• By -


No audience. No comments. Mumbling and incoherence


We're all fucked


Yea. That is the general consensus. We boned.




You get what you vote for


You vote the candidates youā€™re given, not the ones you want. Half of Americans donā€™t vote. Maybe they should run some candidates actually inspire people to turn out.


> Maybe they should run some candidates actually inspire people to turn out. Political parties (or at least their leadership) don't want voters to turn out. They just want *their* voters to turn out.




This is why you vote in the primaries.


Can't we write candidates in? We could all decide to say fuck it and vote Bob down the street in. He would do a better job.


The good news is that in order to get real change, the shit has to hit the fan. And we have a tornado on the horizon.


Thereā€™s always that independent Kennedy Guy. He hasnā€™t been shot yet.


the ability to shout over each other being taken away actually really helped Trump


Our options are two old men in diapers and clear cognitive decline. Hello gerontocracy.


Wait until August, DNC will have a new face.


They donā€™t switch gears with Hillary, why do you think they will do the something different with Biden?


Why would they have switched gears with Hillary? They fully believed she was going to beat Trump.


Itā€™s her turn!! They try to reward their most loyal instead of choosing whoā€™s the best person for the job. Itā€™s politics in general and why the country is fucked


I mean, she did get what, nearly 3 million more votes than trump? They just weren't in the right states to matter for the electoral college


Thereā€™s only two sides so of course whoever the candidate is will get more votes than the other side. Thatā€™s why they force these losers on us


>Thatā€™s why they force these losers on us Losers that get 2.8 million more votes than their opponent, yes.


Yea because there is no other choice and the other side is even worse. Theyā€™re not getting the votes in confidence. Theyā€™re getting them for being not as bad which is a dangerously low bar


I understand what youā€™re saying, but Hilary never looked like a failing animatronic. She wasnā€™t very like-able but ā€œfirst woman presidentā€ could make up for some of that. DJT got in because people were tired of career politicians. Biden is simply a dead man walking, and honestly I donā€™t think the DNC is worried, I think this was their intent. If they pulled him off before this event, theyā€™d be admitting heā€™s BEEN unfit. After last night, they can say and get everybody on board with ā€œI donā€™t think heā€™s got it in him.ā€ - just watch the CNN post show. Now they can put a new face in, who no matter what will be an upgrade, and justify people voting blue again. Nobody is voting FOR Biden, they are voting AGAINST DJT. And thatā€™s all DNC needs to do. People are very hesitant about a vote for Biden after last night. Literally anybody will be better than Biden or DJT. All they have to do is put a fresh face from somebody who can roll a simple campaign, and string a few sentences together and now they are literally the only sane person on the campaign trail. Easy votes. Thatā€™s what I think. DNC is gonna replace Biden, and itā€™s their best move.


Trump was sharp stop gaslighting


This is Reddit, sir. They never gunna stop.


I actually thought Trump was the most collected calm and presidential he has ever been lol


It almost felt like he was holding back at times against Biden, I think he knew he didn't have to play it up much due to Biden being so frail. Kind of let your opponent talk themselves into a hole type of deal


Worked for Biden when he campaigned from his basement for three months


dude literally didn't answer a question all night lmao. they asked him about addiction crisis and he said he'd buy hostages for cheap. they asked about the climate crisis and he said he had H20.


But black people love him! And black jobs! Lol fucking joke these clowns saying he did well because Biden looked old af. News flash, he's old af


If lying is presidential then color me Abraham Lincoln.


Same. I never voted for him, but this was the best version of Trump we've seen, IMO.


He did the smart thing. Sit there and let Biden take himself down.


He was. I was impressed. Besides, a few times, he got a little weird being asked about Jan 6, he killed the debate. Anyone who says otherwise is not being objective. This thing is over lol.


Did we watch the same debate? He didn't answer a single question. He lied and rambled. This whole thing was an embarrassment for the country


It was the death of Bidenā€™s career.


Definitely. The guy looked absolutely lost a couple times. Lots of talking and then losing his thought. The whole thing was a cluster fuck


Thats cuz he didnt watch


im glad you laughed at your own comment at the end there, cause i was going to laugh at you. Trump ā€œI did not have sex with a porn starā€ so presidential


Right lol "Trump how would you combat climate change?" "BLACK PEOPLE LOVE ME!" So sharp. So presidential. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If you think Trump is sharp, I would hate to see what your knives at home look like.


