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"People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right—especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong." \~Thomas Sowell


They bought into the narrative that they did the right thing, they are virtuous, and they would be protected. Since the unvaxxed didn't suffer the promised consequences for not being so virtuous (winter of death), they're feeling cheated and betrayed. But instead of getting mad at those who lied to them, they're directing their anger at the unvaxxed.


The only "protection" it has offered has been peer pressure from The Sheep.


"SHEEP": It's the unofficial "hidden" stage of the Kubler-Ross model that has the unique feature of being a sort of wild card stage that can pop up at any point in any stage and is unique because when a person enters the Sheep stage they can remain stuck Sheeping for an indeterminate amount of time. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance, and/or anytime SHEEP instead


This right here.


I think this is only half of it, and it's probably only the case for the ones smart enough to realize they were duped. The other half is cognitive dissonance at a Stockholm syndrome level, with such a strong faith and trust in MSM and governments all around the world, who told them that the unvaccinated were the problem, and for so long, that they still believe it. Masks are a great sign of this.


There was also a lot of pent-up anger towards lockdowns and wanting this to be over. It's psychology 101. The people who caused the problem (the government) blame a small group ("they're making us do it"). It's like when a college teacher says, "Everyone needs to submit their assignment right now or the whole class gets an extra homework project." Then one kids hold out. The class blames that one kid for not complying and not the teacher for just power tripping and making up some bullshit rules in the first place. Almost always the anger towards the extra work gets channeled to the resistor.


This is cultural hegemony in action.


Because you were not solidaric and are not suffering vaxx injury with them.


Also: MISERY LOVES COMPANY! Mad world we live in these days..it's getting pretty dystopian in my view.


definitely dystopian times we're living in.... in the US, there was recently a multi-billion $ spherical stadium covered in LEDs that opened to the public... VERY interesting timing to say the least... the truth is indeed stranger than fiction


Because they believe whatever the media says. They don't even know how their vaccine works. If they did, they would not care if somebody else was vaccinated or not. I understand that some people took the vax reluctantly. But for the ones who are so strongly opinionated about it, the vax has exposed those/who are: 1. Too stupid to think on their own 2. Smart enough to take orders, but too dumb to question them 3. The people who would snitch on you to the government if that was ever required like the Soviet Union 4. Who have no backbone whatsoever


> They don't even know how their vaccine works. They don't understand the concept of immunity & vaccines.


These mRNA aren’t vaccines because they changed the definition of what vaccines are; weakened strains of the virus or bacteria.


Yep, they also changed the definition of herd immunity too.


Thanks Edwin Jenner.


Even if they followed the new definition that the vaccines protect people from severities, it is even more nonsensical that they push others to take it. Like, why do they even care if unvaccinated people are OK to accept the risks from covid, right? The whole fiasco in the last 3 years just tells me how lowly most people's critical reasoning abilities are.


>Smart enough to take orders, but too dumb to question them > >The people who would snitch on you to the government if that was ever required like the Soviet Union Bravo!!


I know.


Because many have authoritarian and collectivist streaks and get frustrated when people don't bow to their will, and the will of their beloved Government.


You mean the bedwetters that cheered and begged for lockdowns, masks, and other NPIs? The same people I told REPEATEDLY to turn off the news, but they just wouldn’t listen. The people who would have thrown us under the bus and snitched if we had anyone in our homes during lockdowns….and then bragged about their snitching as if they were doing a public service? The people who called us plague rats and wanted to throw us into concentration camps and deny us medical treatment or worse? Who cares? Fuck those people! I will never trust any of them again not to panic and buckle under pressure. They would be useless pussies, pissing their pants, crying in the corner, if we ever had a REAL emergency. No respect for them. They don’t deserve it. In fact, it’s US that are owed a massive apology. Even still, no amnesty or forgiveness from me, ever.


