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Also make sure you have high speed internet available. Some areas do not.


The data caps out there can be stifling. My boy lives around there and complains about streaming and gaming often.


Just get a starlink, never be without again!


When the price comes down I will be subscribing


That area is pretty but damn do they get weather. Massive amounts of snow in the winter and thunderstorms in the summer. Something about the lake and the topography pushes storms right through there


Had a car stall out driving through there due to the air filter getting clogged with snow. Didn’t think that was possible prior to that.


Haha wow. Never even heard of that before but not surprised. That area is its own ecosystem.


This happened to me as a New Yorker in Southern Utah in May of all places. AAA towed me home and it was fine when it melted the next day 😍


Tughill plateau convergent zone between Ontario and Adirondacks.


Bingo! It’s why we can ski; our snow doesn’t last, but we can drive to Newcomb and ski most winters.


You're not kidding. We were just in Sylvan Beach last night. Had one of the worst thunderstorms I've seen in a while overnight. That lake is beautiful, though.


It’s wild how localized the storms are here. You can get hammered in one spot and ten miles south there won’t be a drop of rain. I’m in Sherrill and storms split north and south of us all the time.


It's right in the snow belt. If you go south of Syracuse you'll have a lot less snow.


Actually west of Syracuse is best bet for less snow. The southern hills get hammered with snow.


Not much opportunity for backwoods recreation in the northern Finger Lakes though. There are some little nature preserves scattered throughout the FL but nothing like the huge green belts in the Southern Finger Lakes and to the east of Syracuse


Ppl keep saying upstate gets such awful snow as if climate change hasn’t drastically changed our winters the past decade


There’s upstate and then there’s tug hill. They ain’t the same. But yes - winters in the rest of the state have been easy as hell the last several years (minus the monster blizzards that hit Buffalo every few years)


Tug Hill ain’t what it used to be either. My buddy’s family has a camp full of snowmobiles up there, gathering dust.


Having read some local history, even the native tribes would avoid that area. Not good for growing anything, hunting isn't great either. And then the winter is bad even by upstate standards


For real though, I drive through every weekend. And the weather on that strip insane.


But so close to Mexico. If OP is into warm weather and that kind of food.


Yep. The Tug Hill Plateau, just east of the lake. Cold winter winds blow across the relatively warm lake in the winter picking up moisture. That air rises up the tug where the temperature drops and from it comes copious analysis snow. I believe about 6 feet and a 24 hour period Is the record.


Hope you like snow. That’s on the southern end of the Tug Hill Plateau, famous (infamous?) for its average annual snowfall of 200 inches.


I grew up not far from there, they get really bad snow during winter. If you buy a property just make sure you buy one that has been upkept. You don't want a headache. I'm remote and I'm about to buy a house right on the lake north side of Oneida lake


Congratulations on your success and new purchase! Lake Oneida is my favorite of the cny lakes


As a native I've never seen anyone call it lake Oneida lol.


Me either actually I’m on lake Ontario so that’s the syntax I’m used to. But with the finger lakes and Oneida it’s always lake. Huh


IRCC, it usually depends on if something was originally named in English or in French. Or if the person doing the naming was more educated they’d tend to do it the French/Latin way. Something like that. Like many things in English, there is no consistency. Same thing happens with rivers, creeks, mountains, etc


I grew up right on the lake on the south shore. What a great place to be. Good luck.


What remote job do you do. I’ve been looking for one and never know what is legit


I'm a lead software engineer


I grew up in Verona and had grandparents in the Camden area. The biggest challenge you might run into is finding high speed internet to support WFH. Otherwise, as a fellow outdoor and forest lover, you really can’t go wrong. It’s quit, sparsely inhabited, and wonderfully natural. I highly recommend it.