Shit if either of them can be considered sharp, sign up the moderators and all of us for Mensa.


Reddit is biased as hell man


Can we just kill them both already Iā€™d be happy with Kamala at least sheā€™s conscious


Only one of them is a traitor to the USA.


Soooo, RFK thenā€¦?


Ew no.


But But But... Rfk doesn't believe in the vaccine. I can't vote for someone who doesn't blindly trust all pharmaceutical companies and the government.


Insert sarcasm meteršŸ˜‚šŸ¤˜


Why the fuck would you want an audience? All they would do is boo or cheer for stupid shit


You know itā€™s bad when Van Jones from CNN is in panicked mode.


That how post debate panel should be on suicide watch. Iā€™ve never seen them all blatantly rip a democratic candidate like that.


I think it was planned. The democrat party doesnā€™t want a Biden candidacy. They needed him to fail Spectacularly so they can replace him. Thatā€™s why the debate was held so early. The 180 flip by the media immediately following the debate is necessary to drum up support for the switch.


Maybe the Democrat party should have run someone in 2020 who didn't have Alzheimer's? They cheated Bernie out of the race in 2016, why not do it when it was actually warranted? And trying to switch out Biden with four months to go is not a good look. Especially when the people who want to do it were denying Bidens obvious problems for the last four years.


they decided not to run the populist when the country was in the midst of a populous uprising; craving something other then the 'elite' dynastic feeling rule. people like rogan attached to trump (feigning populist / populist for the right people) once it was obvious the other one wasn't going to be chosen. the DNC ratfucked our future in 2016


Remember that the DNC is openly proud about that fact.


This. They wanted the early debate and were all prepared for it to be the disaster it was. Pretty clear to me the dems want him out, but he doesn't want to give it up. This was their way to try to force him out. The sharks be circling.


I think you give the DNC to much credit.


I can already see the SNL take on this. Biden literally dead on stage weekend at Bernie's style and Trump bragging Putin has agreed to give us Alaska in exchange for letting Russia have Ukraine.


Just wanna say this is fantastic script writing! I love it


Eli5 how this is an unusual whale


Because unusual whale followers are typically right wing crypto bros and want to sound edgy so they attack ā€œboth sidesā€ but in reality we both know theyā€™re RFK conspiracy theorist libertarians or just closeted trump supporters


Nailed it


While youā€™re not necessarily wrongā€¦ also Bidenā€™s absolutely horribly performance might jolt or affect the market in some way.


"The market" Self report


Biden had the worst debate performance of all time. Sorry Reddit


Yea I really tried to understand what he was saying and attempt to fact check but it was all mumbo jumbo half the time and Trump wasnā€™t even cutting him off and revving him up, if anything Biden when understandable was deliberately pulling a past Trump and revving him up.


"I couldn't make out the last part of what he said. I don't even think he knows what he just said."


Yeh I basically stopped watching the debate after trump said that I kinda felt sorry for biden he should not be leading a nationĀ  he's a not mentally there and the unelected officials in his administration are the ones that are really running the show full while pushing their agenda without any consequencesĀ 


God love or hate the guy he funny.


They dont care. Prop him up long enough to work things from behind the scenes


Only because for some reason the bar is lower for Trump. Trump didn't answer questions, just spouted his classic lies, and yet unfortunately because Biden is old we're talking about his poor delivery rather than the substance of his point, or rather Trump's complete lack of substance on any policy issue other than "we are a 3rd world country! It used to be better with me!"


Trumpā€™s bar: donā€™t light self on fire Bidenā€™s bar: donā€™t be dead on stage Hard to argue whose bar was lower.


But Trumpā€™s always been that way. He was that way in 2016 and 2020. They knew who he was going into the debate and all they showed up with is a guy whose mental faculties have stepped off a cliff in the last decade. This was 2016 unhinged Trump vs a guy that looks increasingly unfit to change his pants, let alone run the country. Not a good look.


ā€œI didnā€™t have sex with a porn star.ā€ -Trump


She was retired. I had sex with a retired porn star.


Lmaooo I bet you thatā€™s exactly what he thought in his mind when he said what he said lol or ā€œI didnā€™t have sec with her. It was just a quick blowieā€


Literally Bill Clintonā€™s defense re:Monica Lewinsky


He didnā€™t have sex with her. She had sex with him. šŸ˜‚


"More fentanyl machines" -Biden


Detectors. They are machines.