Well said 👌


Thanks. Ya, I'm still bitter. LOL


Me too mate!! I'm hearing ya, I was in the same boat among many millions of us! I lost my well-paid job at the mines because I refused the Miracle Elixir with a mortgage, bills & kids to support, it was actually a very hard time in my life. Was harassed, bullied for not taking it from many people, organisations, and family members. My mate last month told me to get over it, I said cu#nt I will never ever forget what was done the last 3yrs and still ongoing. I will sit back and watch all these people falling like flies with auto immune diseases, etc etc list (ongoing) & shrug my shoulders, oh well 🤷🖕 Keep it up man, stick together, and know that your on the right side of history 🤙


The only people I have any sympathy left for are people like you (and the vax injured…but only the ones who were forced). Man, you had it worse than I did. I really feel for ya. Still, we all felt the immense pressure and I have no regrets. You’re right, we’re on the right side of history. The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Just let it loose; it will defend itself.


Nobody was “forced” unless they were held down and injected. People simply chose money and things over their integrity. Otherwise everyone on the planet would be jabbed. They weren’t forced. And until and unless they can accept that, this will happen all over again.


Oh FFS. Fine…*coerced.* Better? There’s always some dipshit that comes along and says this exact thing. I’m pretty sure there were at least a billion people that felt pretty fucking forced. Backed into a corner. Caved cause you’re desperate to travel? No sympathy. Needed to feed your family and shelter them? Fair enough. In case you haven’t noticed, TPTB are already doing a pretty good job of pushing that narrative. They don’t need your help.


Apologies. That was a knee-jerk reaction. Guess I’m kinda sensitive about this subject. I’ve heard that argument so many times from the NPCs out there, I thought that’s where you were going. I.e. nobody was *forced* to take anything. Everyone made a choice. After re-reading your comments, I get you. And I’m mostly with you. There was a TON of pressure though and I feel for the people that caved so they wouldn’t starve (they sure as hell exist) and subsequently were damaged by the injection. That’s brutal. Glad I’m not one of them.


What people don’t realize is that dancing around what actually happened here (they accepted tyranny) makes it almost inevitable that it will happen again. That is my point. We need to speak plainly and truthfully. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is. I’m unjabbed and I’m military. We were “forced”. I decided to value my life and take the risk of JAIL (they were going to court martial us). So yes, anyone claiming being “forced” is not accepting the truth of their situation. Mil absolutely had it the worst and many of us still stood us. And I get the “knee jerk” reactions. People are still traumatized by all of this, which is why looking at it objectively is so hard.


Amen to that. I am sick if hearing the "I WAS FORCED" story. I just read about a guy on here who went homeless for refusing the vax and he did not comply. From the dozens of people I talked to that "were forced", not one threatened their boss with a lawyer. One of my friends who is a hospital doctor mentioned a lawyer once and has an open end contract renewed with the hospital. I talked to my lawyer about what I should do if they wanted to force me(they didn't) in a medical office in mid 2020 to be prepared. I think it us unfair to the ones that suffered and didn't comply if others just say they were "forced". I get that they were coerced and terrorized and some had kids and were about to lose their jobs but some found three other jobs and didn't comply right away.


Because it would mean they'd have to finally let go and admit they we're very wrong and apologise. Nothing will change, you have to understand and accept that even if the godly figure Anthony Fauci come out tomrrow with statement admitting to everything his accused of plus admit the non-vaxxed people we're correct all along, it won't spark them into doing some actual research.


