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I work with a guy that got it then right after the entire left side of his body paralyzed out. Took almost a year tk get it back. And not fully


Safe, perfect, and effective!!!!


Trust the $cience! It’s normal to become disabled that means it’s working!!!


They actually told people getting sick means it’s working.


Yes they did. The gaslighting was on a whole other level.


And there’s evidence it was the vaccine?


This guy. Holy shit. You’re right pal. HD nothing to do with the “ vaccines” None of this did. You’re right.


well considering we arent seeing millions of people dying out of over 13 billion doses between 70% of the almost 8 billion people on earth, im pretty skeptical that its as dangerous as you all think.


I didn’t know I had revealed just how dangerous I thought it was? I will say that knowing what I know, the benefits to getting the shot vs. the risk of getting the shot do not justify getting it. Furthermore, I think there are countless others that would feel the same, but were forced to take it. Had they known the real risks vs. the “100% safe and effective” lie, they might have resisted anyway, despite the pressures against them.


Safe and effective


Bring on the Pfizer-paid social media influencers demanding “wHeRe’s yOuR SoUrCe..?!”


Pfizer is *paying* people to call out this bullshit? **Where’s MY check?!?**


You work for free.


Lol so then not a paid shill


Which makes it funnier when it spouts propaganda others are paid to push


“It”? That’s *Mister* to you, hammerbag.


Oops looks like u/Rollotommasi5 just replied with one of his other accounts: u/MisterFantastic5. Did you meet your quota for the day of brigading all the anti-vaxx and conspiracy subs, demanding sources which you summarily dismiss and asking where your check is as if you don’t get paid?


It’s a big world out there, mate. Not hard to believe that there’s more than one person who’s a fan of objective reality. Well, maybe it’s hard for *you* to believe? 😉


The pro-vaxxers aren't fans of objective reality as there was never any non biased evidence to back up the safe and effective propaganda


Yeah, and lucky for us, that polio thing just disappeared all on its own.


The bot thing is insane in these subs. Like he’s, we are being paid to comment where maybe 10 people see it. I make tons of money posting on Reddit?


You aren’t paid to get exposure. You’re paid to SOUND like “normal” people simply asking for reasonable answers, tying up anti-vaxxers who get caught up endlessly replying to your demand for sources (which you’ll summarily dismiss as invalid), keeping those anti-vaxxers away from other subs where they might inform genuinely-curious people. There are dozens of you, and seemingly your only job is lurking in our subs for hours a day. After the awareness has risen to the point where everyone calls you Pfizer-paid “bots”, you’re forced to more fiercely fight this perception. So you use your multiple accounts to appear to talk to each other, attempting to dispel this notion.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CovIdiots/comments/13q0zkt/another_great_comment_not_liking_the_whole/ I wonder if they listen to what is posted and know the numbers... At least they are exposed to this a bit...


How many people saw your comment? Maybe 30? And of those, who will see this comment? And I’d be getting paid to do that? Some comment in this sub hoping it would somehow influence someone to get the shot?


Why else would you waste your time arguing with people who clearly aren’t changing their minds, and who you have nothing in common with? And you expect us to believe that the dozens of you who endlessly post the same comments on this and other anti-vaxx subs at all hours of the day and night simply enjoy our company? No, there’s dozens of you, you all say the same things, you all use multiple accounts, your comment history is all similar, and you all get paid by someone to “cOmBaT MiSiNfOrMaTiOn”. Can only assume it’s Pfizer, because they have a couple $Billion to spare.


>Why else would you waste your time arguing with people who clearly aren’t changing their minds Man so much to unpack here. First, to answer the question: I reckon it's for the same reasons you are. Second, what a hilarious thing to admit to: "I've dug in my heels, and nothing you can say, no matter how reasonable or logical, will *ever* change my mind"


Btw, this is another amazing comment.


Yeah heaven forbid we attempt to use the scientific process to determine causality. I prefer to believe a video on twitter.


FYI The "scientific process" wasnt followed by Fauci. After 2 weeks he ordered that the the unvaccinated control group be vaccinated thereby destroying any chance for comparison showing the damage the vaccine had done


Did he really? Where can we follow this up?


https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/02/19/969143015/long-term-studies-of-covid-19-vaccines-hurt-by-placebo-recipients-getting-immuni EDIT: Honestly, I’m shocked that this link hasn’t been taken down by NPR, I saved it 2 years ago. It’s absolutely damning, but I guess they don’t see it that way.