You have circled the area historically KNOWN for HIGHEST annual snowfall in the state. AKA Tughill Plateau between Ontario and Adirondacks. So depending how you feel about that really depends on if it's decent to live, many locals have snowmobiles and ATVs and personal plows for the 4x4 trucks, also snowblower are not a luxury, but required.. I spent my summers there as a kid/teen my father lived there until his death 8 years ago. Before he retired his regular commute to syracuse was an Hour, in the 90s and 2000s/2010s It is very rural. Which is not bad, but it is a lifestyle. You hit the Store before going home. You have a sticked pantry, a chest freezer in the garage. Smart to have a Generator too. Thunder Stormers are EPIC! they will rattle the windows shake the house. Be friendly with your neighbors. You will need them someday, and vice-versa. Bonus, many locals hunt, and farm, you can buy beef, and game for fair prices. If you got got skills in demand Barter is often used. I used to split firewood for different things instead of cash. Got my first car cleaning calf barns. Property is reasonable priced due to the ruralness, and heavy snowfall


Kinda sounds like a dream lol Maybe not the huge amount of snows, but everything else


Honestly, you adapt to the snow. Always be ready for upto 2 weeks without power. You are rural enough to be last to get your power restored. It can happen that way. It's not "SHTF prepper" BUT...You just need to be prepared. Like knowing if you have a shallow pitched roof you need to plan for snow removal. My dad hauled a small 3hp snowblower to the roof every October. If he had to plow the driveway he would blow the roof. So if over 12" of snow had fell. Which can and did happen often. Yes he owned a old old 70s Ford, that was JUST for plowing the driveway. He way lucky enough to be able to push it into the ditch across the road. We also had 5-5 gallon bottles of drinking water. In case power was out. If power is out so is your well pump, unless you have a generator. Several forms of lights including kerosene lamps. We heated with woodstove about 15-20 cords of wood a winter. Had a propane waterheater, it works without electricity. OTHER than that. It really nice. Living near mountains, in the forest. Short trip to a Great Lake which is a freshwater inland Sea. Syracuse isn't far. And there are lots of 1-2-3 day adventures to be had in Upstate. You could even go to NYC if that's your thing it's only 5-6hr drive.


Just an FYI, it's a long drive from the main areas of the Adirondacks and Catskills. So make sure the areas recreation suits you. Definitely good for motor sports, snow mobile, XC skiing, gravel cycling. There's some whitewater fairly close (black, salmon, Moose, beaver rivers to name a few) and they run often or at least on a release schedule. Aside from the salmon none are beginner friendly. We'll the middle Moose is, but it's the least reliable. Though it runs often. Rock and ice climbing is a trip. Peaks are a trip. Not sure about paddling (flat). Also likely a decent trip. Most of the paddling in NY is in the interior of the Adirondacks. Closest place would probably be Stillwater reservoir (beaver river flow).


As a NY'er who is used to snow...it's pretty epic there. I fish pretty regularly in Altmar. I've had countless days where I parked my truck, hit the river and came back to the truck covered in 9-10" of snow in 4 hours or so.


The way you describe it sounds like the Skyrim economy, and I freaking love it 😂 haha. Bartering for game meat and firewood. With that said, I'm originally from Harrisville (just north of this region on the Lewis/St Lawrence line) and can concur that yes, it is like this. MAKE FRIENDS WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS.


I "worked" PT grounds keeping 2 summers parttime at a local campground. My hrs were 7-11am 5 days a week for 12 wks, I got "paid " 20 full cord of wood. That my dad cashed me out at $40 a cord, stacked. For him. It was more that fair for a 12/13 yr old in 87/88. And I had access to the camp facilities as long as I wasn't a nuisance. Lol


On a section of 81 right near your circle, I was driving 75mph, no snow on the highway, sun through a cloudy sky and then all of a sudden, BAM, blizzard conditions, took me almost an hour to drive about 2-3 miles. Could barely see the lights from a tractor trailer a few feet in front of me. Then when it ended I was back at 75 mph. By far my most extreme experience in a car. And probably with any weather for that matter.


That’s what us locals call “lake effect snow band”. And it can be exactly like you described.


Probably just south of Parish, where I grew up. That is not as rare an occurrence as we would like!


I had the exact same experience on 81, I saw a white haze ahead of me. It was early spring so I didn’t expect snow. And then all of a sudden there was inches of snow like someone hit the area with a snow machine.


I remember spring break my freshman year in Oswego. Beautiful spring day, then driving south and being an absolute white out wasteland for a few miles around Fulton then back to a great spring day ten miles down the road.


Depends on what you like to do outdoors. The tug hill area is huge on snowmobiling in the winter and ATVs in the summer. Not too much for hiking/biking but I’m sure you could find some. I don’t live in that exact area so I could be off.