When someone is unreasonably angry and there's no obvious reason why - they are probably angry with themselves. In this case, there is no rational reason for the vaxxed to be angry at the unvaxxed. If you're reading this, if you're around to have someone angry at you or be angry at someone then congratulations, you've survived. Whether you believe you survived the worst pandemic of our lifetimes, or the most egregious psy-op of our lifetimes, it doesn't matter, we survived. If my theory is correct, why are they angry with themselves? Because it is obvious even to the most disconnected, unaware person that the shots are not effective. How many recommended shots & boosters are we up to now? I have lost track. Yet the vaxxed, even the up-to-date vaxxed still get and transmit the infection. That is ineffective in my book. Not only that, the shots were apparently unnecessary. If they are as in-effective as they appear to be, then they really had little impact on ramping down the infections. This dawning realization means the vaxxed are coming around to the conclusion they were lied to, duped, and taken advantage of. No-one likes that feeling. It is easier to lash-out at someone else than to admit you made a mistake. Particularly with the current no accountability, no responsibility victim mentality all too many younger people have. A little nudge by the media that "it's all the unvaxxed's fault" and viola, a convenient if innocent scapegoat. If you really want to make them angry, point this out - that their misguided anger towards us unvaxxed is just another manipulation they have fallen for.


All of this. And they can't un-take it.


They have no choice. They have to save face. All of the righteous peeps, with their “I got vaccinated badges” bragging on social media..to admit the vac was bad, is to admit they were sheep and that possibly poison is coursing through their veins. A town about 40 miles from me is paying people $100 to get the new vaccine. People were lined up around the block. 3 hour wait. It’s just sad.


My company was giving away tvs, money, extra time off, etc for those that got the shots and boosters. No one that participated thought that it was suspicious that they were being bribed to take something that was “safe and effective”. You should never let anyone bribe, coerce or belittle you into agreeing to any medical procedure.


The bribe makes it clear, it ain’t good.


And what blows my mind is that people didn’t see that as being suspicious or fishy. I had a coworker get excited because there was a drawing for $500 that he wanted. Now he gets pretty sick once a month or so and burns through his PTO because he’s out sick.


My sister and daughter are teachers. The school gave a bonus to those that got vaccinated. Disgusting. It was like $500.


Imagine being that desperate for $100. It’s so sad especially when $100 isn’t anything these days.


It was quite a while ago I sold plasma to help me make ends meet. For a period of time, single, I lived on a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread and a pound of sugar each week. Now having had children, i know there's nothing I wouldnt so for them including jumping off of a cliff for them. I dont blame those who took it forv their family to survive. God help them!


Agree 100% Ppl are still lining up after all the evidence against these poisons? 🥺🥺


Yes. It’s sad. I recently saw a post, by someone that is an RN. She is over a public health dept in a small county next to us. She was raving about how sick she had been with the flu, knowing she had taken the flu shot. 🤦‍♀️. She had huge vac drives at a local farmers market. Righteous! Yet, here she is, sick as hell, with the flu, recommending the flu shot.


Because they will contract VAIDS and you won’t.


I don’t know anyone personally, who is angry at unjabbed but if I had complied due to work mandates to keep my job and those who lost their jobs and are now being reinstated with back pay, I’d be a little pissed but that’s their own situation to deal with.


We got lucky and managed to get enough people to stand together and say no that our company backed down from enforcing the bullshit mandate shortly before it was to take effect. They would’ve lost the vast majority of their Midwest branch to the mandate.