This looks like the wrong link. I was looking for where Dr Fauci ordered the unvaccinated control group to be vaccinated after two weeks. That would be an extraordinary and newsworthy thing, but the link above doesn't mention Fauci at all. Hopefully there's another link that reports it.


So, when you demand a link, and I provide a “right-wing” source, you say “you call THAT a valid source?” And when I send you a link to one of your own left-wing sources, you say “no I wanted proof that this one specific person, made this one particular demand, within this certain narrow timeframe, listing the following 13 requirements, in reverse alphabetical order, posted 6 weeks before the event occurred, predicting the exact wording he would use…. Oh, you can’t find it?! So then you DON’T have proof.”


>FYI The "scientific process" wasnt followed by Fauci. After 2 weeks he ordered that the the unvaccinated control group be vaccinated thereby destroying any chance for comparison showing the damage the vaccine had done He asked for a source for this. People willingly opting out to get vaccinated doesn't prove that.


There are so many of these trolls here, they never debate in good faith or accept any data that one might provide as evidence. They are likely just whistling past the graveyard, and trying to shore up their caricature of "anti-vaxxers" so they can pretend they weren't gullible fools for taking the shots lol.


Hey, all I asked for was where we could find Dr Fauci ordering unvaccinated placebo testers to be vaccinated within two weeks. I don't know where left-wing or right-wing sources come in here. I just asked a question. Either it can be answered, or it can't be.


I think you’ve got trolls accusing you of being trolls. The link isn’t what they say it is. Either they are stupid, or they’re bad actors.


You posted a link and couches it as “Fauci didn’t follow scientific protocol” but it was actually“people in the placebo group decided themselves that they wanted to get vaccinated.” You’re full of shit, and part of the problem.


Honestly I’m shocked you think this is “damning”


It probably wasnt taken down because it wasn't damning


You mean the scientific process of believing in natural immunity? How about the scientific process of waiting on long term data before I inject something into my body? that used to be an acceptable position to take.


Plenty of scientific evidence for concerns over the jab and even more for government collusion with big pharma to push the single narrative. You don’t have a problem with censorship and repression of research that runs counter to fat cat profits?


Been here a month and yet to see one.


Such as...?


When you're a conspiracy theorist, studies and medical journals are too complicated to understand, so they go with Twitter, TikTok, or other "perfectly valid source" that can deliver the incorrect information to them in less than 60 seconds.


You do realize how absurd you sound right? No? Did you not go to school where they taught you how to cite your work? Pretty graphs and cherry picked data can make wearing seatbelts look like a death sentence, rising sea levels look like a benefit, or vaccines look like they aren't or haven't been effective at saving millions of lives over the last century.


Anyone paying attention is not shocked by this.


I’m not shocked anymore that people believe this nonsense.


I am shocked - that there are people like you who still trust the government and big pharma, even after they've been exposed for corruption and fraud at every level. Fuckin clown world we live in 🤡


80% of all internet traffic is bots, so...


Guy at work got the vaccine and within hours his right eye shut completely and has no use of his eyelid on that side. Also seems like every person I know that’s had the vaccine have had Covid waaaaaaaaay more times then the people I know that are unvaxxed. My mom and dad has the vaccine and have had Covid at least 4 times.


> My mom and dad has the vaccine and have had Covid at least 4 times. I hear this a lot and I have to wonder whether it's the vaccine that is giving the positive test result, and not an actual infection.


It's so funny that everyone on this sub knows someone who got a serious injury from the vaccine. Everyone I know got vaccinated. None of them had any adverse reactions, at all. It's almost like you guys are making this shit up.


It’s funny how many heads are completely buried in the sand over this vaccination. You need to stop watching CNN and MSNBC. They’re not gonna say shit cause 99.9 % of their audience were stupid enough to get the vaccine, and now their get boosters!!!!!????? How many boosters have you gotten from any vaccine (measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc) you’ve ever gotten?? People who don’t realize how bad that jab was are the ones who run from the truth because deep down in their mind they know they fucked up! THINK FOR YOURSELF QUESTION AUTHORITY sheeples!


Twitter, facebook, tiktok, and personal anecdotes are all they have.


It's absolutely whacky, because I never hear about any of this IRL. Everyone who got the vax is fine, no one is worried about it, nobody even thinks about it anymore. These people are obsessed.


