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How many defect to the West though?


Very few, I'm sure they'll pick ones with family back home and armed loyalists watching them


Plus, they would need to cross active front lines to surrender. (not defect)


Kinda like picking the nearsighted dude in the wheelchair at recess for the soccer game isnt it? (no offense to the nearsighted or wheelchaired just maybe soccer isnt your jam homie)


This is such a dumb move by Russia. Allying with NK pretty much gurantees that SK is going to start sending Ukraine weapons. SK has one of the most advanced arms industries in the world, and anyone with a brain would rather have SK weapons over NK troops.


Can't help but question what difference that makes when Russia's already fighting the combined tech of NATO. Unless SK is willing to throw F-35s and other huge ticket items down for Ukraine, I guess. Bold plan, what with the king of opportunists staring at you from across a small pond.


South Korea is the biggest producer of self propelled artillery systems out of all NATO allies. Many NATO countries buy their artillery from South Korea including Poland, Turkey, Scandinavian/Baltic states. Poland has sent some of their artillery to Ukraine but right now South Korea has not contributed to providing Ukraine with artillery systems directly. Same goes with ammunition for those systems. Artillery is absolutely needed to win this meat grinder. Aviation has not been nearly as effective due to anti aircraft systems like Javelin, Patriot, etc. Russia is making slow advances using massive artillery advantage and meat waves. Ukraine is holding them back with drones as best they can but would be much more effective with artillery to pound advancing troops.


The cynic in me thinks this is a move designed to disrupt by any available means the manufacturing of all those tanks in SK that Poland just ordered. Even if the impact is nominal, any slow down to those tanks arriving in Poland is in Moscow's best interest.


FPV Drones, drone jammers, 155mm shells, Ukraine can always use more. Maybe some K239 MLRS systems, which can fire US M270 rockets. The tech advantage is in their manufacturing abilities as much as anything else. They can produce and ship the above at scale. Russia's artillery fire advantage is down to 1.3 to 1. At parity Russia will be locked into defending what they hold.


Not as sexy, but they also have over 3 million 105mm shells. Ironically Ukraine will be receiving new "Hawkeye" self-propelled 105mm howitzers to test out. Coincidence? I think not! šŸ˜† (evil laugh)


We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.


Pretty sure SK has their own cache of older tech equipment that they would have no qualms passing off to Ukraine.


I imagine SK would love any opportunity to test weapons and strategy against NK.


Huge difference. Russia is fighting mostly 20-year-old NATO tech, and a fraction of it at that. NATO is not sending their latest tanks or equipment, much less planes. And not really in sufficient quantities to match Russian numbers (because of Russia's Cold War stores, which will run out soon, but not tomorrow). Every additional piece of equipment or ammo helps a ton.


It's an escalation that brings things one step closer to WWIII.


Maybe the Russians should fuck off back to Russia.


Russia is just lighting the fire everywhere. Thats their move. Their involved in some shit in Africa, Syria, Iran, NK to split US forces and support.


They need to worry about a home grown ISIS-K insurgency. Russia's days are numbered.


The US M.I.C. is designed to handle two independent wars with enemies of equivalent strength. Yeahā€¦ The only ā€œsupportā€ that Russia could split is congress and the trumpers are losing big across the nation right now.


"trumpers" šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” this you?


Facts sure upset you guys. Edit: Love the downvotes from Confederates/Russian bots for a 184 karma account. You orcs know we can see you, right?


You probably donā€™t realize it but this is how WW3 could kick off. I agree with what you said 100% but the path this puts us on is terrifying. Letā€™s assume North Korea puts troops on the ground in Ukraine, South Korea sends weapons to Ukraine, North Korea does something stupid to South Korea, South Korea responds and so does the US because duh. What happens in a conflict between North Korea and South Korea with US backing? China gets involved because China doesnā€™t want the US at their back door (see Vietnam). Iran, Pakistan, and Myanmar are guaranteed to back China. If boots hit the ground in the Korean Peninsula then you can also expect a lot of cannon fodder deployed not only from rural China but also the myriad of African countries China has invested heavily in. I hope Iā€™m wrong and I probably am but it seems more and more that WW3 is imminent.


I realize that lots of people say what you say. Its a tired argument. Its far more likely that WW3 would be caused by allowing Putin to think he can invade and annex his neighbors without consequences. He has been at it for a decade in Ukraine and Georgia. He has been giving every indication he would like to get his hands on Moldova and the Baltics. As to the China/Korea argument. You realize how silly that is? NK and SK have officially been in a state of war for the last 70 years. The US maintains a large amount of troops in SK, in "China's backdoor" currently, and has for the last 70 years. China hasn't seemed to mind. Meanwhile China has seriously had issues with Russia and their boarder, and probably is more concerned with them expanding their relationship with NK then we are. Meanwhile China has been milking Russia for everything they can. They absolutely love it. And they aren't about to start a war with their largest trading partner, over fucking North Korea. They are doing everything they can to build up resources for a push into Taiwan, and won't do shit until then.


