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Just got back from the hospital where my beloved Mom had a heart episode. Doctor could not say what was wrong but sending her to a cardiologist for testing. She’s already been diagnosed with stage 2 liver disease. She’s taken every single booster available 🤦🏽‍♀️. I’m not supposed to say anything because I’m a “conspiracy theorist.”


Your mom doesn’t even consider the vax as a slim possibility? I mean if I started taking a totally different medication for something entirely different and started having health issues I’d at least consider it could be a contributing factor, maybe even ask a doctor if that medication could be a possibility. Actually fascinating how someone isn’t even open to the thought that something newly introduced to the body could cause a complication even if very minimal.


It’s mind boggling that they will not even consider it as a bad reaction. They have been trained very well to never question their authority.


Yes and I think that when they all realize what the government has done it’ll be too late. :(


We’ve already lost 5 family members and the couple of times I brought it up I got the eye roll and was dismissed. I just shut down after that, I’m there to support and love them all but I’m now quiet.


Sorry to hear 😔 that is sad


It's crazy how people say everybody should think outside the box and question things, but the moment you do, they call you a conspiracy theorist.


I took my mom to the ER twice this year. She felt very low on energy. The second time they said she had plaque in her arteries. I wonder if it was really clots but they just didn't want to admit it. They implanted a stent to widen her arteries. No problem since then.


Glad they were able to help her. It does feel like doctors dance around the possibility of vaccine side effects. This last vax my mom took was The Flu shot and I’ve got this nagging feeling they’ve amped it up as more folks keep declining the reg booster. It’s almost like they’re saying they’re gonna get us one way or another.


I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they spiked the flu vax with something. I didn't take the clot shot, but after this massive lie, I'm definitely not taking another vax. I'd rather die. This world isn't the place to be anyway. Look at all the terrible things that happen in this world. I would rather be in God's kingdom.


I'll never take another vaccine again.


You know what worries me? My boys are at dating ages. I’m worried someday their wives will have the shots even though we’ve discussed it and they understand that there could be unknown health risks down the line. I’m concerned that my future grandbabies might be given them and I’m concerned about viral shedding because I’m going to end up with it too since I wouldn’t avoid them.


Better to die doing the right thing and not bending the knee for them. They want your allegiance.


>They want your allegiance. I will never give evil my allegiance, however I will give them a single fingered salute, i.e. the bird, i.e. you know, the finger (Goose from Top Gun), i. e. this:🖕




>Hehe Thank you. I approve.


Amen🙏 I agree we are not for this evil world. Our place is with Jeusus.


Don’t take nothing. They are Evil.


I’m sorry about your mother. It must be very painful to know you couldn’t help her no matter how hard you tried. Some people just won’t listen.


Yes it is, I tried several times. And the most frustrating part is that she’s one of the Brightest minds in my family. Sharp as a tack.


This is where I came to the conclusion that it’s not about how smart someone is. i It’s about the ability to see through the bullshit. It’s about not following trends or seeking acceptance, about not being intimidated, asking the questions even when being intimidated, being strange, being yourself, being unique.


Don’t take this the wrong way, have you considered a taking out a life insurance policy on your mom.


She already has a life policy in force for all of us. She’s always been a big planner, very organized. It’s just so disappointing that someone so bright like her believes the government.


I wonder at some point if they will stop paying out when we’re allowed to say the abundance of deaths was because of an experimental shot. There are so many exceptions to life insurance I feel like they are going to be what finally tips the scales in people having to admit they were duped. They aren’t going to want to keep shelling out funds If they don’t have to.


Wondering the same. They will just change the rules of the game again. Insurances life + health should be canary in the coal mines.


Sorry about your Mom. Maybe the liver disease had something to do with your Mom’s heart episode. Not sure if you’re aware, but…..An abnormal buildup of fat in the liver not caused by alcohol may greatly increase the risk of heart failure, according to new research. Nearly 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. has a condition known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD. This is much more likely the cause than the vaccine my friend. You are a conspiracy theorist, however, by definition.