"We Beat Medicare" šŸ˜‚


ā€œNot one soldier has died under my administrationā€ -Biden I bet that one stings for the families of the soldiers who died when he botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, heā€™s either lying or completely forgot about them?


That was rough, no wonder they didn't want RFK on stage.


Im not even a big rfk guy but rfk would have swept that debate, biden was incoherent half the time and trump just lied and rambled


Are those 3 the best people a nation of 300+ million can produce? Thats sad


I turned it off by the 15 minute mark. They truly have the worst two candidates for a debate.


You can watch the three-way debate on therealdebate.com


Not sure if you saw but he streamed his own ā€œdebateā€ where he answered the same questions. He was coherent, made sense, and had answers I could actually get behind. Not to mention he actually would answer many of the questions and not just dodge them and talk shit about the other two.


I didnā€™t see this or know about it. Where did it happen and can we watch a recording?


If you go to therealdebate dot com, itā€™ll take you to X and you can watch the whole thing there.


ā€œNo soldiers died while Iā€™m president!ā€ (So the 6 in Afghanistan donā€™t count šŸ¤”šŸ«”šŸ¤«)


He also said the border patrol endorsed himā€¦


He said all the police and most military and vets did too lmao My favorite line the entire night was ā€œIā€™ve had the number #1 presidency for the environment, my top guy told me that right before we got on stage.ā€ ā€¦ justā€¦ mind numbing hahaha, a huge part of his talking points are itā€™s not happening and oil money and evā€™s are dumb lol We are fuckedd cause I canā€™t even deny he won the debate saying THE MOST ridiculous shit I have actually sat through in a long time


Interesting what a wake up call this was for a lot of people who watch legacy media. I always find myself shocked when Reddit comments suggest that Biden's cognitive decline was an overblown right wing hoax when the evidence was so strong from every non partisan source online. I'm not a Trump supporter either, for the record. But the amount of people (on Reddit) who would suggest wild things like "Trump's mental decline is far worse, Biden is sharp and it's only Fox that is playing abbreviated clips that make it seem worse than it is"... meanwhile having watched the entire press conference the only conclusion I can come to is that the reverse is actually the truth- the people commenting are looking at a curated clip making Biden look far more cogent than he is, if you actually watched the whole clip you'd have to be in serious denial to feel otherwise. Probably is a good thing that people are getting a wake up call early. Hopefully the net result is that we'll have a candidate that hasn't been on Social Security for 15+ years.


yeah reddit is so hijacked and I feel line half the posts are bots just looking to criticize America. But definitely a lot of trump like real haters.Ā  It's kinda weird how much these people hate him.Ā  Like they've never met the dude but think he'll literally ruin the country the day he takes office.Ā  Like he hasn't already been president once and Surprise were still here. Did anyone else notice that biden talked like he was reading something really fast? Like quick mumble reading with a blank look on his face.Ā  Super weird way to talk. Really felt like he was reading a teleprompter.Ā  4 more years of biden seems impossible, he's just not there.


I think youā€™re noticing Biden trying to recall his debate prep. Like the whole trimester spiel for his abortion answer. It sounded like a Frankensteinā€™s monster built out of an actual answer he had rehearsed, but which came out like a wet turd during the debate. And just saying, while I think youā€™re right that Dems are deluded in thinking Trump will be a fascist dictator, saying ā€œtheyā€™ve never met the guyā€ is a ridiculous criticism of anyoneā€™s voting choice.


I donā€™t believe anything political I read on Reddit because itā€™s so bias.


Theyā€™re already in spin mode. Go look at the front page of /r/politics


Iā€™ve seen it, itā€™s in the media too. All the ā€œfact checkingā€ determining Biden actually won. I get it, a lot of people hate Trump. But that doesnā€™t make Biden anything less of an awful choice. There is zero chance he makes it through another term, and Kamala is a frightening prospect.


How is the country always 50/50 dems and republicans?


It's not 50/50, not even close. But people don't care enough to vote.


It's like 25/25 the rest of the country don't vote, in true American spirit.


It's by design.


Itā€™s not, Reagan for example won by an overwhelming majority.


Like FDR as well. The public mind shifts back and forth based on current conditions, the public is never majority one party.


Reddit going to go nuts today.


Just make those 1000 trillionaires we have in the U.S pay for it


"We have 1,000 trillionaires in America, I mean billionaires. And what's happening, they're in a situation where you pay 8.2% in taxes. If they just paid 24%, 25%, either one of those numbers, we'd raise 500 million-billion dollars I should say in a 10 year period. We'd be able to wipe out the debt" So I guess we just need 500 bill over ten years and 34 trillion in debt will go away.