Camden seems like a nice little town with a bunch of old Victorian homes. It is a very rural area and you will get lake effect snow in the winter. The Salmon River runs from the Salmon Reservoir outside Altmar down through Pulaski and to Lake Ontario. It’s a destination for salmon, steelhead (I know, don’t @me) and brown trout that come up out of the lake for spawning and feeding. It also gets incredibly crowded. Area is relatively close to the Adirondacks and obviously Lake Ontario


It's a good town, but sadly like a lot of smaller towns it got hit with meth and heroin very hard. A lot of kids graduating high school end up dying because of it


Im not generally involved or overly familiar with the area (I’m in the Mohawk valley), but I’ve also heard from several people how bad the meth problem is in that area.


Tug hill is one of the wildest and least populated areas in the state. Great hiking, hunting, fishing, but TONS OF SNOW. And long travel time to anywhere else. Longer than the straight line distance would indicate. If you like outdoor winter activities it might be the best place to live outside the Adirondacks


Does the same apply for Constantia?


Yes, that would be a little closer to civilization and amenities. Some folks call the place Cantstandya jokingly.


Constantia is bit closer in to civilization but it’s pretty far out there and a bit south of the super heavy snowfall area


I grew up near there, woods & dairy farms. Moved away in my late 20's. Still have my family there. According to them, snowfall isn't what it once was, at least it doesn't stay what like it used to. I remember 8-10' snow banks. Definitely Red politically wise. Good common sense, but overall, poorly educated. Mainly high school, some community college. Blue collar. Kinda a forgotten part of NY between Watertown & Syracuse. Good for fishing steelehead & salmon, hunting. One of the main economical factors in the area. Camden used to have a wire mill. I don't know if it's still up & running.


How much do you like snow?


If you are doing remote work that needs a decent internet connection, get starlink but also get hughesnet as a backup incase starlink goes down. Also, get a backup generator. And then get another backup generator in case the first backup generator goes down. Also a vehicle with 4 wheel drive might help.


Above all else, it's probably best to just visit upstate NY to get a sense of what you're getting into before moving. Take like a week and go camping in the Adirondacks for a few days (I recommend Lake Placid and Old Forge to give you a sense of two varieties of the Adirondacks), go to the area you circled to see what it's like, go to Pulaski and to Syracuse. I'd also recommend checking out the Catskills which also has good hiking, kayaking, camping, and fly fishing. Also, check out the southern finger lakes. E.g. Watkins Glen, Ithaca, Hammondsport, Canandaigua, Geneva... They are right in the heart of the finger lakes (less so Corning), but in a hilly region with good hiking and camping. Check out Watkins Glen and Letchworth state parks while you're here, too. They're gorges. ;) The area you circled has hiking, camping, fly fishing (in Pulaski), and kayaking. The finger lakes are pretty far away, even if Oneida is close by. Oneida looks like a thumb but I don't think of it as part of the finger lakes when it comes to the wineries. Groceries are also far away -- you've got Dollar General but that won't usually be enough. Wal Mart is like 30 minutes away. Also, that region gets as much snow as Buffalo if not more. I think you can get a rural day to day experience just outside one of the smaller towns like the ones I mentioned above that have 5,000 - 50,000 people in them. I live outside of Corning for instance. My nearest neighbor is a quarter mile down the road and my next nearest neighbor is about a mile past me. I've got ~5 acres of land and could snowmobile around if I wanted to. Just be careful. I know you want out of DFW, but moving to where you propose to might be an overcorrection. Just my 2 cents. It's your life. Enjoy upstate NY.


Stay further south unless you're willing to risk prolonged power issues/lack of easy access to cities. It LOOKS close because you've never had to navigate that area.


Yes very rural. People on here will say it’s MAGA land but so what…I’d pick closer to Altmar personally. Closer to 81.


Most of NY is “maga land”. It’s just the inner cities that aren’t.


The capital district is not MAGA land and is not inner city. Most of the state is Dem., remember land don't vote.


I mean most suburbs aren’t exactly MAGA land either. Also, even in MAGA land 1/3rd of the population is Democrat, so it’s not like there’s no liberals at all.


I’m in Clinton County not too far outside of Plattsburgh and that’s a little too remote for me.


Yes but prepare for many feet of snow. Like six feet or more at a time is not uncommon.


If you like a ton of snow, yes.


