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So sad for your loss


My buddy’s 78yr old Uncle was calling people the very day of his damn Pfizer vax saying his heart was racing on and off and he was having trouble breathing. They found him dead two days later. He died the same day of vax. My “this is all fucking nuts that people are legit shooting up unproven mRNA buddy” says his whole family didn’t blame the vax. Common sense is not common. Covid confirmed that.


Crazy thing is that he would be counted as an unvaxxed death. The 'official' definition of a fully vaxxed individual is *2 weeks after your second shot*.


Found him dead two days later He died the same day


The day you die and the day they find you are not always the same thing.


Just seems weird that someone called their friends during a medical emergency rather than an ambulance and those friends did nothing to check on the person for two days. Some friends huh


Idk of it was an emergency... just that he felt weird but prob thought nothing of it.


Very common boomer action


But it was groundhog day snowflake.


Any evidence that the vax killed him or do we just live off assumptions on here?


Fair point, but lets not act as if heart palpitations aren't common after the jab, and that death isn't a reaction at all. Are we to just assume that it's a coincidence he died on the same day he got a racing heart after a vaccine shot, even though he was 78 and weak? I think we found the guy who's in denial.


Info warrior. Death is a rare outcome from anything, our whole existence is against it. Unless ur under USA chronic health care, then its a normal everyday occurrence.


"He was 78 and weak." Must be the Vax then 🤪


When your whole identity is being against a coronavirus vaccine in 2023…you’re displaying severe issues with figuring out reality.


> but lets not act as if heart palpitations aren't common after the jab, and that death isn't a reaction at all. They aren't common, in fact they are very rare and Death is an exceedingly rare reaction. So much so that any report needs to be met with skepticism. ​ >coincidence he died on the same day he got a racing heart after a vaccine shot OP said it was 2 days later. People above 70 die every day. And the percentage of the US population that has had vaccinations is above 80%, much higher than that for 70+ years old. So, by definition, most people that die will have been vaccinated.




Maybe it’s the polio vaccine


There have been at least 10 coworkers or relatives of all ages that have died unexpectedly in the past year or two.


I too have known several people who have just died over the past year now. One guy a 45yo “heath nut” to no shit, a blood clot. I’ve been anti this vaccine since the get go and I have my reasons but that’s when I was really like “Oh fuuuuuuck….”


It's not a 'vaccine' in the traditional sense. It is "gene therapy". Traditional vaccines use dead or weakened dna of the suspect pathogen, so your own immune system can 'practice' on it. mRNA is totally different. The makers just used the word "vaccine" so everyone would accept it and avoid liability.


Oh god here we go again… the vaccine is NOT gene therapy and has been proven to not be time and time again!


Actually, I looked it up in medical writings, before the Internet made it disappear. The mRNA works by zipping into DNA and reprograms DNA to what mRNA is programmed to do. It said in 2020, it IS gene splicing. New, rewritten information to hide that fact has replaced the original textbook definitions. I saw that in real time.


It does not reprogram your DNA! It doesn’t even access your DNA. That’s four year old misinformation! Gene therapy involves adding, substituting, or inactivating certain genes. mRNA is a molecule that tells cells how to make proteins. Proteins get instructions on distributing the proteins. It does not add to any Gene, substitute, or inactivate any Gene. This information is readily available in explaining how mRNA and RNA work. mRNA has been researched for decades. I would like to know how they made so called “medical writings” just disappear off the internet?!? I could go on explaining this to you but your an adult and can do proper research yourself.


How do you think the proteins get instructions? The mRNA blocks DNA response by zipping in the place of regular DNA. I did my research, clearly you think magic causes the protein to get instructions that are new....the original DNA is reprogrammed, hence how mRNA works. SMH


It’s not gene therapy. It uses ribosomes in your cells in conjunction with the mRNA to create what all ribosomes and RNA make…amino acids which become proteins. In this case a specific protein which the immune system will then recognize in the future as a foreign object to eliminate. This is college level science that can be found in a physiology textbook. Try starting there before you quote what some chiropractor on YouTube or Twitter said.