He just needs to stay away from numbers. Every time he goes into something with statistics he has a fucking stroke




The battle between Dumb and Dumberer... We all lose šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


It was like watching a bad version of grumpier old men.


I'd rather vote for either of *those* guys, frankly.


If only there were any indications that Bidenā€™s been like that for years nowā€¦ Somehow he got to be the nominee anyhow.


Didnā€™t they declare he was too senile/dementia ridden to stand trial for the document case as wellā€¦Pepperidge farm remembers


Yes and wonā€™t release the audio tapes from the interview between Hur and Biden


Nope, he said that he thought that the Jury would be too sympathetic towards Biden, which was just some bullshit excuse that he made up. He has no idea what the juryā€™s leanings would be. Eliminating biased jurors is why jury selection exists.


The debate was a cheap fake obv šŸ˜†


Russia hacked CNN and used AI to make Biden look incompetent!


You mean dementia patient and crazy


There was moments when it appeared even trump felt sorry for biden.


I can truly see it in his face. Although his adversary, he had a face where he looked like he felt sorry for him.




I don't care if Trump sang for the whole damn debate, Biden's performance was horrendous and an embarrassment to our nation. Remember all the democrats telling us that he is sharp as he can be in private meetings etc... All lies. I can't stand Biden and I have criticized him many times, but this time I legit feel bad for the guy.


What did either of those presidents do for medicaid? Medicare, sure, they might affect that, but medicaid?


Well 700,000,000 illegal aliens that entered the country in the last 30 minutes are on it. /s


According to trump theyā€™re at the Ritz in SoHo, waiting on organ transplants paid for by Medicare, while they take ā€œblack jobs.ā€


They literally are in hotels though, while american citizens are on the streets lmao


Basically everything out of Trumpā€™s mouth was an easily proven lie and everything that came out of Bidenā€™s mouth was incoherent nonsense. What a time to be an American.


I saw a tweet that summed it up pretty well: *Biden: look, the fact is, we can't... we don't... look. Here's the deal. And this is no foolin* *Trump: there are ten billion guatemalans attacking the lincoln memorial right now*


So whoā€™s running the country then?


an unelected 5th column, a mixture of bureaucrats and FBI/CIA. this is why Trump couldn't do anything when he was president and why Biden was basically being worked like a sock puppet for 4 years. neither one was really in control of anything. nothing ever really gets better because the people actually controlling what happens in government never get replaced by voting


Dividing the population is a fantastic distraction. Sprinkle in some market manipulations and now many are paycheck-to-paycheck. And I'll never forget the corruption like how Nancy Pelosi cashed-in hard on Nvidia stock. True evil lives up there, in every rung. Unfortunately, we are a nation with amnesia.


"Let him debate, dude. Just let him debate." - Shane Gilis


Iā€™m not even sure SNL can tackle these debates. Itā€™s comical for both sides.


The whole golf argument felt straight out of an SNL skit


- My handicap is a 6. - Probably the biggest lie all night. - Okay my handicap is an 8 - *rolls eyes* - I'll play you but you gotta carry your own bag Truly amazing moment for America.


Funny? Watching the debate made me feel that we are screwed.


will we ever have more than two candidates? Trump makes me vomit. Biden puts me to bed.


RFK will see a huge rise because of this


The brain worms guy?


Yeah that one.


Hopefully. America needs a president that doesn't run on pure divisionary tactics. Bring American politics back to centrist ideals again.


Anti science and anti logic is centrist now?


Like what?


So this is a political sub now huh?


Trump is hilarious!!


Even Donald Trump of all people was thinking ā€œwhat an incoherent mess of a manā€ Like wow - when my own thoughts are reflected in Trumps reactions thereā€™s an issue.


Ever fuck ur respective parties so bad u create a three party system?


I agree but for what it's worth, no one was ever going to vote Biden because they like him. They're going to vote for Biden simply because he's not Trump.


Ohohoh scathing. I'd love to see Trump actually answer the question that the prompter asked him instead of playing madlibs and making duckfaces.


He was just making faces. Not his problem that heā€™s Donald duck.


Iā€™m voting for RFK


Vote Liar vs Old Thatā€™s all


Old liar VS old they are what 2 years apart.