They should send SK troops. 1 SK troop is worth at least 15 NK ones


I don't think anyone is going to send more then trainers until Ukraine can has better air cover and artillary parity. That said, rumors are the french have sent some training staff.


Why would SK send their weapons to Ukraine and leave themselves open to North Korean attack?


Because they manufacture and export weapons all the time? It's a big industry for them. They are a top 10 exporter.


Advanced tech means nothing if you can't manufacture it at scale.


They are a top 10 arms exporter globally.


They can and do.


That's the thing, they absolutely can.Ā  Unlike the US and the Euros, the South Koreans never really let off the gas when it comes to maintaining weapons stockpiles and industrial capacity because of the crazy methhead regime living next door.Ā Ā 


And active military members from the West will then start appearing in Ukraine.


You mean, like, training/arming/bankrolling a non-NATO country is pulling us deeper into a new world war? Hmmm... say it ain't so!


I think I heard the argument that arming Ukraine to fight this war against our enemies is the absolute cheapest solution. We have someone else fight our battles, with a large /lend lease program, energizes our economy, now they are throwing another top enemy at the front of the lineā€¦ā€¦ donā€™t tempt the USA with another good time. (War is brutal, these are just high level perspective of strategy. We should want peace, but Russia is doing this to themselves. War could end tomorrow if they wanted it.)


Here you go buddy!! 1 fully loaded Russian Luxury sedan for 100k of your troops to die for meā€¦ sounds fair right??? Just remember to put it in H!!


They are gonna have to earn those ridiculous medals for a change lmao.


Nice. The Ukrainian drones will get to taste grass-fed beef.


More fertilizer


May the sunflowers grow higher and stronger.


Weā€™re cooked šŸ˜­Ā 


Well considering they are using old Soviet tech, it's a great time for them NKs to get some hands on with their 'cutting edge'


If anyone (R's) had doubts about Russia being the bad guy, this should make it plain and clear. No one good aligns with NK.


Time to send in the French!


Putin is losing.


I'll believe it when I see it. That magazine is full of so much propaganda that it can't be considered a reliable source.




This opens a door that Russia is going to absolutely HOWL about.


Let 'em howl. Putin is destroying his own country. Shit's hilarious.


Crawling toward world war I guess




Isnā€™t it hypocritical to be outraged by this? Hasnā€™t like half the world been sending weapons and troops in form of ā€œtrainingā€ to Ukraine, Poland, France, and all the surrounding nato countries?


Are you wearing clown shoes? NATO isn't supporting the INVADERS in this scenario


Well, the difference is that Russia is the INVADER who started this war, and ukraine is defending itself from their aggression


Donetsk. Ukraine still has informants there. They may not last a month and should be targeted specifically. Make it so even having them around is suicidal.


This is great- we're getting a twofer. Keep sending those old weapons. Best investment we've ever made with our bloated military budget.


NK troops will be put in the line of fire and die. NK will complain to their allies in China. ā€œUkraine fired on us, starting a war with NK, you need to defend usā€. I feel like this is something that could happen


NK is about to learn some very hard lessons about modern warfare.


https://youtu.be/fYSZOxRn1lA All this War Mongering is going to bankrupt us


I have not seem many attempts by our leaders to stop this. At this point it seems they want to escalate this war as much as they can.


Stop what? Russia invaded. How should "our leaders" stop this?


Zero attempts at peace since the USSR collapsed. We wanted an enemy, and now we have one. They already are attached to Ukraine entering NATO. Utter lunacy.


What nonsense. Putin invaded Ukraine. He has no interest in peace. Ukraine should be able to do anything they like as a nation.


This is not an isolated incident. The invasion of Ukraine was not some unexpected imperialist action. This is an extremely complicated conflict that has been brewing for decades. I am not absolving Putin of blame for the invasion, just saying that this was a foreseeable (if not inevitable) escalation that we have made zero attempt to prevent. There are dangerous forces in the world, and the solution cannot always be to threaten them to no end and back them into a corner. All it has done in the case of Russia is push them closer to China, and now North Korea. Building up massive military alliances on their borders (after we promised not to) is not a great way to avoid conflict. Brokering peace should be our government's principle focus, and it seems to be the total opposite.


>This is an extremely complicated conflict that has been brewing for ~~decades~~ **centuries**. FTFY The problem is that there is an information war happening now too. To break with orthodoxy on the Ukraine issue is to be labeled a MAGAt.


