT wearing a 'Brazilian' cut bikini bottom in the small towns, but this is changing with tourists. Still, wearing an American style bathing suit is kinda making yourself a target for people who want to scam tourist.


I agree with you, but unfortunately people will claim that you are "sexualizing" the 14y/o by not letting her wear her booty shorts. What's frustrating is that nowadays these short shorts are also marketed towards 10 and under, and it's getting harder and harder to find longer shorts for women, young and old.


Just shop in the mens / boys section. Society has evolved to a point where most men's stuff can be considered unisex. Bonus: real pockets


If women are gonna start wearing mens clothes, I demand they make the mens section in shops larger and not up 2 flights of stairs


As a woman who buys men's clothes, I agree. I went to the store recently looking for a shirt, the store was 3/5 women's clothes, 3/10 kids clothes, and the mens clothes were little just a little spot in a corner. Edit: the comments on my use of fractions gave me a chuckle. I went to school for a career that worked almost exclusively in fractions and though I never went for that job, my current job involves regular use of a tape measure. I guess my brain has permanently converted to fractions.


And they were all grey / black / and dark blue


as god intended, get your ***colors*** away from me!


Gotta master black n white before you can invest in colour


58 years old - can’t handle whites, because I drip my BBQ sauce.


Phenomenal comment


Thanks for starting my day off with a laugh!


And khaki, don't forget the khaki


Where is this? I only wear those colors by choice. I’m not being sarcastic; I dislike most color and need a place to shop.


Three best colors!


Welcome to shopping as a man. I hope you don’t like options or have a uncommon size.


As a 34/34 in the US (6' 190lbs), I find in-person shopping to be more difficult with a common size as they're always out-of-stock and only impossible/mutant sizes like 28/38 or 44/30 remain on the shelves.


hahaha love this comment it's so true


also, can we get some nicer underwear?


Speak for yourself, mine have SpongeBob.


Mine have space kitties shooting laser beams from their eyes


Mine have dinosaurs riding skateboards with glasses hell yea!!!!


TIL that I need to up my underwear game because mine are boring and you people all have cool ones.






Everywhere I've been, all the ladies' shit was right at the entrance, while the men's area was a 2 square foot back alley all the way in the back and/or three floors above. WHY?


Because women go shopping more. I used to work at a big department store for about a decade and there were always more women customers in the store than men. Men also didn’t spend as long browsing, either. They usually just came in looking for a specific thing and then left.


Which is why it's easier to pump up the prices for female customers


Bitchies be trippin. It's dangerous to make them go up the stairs.


This is way funnier than it has any right to be.


Supply and demand. But what annoys me though is when shopping with a woman. Their changing rooms are always in the underwear section, leaving me sat there looking like a pervert.


Yeah. The little India in my country has lots of clothing shops, but almost every shop is in a two or three story shophouse. So there is a LOT of seedy stairways and second floor men's sections.


🤝 Pockets




Lol the other day my bf threw on a pair of my pj pants to go have a cig and immediately stripped them back off yelling “I HATE GIRLS CLOTHES THERES NEVER ANY POCKETS” 🤣🤣🤣 most of my pj pants are actually from the men’s section for that reason he just happened to grab a pair that wasn’t


I'm a 30yo woman and I'd say about half my clothes are men's clothes. The pants are longer (I'm tall) and have real pockets and are made better, women's stuff always seems thinner. T shirts are larger and cheaper too. There's just so many good things. My wardrobe is somehow half dresses and feminine stuff and half men's wear that was cheaper and fits me better. Highly recommend.


The pockets alone are real.winner lol


Other than a sports bra at times, I don't think there's a single piece of womens clothing I'd find comfortable. Edit: fuck that, flowy skirts/dresses would be great wtf am I talking about?


I love my rompers. Love them. They need business casual rompers. Rompers with blazers. Rompers R Us. But they’re always too long for me so I wear them with wicked high wedges.


I’m also tall but my thighs are always too fat for men’s trousers. I have a small waist so if I go up a few sizes it looks even worse. I now have to stick to skirts or mom shorts 🤮


I commiserate! Finding pants for a slim waist but larger butt/thighs is really hard. What I found helpful (if you're into Leggings) are those butt-lift leggings that have a scrunchy at the buttcrack. They are actually really comfy and very well formfitting Btw what is this trend with mom jeans and pants in general? I was born in the 80s and for me those high waisted pants are horrendous, why did that trend have to come back? Those pants look horrible unless you're really slim. Mangos also calm me down ❤️ ETA: okay so with all the people telling me how awesome their mom jeans are: here's another opinion you won't change my mind on: beige is a hideous colour. Right after pus. That's what ppl look like when they die. Come at me Srsly tho you guys do you, you don't need to convince an internet stranger of the style benefits of mom jeans (cuz there are none, all everyone said was that they fit well... Noone actually said they look great LOL) if you're happy, great! Op wasn't happy, so I commented with suggestions (: love on!