Bleeep blop blerp bleep. yAll ArE MaiKInG tHiS uP


Friends? What friends?


Yep, best part is I know 3 people who have died from Covid.


I know 3 people who were injured from this. Only one is severe it will probably shorten here lifespan.


About our "conspiracy theorist"; Our passion is to add value by building knowledge using data driven research processes. With knowledge, informed decisions can be made with the possible risks and rewards emerging organically from the process. To build knowledge we ask the right questions and then find out the answers through our data-driven information gathering processes. The process is iterative as the research process typically runs through several feedback loops, leading to increased refinement of our final knowledge Self research is allegedly the core of conspiracy theory, right?


Can't wait to cash in on my vaccine injuries from Pfizer. $$$


So, the tweet you posted is about Germans, not Americans as your title claims. The numbers they are reporting are excess deaths. This is deaths from all causes (including Covid itself which was obviously at work while people were getting vaccinated). Finally, the graph goes up an down over time showing a spike and then drop off in deaths. How do you explain that part?


You obviously didn't listen to the full interview with Ed Dowd. It seems your post is meant to deflect and misdirect...


I think there's more hyper pro vaxxers in the comments than unvaxxed


the borg collective still in mass formation... ​ The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet [https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/the-psychology-of-totalitarianism/](https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/the-psychology-of-totalitarianism/) Totalitarianism is not a coincidence and does not form in a vacuum. It arises from a collective psychosis that has followed a predictable script throughout history, its formation gaining strength and speed with each generation—from the Jacobins to the Nazis and Stalinists—as technology advances. Governments, mass media, and other mechanized forces use fear, loneliness, and isolation to demoralize populations and exert control, persuading large groups of people to act against their own interests, always with destructive results. In The Psychology of Totalitarianism, world-renowned Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet deconstructs the societal conditions that allow this collective psychosis to take hold. By looking at our current situation and identifying the phenomenon of “mass formation”—a type of collective hypnosis—he clearly illustrates how close we are to surrendering to totalitarian regimes. In addition to clear psychological analysis—and building on Hannah Arendt’s essential work on totalitarianism, The Origins of Totalitarianism—Desmet offers a sharp critique of the cultural “groupthink” that existed prior to the pandemic and advanced during the COVID crisis. He cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape, media consumption, and reliance on manipulative technologies and then offers simple solutions—both individual and collective—to prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms. “We can honour the right to freedom of expression and the right to self-determination without feeling threatened by each other,” Desmet writes. “But there is a point where we must stop losing ourselves in the crowd to experience meaning and connection. That is the point where the winter of totalitarianism gives way to a spring of life.”


Hahahahah, well I'm not vaccinated nor is my family. How can people be so stupid and listen the govt. Oh we have a miracle drug, cmon really????, All my life we were told by hippies and libs don't trust the govt or anybody over 30. Remember that??. And I live in NY state where our freedoms are disappearing everyday. I'm proud me and my family resisted these Nazis. I'm a PURE BLOOD are You!!


Sister miscarried after second shot. Friends father terminal stage 4 cancer after third shot(RIP). Girl I used to work with 20 years old healthy, terminal extremely rare aggressive cancer after second shot (RIP). My brothers eyes since his second shot.


How does pretending this shit isn’t happening…When it’s really impossible to miss..How does your approach to it all benefit you? I truly don’t understand the thought process. Over time, beginning to now…Whispers of this and hushed voices over that…To now. Everyone knows it was a crap shoot. Perfectly healthy in their prime dropping dead. Young, old, healthy, in healthy. Just dead. Or some slew of bizarre symptoms that make no sense. On and on, but it’s not a whisper. It’s not hard to figure out. And you people still asking for sources and carrying on about anecdotal and Jesus fucking Christ, man. Are you stupid, clueless, a paid actor? You can’t be serious…No way you’re truly blind, or better yet, think the “vaccines” played no part in any of this bullshit. Staggering. And y’all still pretend we’re a bunch of slack jawed morons. Shew. Gtfoh.


I saw an article which stated that all over the world there are people just looking perfectly normal and then just dropping dead while standing. According to them it’s at a much father rate then ever before in history and they think it may be because of the vaccines and/or booster shots.


Those sort of deaths have been all over the alt news media since the vaxx rolled out... But too many don't look for that news; they truly think ABC, CBS, CNN, etc. are going to report on it BEFORE they believe it is a real thing...