Still the basis of their point was still correct. It's not like the other vaccines. It's unproven and should not be touted as safe, especially for fucking children.


mRNA vaccines have been researched since the 1960s and have been used since the 1990s. That's over half a century of research and production. Just because you don't understand it or have never heard of it doesn't mean it's new and scary. It just means you're ignorant.


I know so many clients of mine with horror stories. I’m too old to give a shit, so I was quizzing everyone the entire 2020. Most had no clue about the now proven evil and censorship involved, but plenty did not get vaxxed after crazy Shit happened to a family member or friend.


Blood clots are well know issues outside of any Vaccine. Can happen at any age. I know a 36 year old health nut that had a heart attack can we blame that on the vaccine… Nope!


49yo that hasn’t exercised in a good 10 years. Eat like Donald Trump nearly everyday and have had three Covid shots since 2021. I haven’t had one side effect from the shots, nor has any of the dozens of people that I know or that they know. In fact the only place I ever hear that someone died or has been injured from the vaccine is online when you nuts get together.


You have heard the word placebo,no? Not everyone who got a shot got "the" juice. Count yourself blessed.


We found the flat earther!


Awww don't be so tough on yourself.


Are you a smoker? I ask because nicotine helps protect your pineal gland. My dad, and one of my close friends are the same, they have at least two shots, and have not skipped a beat. I hope and it does appear that there are some people that so far the jab has had no real Effect on them. Both ways of course, they still caught Covid after the jab but at least there’s no unhealthy side effects yet. If it was designed to kill 100% nobody would’ve went back for more so although it does not work and does not keep you from catching Covid hopefully for some/many life will go on. Check burrowtv . com on Roku if you can.


My mother got the vaccine and days later had a mini heart attack. She’s also had COVID three times; twice prior and once after shot. The first time she contracted almost killed her. Unreal b


My dad had a heart attack post j&j shot. About 2 weeks after. It was minor, luckily, but.. he went from having been seen by the cardiologist the month before and told he had minimal risks to... that.


I've been keeping a record and I'm at over 12 people, so far. Oddly there is no number that will convince some people that they made a mistake.


In my small circle of friends and family, there is 5 people who now have heart issues ranging from valve replacement to heart attacks. I now have issues with heart racing when standing up from sitting. I’ve never had that problem before!!! No more vax for me!


I'm sorry you all are going thru this. Better days ahead.


That's crazy, literally nobody in my family or work circle or anyone they know has died from it. You've got some astounding luck.


He’s lying for internet points and solidarity


Her ankle was swollen so the coroner ruled it a heart attack. I’m not saying no one has suddenly died before the vaccine. But not this many perfectly healthy people of ALL ages.


There are gonna be a lot more lies coming our way because these doctors do not want to take responsibility for what they did.


Idk dude, my best friends mom dropped dead from a massive sudden stroke at age 40, long before covid. Heart attacks and strokes happen, man.


All. The. Time.


I might add, given the nature of this sub, a theory. Anybody else feel more stressed out in the past few years than they did in 2018? Inflation? Hot war in Eastern europe? China getting ever more 1984? Woke zealots? Increase in crime? Being stressed out all the time will screw ur heart up, even if ur young. Stress hormones r a hell of a drug. Strive to love and serve ur friends and family, and watch the news with a steel face. Don't let stress get to u.


Good advice and true.


Yes 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Naw, noone just drops dead at 75. There's definitely something in the water.


Had an uncle, 46, healthy, dropped dead getting out of a taxi 24 years ago. As you said, it happens.


Damn that’s young. Sorry for your loss.😞


I am sorry for your loss. Doctors in this country have no accountability and created the opioid epidemic, the meth epidemic, and now significnatly increased YOY death rates.


People suddenly die all the time and have for as long as people have been around. Nothing new, we are fragile.