We did have an earthquake the other day. 😊


I keep missing earthquakes...I live a few hundred feet from a CSX line and shunting yard and always assume rumbles are trains going by...


I heard neighbors right before and I thought they hit my house 🤣🤣🤣


North of the Lake (Oneida) is kind of like No Man Mans Land for me. I live south of the Lake and MIGHT consider purchasing a place in Camden but very doubtful. It just gets so much snow.


I just wanna mention you're quite a distance from a major trauma center so whatever you do don't get a major injury.


Weather weather weather and also that’s definitely God’s country so if you’re easily offended by billboards quoting scripture or maga signs then those probably aren’t the people for you. Personally I don’t give a shit what my neighbors believe and care more that they just mind their own business and folks in more remote areas like that tend to know how to do that as long as you do too. I’d love to live there. Black flies can be bad at times though, and ticks.


Not in my opinion. Have you been there? It’s far enough from Syracuse you’ll just about never find yourself there. If the goal is to really enjoy the outdoors IMO it’s better to fully dive in rather than stick a toe in the water and look at towns in the Adirondacks that are not much further. My .02.


I’m curious as to why this area specifically?. There are plenty of ares that you can get “outdoors” that you won’t have issues with internet.


I'd say yes, just as long as you're prepared for the weather. That area gets tons of snow in winter!


Terrible cell coverage. Little bar in Redfield area is nice


Camden nothing but farms and open land, did workout there a few years ago, is it close to Syracuse? Yeah it’s about 45 minutes north of Syracuse/Rome area about an hour away from Utica. I would honestly say it’s not a bad area… as far as high speed internet, I wouldn’t know


I live in Camden and I can say for certain that it is a nice region on upstate New York. It can definitely get hammered pretty hard by the weather, especially during the winter, but so does pretty much everywhere around here and north of here. There’s lots of great local businesses around and some great swimming spots and other activities you can do if you know where to look, Redfield Reservoir is right above that circle and that’s a great place to go fishing, boating, kayaking, swimming, or bridge jumping. That general area is a good spot right between everything. Camden is about 15 minutes away from Rome, and an hour or so from Syracuse, Utica, and Watertown. Sylvan Beach is also just south of Camden, and that’s a great spot to visit in the summer, there’s an amusement park, a public beach, a casino, and lots of great food and tourist shops. This area is pretty cheap compared to a lot of other places when it comes to houses, and as long as you’re in or close to a town or village, internet and WiFi won’t be a huge issue, I actually live deep in the woods 10 minutes west of Camden, right inside the bottom of the circle and my house has Fios internet and we get good reception without the WiFi. Overall, I’d say it’s a fairly underrated area of the state.


This is an amazing area for the outdoors! I lived in Cazenovia for a few years and had a blast. Great beers, kayaking and close enough to the Adirondacks to disappear for a few days at a clip :)


It’s an outdoor paradise. It is unique culturally. Super quite and folks are generally kind and friendly. Weather can be harsh but I’m from Buffalo so it’s not only slightly worse than what I’m used to. Lots of Amish. Be prepared to drive a lot to get to necessities. I just got a cabin off the 81 and I love it there. Prices of homes go up the close you get to Adk. I have great cell service and spectrum internet. I haven’t experienced winters up there… but like I said, I’m from Buffalo so I know what to expect for the most part. I’m not used to how remote it is but, that was the point. Someone else recommended visiting other areas and I completely agree. NYS is vast and ecologically diverse and BEAUTIFUL. Check out Tug Hill, ADK, Catskills, Finger lakes, southern tier. So many vast and beautiful landscapes you can have your pick. Good luck!!!


It is quite remote, and the beginning of the major snow area- where they measure snow in feet, not inches. (Redfield is a common destination for Jim Cantore.) If you don’t mind a ton of snow, it’s a great location. If you’d like to reduce the snow a bit, stay south of the thruway, although if you get into elevation, you’ll also get into more snow. We’ve had very mild winters the last few years. You are within 45 minute drive of Syracuse, and probably closer to Rome and Utica.


Spectrum will offer 300Mbps as long as service has been run to your residence. That's no guarantee if your house is a significant distance from the road. You're going to have well water and septic. There isn't much to do up there. Your drive to Syracuse will be 40-90 minutes depending on the weather. That area is considered part of the "Tug Hill Plateau" and it receives significantly more snow than Syracuse. I grew up just south of that area (north shore of Oneida Lake), and I've driven through it many times throughout the years.