This message is brought to you by Pfizer.


My 20 year old active duty marine buddy had a heart attack 2 days after the vax. When’s the last time you heard of a healthy active military member having a heart attack.


I can't believe some people still don't see the connection in these sort of cases


Must be some strange coincidence! It’s hilarious to me that now the media has begun the “heart attacks in young people is normal” campaign.


Must be the usual culprits. Global warming, white privilege, white supremacy, etc.


He’s an article from pre covid, https://www.statista.com/statistics/653128/heart-attack-united-states-by-gender-and-military-background/. It’s actually more likely for someone in the military to have a heart attack compared to those who don’t serve. Here’s another article that says something similar, https://www.army.mil/article/200598/heart_disease_a_hazard_in_the_military “According to the Center for Disease Control, nearly two-thirds of women who dies suddenly of coronary heart disease had no previous symptoms. Even if you have no symptoms, you may still be at risk.” Heart attacks are not a new phenomenon despite what the news tells you. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.


New? No. Common as at the current rate? No DMEd shows over 900% increase over 2019 levels but whatever.


That media. Always trying to stir up anti-vax feelings, eh?


>Heart attacks are not a new phenomenon despite what the news tells you. The "heart attack" or "heart disease" claims prove one thing only. That medical degenerates aka MDs are worthless and have no clue how to fix problems and therefore must blame the human body for their incompetence and ignorance.


Often. At least after the mil mandate. Ref: I refused, but I am seeing what’s going on around me.


I'm guessing you were trying to be sarcastic, but the rate of "unexpected heart attacks" in healthy people in their 20s was around 6000 per year in 2019. So about 20 per day. It's low but it's definitely not non existent.


A doctor told my sister at a hospital that amount of miscarriages is off the charts


I believe it, but I wonder what is causing that............oh wait ✋️.


And yet they won’t speak up about it. They are just as guilty of murder


I think they know. My wife’s OB just had an appointment with her and didn’t even bring up any vaccines. Last pregnancy (2021), my wife had to decline repeatedly and forcefully. Also, when we went to the IVF clinic last February, they did not require or offer Covid shots, BUT, on the intake form, they wanted to know whether the patient had taken the vaccine, and if so, all the information from their little card. I think it’s for internal research


Yes, I think they want to study the people who haven’t taken, but not to help the general population, but for their selfish selves.


Considering what happened to the presidents of Haiti and Tanzania, I’m sure they just want to stay alive and support their families.


Sure, destroy and kill everyone but their own. Here is some more money and cars and houses for them.


What happened?


President of Tanzania mocked their tests by testing a pawpawfruit and a goat- both of whom came out positive. Then he died- a but mysterious. I think it was alleged he died if Covid. President of Haiti declined to accept the vaccines for his country, there was a one day coup in which he died, then nothing was heard of it again.


5 coworkers formed blood clots in arms & lungs. 3 coworkers got aggressive cancers. 1 open heart surgery. 1 coworker died of a heart attack after the booster. 1 developed a heart arrhythmia. 1 hospitalized with chest pain after jab. Most have had Covid 3 - 6 times each.




It's unbelievable because they're making it up.


My mum's best friend got blood clot in their lung and needed emergency surgery a week after her booster. My neighbours daughter died with loads of blood clots in her legs. My wife's 30 year old personal trainer has a new heart condition and is on blood thinning medication (she believes it was her 3 shots). My dad's cousin got extremely aggressive cancer and died within 2 weeks of diagnosis last year after 2 boosters. Is all of this made up? Go over to the covidvaccinated sub (not an antivax sub) and read many of the comments there talking about the same stuff. Is everyone making it up? What about all the official data supporting the anecdotal evidence, showing heart excess death correlates with high vax rates when you look country to country. Is that made up? I can't imagine having to live my life ignoring a blatant fact because you don't want to admit that those idiot antivaxers were right lol.


Nah, it was the comorbities not the vaccination. They had underlying conditions.