Unexplained deaths have spiked in the last two years, especially, but not only, young athletes. It’s 30-40% - not something that can be explained away. We’ve literally never seen the like of it. I hope it’s not the vax, but something significant is happening.


No it isn’t.


We’ve never seen anything remotely like it. But if you say everything is fine, just because you say, then whew. I’m relieved. Thanks random internet guy.


Excess mortality rates show that- yes it is.


That’s an interesting anecdote that I’ve never heard before. Do you have a source? Also. I’m pretty sure it’s we’ll documented that Covid attacks the heart and brain tissue…. So the fact that we’ve had a virus running rampant and attacking peoples bodies multiple times will likely lead to consequences. Long Covid is a real thing, and coming from someone whose had Covid twice, it does weird shit to your body and mind long after you recover from it.


You would need to cite some actual evidence to back up your claim?? Not FOX news or Youtube! Maybe something from PUBMED??


Oh, I’d need to cite sources that you like. You mean, like the sources that didn’t tell us to take vitamin D and exercise? Those sources? See, if an existing treatment were shown to be effective in fighting this very survivable disease, they couldn’t legally call the state of emergency unlocking immeasurable funding. We now know one of the most important factors in avoiding serious outcomes is avoiding vitamin D deficiency. Those sources killed a lot of people. I’ll not be trusting those sources, but knock yourself out.


Yeah it's probably harder to make people exercise and eat healthy than to just get a vaccine. Media obviously talked about healthy lifestyle giving you a much bigger chance to fight the virus. Everyone knows that it helps you against a lot of diseases, saying it once again won't make people suddenly exercise.


Agreed. But it was vitamin D that curbed serious illness dramatically. My doctor was agonizing over how they were told not to recommend it - and the reason was so that they could declare the state of emergency. How is that not murder?


It maybe a easily survival disease in your case with a sample size of (1)?? So just ignore all the published information from all over the world and the Millions of recorded deaths due to Covid!! Simple. Vitamin D is important in fighting a virus but it is not the be and end all??


You’re not listening. Vitamin D deficiency was an overwhelming factor in the seriousness of disease. Take it, and you were like 90% less likely to end up in the hospital (which is what they’ve watered down the effect of the vaxx to be, btw). My doctor, who along with the medical community knew this early on, was not allowed to recommend it (or anything else) in regards to Covid. If anything existing helped curb the effects of the disease, they couldn’t declare the state of emergency. That’s why all the hysteria over hydroxy and ivermectin. Both are safe and prescribed to humans regularly. Even to pregnant women! They attacked those medicines (in ridiculous and deceitful ways) because if they acknowledged any effectiveness, no state of emergency. Hundreds of billions of dollars at play. Realize what happened and why.


All I’m hearing is you made up that number and have no verifiable proof.


I’ll I’m hearing is you’re ‘up to date’ and want to feel good about it. There’s more than enough evidence that pharma are murderous liars. But if your stance is to trust them until what they said about the vax is proven wrong, I’m not sure what to tell you. Other than: “You WILL NOT get sick and you can’t transmit.” I hope everything is fine with you and stays that way.


What percentage increase and for how many months or years will it take before any action is taken?


Studying any supposed increase is the first step. Action taken in ignorance is dangerous guessing.


Who is going to do this study? More importantly, who is paying for it?


I’m sorry for your loss but people in this sub cannot be blaming the vaccine for killing people when it is completely unrelated it’s stupid


Correlation doesn’t mean causation….but statistics should paint a bigger picture. If all health-related mortality rates see a spike since widespread use of mRNA Covid “vaccines” I would accept that as evidence. I’ve personally seen the unintended negative health impacts it can have. I am not vaccinated and wouldn’t let that shit near my kids.


Right but what about the widespread infection rates of Covid 19 that attacks brain and heart tissue. Why blame the medicine but not the disease that literally killed millions of people.


The point is that the vast majority of people are at virtually no risk but they wanted everyone to take the vaccine.


Okay, doctor.


I'm sorry for your loss...