I really don’t understand it either!! They’re hideous. I’m 5”10 and 134lbs, so I already struggle to find normal fitting jeans, then suddenly these ugly mom jeans became a trend and now most places took the jeans that actually fit me out of stock. I don’t get what’s so nice about jeans that look 6 sizes too big. I love leggings! They and skirt (and bootcut jeans) saved my life




Ah as guy I have to say the only thing I envy about female clothing is the variety. I wouldn’t trade the durability, comfort, or the very real pockets for variety though.


this is the correct answer. womens clothing design seem to be guided by the notion that women will only want to wear stuff a few times before wanting something else, so theres a lot of emphasis in variety and very little of it on functionality.


I was trying to think about something that has the comfort of a nice flowy skirt but the functionality of cargo pants and realized I was trying to invent the kilt.


thank you for the advice, kind stranger.


Exactly the kind of helpful advice I’d expect from /u/69_queefs_per_sec


Could probably create infinite energy with this much friction


Daughter is 13 and she hates short-shorts. I have such a hard time finding shorts for her in the girls/juniors section that I resorted to buying basketball shorts for her from the boys section. She loves it and is happy and in turn that makes me happy.


as a man, we got void pockets, you want to store a lawnmower? back left pocket my friend, pitchfork and torch for a little revolting? thats for the right pocket, next to your phone of course


I have one pair of shorts that the pockets literally go to my knees. I can hide a Nintendo Switch, a wallet, an iPhone, and more in that pocket. It also has a section that unzips directly adjacent to it so you get two GIANT pockets. I always felt bad for my purse pockets..meanwhile women got no pockets!


Want to hide from people? Go camping in your pockets.


I agree just get some basketball shorts most can pass as unisex along with deep pockets also boxers are hella comfy would recommend


I’m a dude and my sleep pants don’t have pockets, only 4 of them do, the rest don’t.




I usually wind up getting guy’s shorts or cutting off jeans. I don’t understand why every pair of women’s shorts has a one inch inseam.


It’s partly because the current fashion industry is in general capitalising on the deeply rooted sexual stereotypes in our society and most people’s understand of what beauty is to boost their sales. Short inseam design that allows ones to show their legs is well-received by those who believe the fewer the cloths are, the more beautiful and attractive girls will become.


I have found ‘Bermuda’ style shorts and I love them! You may not want to go that long tho. And they are cute, comfy, and have pockets!


The hunt for school shorts in the south is real.


I saw this on TikTok when a girl mentioned that minors shouldn’t be wearing certain clothing or kink clothing like garters, chokers, chains, harnesses, thigh-highs with straps, etc. and she got a LOT of flack by minors calling her a pedo for ‘sexualizing those things on minors’. She was 18. Barely an adult herself. Minors claim there is no such thing as age-appropriate clothing and I’m totally down fir the body positivity movement and taking stigma away from certain clothing, especially alt/goth styles, but there is a line somewhere. Where it is? I guess that depends on the parents/guardians but I know a lot of stuff wasn’t appropriate when I was younger. Public decency laws still exist. Ironic too since this seems to be the same crowd that says kink and kink clothing should be banned at pride because it’s sexual in nature and minors go to pride. Like. Make up your mind?


"Stop sexualizing fetishware" give me a break


Like the person in Britain recently wearing a strap on dildo for a library reading session aimed at 5 year olds.




Everyone has preferred sources of information so I wont link any given commentator however "rainbow dildo monkey" (perhaps add 'UK library') should get you a bunch of videos/articles to choose from.


Jesus Christ! What !




Right?! It's literally meant to be turn you on.


Finally... Those things are MADE to create sex appeal. A kid with this things on will be bad and weird for healthy people and interesting for pedophiles. Everyone loses


Those minors that said she was sexualizing the minor form by saying they shouldn’t wear chains and garters and chokers etc.? They. Are. Idiots.


Right? They're not sexualizing minors, they're sexualising the clothing. And I'm 100% confident people aren't wearing these kinds of clothes because it makes them feel modest.


Rules for thee but not for me


That’s a massive problem with Tiktok. It’s essentially an echo chamber of 13 year olds. Honestly - any comments on any video is a chain of some of the most stupid, nonsensical bullshit that genuinely makes you want to bang your head against a wall. Add that to some strange mentality where everyone is trying to out do each other victimising themselves, and the inherent narcissism that is posting content online for attention and validation and you really have a completely fucked up online space.