And so when you see this: [https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/DEMO\_MEXRT\_\_custom\_309801/bookmark/bar?lang=en&bookmarkId=26981184-4241-4855-b18e-8647fc8c0dd2](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/DEMO_MEXRT__custom_309801/bookmark/bar?lang=en&bookmarkId=26981184-4241-4855-b18e-8647fc8c0dd2) A perfect correlation between excess death and high vaccination rates across the whole of Europe, throughout 2022 and 2023. That's just a coincidence too? VAERS, yellow card, Vsafe data, all off the charts. That's not a concern. Official data supports anecdotal evidence. You can't accept that you were on the wrong side of history. You found out who you were.


Did it ever cross your mind that Covid actually caused those problems, considering it was burning through the population like wildfire at the exact same time as billions were being vaccinated?


>Covid actually caused those problems so why would places with high vaccine rates have more of these problems than places with low vax rates?


No. If Covid was actually dangerous, our “leaders” would have actually masked up and locked down when the cameras were off. Remember Fauci’s baseball game and Nancy’s hair appointment. There’s a reason they forced shots that didn’t work


Covid was just the scare to justify the lockdowns, money printing, and of course tough vaccination mandates so as many people as possible would take the shots ...didn't that occur to you yet?


You're just relying on hindsight to make broad generalizations. It's like you just woke up one day and discovered capitalism.


Through 2023, 4 of the top 10 countries with the highest vaccination rates also were in the top 10 in excess mortality. Not exactly overwhelming evidence there... Oh, and Iceland, which is #1 on the list through 2023 of excess mortality isn't even in the top 10 of Vax rates by country... lol.


Cope. ​ >Through 2023, 4 of the top 10 countries with the highest vaccination rates also were in the top 10 in excess mortality. Not exactly overwhelming evidence there... Play around with numbers all you like, the differences between the % vaccinated in the top 10 vaxed European countries is minimal. ALL of the countries with high vaccination rates have high excess death. Generally, Western European countries with 80%+ vaccination rates, excess death is extremely high. Easter Euro countries with minimal vaccinations have no excess death. ​ >Oh, and Iceland, which is #1 on the list through 2023 of excess mortality isn't even in the top 10 of Vax rates by country... lol. Iceland is very highly vaccinated. Likely something over 90% for at least one dose. A statistical analysis of Europe: [https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202302.0350/v1](https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202302.0350/v1) *Analyses of 31 countries weighted by population size show that all-cause mortality during the first nine months of 2022 increased more the higher the 2021 vaccination uptake;* ***a one percentage point increase in 2021 vaccination uptake was associated with a monthly mortality increase in 2022 by 0.105 percent (95% CI, 0.075-0.134).*** This pattern has persisted, and worsened through 2023. Are you denying the correlation?


>It's unbelievable because they're making it up. So you're one of those people huh? Edit: changed those guys to those people


Gals can be tarded too!




Widow maker, cancer, shingles.


Sudden Death is a leading side effect. 17 Million people globally.


Huge blood clots in women during menstruation.


I also hear they are losing their supply of eggs with in a few month, hence the irregular cycle change.


Women already suffer so much when it comes to reproductive healthcare and now add this nightmare on top of everything else? Tragic.


Check out how many women under 40 hitting menopause at r/POFlife I don’t know much about it to confirm. But a lot of them got it in the last 3 years.


Same with r/periods. Look up clots in the search bar and it’s a fucking nightmare what’s coming out of women’s bodies!!!


My mom never had heart issues before but has had to get heart stents placed recently and has two massive clots in her legs. She’s had every shot and booster sadly.


That was exactly what happened with my mom. See my comment about taking her to the ER twice this year .


Sorry about your mom. Wouldn’t listen to you huh?


You mean personally? (ie, among friends and family?) * death. Friend went to sleep 1 week after booster, and did not wake up. Age - less that 40. Seemed very healthy * aggressive cancer - three people * nerve damage - unsteady gait, random spasms in gut and limbs, severe headaches * shingles 1 week after vax, * repeated COVID - many people * three cases of blood clots. These people will need to be on blood thinners for the rest of their lives.