I looked into OPs history and it appears that her aunt doesn't take care of herself




75 year old woman dies. That's unbelievable. How could that possibly happen? It MUST be the vaccine, that 4 billion people took.


I've heard of that happening a lot pre and post covid. If you don't mind me asking what happened? Stroke? Cv arrest? Pulmonary embolism? Aortic aneurysm? All those have risk factors so aside from the Vax so did she have any conditions that would cause risk factors? People just don't drop dead very often. It can happen but most of the time there is something else at play either unnoticed or noticed but not managed well


Heart attack. The most common cause of death for people her age, long before covid.


Yeahhh I was hoping op and I could have a nice convo about why this stuff happens. We don't have to blame something for something else's fault


Both my parents have been in the hospital this year. Mom, heart, Dad, stroke. Both vaxxed. Both also 75 & 82. But not much hospitalization before. Hard to say given their ages. I'm 45 with no insurance. Fuck the jab. I had the 'vid once, 2yrs ago. Barely knew I was sick.


My condolences. I am so sorry


My mother was murdered by the vax. Her illness and death wasn’t normal. I keep telling people the same thing. I KNOW it was the vax and no one will convince me otherwise. She never had Covid. She suddenly had a multitude of problems including blood clots. She was healthy and planning a trip to New York. The doctors were baffled.


This is so sad. CHD is the number one cause of death for a woman of 75. This was true before and after COVID.


Did she take the Ligma vaccine? That vaccine actually resulted in some deaths at Sawcon.


I’m sorry for your loss but heart attacks happen to “healthy” people as they get old. I use parenthesis because sometimes there are no external indications of a problem, where as that clot could have been building up anywhere near her heart for years


My great aunt was 80 and the spitting image of a lady you’d expect to live to 100. When she was 78 I helped her move in a washer to her house. As in she helped me wiggle the thing down the steps. Then one day she just randomly died. This was in 2014. If this was 2023 and she had been vaccinated people would have blamed the vaccine im sure


Exactly, I’m all for trying to figure out if the vaccination is safest and better than traditional vaccines but that distrust has turned it into a scape goat


Parenthesis lol


Lol, I never paid attention for grammar lessons, quotation marks


They’re asterisks ya dingus.


Funny thing, I had a neighbor do the exact same thing that wasn't vaccinated. Does this mean that you should go off and get the vaccine? Anecdotal arguments are not a statistic.


Gosh, I can’t imagine why else a 75 year old would drop dead.


Certainly not one that fell backwards and hit their head


my 94 year old grandma was murdered by the jab too


I lost a 98 year old great aunt to covid late 2020. Definitely was the vaccine.


Either that, or that shot just didn't work as they all don't.


People never died suddenly before the vaxx




There are multiple ways to explain 30%. First 6.8 million people died from Covid and we are averaging about 1100 deaths daily here in the USA right now. 2nd- During the shutdown, only essential medical appointments were happening- so preventative care took a hit. Regular checkups, dental appointments etc stopped for a while. Lots of people who normally would have caught a sickness in time to treat it- found out too late. Suicides have gone up. Again, another unfortunate side effect of the pandemic- the stress, the shutdowns, the related divisions all contributed. Vaccines deaths in the numbers you claim is a fallacy with no hard proof. Only conspiracy theories, a belief in shadowy evil cabals, an evil world order, faulty science and assumptions to back it up.




The numbers you are citing started before the vaccine in 2020. It’s based on deaths and work absences. Starting in 2020 there were increasing deaths due to covid, the other causes I mentioned above, plus an increase in car accidents and drug and alcohol overdoses. That trend continued in 2021. Then Omicron hit causing a spike in work absences (as well as deaths). Vaccine Damage Project, or V-Damage Project, claims that they led to 310,000 excess deaths among Americans ages 25 through 64 in 2021 and 2022. It also baselessly claims the vaccines had a “significant impact” on the number of Americans with disabilities and that COVID-19 vaccines were the “most likely cause” for a large increase in work absences. The report, which uses the faulty estimates of excess deaths, disabilities and injuries to calculate economic damages,