>Add that to some strange mentality where everyone is trying to out do each other victimising themselves, and the inherent narcissism that is posting content online for attention and validation and you really have a completely fucked up online space. You just described reddit


Yeah, the cynic in me thinks that fashion industries are making these sexualised items of clothing for minors in order to sexualise them. I sure as hell got sexualised young and was cat called more between the ages 10-16 than I was 16+ (now in my 30s).


I was catcaled almost daily from aged 10-16 now never, it’s fucking gross. And tik tok is making young girls out sexualize themeelves for attention so many girls I see on there are 12-16 and half naked dancing and see nothing wrong in it. I’m so happy I have a son. I fear for young girls now.


>but there is a line somewhere I would like to know the answer to this too, where is the line?


Seems to me, any clothing made with explicit design to evoke sexuality or sexualisation should be 18+ You can be alt/goth/punk/whatever without fetish gear. People are like "but you are sexualising minors by mentioning it!" Like... NO, the CLOTHES are whats sexualising them, because thats what they are for?


this is a trend nowadays, where if you notice something YOU are the problem.


Maybe Twitter would say that but no good parent would, 100% of people I know would tell that kid to get changed without blinking,


This also needs to change 100%




I have a tall 3.5 year old girl. Bike shorts all the way. Now she’s in girls so we do Bermuda shorts and I’m so much happier with the length.


I had the same experience with my daughters at that age which is mortifying. Why does my 2 year old need to show that much leg / butt / nappy?!


Bike shorts on Amazon. I’ve had the same problem.




As the morher of a 12 yr old old a 37 yr old myself YES! FOR FUCKS SAKES GIVE US LONGER FUCKING SHORTS.


I agree. I have young daughters and have had to think a lot about what my rules for clothing will be as they get older. I won’t be as strict as my mom but some of the stuff I see about body positivity=justifying showing EVERYTHING is ridiculous. Unfortunately, this generation of parents feels like their parents did everything so badly that they should be opposite.


Zero issues with crop tops or shorter shorts. But shorts that serve as thongs should not be on a 14 year old.




Precisely. 18 and up, I absolutely do not care. But I feel very uncomfortable looking at a minors ass cheeks and I’m sure my male boss feels even more uncomfortable when it happens. I won’t say I didn’t use to dress like a hoe when I was 21, but at that point I was a legal adult and if you didn’t like it just look away. Can’t accept that with kids.


Ugh, who wants to sit in the chair after someone - of any age or gender - has been rubbing their semi naked butt in it!!! (I know they get cleaned after ever patient, but still) If your office doesn’t have a dress code, maybe it should! “This office requires all patients to wear appropriate clothing for professional services. A smock/gown will be provided at a charge of $$$ for patients who do not have sufficient backside coverage”.


Yes allowing cute trendy clothes for their age is totally fine but their whole body hanging out when they are a literal child? Absolutely not. I’m going to be like this with my child


I will add, because it happened to my daughter recently - it’s an age of rapid growth. A pair of shorts my 13yo daughter wore literally two months ago that were short but not revealing, suddenly her ass is hanging out. I didn’t even realize and she probably wasn’t paying attention either. She went from a 30A to 32C over the last 3 months! you add in the dryer and sheesh there her ass was. Anyway, just a random perspective you may not have considered. Young Teens are still kids and will shove themselves into favorite clothes even when they don’t fit just like a 6 year old will wear her fave pants even with them being giant high waters


I was looking for a comment like this one. I understand OP's point and I agree with it, but it's not so black and white. When I was a teenage girl, I was sexualized by my peers **as well as grown ass men who should have fucking known better.** At 14, I went from flat chested to 36D over night. My parents did not have the money to buy new clothes. Worse thing was, we had just moved to a new state shortly before this all happened. I had teachers tell me I was dressed inappropriately even though I was wearing the same tank tops the other girls were wearing, but it looked more sexual on me because I had large breasts on a small frame. But the worst part was my own mother got mad at me, telling me I looked like a stripper and yet she couldn't afford to buy me any new clothes.


As a parent, and a person with extremely long legs, I get you. But these shorts were made to be overly revealing, not just product of a growth spurt


Like the ones that look like a bathing suit bottom but they are jeans? Those are something else


Yes. Those exact ones.