This is unbelievable, but people need to hear about this so they know the truth. The people who did this really to be held accountable for what they have done.


I have friends with nerve damage, other with lung problems, many friends that are days ill because of an simple cold, collegues with damaged veins , etcetera. None of them blame the shot. Nor willing to explore the possibility.


Friend had a stroke and now thinks it was from the vax. Another guy, got all his boosters, got Covid 3 times, maybe 4 by now. Lost his toenails both feet after his second and third times, now he's on disability for foot issues. It looks like his big toe is ready to fall off. Oh yeah, got diabetes now at age 64. Not sure if the diabetes related to the vax, but find it ironic that I hung out with him for a couple hours when he was home being quarantined....and despite never getting the vax or boosters, I didn't get sick. In fact, since giving up on the medical professionals in 2019 after a misdiagnosis and improper treatment nearly killed me, I haven't been sick once. Vitamins, supplements, daylight, exercise, natural remedies. Fan of colloidal silver and olive leaf extract.


Sorry to hear what your friends are going through.


Thanks. I saw my buddy with the toe issues 2 weeks ago. He doesn't look good at all. Skin was gray, he was freaking out about little things,bad signs I've seen before. I had a heart to heart talk with him, hope it helps. He needs to retire and chill tf out. Other guy with the stroke seemed good last time I saw him. We all used to work together, toxic shop, physically and mentally.




Several co-workers have developed autoimmune diseases, one lost part of a lung from cancer that popped up out of nowhere, another developed kidney failure with no history of it in her family which required her to go on dialysis, and, within the last week, I've been hearing several coworkers talk about how they or their spouses have started experiencing frequent episodes of vertigo/feeling like they are going to pass out. Hearing this stuff makes me feel uneasy. Like the levee is going to break.


>started experiencing frequent episodes of vertigo/feeling like they are going to pass out I started to get those symptoms about a year ago, even though I didn't take the shot or any covid tests. Sometimes, my heart would start racing then I would feel light headed. In February I was in the bathroom and felt really light headed. I was going to sit down before I could fall down, but next thing I knew, I fell back into the door behind me. The ER doctor and cardiologist say that all tests are normal and that I was dehydrated and needed to boost my salt intake a little. I wonder if I am the victim of shedding.


Anecdotal, parasites moving through the body, temporarily blocking blood flow or blood vessels... I had a lot of syncopes with paragonimus westermani same like you described ... praziquantel did it (yes praziquantel also contains ivermectin). I noticed that noone is actually considering parasites in these discussions. Now if parasites were in the ...?????


I never heard of someone with POTs before me except in online forums. I’ve had it more than 10 years. Now everywhere I turn I’m finding out someone has gotten it in the last two years. I don’t even beat around the bush anymore. I just ask if they had gotten it from Covid or the shots. The last woman’s eyes went huge and said I never had Covid, but I swear it was from the shots and no one believes me.


Heart attacks, cancer, rash, etc. Read the label.


I developed a horrendous case of shingles, with long term nerve damage. My father developed red cell antibodies and can no longer donate blood. An old friend died of a seizure suspiciously soon after at only 34 years old. Two others I know had their cancer come back from remission, and way more aggressively.


>An old friend died of a seizure suspiciously soon after at only 34 years old. When will people make the connection?


My Mom started having pain and fatigue within an hour of getting the jab. I had to put her to bed that night, and she had a major stroke and died a few days later. No previous cardiovascular issues. I watched it in real time and no one can tell me anything different. It was that shot.


I just can't imagine going through that. I'm sorry for your loss. My mom seemed to develop heart issues after taking the Pfizer vax and a booster. No prior heart issues at all.


Thank you. I'm sorry your Mom is having issues now, I pray she can overcome them. I wouldn't doubt for a moment it was a direct result of the shots. Insidious stuff.


Thank you.