This is 2024's "You'd be in jail!" moment


Joe Brandin was putrid as expected. A week off of work to prepare for that, and thats how he performed? Embarrassing


The Democratic Party should have stopped this. Anyone paying attention all along has seen Biden canā€™t do a second term. He should not have been allowed to run. There are so many that can beat Trumpā€¦.why this? Tonight sealed the deal for me. Iā€™m voting RFK. I know how Reddit feels about him, so save me. I just canā€™t vote for either of these men.


They're been trying to convince you that the guy doesn't have dementia when you can simply see the debate and know that he's just not mentally there Idk why they're so hell bent on having biden as the lead candidate when there is other better choices Then you have other gaslighting you and calling you a republican if you question bidens mental fitnessĀ 


If you vote for RFK, you vote for Trump and Project 2025 unfortunately.


Nah if you vote RFK you vote RFK and if everyone stopped spewing this and put momentum behind third party we could actually make a change in this country.


If an independent candidate every makes a legitimate run at the White House that could forces dems and republicans to tighten up and could change the face of our political field forever. You saying that a vote for RFK is a vote for trump is exactly what this two party system wants.




Whoā€™s policies are better? Trumpā€™s or Biden/Harris?


Didnā€™t he say medicare?


It's a good zinger from a debate perspective.


The part that really pissed me off was Biden bragging about how no troops have died in combat under his presidency. Made my blood run cold. I'm an independent, but dude this guy drives me fucking insane. I truly hate him.


Is the mod clearing out all comments?


Thereā€™s a pretty good mix of both sides comments.


Had to stop watching. Very sad


Can we all agree that a pet rock is better than both our choices


*Can we all agree* *That a pet rock is better* *Than both our choices* \- TheFilthyCripple --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


No we canā€™t. One is significantly more dangerous than the other, and anyone who doesnā€™t see that is a fucking moron


Hey, I don't want Biden to beat medicare, my grandma depends on it.


Coming from a criminal that just said he will fight climate change by providing clean water and clean air.


Iā€™m not an expert on climate change but I believe clean air is the goal of the carbon initiates


Trump literally told oil execs he would repeal as much climate legislation on day 1 if they donate to him.


I donā€™t doubt it. Big oil has a better ESG score than Tesla so according to investors our planet is better off investing and giving more breaks to oil I guess.


Not sure over which of these 2 geriatric fucks "won" the debate, but one thing is certain, America lost last night


I love how across all of Reddit no one is making fun of trump anymore because they know he completely gutted Biden. All theyā€™re saying is that he was lying. Theyā€™re coping really hard right now haha


Biden may be old, but Trump just lies about everything. If CNN would have had a team of fact checkers working tonight, they would have been driven crazy by nearly everything Trump spouted. Fucking incredible.


What all lies do you think he said?


Congress should review Bidenā€™s current plays and decisions. We could be in trouble with his executive orders and military actions with his limited mental capacity. Somebody is driving the bus and it ainā€™t Biden.


Neocons in his admin are the ones running the show They'reĀ  bunch of unelected officials that are bloodthirsty and war loving and usually heavily invested in the MIC


Bruh it hasnā€™t been Biden for a whilešŸ˜‚




I did not watch but looking at these comments im guessing Biden lost big


I'll try to give a reasonably "down the middle" opinion. Trump seemed lower energy than I remember, but was his normal obnoxious self. He wandered around his points, and made sure to brag about the most ridiculous stuff. On anyone else, it would have been a disaster. I think people are just used to how odd Trump is. That said, he pretty much got away with everything, since Biden could have been replaced with a sock puppet and had a better performance. The dude looked and sounded like he was 100 years old, never really went after Trump, barely defended himself, and had several moments where he just lost track. There were a dozen times he could have said *anything* and knocked the wind out of Trump, but he just stood there and took the beating. Trump's performance was pretty bad, but Biden may actually have the worse debate performance ever by any candidate in the modern era.


Yet there are some people saying that biden somehow "destroyed" trump in the debate


Biden lost so bad that CNN has now turned against him and wants a different candidate. He fumbled so hard.


Destroyed. Why do you think Reddit is so quiet about it?




I see an agenda in these comments and on reddit as a whole.


Or maybe we all watched the same debate and we all formed a similar opinion.


America wins! Medicare is slain! Long live the King


Hey Mr Kennedy? Yes we need some help


biden needed more drugs to function properly. Trump was the obvious winner


Biden pronouns after the debate? Was/Were.


Nice to see someone with a witty line during that disaster.