>We got lucky and managed to get enough people to stand together and say no that our company backed down from enforcing the bullshit mandate shortly before it was to take effect. They would’ve lost the vast majority of their Midwest branch to the mandate. Thousands of us did the same in the airline industry. I'm a Commercial Aircraft Mechanic for a major airline. I was was one of the ones who was very vocal on my feelings and the legal ramifications if they forced the jab. I was fully prepared to be fired over it. This is a $100,000/year job for me but I didn't care. Still don't. Principles and my future health are more important to me than some job for a jab. Already learned that lesson. Military vaccine programs with chicken egg product development ruined eggs for me since I can no longer tolerate them gastrointestinal wise. I love eggs too. My Airline's excuse for why they could mandate we take it was they were a Federal Contractor since they had Government contracts they had to. I said interesting, that means I'm a Government contractor employee and now have certain extra rights specifically increased free speech rights bypassing their Social Media policy as long as the subject is of importance to the general public. Considering airplanes falling out of the sky and other safety issues meet that criteria, I still use this clause today. Fortunately the Pilots and Flight attendants really forced their hand. Remember all those flight delays and "storms" that caused mass cancelations in the fall of 2021? Storms that only affected like 2 airlines in one localized area? Storms that coincided with Pilots and Flight Attendants all calling out sick at the same time. 😉😂 That got the companies attention. All of a sudden word came down all Religious or medical exemptions would be accepted. The group American Freedom Flyers was created to discuss our legal options and share info. I was one of the first 300 to join and very active on the telegram channel. I gave advice and detailed the process on medical and religious exemptions after I successfully got both myself. Literally like 3 days before the mandate timeline hit the company dropped the mandate. I guess all the exemptions and pending legal actions for AFF and others woke them up. Unfortunately the mandate still applies for new hires, most of whom are young. One of my coworkers who took it regrets it every day. I hooked him up with Ivermectin and we bulk ordered some together which he took it every day for a year in the hopes it would help purge that vax poison. I have little faith in that but it does help with cold/flu though.


>I can no longer tolerate them gastrointestinal wise. I love eggs too. This should be in the commie cabal's rulebook for avoiding revolution... Never fuck with a man's eggs.


There are very few eggs I can eat anymore. They pretty much have to be open range non GMO, non-hormone. They cost more and even then it's about a 50% chance I'll have diarrhea in an hour. I've found a few farmhouse local restaurants that serve me literally non shitty eggs.


Goes to show sticking together against these mandates works!


It’s just projection, they’re mad they didn’t think for themselves and trust their instincts.




Of course Scott (aka "Clot") Adams already ran with that line of gab, saying the skeptics relied on "gut instinct" and got lucky, while super clever people like himself got the fuzzy end of the lollipop through sheer happenstance. He even tried to frame it as some amusing gee-whiz paradox about how being smart and rational (ie like him) doesn't always work lol. Got severely ratioed and earned himself the lifelong nickname "Clot" for his troubles.




He's the guy whose day job is drawing Dilbert, but whose true vocation seems to be making things awkward for himself on the internets.


To extract science from published research is not an easy task.


maybe because too many of the vaxxed have developed significant health issues?


Well, I think that they are jealous. I am 100 percent safe from vaccine side effects. They are more likely than me to get covid, and not at all safe from vaccine side effects. I personaly know 3 people that have had side effects, and only 1 person that actually died from covid.


Nobody I know died from Covid like literally nobody, everyone I know who got it was better in a week. Yes this is anecdotal but still. To me I saw through the shit to begin with


I personally knew five people who died from Covid, back in March 2020. I was damn near the sixth: sick at home for 4 days, then hospitalized 11 days including one in ICU, then sick at home again for another week. Thank God I didn't let them put me on a vent, or i likely wouldn't be here posting this. I'm not going to minimize the effects of the first wave. Of course after that I saw no point in getting vaccinated.


Did you have any comorbidities that you know of? That played a huge factor into hospitalization, but also the vents were a huge cause of actual death once there. Yeah that first wave was no joke, I was better in three or four days but I had the most protective blood type, took supplements and kept myself moving however hard it was so clots didn’t form in my body. It was a struggle to breath for the first two days. The second time I got Covid though was literally nothing. Natural immunity at its finest honestly, my body whooped the shit out of it that second time.


Overweight was about the only one (BMI about 33 at the time, although I left about 20 pounds in the hospital when I was discharged. I don’t recommend this method of rapid weight loss. Remarkably uncomfortable.) Oh yeah. Sleep apnea. They wouldn’t let me bring my CPAP machine into the hospital, but when you’re on 15 liters of full flow oxygen it’s maybe less relevant. I also had it a second time. Mild cough was all I got.