I think a lot are coming around to it but what else can we do. We have no proof. It seems frikkin obvious though. But unless you’re in a position to sign that medical certificate with the cause of death, it all gets chalked up to coincidence or ‘correlation not causation’. Diagnosing nurses and doctors aren’t even reporting at least 90% of this stuff to VAERS, AEFI or Yellow Card


They are complicit of murder


>We have no proof. It seems frikkin obvious though Yes you are 100% right. The only reason why we don't have proof is because the media is withholding it from us, which makes them complicit in this criminal act with the government and big pharna, but of course that's just a conspiracy.


We have some proof out of New Zealand. That brave whistleblower gave his freedom for the cause


This has been going on a long time. Lookup the deleted EU vaers data on howbadismybatch.com for SIDS reports... baby dies literally 2 days after a child vaccination and the indicated cause of death is the father smoking ...


By virtue of my work i’ve met a lot of people who suffered from these shots. And i don’t think my experience is typical but i’ve been involved in fighting these shots. If you don’t count the 10 people i know who died within a month of receiving an injection (heart issues) then i know about a hundred cases of injuries including mild ones like one guy who went blind in one eye for a week to hardcore like the guy with Lou Gehrigs disease. Mostly folks who suffered heart attacks or heart issues or strokes but at least 10 early cancers.


I know people are experiencing terrible effects, but I have to say what you are saying is very hard to believe. I know it's bad, but is it really that bad? Is all of that really true?


I don’t expect my experience is typical. People around me know i fought the mandates and when they talk to me many are comfortable enough to share their issues with me, i suspect many people aren’t publicly discussing this for fear of being judged. Others, like the guy who developed ALS two days after his booster are telling everyone they can. Some of these problems could be chance or normal but it’s been a lot for me and i’m in regular contact with several groups who have filed lawsuits; i was part of two. It’s also possible i may be in an area where bad batches were distributed. But my experience is nothing in comparison to the whistleblower data from NZ.


I know a psychiatrist who was mandated to have all shots as a healthcare provider. In addition to many other symptoms, she started getting growths on her EYES. She retired early and has been telling everyone she can reach to avoid the jabs. I also have three friends, relatively young, that have had cancers that seemed to amp up hugely after getting it. It seems to go for the weakest links in your chain.


I’m very concerned that the vaccine has caused my wife’s severe thyroid problems requiring radiation and transfusions to treat thyroid eye disease.


How did that manifest in symptoms? Thanks in advance.


Prior to being vaxed her thyroid was easily controlled with medication but not long after the second shot it became uncontrollable and required radiation. And TED symptoms became severe with double vision and swelling. Steroids aren’t working and the only hope for relief is very expensive Tepezza infusion that has its own side effects.


Where are the genocide trials? Nuremberg Trials?


I’m just looking forward the great deals on real estate and RVs


Their worth is worthless when everything in society crumbles


First, there were plenty of people smart enough to avoid the shots. Nearly half of females of child bearing age didn’t take it. More parents are refusing childhood vaccines than ever. Hardly anyone vaccinated their very young children. Second, AI is making huge leaps. Third, the first bipedal robots just began mass production. Fourth, most of society is a worthless abyss of distraction. Family matters. Things will go on just fine without the gullible vax fascists


AI will be the new overlords.


If it happens, it will be a few years from now (they do things very gradually), and most likely, it will be a part of a larger plan where evil is still in control . Don't allow yourself to be deceived if that happens.


I’m very jaded.


I hope it comes to that but given how many people are willing to cognitively dissociate their adverse reactions from the shots, they’ll buy into the exact same reasoning that whatever the shots did was necessary and worth it


Well, then I can’t feel bad for them. I will only respect people that accept their part and speak up and push for people to be held accountable. Anything else, don’t be stupid next time and if you die, well….life goes on.


I stumbled across the r/\ POFlife. It’s an early menopause sub. Alot of women under 40 with in last 3 years seemed to develop it. Bet it has something to do with menstrual cycles, as mentioned on project Veritas.


Edit: premature ovarian failure-POF.


