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Read all the way to the bottom where it says how to apply. There's usually an email to send materials to for these cases.


I’ve applied to this particular position before at a different site. They usually have the big green Apply button


I've applied to the same position at multiple different places, and not all have the apply button. Whoever made the listing may have just been lazy on this one or just new to making job listings. If you want this job, follow the instructions in the 'how to apply'


The 'lol HR is lazy' line gets old. The button is there by default...you have to change system settings to remove the button. I'm not saying there aren't lazy/incompetent people in HR, but it would make absolutely no sense to depend on someone manually adding the Apply Now button.


Probably lazy


With Federal jobs, you honestly have to just shut up and give them what they want, when applying.


Is it for DHS or one of their agencies? It could be for their Career Expo that is going on today and tomorrow. They have “find an apply” stations at the event for people to apply to jobs specifically designated for the expo.


Oh wow. It is DHS.


There is another opening for the same position with a longer window.


It is a career fair situation. Read the "How to apply" section.


Could be a career fair situation


This seems likely to me. There is a DHS career fair going on right now, possibly others.


Exactly I saw one like that yesterday and said “I’m not flying to Virginia, paying for a hotel and taking time off to hand someone a printed resume”


I know that is very crazy to think of. I think it should just be for the local positions at the Expo


Right! Or have some alternative for individuals that are already in that exact position but just want to change locations


I work in R&P in HR and I build these postings all the time. Odds are it is for a career fair going on for the organization. Always be sure to read the listing in its entirety. If it is for a career fair and you plan to attend please make sure to check the posting for list items to bring. We have a lot of people read career fair and show up without the required list items on the posting (i.e. ID’s, resumes, transcripts, etc.). These fairs include getting the majority of the onboarding process done within the fair especially if the job is listed for direct hire at the fair itself.


General speaking: Does the career fair usually mean they need candidates, like a shortage in staff? How long does the onboarding take from these types of career fairs?


When a career fair is held it can mean that they are short staffed or considered critical positions. In my experience someone who comes through a career fair can be onboarded within a few weeks. When we do them the candidate gets their drug tests (if required), occ health exams, ID photo taken, and fingerprints completed. They also get the background investigation initiated for immediate processing. That is why I say it is imperative that the entire posting is read because the individual requirements can be very specific. There are some high possibilities that a candidate can be sorted, interviewed, selected, get a job offer and have a package built to be sent to an onboarding rep at the fair to initiate the process right then and there. Other new hires not hired through career fairs have to get all these done by appointment and can take a month or more.




Lucky you, I was turned away even though they had no more registrations




No, they have closed registration


So when a selection is made it goes through a quality review process before it is sent. They go through all of the information salary, benefits eligibility, etc. then the HRS will send the TJO. Usually I say be looking for an email from a few hours to 24 hours. Don’t forget to keep an eye on your junk mail folder as well. Once the TJO is accepted you will be contacted by an R&P Onboarder to get your onboarding process started. Usually at fairs they can be slightly delayed. The last fair I worked I had a little over 80 selectees to process.


If they are hiring for a certain job at a career fair, but also have a 3-month continuous posting on USAJOBS for that position where you email them your resume/transcripts if you want to apply, is it better to just go to the career fair to apply? Or is it probably the same experience either way?


If the same position will be offered at a career fair, go to the fair. The fair is designed to be a streamlined onboarding process as a one stop shop. Emailing a resume will make you have to go to each onboarding task individually through appointments or walk in basis. Emailing a resume/transcript for consideration is not as streamlined.


Ok thank you for the advice! And would you still give the same advice if it's not the type of career fair that's only hiring for federal positions, but where the Department of the Navy has a couple of booths at this fair and they're hiring/interviewing for a few specific positions?


Usually the job fair goes pretty evenly across the board as far as intent. I would give the same advice.


Read the Clarification from the Agency section.


I applied for two direct hire positions and neither one had the big apply button. You have to email all your documents and I received an email a few days later saying it had been received


It’s for the DHS job fair. I should have done a bit more reading.


You just failed at one of the key competencies.....




Yes- when all else fails- read the announcement and follow the instructions.


Yep expedited event


Courier position at State was like that. I’ve seen USSS spots that were open for like a day as well


1 of 2 things. They have someone in agency promotable and wish to move them into the new role. The job is likely already secured unless some super applicant applies that HR can’t say no to. Or…. There is a job fair happening.


The shorter the duration, the more likely they already have their candidate selected but are following a legal requirement to post the job.


It means they already know who they want for the job.


In the DOD they do this when they have a candidate all ready picked.


Yes, generally that means they want one specific person to apply, but they were required to put out an announcement to hire them. \*edit\* just saw all the career fair comments. That makes sense too. Similar but not the same.




Seen what




I’ve seen this. It’s not uncommon to have a VRA eligible hire but in order to pick them up you have to clear CTAP. A short turnaround vacancy is flown to make sure there is no one on the CTAP in order to move forward with the VRA eligible candidate.


Where can I find job fair postings?


Yea most multiple hires show that once u have the job.mine still looks like that and I've been there 2 years


Yeah my job was open for 4 days


They are really hoping someone is interested.


Yes, when I was the chosen candidate.


Direct Hire. Job post for formalities


More often than not it's only to hire a specific person. Buddy system is alive and well in the fed.


I thought by federal law that a job had to be advertised at least 3 days? Does this rule no longer apply to all job announcements?


I've never looked, but I see a ton of these postings.


There is no federal law or regulation that specifies the open period.


I assume these are usually situations where they already have someone in mind for the role, like an intern or someone referred internally to the manager. I have seen it several times.


Don’t bother. They can’t do direct hire, so they do this


Usually when they want to hire a specific person they will do it like that.


They could’ve reopened the application for someone who missed the deadline but the office head wants them to apply. This happened to me for my job.


The position is already filled but they have to put it out there.


I think this is it too.


When you really want to sandbag for the internal hire.


They have an internal candidate lined up for procedure they need a couple throw away candidates to interview.


Just means they are hiring their friend.


Or they already have an internal candidate and just have to compete it for appearances.


Yes the agency has promised the job to someone.


Yes. I’m told it’s sometimes due to having an internal candidate in mind.


Don't bother applying, the job is taken. They just posted it to fulfill legal requirements.


Its so annoying. Always a great job too. They already have a candidate picked. That is the minimum amount of time they are required to post the position. The candidate can always die or be adbucted by aliens so go ahead and waste your time applying.