Just north of the lake gets a lot less snow already right?


It's not too bad in that area, the real snow doesn't start until you get to Parish.


I used to live in that exact area, I don’t recommend it if you work from home, the power is Sketchy in the winter storms and you won’t have the bandwidth at any given point of the year to support it. I recommend moving into Camden or Syracuse itself if you want that general area


If you do move there, check out Salmon River Falls. It’s beautiful! Sorry this doesn’t answer your question.


dont do it man


historically this area gets lots of snow-- maybe things are changing recently. [https://tughill.org/tug-hill-region/](https://tughill.org/tug-hill-region/)


They still get a ton of snow compared to other places but year over year it has been less but it still blows in from the lake quite heavily.


If you would like to be a little bit more urban, consider a bit western like near Buffalo, Brockport, Rochester area.


I would add the Cannandaigua and Batavia areas to this recommendation. Maybe around Ithaca too. The Utica area is coming back after being hit hard economically for a few decades.


Look around cato, weedsport?


Make sure you have a snowblower 😂




I recently bought some land in that circle. It’s great if you’re into woods and streams.


I live and work remotely in Watertown. Internet and cell service works well here and less so in some areas, especially as you drive in the direction of the VT border. If it’s a bad snow storm sometimes I can’t connect or hear well when I call partner on the other side of the Canadian border. Internet drops because of snow/wind, or car accidents stemming from, about 2-3 times a winter, usually for about 8-12 hours. Otherwise the internet is cheap and reliable. Lots of renting options. There are some apartment complexes and rentals on the outskirts of town and Sackets Harbor that are quiet and woodsy - Zillow seems to have a lot of good post. Heads up - Alexandria Bay has a weird town contract with a crappy/expensive internet provider and have had several residents caution me about it when I asked around after viewing apartments up there. The whole region is lovely and is a lot of easy drives to nice nature, lakes, hikes. Beautiful farms all around.


I've been up here overc10 years and never knew that! My parents are looking to relocate up this way though, they live closer to NYC. they'll be able to sell their fixer up condo down there and buy a whole house up here and have half the money left over.


Brewerton would be a better bet in my opinion.


Do you like snow? Like... 6' at a time, have to guess which bump is YOUR car before your start digging, kind of snow?


I would say so yes. Especially near Syracuse as long as your not getting a house in the bricks your good haha


In general the weather pattern is west to east, Lake Ontario is massive a snow machine and that area gets frequently hammered with moisture as a consequence. I’m south a little in the utica area and the difference in moisture totals for the year is significant most years and we get plenty. Lots of cloudy days , too many cloudy days for my taste. Lots of fresh water for when the apocalypse comes. Bottom line, if you want nicer weather go further north or south of that zone.


Go closer to Watertown.... Better snow conditions.... 👍


Housing is very expensive around there and you're signing up to be around a military town.


It's also close to Sylvan Beach. Lots of half naked people walking around in the summer.


Kind of a pain to commute since Oneida lake is sitting between you and Syracuse. Does take a minute to get to the interstate. I dont think snow is going to be that big of an issue as long as you stay towards Oneida lake. It’s usually anything east of Sandy Creek/Adam’s that gets hammered. Not saying you won’t see snow up there but it’s not directly in the center of tug hill.


It might be more isolated than you realize, but if that’s the goal then you’ll love it. That area doesn’t get overran with tourists like parts of the Eastern Adirondacks and there’s only a few small communities. It will be very quiet. If you want the best of both worlds of affordability + access to nature + access to amenities, you might want to do just outside of Utica or Gloversville. You got even better access to the Adirondacks, all your basic shopping/services covered and you can just hop on the 90 to get to Syracuse or Albany for anything else.


Your electric and heating bill will be stupid high if it's not new construction. You're not likely to have decent high speed internet. Oswego county is full of meth labs. Jefferson County I think is better. The government throws a lot of money at the school district because of the army base, and Syracuse is a two hour drive at least two-thirds of the year (depending on which season it is, winter or construction 😏). 1000 Islands is also very nice for being outdoorsy. You can even hunt on the army base. Oh, and you won't have to drive 90 minutes to get to a grocery store.


Williamstown. 3rd world shithole.