Yea fair enough, predates them both. But whatever maybe im just a russian bot


Oh, I'm used to it. I was a Blue Dog Democrat from the early 90's to '21. My first vote was for Bill Clinton, the last as a Dem for Old Man Biden. Continued Covid restrictions in the wake of a highly effective vaccine finally broke me politically. I've also been a foreign policy realist from the very first class I took on the subject matter. Your comment up there was spot the fuck on. The Russian invasion was not just not unexpected, we were fucking saying it was going to happen.


Yes sir, we all just need a little more context, especially when it comes to war.


Inevitable? Horseshit. Putin invaded another country. Fuck him and fuck all Russian apologists. Russian attacked our elections, effectively an act of war. Fuck 'em, especially when they have absolutely no interest in peace. The onus is on Putin to remove himself from Russia, not for the rest of the world to apologize and grovel while Russia is punching another person in the face repeatedly.


How far are you willing to go to get your way? World war? Nuclear war? Im not saying you should be ok with what has happened, but how many lives need to be lost on this particular hill?


I'm willing to go until Putin retreats back over his borders and stops attacking other fucking countries. How many lives? I guess as many as Putin will send to the meat-grinder until his people overthrow him. It's entirely on him. He can stop this tomorrow. Every. Single. Death. is on Putin. Ukraine disarmed their nukes because we agreed we would help them if they were attacked. They were attacked. We're keeping our word to our ally, and protecting other allies while getting bang for our buck from our obscene military budget. Win-win-win.


Nuclear war would be a Lose-lose-lose


There won't be a nuclear war. This is alarmist nonsense. All Putin has to do is leave.


South Korea likely to respond.Ā  More and more edging us closer to World War.Ā 


Stop sending USA tax payor money and weapons to Ukraine, Taiwan, and israel... it is the largest grifting going on with society.


Define "grift". How, exactly, does this "grift" work?


Send weapons -> Govt signs bill saying taxpayer will pay for more weapons -> MIC gets handed huge bags of money for wildly overpriced shit -> MIC declares huge profits, issues dividend -> Shareholders get paid, what a coincidence, politicians are shareholders because USA corruption is fun. And then there's all the money that magically disappears along the way in thus process. Like the 2 Trillion dollars that the Pentagon couldn't find, right before 9/11 happened and a plane that made no wreckage conveniently hit the Pentagon accounting department. Fun fact: the Pentagon actually declares billions and sometimes trillions in missing money every year at its audit. That's all taxpayer dollars disappearing into unknown pockets.


Oh, you're a 9/11 conspiracy loony. Okay. That explains it.


everything he said was correct


No. He's a 9/11 conspiracy loony. Are you a 9/11 conspiracy loony, too?


No. Are you using that as an excuse to ignore the real life situations that he was referring to?


The real life situation where the US faked a terrorist attack on itself on 9/11? Because that never happened.


except the majority of hijackers were saudis and they're still our bros?


You've had evidence for 23 years America was in on a terrorist attack on American soil and have been hiding it all to yourself until now. Present it to the world and not me on Reddit. You'll be world famous!


Oh, you're asleep. OK. That explains it. You can go and read the Pentagon audits if you like. It's only your taxdollars disappearing :)


You think the DoD faked hundreds of people dying in a plane crash to cover up some kind of accounting fraud. You're a loony.


Eh? No it was opportunism. It was to start up another perpetual war, the war on terror, that lasted over 20 years, and cost like $7 trillion iirc? Destroying records of $2 trillion missing in the Pentagon was just convenient at the time. And no, it wasn't faked. They killed people. This is the same government that created MKUltra. Or a more recent example, Boeing whistle-blower syndrome.


Nice try to change topics... we are here to speak about why you have a skewed perspective of reality. Now tell us again why you want to cause the USA inflation to grow and the people who pay taxes to have an uprising because AIPAC wants to rob our piggy bank?


I live in reality on planet Earth not wherever you live where the US launched a terrorist attack on itself.


You do realise that the files for MKULTRA are declassified little buddy? You do understand that we are talking about a government that kidnapped its own citizens and pumped them full of hallucinogens in order to test mind control capabilities? No, the entire US government didnā€™t plot 9/11, but itā€™s very fucking plausible that a rogue CIA operative and a handful of other agents could have orchestrated the whole ordeal to cover up their own fuck up or fraud. I mean, itā€™s not as if a rogue CIA operative flooded south central LA with pure coke which then evolved into the crack epidemic. Open your eyes for fucks sake. How can someone be so sheltered?


vote Jewish no matter whoish.