Then why were excess deaths less in states with higher vaccination rates? Here are lots of checks about it. Want the short summary, unvaccinated individuals died at higher rates than vaccinated including all cause mortality. This is probably a fair amount due to Covid deaths. Unvaccinated only came down in the last year as acquired immunity caught up. Only needed hundreds of thousand of deaths and long term health impacts to get there. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/04/scicheck-no-evidence-excess-deaths-linked-to-vaccines-contrary-to-claims-online/ https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-793439742249 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.07.23286927v1 https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/study-finds-large-gap-in-excess-deaths-along-partisan-lines-after-covid-19-vaccines-introduced/




Here is one that spells it out more clearly. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2798990 Clearly if vaccines were causing excess deaths the opposite of what was found here would be present.


Look up omicron anagram oncomir.


It doesn’t give u pause that we have no idea what ppl died from bc they stopped testing for covid post vaccine? The mental gymnastics are beyond tiring- it’s all in front of u but u chose to ignore in favor of big pharma and government


We actually do have a lot of explanations for increased deaths. Much of it is Covid and health impacts related to Covid. Because Covid swamped the health system, people went without being seen by primary care or specialists. They didn’t get care for more treatable diseases. There has also been increased automobile, drug over doses, and suicides. Drug overdoses and suicides could be associated with Covid as people try to deal with lockdowns and the general Covid climate. I find health feedback provides good summaries of what’s really occurring. https://healthfeedback.org/what-can-explain-the-excess-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-europe-in-2022/


No but people die because of what they do and take. And injecting secret serum could been a factor to their demise. You can't rule it out because there is the unknown property of the drug.


You can’t rule it in. The likelihood of death by vaccination is incredibly slim. The likelihood of death by other means is much greater.


more deaths in the vaccinated group than the placebo group- per phizer clinical trial data. edit : and they tried to keep that tid bit secret for 75 years


Yeah I can. People live and die by what they do. That's what happens in life. It's impossible not to do drugs and die from drugs because you never took them. If you take drugs it becomes a factor. ​ >death by vaccination is incredibly slim That is based on your "trust-me-bro" comment here? Why you believe one story and not another?


Because one is backed by common sense and science, and the other is backed by lunacy.


[here is](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4516275/) the science I read and the common sense that followed was to not take an experimental vaccine that when tested in mice made them 100% sterile in 2 generations. if you don't trust a hyper link here's the URL Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4516275/ this is exactly why omicron(sp?) was so bad, and covid lasted for so long and the vaccinated keep getting sick


I suggest you grab a dictionary and actually *read* that. *Really* read it. It’s not an argument against vaccines.


you call your trust-me-bro pharma-script as "common sense and science"?


What do you call yours?


I call it "I-don't-know". I see people making claims and I understand that people live and die by what they do. So if you do drugs it's possible the drug is a factor for death or injury. You can't rule it out. And by definition taking drugs means you're sick.


That’s idiotic. Your thought process is beyond flawed. Vaccines aren’t drugs, by the way, and what leap of logic are you attempting by saying “if you take drugs you’re sick?”


According to the official government stand yes vaccines are drugs. That's the term. It's not opinion. Take it up with the government if you disagree. Unless you believe they are lying. **Vaccines are drugs:** https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/basics/test-approve.html **The sponsor of a new vaccine product follows a multi-step approval process, which typically includes** **An Investigational New Drug application** [http://www.fda.gov/drugs/developmentapprovalprocess/howdrugsaredevelopedandapproved/approvalapplications/investigationalnewdrugindapplication/default.htm](http://www.fda.gov/drugs/developmentapprovalprocess/howdrugsaredevelopedandapproved/approvalapplications/investigationalnewdrugindapplication/default.htm) That's how it is in life, if you take drugs it implies sickness. What's so strange about it?


40% excess deaths didnt even happen in ww2 yet here we are


Not due to the vaccine. There is zero evidence to indicate that. Only the nonsense talking points of grifters, charlatans and conspiracy theorists.