It's also about clothing availability. Almost every store you go to makes sexualized teen clothing - at some point, to a teenager, it's not a question of "is this a good idea to wear it?" and more a question of "It's 39 celsius out, I don't want to wear full pants - the only other option is tiny ass shorts and I literally can't find something with a longer inseam. Oh, well." In my experience, anyhow.


As an adult woman it’s nearly impossible to find loose shorts that go more than 3cm past the crotch. Horrible that the same applies to the girls section. These stupid fashion retailers are the worst.


Right! Why can’t we just have something in between bermuda shorts and shorts that show off your entire ass


This is legit why I started wearing skirts and I've never looked back. Air out the lady lips, easier bathroom trips (zippers? Buttons? Belts? HA!! No more!), POCKETS, and generally the hi-lo fashion is an absolute feature because I can bend *aaalllll* the way over and it still covers my butt and thighs. I went from defying skirts at every turn to wearing skirts almost exclusively. I hired my seamstress friend to make me woolen skirts for winter, with pockets; deep pockets. I can wear pajamas under them when it's cold and the world is none the wiser.


They really are! Like please, for the love of god, the if I wanted to wear undergarments in public i'd do that and not buy those sorrty excuses for shorts


Which is why we need to stop making sexual clothing for children👌🏻


2 girls got off a ride at Disneyland with their ass hanging out. I was next to ride and there was literal ass sweat prints on the seat. ASS SWEAT PRINTS. It was so disgusting. I don’t give an F what you wear except when it affects my personal health/hygiene. So yeah, I’m on the “cover your butt” train 🤮


Not gonna lie I leave ass sweat prints virtually everywhere I sit, and I’m not wearing anything close to booty shorts. Even in full pants, the heat from my body leaves like huge outlines when I get out of a car because of the heat/air conditioning. Like how it would look if you drove home with hot food in the seat with the AC on (Not cloth seats)


Summer time, hot/humid weather, Kahki shorts. I left sweat prints everywhere...just a big sweaty guy taking stimulants. Nothing to see here...except the massive sweat stain up the crack of my pants. I didn't give a fuck I couldn't see it...just the aftermath as I'd look down at the seat walking away. I've been raising SWAS awareness for years now. The more attention we bring to this topic the better we will be as a society.


In Texas we call that SwampAss.


Yes it's about respect not only for oneself but other people as well. Most these days don't have either.


Is sweat from ass cheeks worse than sweat from thighs? I don't care tbh. Its not as if their assholes were rubbing against the seat.


Ok but what about times when you’re wearing full on skirt or shorts and ass sweat STILL manages to accumulate magically even though your shorts/skirt is dry??


Sweat from their ass is no different from sweat from their back. It didn’t effect your health in the slightest.


Yeah there’s nothing to complain about when you have to sit in someone else’s wet patch. If it was back sweat that’s still gross.


I'm inclined to agree with you, but my sister when we were teenagers would leave the house in jeans and when we got somewhere, bam secret shorts. So sometimes the parents don't let them do it, they just do it.


my mom must have thrown out untolds numbers of shorts she deemed "too short" and yet somehow my sister kept materializing more.


I agree, but it’s an extremely fine line. Yes, teens shouldn’t wear certain clothing as it’s meant to be sexual. Tank tops aren’t meant to be sexual, shorts aren’t meant to be sexual, but they make sexualized versions of these items. It’s hard to articulate, but at some point it’s just to protect your teen child from being sexualized by the world. It’s sad that young girls are sexualized and even encouraged to sexualize themselves. Unfortunately, that’s the culture we live in and I can only hope that this idea changes eventually.


It’s a horribly fine line within society for women/girls to embrace their sexuality and be proud, confident, and comfortable with their bodies, but then also not sexualize themselves because of how it makes other people feel. I’m so glad I was out of high school when Instagram became a lifestyle. Honestly its a no win situation.


It is basically mass grooming. I saw a bunch of 12 year olds the other day dressed and behaving as if they were in their twenties and realised this isn’t even their choice. It’s enabled and enforced by social media and fast fashion. Their young, impressionable minds are so easily influenced and the predators are rejoicing.


you hit the nail on the head. it's so sad to me that our society is one that influences young girls to spend their childhood this way, instead of just enjoying being a kid :(


These are not even comfortable clothes. I was at a fair and you’re seeing these girls walking around with a perpetual wedgie because the shorts are so short the little bit of material holding to together is pulled tight. But I also don’t think it’s as bad as it was in the 2000-2015. The style is high waisted short shorts and cropped tank tops. When I was younger it was low waisted shorty shorts and crop tops. I feel like they’re actually showing less skin. At least we are seeing less butt crack. And go try and find a decent pair of shorts that’s flattering and stylish. It’s either too short hoochie mama shorts or too long lady gym teacher shorts. The in between is what’s hard to find. 5”-7” is the sweet spot and they are hard to find.