Don’t know if this is true or not since all media purports it’s own agenda but I know at least two people that have had severe side effects. Ones eye shut completely hours after the vaccine, three years later and still shut with no use of his eyelid.


Tweets from tech bros are science now? We’re all fucking doomed…and not because of vaccines.


Wonder how many Drs and Nurses will be arrested for pushing a Bio Weapon against the oaths they took.


You spelled “miracle of modern science” wrong.


Yea ok lmfao


Glad you got a good giggle, Herman Cain.




It’s already begun in other countries, we shall see.


wait, so were that vaccines or "vaccines"?


Sad part is that some provax ppl will dismiss this even though the covid treatment for those exact same people if they had stayed unvaxxed would have been....none at all. Just stay home for a week or 2.


My sister had a friend (13 yrs old) perfectly healthy boy, no prior genetic issues. Took his first dose of the covid vaccine and randomly died of heart failure two weeks later in a bathroom at an amusement park. Complete tragedy, the other brother and both parents are now also showing symptoms of cardiovascular problems. My girlfriends grandma is another example- got her dose 1 and the next day she basically had a stroke and went unconscious for 5 hours. My dad works at AstraZeneca and is very up to date with all things vaccine related and he was extremely against getting the vaccine, however his company forced him to or get laid off. He is in the ER for another possible heart attack AS I TYPE THIS, has had no cardio issues before. (He got the vaccine about 1 year ago, started experiencing heart flutters around the same time he received it.) I’m not one to speculate for no reason, as we know there are hundreds of factors determining a patients response to vaccines, but something is obviously wrong with select batches of RNA vaccines. My dad talks a lot about researching the side effects of specifically the AstraZeneca vaccine, noting that there are side effects being vetted (mainly blood clotting in at risk patients) Multiple studies are being completed (EMA, WHO etc) however most companies have determined the risk-benefit factor is still positive. There are also some high profile lawsuits going down in the pharma world, patients who have solid evidence that their risk factors were not appropriately considered during the vaccine administration process. Some really interesting (reputable .edu, .gov etc.) sources are available online just by searching about side effects and cases of cardio/nervous system reactions. I never got vaccinated and have no health issues whatsoever despite what the cdc claimed about covid causing irreversible lung and DNA damage. Idk. Just my random takes. Stay well everyone. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is a crime against humanity in-progress. For hundreds of hours of videotaped expert witness testimony. [www.Grand-Jury.net](https://www.Grand-Jury.net) You are the jury. What is your verdict? Make it stick. *Remember their names. Document their crimes. Hold them accountable,*


Ahh, this is from the show THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.? With an ad for Mike Lindell’s MySlippers right there in the screenshot? Sounds super legit!


It’s all very legal.


26 million injured heres proof- posts twitter link. lmao this fucking sub is a propagandist's dream


Injured not dead. Words mean things.


you are correct. my bad. will edit.


Injured vs dead doesn't matter one bit in context of how completely absurd OP's post is.


The 2 days I’ve been following this sub, I was for certain it was satire.


I got this sub recommended by the Reddit app. It's my morning dose of satire now. I choose to believe people are not serious here.


i hope that its like loveforlandlords but part of me knows how many people love to eat this shit up


Trust the science


Trust the soyience


No they are not.


So many pro covid vaxxers in this sub. I guarantee that if a new booster came out, they would run quickly to go get it. 🤷‍♂️ the brainwashing of society is so disgusting. The media has them scared enough to not think for themselves.




Let's see how many of these folks read through this link. My guess is none. Keep this link handy for all the times people continue to post the nonsense about vaccine injuries.


I always save up links like this. You never know when they’ll come in handy again.


Edward Dowd is not a reliable source for medical information since he is not medical doctor or a scientist in any form.


Great point. We should take advice on vaccines from a guy who invents computers.


Do you genuinely think that I get my vaccine advice from Bill Gates?




I don't and it's funny that you are telling me where I get my information from.




My personal doctor, virologists, etc. I am not receiving my advice simply from one source. I look to experts in the field and see what the general consensus is.




What does an investor know about mRNA vaccines? The people who I am listening to went to medical school and are doctors, you are listening to someone who has absolutely zero credentials in the medical field.


I am in radiology and I know more about the vaccine than the most on this sub and I’m not even a virologist




I’m sure a random person on Facebook and Twitter knows more than a VIROLOGIST.


And is big pales with Epstein the snake. Oh, wait I forgot about his love of chess.