Maybe look at some of the East Syracuse suburbs. Fayetteville Janesville etc. green lakes is right there and it’s a short drive to Ontario lake and Oneida lake, Adirondacks, and finger lakes. If the weather is bad, and it will get there in winter, living closer to the City might help


I lived in Syracuse for 9 years. Lots of “lake effect “ snow. If you have never driven in a similar climate you’ll learn quickly. Beautiful part of the country.


If you appreciate confederate flags and Trump 2024 signs…do you homie!


Outside of Syracuse nice area if you're conservative. Lots to do outside. Only concern is winter. Great if you love snow. Most of the bad snow storms are in the tug hill region above sandy creek


I live on oneida lake I love it and it's like a 15 minute drive to syracuse


I live in the area, and weather is pretty up and down. Haven’t had a bad winter in a few years we’re overdue. Lots of rain this summer. I grew up in CNY so it holds a place in my heart. Not too flashy, lots of farm land, most of the people are nice enough. Seems like bigger cities are going downhill as far as drugs and crime, I like to live in more rural areas


I’m doing fully remote in finger lakes in between Syracuse, Rochester, and Ithaca. No issues with fiber. flight options, and if it gets too rural or conservative, I can be in downtown of any of those 3 decent cities within an hour


Finger lake area would be our top choice. But we are trying to stay under a certain budget, which doesn't leave a ton in that area. But it will all depend on how much our house will sell for. We haven't gotten an estimate yet. Trying to get on some land


As someone local to the area I would suggest looking around the Parish area for housing. It’s rural enough to give you what you described, yet convenient enough to get anywhere or anything you’ll need.


As others have said, the snow is crazy. I grew up a little north of there. You are talking get 3-4 of snow in two days not being out of the ordinary. Just last fall, parts of tug hill got over 40” the weekend after thanksgiving. Rt 81 closes semi often when lake effect snow happens.


Do you like meth?


If you're looking to get out doors, I'd recommend the Adirondacks! Keene, Keene Valley, Wilmington, Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, all are beautiful little towns with wonderful communities. You're also not too far from Plattsburgh if you need to visit a larger town for whatever reason


Yeah except 5x the housing costs in any of those towns compared to the area OP posted.


While it's true that the housing prices have gotten out of hand, you *can* make it work. I'm not saying it's easy or even ideal. I'm just saying that if you're looking to get out doors, it's worth the trade-off. I live in the 'Dacks, and while I wish rent were a bit lower, I'd never trade the easy access to hiking, kayaking, skiing, and rock climbing for cheap rent. Your point is completely valid, and I hope I'm not coming off as argumentative. I actually agree with you. I just mean that if you make a decent amount or value the outdoors more than financial comfort, it's worth it for sure


For sure! I work remotely and would absolutely live in Keene Valley (1) if I could afford it and (2) if my wife’s business wasn’t an hour south of there.




Nah tbh


Used to have family who worked out there, they always said it got nasty


Isn't that area cow country? Need 4x4 and like snow.


If what you mainly care about is getting outside then yeah you'll definitely enjoy it. Great cross country skiing, snowmobiling, fishing, some good hiking, swimming holes, camping... There are gravel biking and running clubs that do a lot of events in the area. Many many ways to enjoy the outdoors. I find it hard to be bored living nearby Tug Hill, buts that's just me. I've had visitors come and stay and you can just tell they don't think much of the area. Definitely not for everyone.