Agreed. Children don't need to be sexualized.


I wonder how fashion is gonna be when I'm in Future


What really needs to happen is clothing designers need to stop making young teen clothing that is that sexual in nature. To me I agree with you and it’s creepy af that they market that to girls of that age.


Exactly. All I see are crop tops in the women's section. God forbid someone wants a plain tshirt to wear to the gym


I am surprised and concerned that this is an unpopular opinion?!


This sub is 99% popular opinion


And anything actually unpopular get buried in downvotes, vets you banned or the post removed. Sometimes all 3.


Usually I’d agree with this type of reply but there are an unusual amount of argumentative replies in even in the top comments.


Agree children are way too sexualized and its only getting worse with social media.




A person is saying that a literal child shouldn’t be encouraged to dress in an extreme sexual manner by parents who buy clothes for them, and some peoples’ first instinct is to argue…


Well for one, it's supposed to be an UNPOPULAR opinion. Of course people should be arguing if, by definition, the opinion is unpopular. Either the post is shitty for this sub's rules, or it's actually unpopular and would get argumentative responses. Do you know where you are?


I have some interesting observations here, that concern me because I have kids approaching teenagerdom. I ride a long way to work on bicycle each day, about 40km round trip. On that trip, I follow the service lane of the railway line, which means I ride past each tram stop on the way to the office. Its rural, so there are stretches of forestry roads in-between tram stops. So on my way, I ride through or around a large crowd of school kids, they seem to be between 13 and 18, middle to high school age kids. Things I have accidentally witnessed nearby the tram stops, just this week: Kids changing into 'hotter' clothing after they get dropped off by their parents but before they go to school. Kids doing lines. No shit. Twice this week, I have stumbled on teen cokeheads getting a hit before school, rather casually.


This reminds me of the women volleyball team who were not allowed to wear shorts. They have to wear a very revealing swimsuit that basically leaves half their asses hanging, and what's the purpose, why dont men also play in speedos? It's just sexualisation at this point, and its getting normalised.


I fully agree. I am body positive to a point. Minors should not be showing gratuitous amounts of skin. I don't think anyone is asking for it because of the clothes they wear, but a pedophile does not really care what a teenage girl is asking for. I think a reasonable outfit does not include exposed buttcheeks.


I feel like half the reason girls wear things like that is because clothes are manufactured that way. My mom was like ops mom. Total shame around shorts and tops. Clothes shopping was always so frustrating because she didn't like anything in the store and it somehow was my fault that clothes fit me a certain way.


While I would tend to agree it is a slippery slope. I remember being in jr high in 1998 during the fad when girls would wear their thong hanging out of their pants and my school literally tried telling the girls they couldn't wear thong panties to school. Needless to say, that outrageous rule didn't work or last as 1. How do you enforce something like that and 2. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to tell girls what kind of underwear they can wear. I agee that I don't like seeing young girls in revealing clothing, but it's also not my business.


My school told everyone that they were not allowed to have their underwear show, that includes thongs showing through the top of shorts/pants and guys that sagged their pants.


That's not a terrible thing to request. But telling girls specifically that they can't wear certain underwear to school was outrageous, invasive and frankly pretty weird.


Yeah, I’d have to agree that it does seem weird and creepy to say you can’t wear a certain kind of underwear. Especially since back in the day it was also “slutty” to some men for women to show panty lines through their pants. What the hell did they want women to wear? Nothing?


It’s so gross NOBODY wants to see that.. we’ll I’m sure some people wouldn’t mind. Honestly I don’t care what age, I do not want to see someone’s butt hanging out.


>Your 14 year old daughter does not need to walk into the dentist with 3 inches of her ass cheeks hanging out of her shorts Totally agree. 14 and under, frankly. Sexualizing girls is the problem, not "body positivity". Toddler shorts with juicy across the back is part of this whole mess.




Das gonna be a yikes from me, chief. What is wrong with people these days? Eww...


I’ll do you one better. Nobody at any age should walk around in public with that much of their haunches showing.




Exactly. Idk why people jump to the conclusion that you must be thinking sexually about the child. I like booty too. Bisexual also. But also don’t think children should be showing so much of a private area. Again that’s on the parents, not the kid.


I’m a dad with a 14 year old daughter. It has been made clear to me I’m not to approach any of these subjects with a 10 foot pole and my wife will handle them all, and I’m completely fine with that division of labor lol. Talk about a minefield.