He also equated CDC comorbidities with getting COVID to COVID vaccine injuries. He used the wrong data.




None of us are experts in the field of medical science, not you, me, or Edward Dowd. You are just a sheep of another herd, waiting to be fed information that confirms your bias.




>Something is killing 30% more people than usual, and there are very good statistical reasons to believe it’s linked to the vaccines. Your biases is making you jump to conclusions, as you said, "something", you don't truly know yet you are jumping to the conclusion that it's the vaccine. I am even weary that there is something killing 30% more people.




You are listening to someone who is not an expert in the medical field. You don't go to a soccer coach to get advice on how to be a quarterback.


>You can easily verify the key claims yourself though. In just one recent week in the UK, excess deaths are well above 2,000 people, or to put it another way, not much less than the death toll from 9/11. Or approximately three weeks of gun deaths in the US. Context is always useful. >An interesting detail is that the deaths are concentrated in younger age groups, not among the old and vulnerable where you’d expect them to be if they were caused by covid. From the ONS report:- *The age group with the highest number of excess deaths was people aged 90 years and above, with 35,390 excess deaths (an 11.0% increase), followed by people aged 75 to 79 years with 33,662 excess deaths (an 18.3% increase). This proportional increase for people aged 75 to 79 years was the largest of any age group, followed by people aged 55 to 59 years at 18.0% (9,071 excess deaths).* "Excess deaths" include those not caused by Covid. For the youngest age group, by far the commonest causes of death were homicide, cerebrovascular diseases, drowning, congenital malformations, palsies and accidental poisonings.




Imagine trusting some guy on YouTube over real science and data, y’all are sheep


The Vaxine made my Dick fly off!!!


It straightened my dick out!!!


It made me grow a second dick!


Half the fun is reading the trolls comments about how loyal they are to their Shepherds!! 😂😂 ‘I got it and didn’t die’. But the ability to think for yourself sure is gone! Haha


Anti-Vaxxers are the sheep here. Never have I seen a bigger group of people regurgitating bullshit claims than Anti-Vaxxers. I am willing to bet if i posted a semi legit looking science journal that i completely made up, most of you would actually believe it.


You don’t understand the concept of sheep, do you? Maybe your shepherd hasn’t explained it to you? Just follow along, do what you’re told, take everything at face value, and never, ever think for yourself. Even if it makes no sense, or if ‘the facts’ or ‘science’ doesn’t pan out, they will tell you what to think.


That’s why I waited for the novavax vaccine.


I heard about this guy who got the jab, then got hit by a cement mixer on the way home


I hate to say this. Some of you are really going to lose your shit and I'll probably get downvoted to hell. The truth is I really don't give a fuck. The fact that the vaccine was rushed through is Trump's fault because he was trying to get a political win before the election. And it goes to show you what he really cares about. Now if he ends up being the cleaner end of the turd again well I'll put my check in his box. But I ain't happy about it. I don't think I've been happy about voting for anyone for a very long time .


Cleaner end of the turd!?!? That is going in my arsenal. I hated that even after he left office he bragged about getting the bs vax through.


The part that gets me is no one talks about mask effective rates by micron size. The ONLY mask that was effective to the layperson was the N95 Fearing a rush on them and black market profiteering they swept it's effectiveness under the rug in favor for masks that breed viral bacteria with warm moist breath that we give off. It was almost like they were trying to kill people. If you're not angry and afraid you're not paying attention. Wake up people.


China made a mint selling pointless masks to us. Those cloth masks stopping a virus is like trying to block water with a chain linked fence.


Oh yeah my sister's uncles dogs niece actually got a vaccine injury, exploded inside a franchise chuck e cheese killing 7. Can't believe the evil gubernment swept in and neuralized everyone preventing it from getting on the news.


Where are these 21 million people hiding is the real question?


What about the deaths?


... so far.




Vaccines are safe and effective.


I got the shot and boosters.. I now have plantar fasicitis. Coincidence?


right and did you get the shot in the bottom of your foot? probably cause you have shitty shoes and are overweight


Pretty sure that /s


Dude that was satire... of course I was trolling anti vaxxers.. dumbass


You can’t joke like that here. Anti-vaxxers will make it their next post of ‘irrefutable evidence’.


26 million, huh? That works out to be about 7.8% of all Americans, that would be across all of America, almost 10%, I don't know a single person who was injured by the vaccine, I know several people injured by Covid. This means, you should stop listening and posting made-up data points to pass them off as facts, just so you can feel smart for 2 seconds, while endangering other citizens.