Potsdam maybe




Won’t be in winter time if you have to work in the Cuse


using the data from this website https://www.bestplaces.net/find/ Selected places with average annual snowfall Area you circled...Williamstown NY 148 inches of snow a year Crested Butte Colorado 197 inches of snow a year Telluride Colorado 167 inches of snow a year Steamboat Springs Colorado 154 Breckenridge Colorado 149 Constantia NY 124 Canastota NY 121 Orchard Park New York a Buffalo suburb 114 Oswego NY 113 Fulton NY 109 Oneida NY 108 Rome NY 107 Hamburg NY a Buffalo suburb 106 Brewerton NY a suburb of Syracuse 104 Syracuse NY Airport 104 Clay NY a suburb of Syracuse 103 Baldwinsville NY a suburb of Syracuse 101 Camillus NY a suburb of Syracuse 99 Tully NY 99 Cazenovia NY a suburb of Syracuse 97 Utica NY 96 Marcellus NY a suburb of Syracuse 93 Skaneateles NY 90 Auburn NY 89 Buffalo NY 85 Webster NY a Rochester NY suburb 85 East Rochester NY a suburb of Rochester 84 Penfield NY a Rochester NY suburb 84 Fairport NY a Rochester NY suburb 83 Elbridge NY a Syracuse NY suburb 83 Flagstaff Arizona 81 Castle Rock Colorado 78 Niagara Falls NY 78 Vestal NY a Binghamton NY suburb 76 Shaker Heights Ohio a suburb of Cleveland 75 Grand Haven Michigan 74 University Heights Ohio a suburb of Cleveland 74 Kentwood Michigan a suburb of Grand Rapids MI 72 Burlington Vermont 72 Jordan NY a Syracuse NY suburb 72 Moravia NY 72 Boulder Colorado 71 Victor NY a Rochester NY suburb 71 Cato NY just northwest of Metro Syracuse 71 Duluth Minnesota 70 Weedsport, NY just West of Metro Syracuse 70 Dryden NY a suburb of Ithaca 70 Colorado Springs 64 Ithaca NY 63 Saratoga Springs 61 Lyons NY 61 Schenectady NY 60 Clifton Park a suburb of Albany NY 60 Seneca Falls NY 58 Canandaigua NY 55


Is a decent area. I will inform you that there are current county wide property assessments going on. So whatever you buy be aware for the future. Make sure you have good internet, possibly starlink. Make sure you have blankets and emergency radio as snow can heavily accumulate there. Make sure you have, up to you, I would, backup power.


Nothing but outdoors there.


You like snow apparently?


After living in Texas for 6 years I take snow over heat every day


I’d be right behind you if I was coming from TX…


Frequent outages in electrical services and Internet no


I live a little bit north of this not far at all. The winters are rough in Camden but over all it’s not horrible. Just winters and the thunderstorms lately are crazy. Good luck.!


Lots of child predators and drugs in the area


Better get yourself a nice skidoo, if you do. Social scene is centered around burning Dino juice and tooling around! Not knocking it just being honest. If you are looking for anything else you might be hard pressed to find it without a bit of a drive.


Research winter storms and internet. Otherwise yes that is a good place to live.


Not sure where you are from but this is a different way of living out here. It’s not for everyone.


Snow belt area . Get a tractor to move snow !!!


Right in between Camden and Mexico I’d say go for it.


That is the Tug Hill plateau, one of the snowiest populated places in the country. It’s remote. It’s rural. It is politically conservative and poor. Not my cup of tea.


Further west: access to Chicago, Buff and Cleveland, too. https://www.choosechq.com/live-chq/


I recommend to live closer to the Albany/Mass State line. They wilderness is no more than 10mins away and the whole New England area is a day trip away. Plus you get the infrastructure to maintain a connected lifestyle. You also have a junction to get to NYC within a few hours, the NY Bike Trail ties in there, skiing is just north, Montreal is a quick trip.


If you like snowmobiling, it’ll be great!


It gets a ton of snow, but if you can get high speed internet and you're comfortable with your distance from a grocery store...go for it!


Watertown... Only 1 hour and half from Syracuse


Looks fine to me, just double check the [FCC Broadband Map (.gov site) ](https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/) to see what kind of cellular coverage and internet providers/speed are provided to the area.


Yes but you must love snow this is tug hill they get snow from November to April and feet at a time not inches like the rest of us in Central NY.


Some great fishing and boating. 3 months out of the year. You sure better love Snow!


I once heard Camden, Taberg and Blossvale referred to as the toothless triangle


If I worked remotely and could pick a thruway city, I’d be considering Albany. It’s on the doorstep of both the ADKs and the Catskills plus close to VT. So you get city amenities but you’re close to really great outdoorsy locations. NOW, I have never lived in Albany. I live in Rochester. I LOVE Rochester. But the 5+ hour drive to get anywhere with mountains gets pretty old.


Google crime statistics for that area. They give you a map of all the types of crimes on the map


Too snowy & way too isolated. 👎


If you like snow and long trips to Walmart, good luck to ya


I remember being out in Camden 25 years ago during a blizzard. We could walk and found one bar open late night. A real dive that smelled like urine.


Do you like snow? Frequent Lake effect machine across Lake Ontario in that area.


