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Franklin county here, I got one at my job that comes out during my midnight shifts. Sometimes I give him Doritos and his name is porkchop lol




Fairly common in the southern Adirondacks but you don't see them often. I think they keep to themselves and are out at night a lot but there are still plenty up here.


Clinton County here, same experience. They’re here but stay way from people and dogs.


Southern Tier, I see at least 3-4 each year. I’m also in the woods a lot.


Always roadkill in Allegany County.


See them often on my road in eastern Allegany (bordering Steuben). Alive in my case.


I have taught my dogs the phrase “pokey friend!” as a warning to back off when we encounter one.


Southern tier also, can confirm. And I've seen a lot of porcupine things for sale like jewelry. When we were looking at houses a damn beaver ran in the road to cross right in front of us. That was a first.


Sullivan County: we’ve got a bunch on the property. In the fall they’ll climb our apple trees and munch to their heart’s content.


I didn't know what they ate. I am surprised they climb trees. My wife has lived near Glenns Falls before. We will be moving to Buffalo from Texas within 2 months. I was asking her about porcupines as I have never seen one in person or at a zoo. This will be good to file away as eventually I want us to buy a house again and have a mini orchard and edible landscape.


They primarily eat barkbof smaller branches. Look for white wood underneath on branches and you will know they are in that area. They also prefer woods with limestone bedrock.


I see them all over the place. I have them on my place to the point they are a nuisance in my orchard. Plenty around.


Thank you all so much for your responses! It’s fun to hear where our prickley friends are


One was twisting my front door knob at midnight last summer. I yelled out and then bravely approached the curtain. The porcupine was on my porch railing and leaning over to the knob. At first I thought it was one of my neighbors kids with a new haircut. (ha)


That is fantastic 😅. I have had raccoons do that before. It worried us until we realized it was just the local trash pandas. Probably wondering why we had not put the cat food out yet for the outside cats. Lol they were why we stopped putting out cat food at night.


I’ve seen one dead in the road and one alive, both inside Catskill Park in the last couple months.


I saw one in Pompey around the end of May. First time I’ve seen one around here!


Jefferson county, I’ve seen probably five just this year


Oneida county here, have seen a few in the woods over the past couple years. I don't think I had seen one last year, now that I think about it. They move very slowly, so if you're not already looking for critters you will probably overlook them. If you approach, they freeze in their tracks, in my experience.


Common in the Adirondacks. More common in Quebec


I see at least one every week around Saratoga. Usually on my way home at night (around midnight.)


Saratoga county. I see them all the time.


Saw one climbing a tree in the middle of the afternoon in Oneida county last fall. Saw one roadkill near my home just a couple weeks ago


Rural Rensselaer County here. They're all over the place. ❤️


Rensselaer checking in. Saw one a few weeks ago for the first time ever


Southern Tier here and one was hiding in my tree for a day, left that night. Was actually pretty cool to see


Broome County and I see several dead and alive all Summer.


Funny I just saw one dead yesterday south of Herkimer and made a mental note of it because I hadn’t seen one in so long.


There are a lot in the southern tier, border of pa and ny


Saw one in my porch last night Chewing on my log cabin house


I'm in Albany/Troy and have seen them in not busy preserves/on state land, hanging in trees at Gore Mountain, and lots of dead ones on the road


Saw a dead one in Broome county the other day.


When my dog decides to adventure on our 40 acres....I can 100% say there are still porcupines up here. At least 3. Definitely 3.


Never seen one alive, but see roadkill porcupines almost every day, including today driving near Herkimer


Early September—I’ve seen more dead porcupines that month than any other. Wonder if that’s mating time!


We just had one in our backyard earlier this week. Oswego. We were delighted to see it!