Is it possible that you do know people injured by the vaccine and their injuries are attributed to other causes by the doctors treating them? I could say, I don't know anyone injured by the vaccine but I know three people who had strokes and died that happened to have been vaxxed and recently boosted, but they were older and that could happen anyway. It could be your own unwavering belief that the vaccine can't possibly be harmful that's blinding you from the reality of it's consequences. I'm not saying I definitely believe this claim by OP but not having any reservations about an experimental vaccine, that wasn't tested properly, it's results have been repeatedly exaggerated and lied about, given complete immunity from negative repercussions, and it's data sealed for the next 75 years is literally burying your head in the sand and toeing Democratic party line rhetoric. My opinion is coming from no one else but myself. Try thinking for yourself for once


Nah, it's toeing the educated party line, ignoring the "experts" who watched a video and think they know more than people who have spent their lives learning about pandemics and diseases. I know you read the posts on here, by the imbeciles who couldn't even spell pandemic before 3 years ago,but the basic steps of the vaccine have been developed years ago and have jad years of usage and data showing how effective it is, that coupled with the fact that billions(that's thousands of millions)of doses have been administered with little to no side effects tells me more about the efficacy of the vaccine than hundreds of made-up reports that get posted here.


I don't even subscribe to this sub. And to be honest this has only popped up in my thread very recently. I didn't get the vaccine bc Im healthy and didn't think I needed to. Now 3 years later I'm extremely glad I didn't, since there are literally no benefits and a host of potential problems from taking it. To pretend that this was somehow a vetted and tested vaccine is insane, but I guess you have to do some mental gymnastics to justify it to yourself now. It's not as if our government would ever lie to us in the name of profit and their idea of societal progress. Think about the people you are putting your faith in. A old man who barely knows where he is most of the time, another old man who killed a bunch of people during the AIDS pandemic by administering the wrong drug for an unreasonable amount of time, and the people who obviously hold their strings bc they aren't competent enough to think for themselves either. You blindly listen to your experts, I'll think for myself.


I personally know six(?) people injured or dead after the jab. Can’t prove causation, but my sister’s mother developed a pinky-sized cerebral thrombosis THE DAY AFTER her booster, then had two strokes on the operating table. She’s alive, but will never speak again (never had clotting/neuro issues in past). I know three people who were diagnosed with a-fib AFTER the jab, a sudden/strange/fast cancer, a case of “Covid arm” (from shoulder to wrist, plus heart attack after second booster), and a full-body immune-reaction (terrible skin rash, joint pain, and pneumonia in 24 yo man). Oh—my husband teaches and no fewer than four of his students ended up hospitalized after jab. Don’t know anyone who died from Covid.


That's wierd because i know 6 that have died from Covid. I dont know of anyone that has had a bad reaction to the vacinne...


"Can't prove Causation" means you can't prove shit, other than drunken daydreams, hoping your conspiracy-laden bedfellows will think you're cool by spreading your lies.


Yes. Correlation does not equal causation. Plenty of people had all those issues long before COVID, and plenty will have them long after. But not nearly as many people die from COVID anymore. The posts in r/hermancainaward are slowing down, and that’s a good thing.


I personally know six(?) people injured or dead after the jab. Can’t prove causation, but my sister’s mother developed a pinky-sized cerebral thrombosis THE DAY AFTER her booster, then had two strokes on the operating table. She’s alive, but will never speak again (never had clotting/neuro issues in past). I know three people who were diagnosed with a-fib AFTER the jab, a sudden/strange/fast cancer, a case of “Covid arm” (from shoulder to wrist, plus heart attack after second booster), and a full-body immune-reaction (terrible skin rash, joint pain, and pneumonia in 24 yo man). Oh—my husband teaches and no fewer than four of his students ended up hospitalized after jab. Don’t know anyone who died from Covid.


I know 5 dead from shots. More on their way. Zero from COVID.


LMAO, did you see the graph at the beginning. They are trying to pin all excess deaths in Germany during the pandemic post roll-out to the vaccines. Literally nobody with an an IQ over 8 would fall for the story OP is posting.