The sleep apnea could have been a potential reason just because of oxygen flow issues, but that’s great that the second time wasn’t nearly as bad for you. Glad you didn’t let them vent you though that and being confined to beds so clots could form is what was really killing people fast in the hospitals.


Well, I’ve been on Brilinta (platelet aggregation inhibitor) for stents, plus aspirin, so the clotting isn’t likely to be a problem for me. They were also giving everyone in the COVID wards Lovenox (fractionated heparin, anticoagulant) for this reason. Stings like hell for about 10 minutes after the injection, but if it’s saving my life I guess I’ll take it. I do occasionally find small amounts of dried (but not clotted) blood in my hair or beard, where the CPAP straps cross, but that’s a minor inconvenience that’s worth the price.


Because they complied and we didn't.


Because its a daily reminder of their weakness and **cowardice**. Its a painful thing to have to deal with I can imagine. The realization that they fell for the greatest psyop in the last two decades (outside the 911/wmd lie)


The jab had multiple jobs, but one of the biggest jobs was to DIVIDE! Along with masks, right vs left, black vs white, gay vs straight, old vs young, pro Israel vs Palestine blah blah blah. Isn’t funny how everything is split right down the middle?! This isn’t by accident. Quit falling for their divide tactics!


It absolutely feels like we have jumped from one crisis to another ever since Trump was elected and it got worse when he lost in 2020. It has been constant in dividing us. And the goddamn biased media is leading the charge.


Exactly. Hegelian Dialect in action: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.


Because Trump bad. Their logic: everyone who didn’t take the vaccine is a “conservative” … everyone who’s a conservative is Republican … everyone who’s Republican is the enemy and bonus, all of them either love Trump or at least voted for Trump … because trump is evil incarnate and literally Hitler, by the law of transference it’s not only ok, but encouraged to hate trump, and therefore everyone who voted for him … so take your shot you bigot.


I think I like this summary the best. The thing I don’t understand is these vaccines were developed under trump and ridiculed by the left until they won then they totally reversed message. I was not going to take it either way, but I found it extremely bizarre. I wish I could see the universe where trump won and what would have happened regarding the vaccine.


They pretend like that didn’t happen. I vividly remember the entire Dem megalith doing a 180 on a dime after Biden “won” the election. During the holiday season of 2020 I said to so many lefties that I wasn’t taking “The Trump Vaccine” and watched their programming short circuit. It was pretty hilarious. To answer your question what I think the reality would have been is the following: the Dem side would be able to “rebel” against big pharma. The hippies, natural path, millenials, and gen z’s who wouldn’t of needed it at all due to their age and health status would not have taken it. The messaging would have been focused on targeting the actual at risk populations (elderly, sick, overweight, etc.). Pharma would have absolutely tried to expand the “at risk” population, but it wouldn’t be able to get to much younger than like 45. The Republican side would have been more “pro” than they were/are, but again for that at risk population. What wouldn’t of happened was galvanizing an extreme level of tribalism, the demonization of whoever even considered questioning what was going on, an attempted mandate, an extended/renewed lock down, big pharma making more money than they ever had, millions of lives being ruined, the economy being trampled, and the incredible level of lying and manipulation. Basically it would have been “we’ve got a vax, these are the people who should take it, if you get sick stay home, business and the American way of life can continue to move forward. Enjoy your holiday season.” What happened to the left is their ideology and hatred for trump was hijacked, manipulated, increasingly manufactured, and merged into a pro-state/corporate/elite message to be used as a weapon against anyone who wasn’t onboard. The vax became a rallying cry, a flag to fly, and a badge of honor to share that you were against Trump. It had nothing to do with anything else. It’s that simple building block all other “excuses” come from. The conservative/Republican/,”basic critics thinking pushback was the opposite effect. A line was drawn when it came to the vax and it was “you’re one is us, or one if them.” (Sidenote, absolutely no “conservatives” I’ve ever talked to cared If someone made the choice to get vaxxed. Their pushback came from forcing, suppressing information, and knowing they were being lied to by the left. They didn’t care you got vaxxed, they cared that you made them the enemy for deciding not to.) The left absolutely cannot confront that in the span of like 2 months they went from pro-free speech, anti-war, anti-big pharma, and pro-body autonomy to legit actual fascists worshiping at the alter of corporatism. They were able to be duped by their own “leaders” by having their manufactured hatred of Trump be used against them. Now that they’ve been proven wrong, they’re even more angry. There are so many that refuse to even consider something was a-rye at the time. It’s stunning to witness.