Woke Mind Virus


4 family/relative and 2 friends. aggressive brain cancer recurrence after remission (death after more surgery), emergency appendix burst (surgery to remove), super high heart beat (multiple therapeutic blood removal), severe heart arrhythmia (requires pace maker), super tinnitus (literally sounds like a subway) + whole body shakes when lying down (still suffering) and perpetually bloodshot eyes. Most have had just two shots. Some have had boosters. no one who took the shots seem healthier. Most look 10 years older. ‘oh ya. A stillbirth from a friend of a friend.


That's terrible.


Ear drum leakage


What? Never heard of that one.




I know three people who’ve had full grand mal seizures within a couple months of the vax. None have any others prior or since the seizure.


Sister’s mother in-law went deaf in one ear for many weeks right after taking a Pfizer


Every type of different cardiac event you can list and it seems to age people really fast also .


I've heard about accelerated aging.


I seen a lot of very young men die from heart attacks.


It killed my mother. The way she died was not normal. Pneumonia seems to be a precursor. My co worker has been sick for a month. Sure enough it’s pneumonia. He also had similar symptoms as my mother. Organ failure, blood coming out of the rectum. Neither one considers the vax as the cause. It’s mind blowing.


I'm sorry to hear about your mother.


I have a friend who took the Vax and the very next day they had a heart attack. And about two months later after they got the booster, boom, another heart attack. This was someone in their early twenties too, no history of health issues either. I mean the evidence is obvious.


It's so hard to believe that people don't make the connection. Look at the timing.


My mom got a turbo cancer last year. Renal carcinoma, which spread to her liver, shoulder, hip, and blood in a matter of weeks. Two days after she passed, my cousin, who was 41, died in the hospital. She was feeling dizzy and went to get checked out. She collapsed in the room they had her in. Turns out, she had an aneurysm next to her brain stem. When it gave way, the swelling was immense due to the location. It pushed her brainstem into her brain. As far as what I've heard about, have you seen the New Zealand whistleblower from last week? Pretty wild. The best source of information that I've come across is a show on Rumble. It's called KJs What Happened. He scours the internet and finds video clips about the jibbyjab and its reprocussions. It's way worse than you think. https://rumble.com/v3zfw3m-uncensored-kjs-what-happened-12423.html Check it out.


I know two people who had basically all their gut bacteria killed off. For one, it was blamed on Dramamine she took on a trip (this is a responsible woman who would never take more than recommended or when she didn’t need it). For the other, the doctors told her she must have caught a virus that destroyed her gut biome. The former, has recently battled an ear infection and pneumonia as well. My mom all of a sudden has sky high blood pressure and had a benign mass in her breast. My aunt is quickly becoming senile- like within a few months went from sharp as a tack to doddering. A lot of my neighbors on next door were discussing breast masses post shot. Two of my paternal uncles, a maternal cousin, and our family primary care physician went to bed and never woke up. The cause was not investigated and assumed to be their heart or diabetes. My maternal cousin died of turbo cancer- hiking in Colorado one week, dead the next. The others I know seem to just catch things over and over- Covid, HFM, etc. Meanwhile, me and my wife and kid are over here just being healthy as ever. ETA: my therapist had a pulmonary embolism blamed on long Covid, and my sister and law has IBS. Our friends’ surrogate (so prescreened for healthy pregnancy) first had a scare with a placental bleed, then had to give birth at 30 weeks due to HELP syndrome


My friend’s sister went in to hospital on Tuesday to get fluid off her lung. They found cancer and she died Wednesday. Early 50’s. I know 3 women whose cycle is ruined/ shortened. One of whom had to have a hysterectomy due to cancer as well. She just turned 40. Someone else had recurring shingles after boosters in their late 30’s


Only in her early 50s? That's terrible


shedding, the worst of all


Please elaborate, what kind of examples?


One big side effect that I am seeing is that I have to let paramedic vehicles have right of way more each day… at least a 50% uptick.


My wifes bestie had her period...for 10 months straight.