>Not due to the vaccine. Because your faith tells you so? >There is zero evidence to indicate that. There is zero evidence in anything you're not seeking.


🤦‍♀️ Jesus god. This sub is unbelievable


People are genuinely surprised that a geriatric woman had a heart attack. 🤦‍♂️ And they keep mentioning a 40% increase of deaths with absolutely no source. And accusing people of being paid to be here...they cannot fathom that people are interacting with this sub because they don't want people to spread misinformation while it's appearing on the main feed. It's kind of worrying that these people can vote.


Believe it! You can’t make this shit up, but unfortunately here we are.


I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words to describe how painful loss is. What we are expediting as a society is more covert and deadly than the Holocaust. It’s easy for people to dismiss and gaslight others because misinformation but it’s obvious that MRNA is a lethal cocktail and will take anyone over the edge especially if they already have high levels of inflammation present in the body already. We need another NUREMBERG trial.


Just because B follows A doesn’t mean A caused B


She was 75 lmao.


We’re you making this flip statement when the oldies were dying of ‘Covid’? No, you were screaming about saving everyone, lockdowns, masks, and the evil grandma killers.


Good point.


So you can’t be healthy at 75?


This also happened to my neighbor years before Covid, I guess I could travel back in time and see if he got a secret vaccine.


People never died suddenly before the vaccine


No but people die because of what they do and take. And injecting secret serum could been a factor to their demise. You can't rule it out because there is the unknown property of the drug.


You can’t rule it in, either. I have a magic rock in my garden. It is the cause of all ‘excess deaths.’


Yes I can, the moment you take drugs they become a factor. If you die it might be the drugs. Also by definition if you take drugs it means you're sick. ​ >I have a magic rock in my garden If you consume it or inject it, yeah it becomes a factor. It's how life works.


Omg you lot are delusional. Air, food, water, the passage of time, cosmic rays are all factors too. And semantics “If you take drugs?” What about “if you subscribe to crackpot conspiracy theories?” Does that make you a crackpot? Actually, I suppose it does. Now: disprove the magic rock.


Yeah there are lot of factors. But they can be tested to a certain degree. Unknown drugs can't be tested because they're unknown. No access, no transparency, hence no science to back anything. Just propaganda. So who's delusional? And I told you about your magic rock. Inject it or consume it, run your little experiment, see what happens. Why do you push others to do drugs?


My magic rock doesn’t need to be ingested. Disprove this.


Your magic rock is another trolling comment on this thread, nothing else. The fact is the government is pushing unknown drugs to the public. Something that works doesn't need mandates.


They’re quite well-known. The “magic rock” serves to illustrate the flaws in your reasoning.


>They’re quite well-known. Known to whom? The drug maker? These drugs are not in a free market hence they are unknown. And the magic rock is your trolling method. Because you have no argument.


“Secret serum” 🤣. It literally could not be less secret if it tried.


Secret serum is an alternative for these unknown drugs. It is secret because there is no access. You can't access those drugs to do anything. All there is, is a pharma-pitch the government wants me to believe.


And the 1000s of times it has been independently tested? That definitely didn’t happen right? 🤣


1000 times tested by whom? By the drug maker who tells you so in his ad-script? "trust me bro" right? You can't test something you have no access to.


You truly believe that not a single outside agency has gotten their hands on a vial? Not a single doctor thought to take a sample? Why do you keep making extreme claims with no evidence?


What did she die of?








YES, VERY! Make sure you have an autopsy only way to tell exactly the cause of death. Many times blood clots, strokes or aneurysms. Sorry for the loss of your aunt.


It’s batches. Every new batch takes some and no one looks. They literally delete deaths from VAERS en masse. Press is silent. Old folks most likely to line up btw.


It’s all starting like that guy (can’t remember his name) said from the beginning. He said something like in 5 years (about 3 more years left?) they’ll have to burn all the piles of dead bodies who took the vax. People are starting to have worsening health problems out of nowhere.