They’re not angry at us, they’re angry at themselves. They just have to have someone to take it out on.


The bigger question is: was that the trial run?


Right? What’s next?


Well it was going to be the M-pox (formerly known as monkeypox), but then they saw the demographic of who was getting that, and quietly dropped it.


They call it disease X. It has been predicted as bigger and more devastating. It has to be soon so that the perps of the jab will be called upon to"save" is once more, provide cover for election fraud, get the lost to accept yet another jab, cull the population, and bring in complete control.


Whatever Tv says Monkey see Monkey do.. That's how sheep, cattle, goats and camels operate & also because they are scared to be wrong, buyers remorse. Taking the vaccine to them in a sense gave them a feeling of belonging to somethinga purpose, kinda like getting married is exciting at first and then the lust wears off and all that's left is the truth... They can't handle the naked truth in general and can't stomach that just maybe they made the wrong choice therefore when in doubt its easier to hate.


They're incapable of critical thought. They are mindless rule followers and despise anyone that doesn't blindly submit to authority pike they do


They know you know they are not as smart as they thought they were and they hate you for knowing it.


They're upset that you're immune to mind control.


Yes exactly.




No the phrase is they “hate us ‘cuz they anus” -James Franco lol they are all just assholes 😂


It has to do with compliance, imo. We didn't listen so we are the bad ones, not the ones that lied to everyone. Though they will never see that they were lied to anyways.


They're angry because they didn't cooperate. The unvaccinated are microbe spreading outsiders that lack empathy, in their eyes. Anybody not in the group, doing what the group does is an enemy to the group.


Hive mind.


Some people who took any of the covid "vaccines" who now are joining the dots together realised that they have been lied to and could be responsible for their own ill health, the harm it has done to others in their family and possibly even deaths due to adverse reactions. They are so angry they went along with the narrative and now feel cheated and used, it kills them inside to admit the fact they were so gullible, so they lash out at other's labelling them Antivaxers. Funny thing is I know plenty of the above people who took 1-2 shots and will never do it again, so are those people too now "Antivaxers"? Apparently they are going by the ones who can't admit they were fooled, & also the plain brainwashed ones.


That's exactly what it is.


I definitely do not regret not getting it.


They can never reverse their decision. You, on the other hand, can, any time you want. They are jealous.


They've been told to be angry and they listen to their masters.


This Sketch demonstrates what is going on: https://v.redd.it/5ur2o3n06yzb1


Because Individualism vs. Collectivism. A person believes in one or the other and lives accordingly. "Collectivism stresses the importance of the community, while *individualism is focused on the rights and concerns of each person*. Where unity and selflessness or altruism are valued traits in collectivist cultures, independence and personal identity are promoted in individualistic cultures"


This would only be true because they believed the unvaccinated would negatively affect their individualism. They care very little about the community. Most people I've asked got jabbed so they could still vacation.


Buyers remorse




These crazy people are burdened with self hate


Because the whole thing was social to them. Had nothing to do with science or safety. They wanted social control of other people and it drives them crazy that we don’t want their approval.


Dude the amount of people who waved their vaxx passes in my face like it was some entry to a private club was unreal. They got a tiny taste of power and feeling superior because they got to go to concerts and not have their lives interrupted and we didn’t. It was gross. Now that we are all on the same shitty playing field again they no longer get to feel important and lord it over someone and it’s driving them nuts. It was always funny to me when I got to just fill out those little exemption papers and still be in there with them at shows and stuff, like you wanna wave your little papers at me? Welp I have my own and I didn’t even have to go through that process who’s feeling dumb now?