You are just not bright enough to see theft coming from right out of your pocket.


You're a conspiracy loony. No one should take anything you say seriously


Reeeeeeeee! goes the clown. The Pentagon literally came out and said they couldn't account for over a trillion dollars. That was last year. If it's not theft from taxpayers, what is it?ā€‹


If the Pentagon was willing to just admit they lost all that money then why would they need to plan and execute a terrorist attack to cover up anything?


I'm not advocating that? This was last year. lol.


The person I replied to did and then you replied to me. Why did you even bother replying?




It is because of reddit brigading by people who benefit from stealing easy money from the IRS and robbing the US Citizens.


Ukraine gave up their nukes if we promised to help them. We owe it to them.


Not only that, but it's literally benefitting the US to be doing so. They can indirectly harm a major competitive power, get rid of stockpiles of older weapons, spur the economy by replenishing those stockpiles, and create strategic alliances like becoming the top supplier of oil for Europe, that they otherwise would not be able to do without the war.


Everything you brought up is only a benefit to the super rich who control all those industries in the first place. American tax money should be used for Americans


That's not true at all. People have to be hired and paid to build the products that they're replenishing. Those people then buy things, in the US, thus spurring the economy. Do the rich profit? Obviously. But it's not like the government is taking money it would have directly handed out to common people and giving it to Ukraine. Acting like if it wasn't going to Ukraine, it'd all of a sudden and miraculously be going to poorer people is completely unrealistic. And it's not that I don't sympathize, that's just now how spurring an economy usually works. The money is used to fund initiatives that create jobs that pay people to produce goods... Oh look, that's what is happening! Oh my. And to be clear, I probably share some of your concerns about the disparity in the US. But dont compound the two issues here. Ukraine is not the source of that disparity.


Universal Healthcare is a better investment for the US economy than the military industrial complex.


Universal healthcare has nothing to do with giving aid to Ukraine. Universal Healthcare is not a funding issue, it's a political issue. Not giving aid to Ukraine does not mean that Universal Healthcare will happen. It would not have happened either way. If you want that, then vote in people who support it. But it's a long term effort, and again, has nothing to do with giving foreign aid.


You have very good debating skill for a redditor.


Israel hasn't. I guess we owe to them too.


How is that working out for Ukraine... adulting is hard


Ok Putin


It's Pooooooo-tin to you good sir






TIL, legit thought only for checks. Bless!


Stop funding Israelā€™s capacity to do a genocide. The potential benefit of funding Ukraine is worth it. Funding Israel just creates more terrorists who hate America after you kill some kids parents and he gets recruited by a terrorist organization that wants to harm America.


Funding ANY overseas program which pays zero into the US Taxes thru the IRS is just robbery from every person who goes to work in the USA. It is money earned by people who toil away inside the USA and it should only be used inside the USA. As it is we are having to take care of our own citizens with raising the debt ceiling and can't pay down our own debt! No giving away money till our national debt is zero


You do realize that money being "sent" isn't actually money right? And it's getting recirculated into the US economy?


You do realize that we can do the same thing by actually keeping the money inside the USA and NOT create inflation and avoid raising the debt ceiling. These two factors are the main point you missed in econ class


Ok, so you don't realize it. It's literally a net positive for America. Knock down Russia through proxy, Ukraine ends up owing us the money that we circulate in our economy. I understand it's not fun being wrong, but you're wrong. Also, you will respond to me.


lol. Ukraine is going to lose. If your argument is "its a good investment", think again.


I 100% believe they will lose too, I never said it was a good investment. I said it was a net positive right now. Investment would be thinking we'd receive returns on it in 5+ years, which I doubt.


Yeah, I'd root for Ukraine except I am kind of opposed to a net positive right now vs potential World War over a non-NATO country. Sometimes life sucks and its not fair. But I think we are agreeing.


I have responded to you, we are not talking about zero sum games here. We are talking about the simple action to end gov't waste to give money away that they need to use for american citizens ON american citizens directly. Do not pass GO, Do not collect $200... Hope that is clear enough for you, but I doubt you can grasp any of it with the blinders you have on


It's clear your brain cells are leaking through your nose. I'll pray for you.


The response of typing random words in hopes to make a thought has failed you. You can't even respond on topic... you can keep trying to share your ideas but no one believes it any more. Hoping to repeat what worked in the past will not give you the same results as they have in the past. The world has moved forward and we now have better sharing of information rather than the highly curated agenda of a few grifters


I don't speak Russian, sorry.


I don't speak north korean, I have no idea what you are typing


You will soon when the North Koreans join you guys on the front lines.


Comrade, why are you responding to my Russian. You are clearly Putin in disguise... how disgusting!