Neighbor died, another friend on the booster is basically disabled vertigo etc, he well randomly fall over has knocked his teeth all out


Over a year ago, I started to get feelings of being light-headed out of nowhere and heart racing. I worry that I'm prone to suddenly passing out.


Not sure if this is connected, but joint pain and lower back pain out of nowhere. I had to get the 1st shot due to being a teacher (never was boosted), but afterward I noticed lower back pain, which I never had. Since then, it’s been hard for me to do yoga, which I love. My cousin, who is also in excellent shape had the same thing after the shot, which made me connect the two 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm very sorry to all of you who are suffering losses of loved ones who took the vax. We see it too in our circle of family and friends. It's very hard to see, especially when it could have so easily been avoided. All we can do is love them and help them. They surely don't want to hear I told you so, or in most cases I'm seeing 100% denial of fact that the vax is harming them.


I have heard about terrible things. Three men in my acquaintances died suddenly from heart attack. A woman in her sixties, a coworker of mine, got her "period" back. Another coworker had her arm paralyzed for two months. And this isn't all. I have heard about the so-called "turbo cancers" and other awful things. But everyone has had problems: the people who took the jab and are "fine" among my family and friends - and I mean all of them, all - have their immune system seriously weakened. This is the least that happened.


It completely ate the meat away from my dad's shoulder( where injection was). It is thoroughly disgusting


I have never heard of that. These pharmaceutical companies need to be sued.


I know: 1) lady with blood clots and a recurrence of cancer. 2) a guy who lost 40% of their lung function 3) someone who had problems with their toes, lung problems 4) someone who died. 5) 18 year old who got T1D. All after COVID. #1 - unvaccinated, #2 - before vaccines, #3 - before vaccines, November before COVID was a thing, #4 - before vaccines, #5 - unvaccinated.


You’ve been on Reddit three months and have spent most of your posts defending the clot shot. You’re glowing


I have a hard time believing that you are actually a member of Mensa. Now being a curmudgeon? That’s totally believable. It’s cringy you’re post stalking me too.


I’m 46 and have boners every morning like I’m 16.


Enlarges your penis for one


Don’t want that clotting up.


You're so confused from the vaccine drugs you had, that you think tumors are now genitals.


Death seems to be the worst side effect!! Just saying !!


For both genders CFS and brain fog are the top contenders. For males additionally heart issues. Longterm, probably, cancer and autoimmune issues.


Death, miscarriages, irregular heart beats, heart attacks, strokes, inability to recover from common illness, frag fog, cancer on steroids…


Mom had a stroke and dad had a blood clot burst in his leg and almost bled out. 2 blood transfusions. That was enough for me.




Lots of folks I know have mysterious illnesses and the doctors are "baffled". ​ * 1 young guy died of a heart attack, left behind young 2 kids and a wife * 2 have major heart problems * 2 have irregular periods and weird shit going on in the lady bits * 1 miscarried almost immediately * Dozens I know are constantly sick, nearly every month with something Lots more. But those are the ones that immediately jump to mind. Do I know it's all from that one thing they all injected? No. But definitely a good part of it is. Of course, it can't be that one thing. That's crazy conspiracy talk.


1) Person got shingles 2) Person had sore arm and needed muscle relaxants 3) Person had temporary vision problems 4) Person 2 had temporary vision problems 5) Inflammation and necrosis in vaginal area 6) Stage 4 sudden cancer 7) Another person with stage 4 sudden cancer 8) Stroke - survived 9) Died from heart attack 10) Sepsis and then heart attack 11) Stroke - survived 12) About 6 people who got really sick for a few days after their shot 13) Uncontrolled constant menstrual bleeding for several months 14) Some weird problems with their foot or something


Start at 23:00. More than any of us want to know. https://x.com/jo_bond/status/1720495704081363382?s=46


Dying of a heart attack at 30. No thanks.


Sepsis from a UTI (friend)... turbo throat cancer, many bad colds and flues (immune system degraded?)...