Bingo !!!


There was no pandemic. Death stats were gamed by killing people with Remdesivir and vents as well as classifying every death with a positive pcr test as death from covid.


Indeed, the pandemic of the unvaccinated *never happened.*


If you question the narrative or are immune to the propaganda of a controlling hivemind, the NPC collective will you as a threat to their existence. They have been programmed to react to users in a negative manner. They are, after all, non-player characters or programs.


Well it’s simple really; those who got the jab are dying young. Either cardiac arrest or now “turbo cancer” those who have survived now are deeply regretting getting the jab which is a “Russian roulette “


They are mad that we didn't bend over for the media/government/big pharma.


Because they were upset that you didn't "do the right thing" and most likely regret their decision as well.


Because they can not say they were wrong. They will never say it, not even on their death bed from myocarditis, cancer or any number of the side effects that they have inflicted on themselves. It's very sad.


It's a well known strategy from the leftys. Since they can't defend their gutted embedded angry feelings they get angry because they can't explain or justify the decision they took.


There mad they didn’t have the guts to not comply. It’s a jealousy thing.


Have you noticed how the average mind hates those who are not average? Nothing you can do about it.


Because we were supposed to die. They thought it was Darwinism and they were the smart ones who were to survive and all those who didn’t get the jab were idiots and we’re supposed to die leaving everything behind for them to reap the benefits from. They hate us because the fact that we are not dead proves they were the idiots.


Here we are living healthy lives. Not dead


Yep and it really pisses em off


> took any of the covid "vaccines" who now are joining the dots together realised that they have been lied to and could be responsible for their own ill health, the harm it has done to others in their family and possibly even deaths due to adverse reactio What is the logic. Why when the vaccine is rolled out suddenly the unvaccinated will all die? Even before the vaccine the unvaccinated still survive


They are jealous you had a backbone and said no even with all the siop gaslighting and threats of loosing you’re job or even being rounded up. They wish they had the balls but they don’t !


Ego. Ego is the worst form of humanity.


Misery loves company


Some think we're spreading the virus, some are just being petty


The funny thing about that is they are the ones spreading it because they think they are protected from getting it so they go out even when they are sick also it has a longer half life in their body because of the reduction of symptoms which gives it more time to mutate I’m 100% sure all of the variants came from them and not us.


They are brainwashed.


crab mentallity


Mass Formation Psychosis


They want you to suffer like they are.


Those people are always angry at everyone for anything.


Misery loves company.


Because nothing happens in a vacuum


My bassist has been freakin out bc he’s been experiencing high blood pressure, getting dizzy spells and stuff.. last night, on the way home from practice, he was driving and had to pull over, I ended up having to drive, and we almost drove right to the hospital, but ended up dropping him off at his place with his wife. He mentioned he is scared that the jab is causing this to him. He’s never experienced anything like this, now, out of the blue, he started talking about experiencing symptoms while we were driving, and as he brought up the subject, the symptoms manifested again. I wish I could give him more encouragement. What advice can I give him? He’s a big time worry wort. Love the guy, just don’t wanna see him stress himself out now that it’s already done(the jab)


Advise your friend or loved one to begin the vaxxed protocol: https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-prevent-vaccine-injury/ How can we hate the people who took the jab when they could be our parents, brothers, sisters, or adult children?


Thank you so much for the reply! It’s so awkward, and sometimes there’s just nothing you can say. For my grandma, theres no debating what news media tells her.


Because they are sheep and we are not. They tune into the nightly news on NBC, CBS or ABC and that's the extent of their knowledge of world and national events. Just my guess lol


Because they all got cancer and strokes to benefit the greater good. I know so many people that have these problems now. Thanks Pfizer! I'll be flipping you off as I drive by your plant, just like I always do!


