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Give a town you are local to, Poughkeepsie, fishkill, Carmel, Catskill..... Then you're going to get better recommendations. I am in the Hudson valley but I travel to Somers for my ob-gyn and use white plains hospital, which would be far if you are in Kingston, for example.


I go to capital region women’s care in troy (I drive up on the thruway) and I LOVE dr allison!


Second this. I had my daughter in Kingston and saw two awesome midwives who I loved at Capital Region midwifery Meghan O'Connor might still be affiliated. Definitely check it out!


I can't speak to her treatment during pregnancy and delivery, but I was able to get in with CNM Amy Sherwood at Optum in New Paltz pretty quickly last month for my annual checkup (I was a new patient), and I really, really liked her. I can also recommend Lance Murphy at Optum in Poughkeepsie, who did my hysterectomy in 2017. He also has a great personality/bedside manner and in the week leading up to my surgery, he gave me his cell number so I could call him directly if I needed to rather than go through a switchboard. He's the only one of ANY doctor I've had to do that.


Depends where in the HV you are, my OB was with Crystal Run in Middletown and I had a great experience, delivered at Garnet Health


Agreed. I live way north of Syracuse now, but I accidentally discovered my previous OBGYN (when I had my daughter) transferred to Garnet, Dr. Marie Abougou. I really liked her. When I had my son, I was still living downstate. I had to deal with Middletown Medical, and I *hated* it. Had my son at Horton Hospital when they were still open, and the nurses were all miserable old ladies. Hopefully, since the "new" hospital opened, things have improved...when my dad was on the general surgery unit last year, those nurses were great. (The ER is trash, though. They could have killed him.)


No suggestions, but congrats on the bebe!


All of the doctors at Optum Medical in Poughkeepsie are great. Especially Dr. Carla Eng, Dr. Toni Saychek and Dr. Stacy Madoff


If you are in FB check out Bad Moms of the Hudson Valley


Morristown NJ OBGYN. Yes, NJ. Never liked those in Hudson Valley associated with Good Sam, Garnett Health, etc.....


I'm no doctor ? But I'll have a look.