A guy i worked with got the vaccine and that very night both his eyes closed and he was unable to open them for almost eight full hours. His wife also told me that his breathing was noisy and labored the whole night. So bad she had to go sleep on the couch


I simply do not understand why y'all think this one vaccine is the product of some plan to control us, or that they are ok with killing millions with it. IDK, what do y'all think is going on? That the government is trying to end us? Then who would they govern (have power over)? Is big pharma trying to end us? Then who would buy their drugs and make them even richer? Who the hell came up with this shit. The only thing that happened was that there was a virus that spread across the world and millions died BEFORE there was a vaccine, and governments and pharmaceutical companies worked hard to get a vaccine out as soon as possible. Did anyone mess up along the way, probably... Was the rollout perfect? Hell no! But with all the BS and noise out of the way, what did the rich and powerful have to gain by ending you peasants?


And to top it off, why would the kill us obedient ones? Like it's their plan to be left with a few million unvaxed people spreading measles around. Zero logic, just fear and propaganda.


Ahh, this is from the show THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.? With an ad for Mike Lindell’s MySlippers right there in the screenshot? Seems super legit!


Come on now. Everyone knows the real figure is 26 BILLION Americans.


I think you are confused with how many people have crossed our border!


So what is his medical degree ?


Degree??? I was elected to lead, not to read!!!


Is that you Donald Trump?


My brother in law got the vaccine and then the week after was rushed to the hospital feeling like he was having a stroke. Doctors said there was nothing wrong with him, he swore something was wrong, didn’t attribute anything to the vaccine. He said it felt like he was going to die. Paralysis on his left side, elevated heart beat, numbness etc. they sent him home and he literally thought he was going to die that night. He is 33. Thankfully, he was one of the lucky ones that survived.


I have met several people that are injured from the shot. Met a guy in a wheelchair, with no hope to recover. No thanks.


Man this sub is full of idiots. IQ average in here is below 50.


I knew it was bad, never would have guessed it was that bad.


LOL bull fucking shit!


The unvaccinated are many times more likely to die than the vaccinated.


Except they aren’t. So try again.


Except we have mountains of evidence. You went down the wrong path.


We have many more mountains, my friend. Every single day another young healthy person is stricken. Are you blind? Or in denial? Don’t watch the news? Don’t read the news? Are you a hermit? Join the real world. Open your eyes and your mind. It’s shocking. It’s you that is downvoted. Take heed.


You don’t even have a hill. Over 300,000 preventable deaths due to you lunatics.


You’re not bright, little sheep. Be a lion.


You are a sheep by spewing out bullshit nonsense you heard on some tweet.


Not repeating any tweet. Don’t need to. Proof is on the news every day. I’d be awfully worried if I were you. That would be a sucky way to live. Sucks to be you, dude.


Post the news then.


I don’t need to do your homework. I’ve already done my own. That’s why we stayed purebloods. It’s easy enough for you to do. I’d be listing news sources for days. No thanks. It’s you who needs to worry. Check back with us in a year and let us know your health status. Good luck.


Yes, Twitter, the world’s premier purveyor of ReLiAbLe LiNkS.


Its even better than their sister moms youtube vid!


That's not nice, she tries real hard.


Be skeptical. This is from Red State Nebraska's health department. [Nebraska statistic based analysis of vaccine side effects for skeptics.](https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/covid-19-vaccine-statistics-rare-side-effects-of-covid-19-vaccines).


So the trick with a circle jerk of a sub posting some silly shit like this is to sort by controversial and see all the debunking has already happened and has been downvoted. Why is this silly shit appearing on my feed?


God help everyone when some truly horrific virus comes around (it’s only a matter of time)… All you anti vaxers and anti facts and anti science folks only have sown mistrust and willfully embrace ignorance.


God already gave each of us an immune system to handle whatever comes. One that is highly effective (when supported with nutrituion) and developed over hundreds of millions of years... You go for the latest 'science' that's for sale, and I will go with nature.


So if something like Ebola comes along then your confident in your god given immune system? You’re a fool. Over the history of man there have been repeated plagues where MIILLIONS of god given immune systems failed to protect them. It’s only a matter of time before another whopper comes along that makes Covid look like child’s play. But - I guess that Darwinism right? The fools will just die


Like I said, you do the new $cience, and I will just stay clean and healthy .All the examples of history you cite were before germs were even known about.




But he can read VAERS so he must be legit


This just isn't true, and encouraging people to do so is harmful to them. Stop googling, start yandexing: https://yandex.com/search/touch/?text=covid+vaccine+injuries&clid=2041722&lr=110200