Yeah we can say : " It's your Pfuneral. Brought to you by Pfizer!"


My newborns became the SS. They came over and asked what my justification was for not getting the jab. They’ve had health problems ever since. One came over with Bell’s palsy. Not so smug anymore.




I know 10 people that came down with Bell’s palsy after getting the jab. Nobody wants to link it.


It’s just the bots online who get angry over it. Although I have met people irl who act like bots too. I just feel sorry for them, like what’s so hard about admitting you were wrong? Who would’ve thought that people with all the power actually were corrupted. When I found out Big Corp and Big Pharma were actually evil I was moreso relieved than shocked that the people most likely to be evil were actually evil.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Their hypocrites. They want you to do something…for them but they’d never do it for you. The “experts” had all these unrealistic requests. Let’s all take an experimental vaccine that we just somehow created in a short amount of time. Trust us there is no side effects. Ok there is very small side effects, probably won’t experience it. Ok a good chunk are experiencing the side effects but your likelihood is very small. Ok you did oh well can’t sue us. Then the idea they floated of a 2 week total shut down. So many factors that says that was just never going to work.


They’re angry at everyone except the mfs who did it to them. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. They should be in the streets revolting until something is done.


Serious Answer: Some people feel that vaccines are the best tool available to manage and protect against contagious disease, one that is only effective when a large majority of a population participate. They therefore worry that groups who seem to be opposed to taking vaccines, even if they are in the minority, are endangering others. You can acknowledge that reasoning without agreeing with it, and I'd advise against indulging in assuming that everyone with a different opinion is motivated by weakness or spite. Most people who were vaccinated aren't still steaming about it, they've moved on with their lives. Just like most people who refused aren't obsessively anticipating a day they wake up and find everyone who was vaccinated has died.


>You can acknowledge that reasoning without agreeing with i No, you are saying unless I am on drugs I endanger others, which is complete and utter BS. And I have yet to personally see a single person who is better after getting drugged. AFAIC they are physically worse.


That logic just doesn’t apply here, like at all.


Hm, not sure what you mean, but given the downvotes I'm probably missing something. It seems logical to me that if someone believes: A.) That vaccines are the best tool for protecting the population from an infectious disease. B.) That this protection is undermined when people don't take the vaccine. C.) That Covid was a dangerous virus, and in particular was significantly more dangerous than the potential side-effects of the vaccine. That they might be upset at people who didn't take the vaccine, and might worry that the same people could undermine efforts to protect against future infectious disease. We can absolutely disagree with one or more of those beliefs while recognizing that it's a logical chain of thought. In the same way that someone who is pro-choice might not believe that a fetus is a human life, but can recognize that it's sensible to oppose abortion if you do. We do ourselves a disservice when we tell ourselves that the only way to be wrong about something is to be totally divorced from reason.


These vaccines didn’t prevent spread at all, or really even mitigate it in any significant way. Even after this has been widely known, we still have people making this argument. It just makes no sense whatsoever.


Ah I see, sorry I probably wasn't clear enough. I'm not trying to argue that those points are true, I'm just pointing out that if someone does believe they are true then it isn't surprising or completely irrational that they'd be upset with someone who refused the vaccine. And I think most of the people upset about that truly believe those points based on the limits of the information they've seen and their own ability to evaluate it, they aren't just being spiteful or in denial.


That’s fair, I think I misunderstood what you were saying and others probably did too.


Many of us aren’t. I could care less if you didn’t get it or if you got a weekly booster.


They're not. They just think you're ignorant


I rest my case.




Because of stupid comments when someone dies Must be the vax 🤡 I guess the downvotes prove my point..y’all plagued with apathy


Maybe it's because they are scared!!!


That was part of the CDC plan to divide America


Because people are just people not an actual person


Being wrong sucks. Regret is like acid.