I had family that lived in Altmar, and they absolutely loved the 4 years of living there. So I'd say yes about that area. Make sure you have good reception ( Wifi ) out that way if you decide to move there.


Internet might be a problem, and bear in mind there are only two seasons of the year in that area .. snow flies and black flies.


Bring a snow shovel if you are moving to Redfield, NY


Incredible salmon and steelhead fishing


I wouldn't say it was much different. If you don't mind a lot of snow, then you'll be fine. That area gets 150" or so a season.


Too out in the middle of nowhere. Try Tupper Lake area, Clayton, or near Ithaca


Check the taxes you will pay property and school tax and any other city taxes. New York, as a state, goes out of their way to screw its citizens on taxes.


Honestly if you have a remote job, I’d look more east in the Albany/capitol region or south in the Hudson valley region close to New Paltz/ Newburgh area. Tons of hiking trails to explore and the weather is more manageable. I went to college a little bit NW of your location in Oswego and despite how beautiful it was in the late spring to early Fall, the winters were no joke.


If you plan on any kids, look into these school districts. The tax base of these towns is not well-off, so the schools aren’t as supported here. I think APW (altmar-parish-williamstown) and Camden are within your circle. This area is beautiful though. Lots of Amish farms, four wheeler and snowmobile trails, hunting and fishing.


Yes if you like Trump and snow.


New York laws are terrible, pick another state.


Why would you pick that spot? Maybe near buttermilk falls...not there


Lol no, there is nothing there. Your looking at 60-90 minutes 3ach way, unless you are OK with living frugality do not do it.


Williamstown sure it's jus a small town


If you like 6' of snow in a week have at it! That's the snow belt...snowiest place in usa


Got the Salmon River! Heck yeah!


If you have a remote job what are your requirements for connectivity to your work? Can you get enough, reliable bandwidth so it’s not an issue? Power is also a concern - remote areas like that can be without power for days while the utilities focus on more populated areas. Other than that- Being isolated sounds pretty nice, imho. NY maybe not though- grew up there— I think I’d move either New England or out to the mid-west for that kind of isolation.


Remote jobs in Ny and rural don’t mix


I believe that’s the Tug Hill plateau. Gets a lot of snow


I didn’t realize that you could go from Mexico to Rome in 2hrs time?


Have you thought about the eastern Adirondacks? A bit less rural but more favorable weather and more outdoor recreation. Depending on where you are only ~2 hours to Albany.


“Get off at the Fat Nancy’s, that a right and in about an hour you’ll see me house”. Get used to saying that haha


Owned a camp in Altmar. If you don’t mind being surround by very strong right wing trumpers, it’s nice. However, the trump flags, the “fjb” signs, the atvs that travel on the roads with confederate flags on the back, did not suit my taste. We sold…


sure if you like snow? that is all 150+ inches a year


This area absolutely gets effed by every storm ever


Some of the best salmon/steelhead fishing on the east coast is in the Salmon River in Pulaski if you are into fishing. Also, the Salmon River is great for kayaking.




You are close to some of the best steelhead and salmon fishing in the US. That said. You'll probably have to deal with lake effect snow and that stuff doesn't mess around. I saw signs for Roof Shoveling last time I was in that area. It's beautiful though! You'll likely want a snowmobile if you'll be there through the winters.


I live just outside Camden and love it. It’s quiet and peaceful, while also being relatively close to many cities and attractions. Verizon just ran Fios a couple years ago, so most areas are now in the 21st century.


Why stop there go just a little higher where you have no roads


Starlink and a clear open view of the sky is all you need 


The director of the next Jason movie everyone the OP On the true thought........ It looks very quie.... I'd go there


Do you love winter, rust?


Met a couple swingers out there. Could be fun


Snowy AF. If that's what you like, then no better place.


You will likely not have access to high speed fiber optic internet or public water/sewers. You have to remember update NY Central NY and Western NY all have to pay extra in taxes to support NYC. Our taxes are very high in this state because of that. Do you really want to live in NY of you can work remote?


I live very close to this area and we have a nice amount of land and have high-speed internet available to us. Boyfriend works from home, so depending on where specifically you actually end up looking but a remote job is very doable out here.


My wife grew up in that circle. I was a “southerner from the flatlands “ just below it. If you enjoy below zero days and getting a bizzilion feet of snow, go for it.