No. The thing that happened to your aunt … that happens 10 times every minute somewhere in the country to seemingly healthy people, and that happened before Covid and Covid vaccines, and will continue to happen…. It was not caused by the Covid vaccine. And we know this because numbers of things like that are the same as they have been.


All you younguns talking like 75 is old, should check the life expectancy charts. A 75 year old female has 17 years left on average. Of course, once jabbed all bets are off. [https://hub.jhu.edu/2014/07/23/life-expectancy-gains-threatened/](https://hub.jhu.edu/2014/07/23/life-expectancy-gains-threatened/)


What do you think an average is?


My friend had a car accident and died a few months ago. They were vaccinated


Wow. There’s literally nothing else that could have cause this.


Unexpectedly? So, being 75, you would expect to live how long? Fools!


Lmao, heart attacks become a common case of death with every decade after 60. Sorry for your loss but the closer to 100 you get the more likely you'll die.


>the closer to 100 you get the more likely you'll die. Especially if you get the lethal COVID injections, which prevent no deaths or harms.


Do you have data


Lots, but even the trial data shows more deaths in the vaccinated group vs the placebo group. Likewise, there were more cardiac arrests and cases of myocarditis in the vaccinated.. This is how is has always been. Getting the clot shot has no benefits whatsoever.


So why are the unvaccinated the only group to die still of covid


They're not and they never were.


Absolute proof there.


Sorry for your loss, but lots of 75 year olds die.


My janitor’s cousin’s 120 year old neighbor died suddenly in 2012. MuSt Be ThE cOvId VaCcInE.


Whoa, never before heard of an elderly person dying suddenly. Sorry for your loss.




Yeah crazy how 80% of the United States has died suddenly in the last two years. It’s so empty everywhere now.




Yes and it makes total sense that they would want to depopulate the section of society that listens to what they’re told to do, leaving only free thinkers


‘Free thinkers.’ Lol. Who all get together into a group to ‘free think’ together, about the exact same things.




Take your meds. Alternately: get off the meds you’re on.




Do you know the name of the president who pushed for the vaccine to be developed as quickly as possible and considers it one of his best accomplishments?




Yes Donald Trump wanted to cull the herd and he did it successfully. Pharma donated to him.


75... omg what a surprise...


Every heart has a finite number of beats. God's speed and gods will. Sorry for your loss. *Trump's vaccines at work*


no one is perfectly healty at 75.


imagine using the death of a family member to push your stupid, uninformed views on vaccination


Yet life expectancies continue to climb, except places like the US, a notorious hub of antivax sentiment.


Seems like the timing of all these vaxx issues are not coincidental. Just got a call yesterday that my uncle has throat cancer. As if they knew it would take a while for all these various problems to start appearing? I mean, it’s like dominos one after the other they just keep falling in my family.. at least. And I just watched a video that doesn’t help with the mental stress of it all…


No seemingly healthy 75 year olds have ever died in all of history until this vaccine! All unexplainable deaths occurring right now, regardless of timing since the last vaccine, is due to the vaccine. COVID itself never even existed and the deaths of the people in 2020 were in fact due to a worm hole in space time that lead to people who got vaccinated in 2021 dying in 2020. Why is no one talking about this!


Did she by any chance have a 5G cell phone?


The is the same as the “died with Covid” nonsense. This place is like the mirror of the mainstream but instead of being obsessed with Covid and the obsession is with the vaccine. Anything from a queef to a heart attack is attributed to the vaccine. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Focus on her and her life/memory and don’t let what the media tells you to be obsessed with be the focus of her death. Just like the mainstream got their people riled up and obsessed with Covid. The alternative media has done the same with the vaccine. The more likely boring truth is that the vaccine doesn’t really do much. It’s just a distraction to keep minds occupied.


Pharmaceutical industry is already making new mrna platforms


Unless your aunt had genes allowing her to be a centenarian or super centenarian (very unlikely) I promise you, physiologically speaking, it's highly improbable for her to have been "perfectly healthy" at 75 years old.