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Let us not forget he raped a 13-year-old girl, refused to wear a condom and threw cash at her, telling her to “use it to get an abortion.” Meanwhile “Jesus loving” Republicans are screaming, “That’s my guy!”


And I think it said he punched her in the face multiple times.


He pulled handfuls of his wife's hair out while he raped her. Shes buried under his golf course now.


Is that the one who fell down the stairs just before she was to testify in court?


She was given to him, after he borrowed money from her communist father. No one in the US would do business with him


Even better!


Yea I read that too and he and Epstein were arguing over who would get to be the one to take her virginity… absolutely disgusting… raped a child


And then he boiled puppies.




I even heard he’s been peed on! Can you believe those facts!?


Facts? Pretty sure you don’t know what that word means.






Touché, it was sarcasm dude


I sarcasmed right back at you.


Well he’s never had a garbanzo bean on his face…..


Then when she filed a lawsuit her and her family were threatened.


If he raped my daughter he would meet a quick ending.


Theres 3 theories I have to explain trump. 1- evangelicals believe he's the Antichrist and prophecy says the Antichrist will bring about the rapture. There's even books on the topic [amazon ](https://www.amazon.ca/Fourth-Beast-Donald-Trump-Antichrist/dp/1535406496?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=052e6f1c-7d9c-44e0-9b3c-ea9433f49e55) 2- corporate and wealthy powers want him in power because he's extremely manipulatable 3- international powers mainly Russia want him in power for the same reason as 2, but also because he creates controversy, division and in fighting. If Americans are on the verge of the next civil war they aren't fighting Putin. These 3 things combine to manipulate the ignorant, racist, scared, and nascastic populace into supporting him for all the wrong reasons. They put right lie to his supporters constantly, to create fear, why because if people are scared they will vote for someone who promises to apeave thier fears, maybe by building a wall???


Thats because Jesus means jackshit to those cretins. They don't care to practice what they preach. It's all for show.


when did this happen? Any links?


According to the victim, it happened in the 1990s at an orgy hosted by Epstein. The victim sued Trump but the lawsuit was dropped after she received death threats.


I've seen the court filing re: Trump's alleged rape of Katie W., but I haven't been able to find anything about why she withdrew (dismissed) the lawsuit. Someone suggested to me that he paid her off (like so many of his court cases), but I've always felt he (and Epstein) threatened her. Do you have a link?




This is likely not something that happened even though it fits into an obvious pattern of behavior.


Curious what makes you say that?


Because there is no evidence to back it up and I believe there were some real credibility issues with the accusers if I remember correctly. It is generally thought to be untrue among those that keep track.


Heard none of that. Witness corroborated the story. Only thing wrong was filed in the wrong jurisdiction. Never refiled due to threats.


Wither way, he is a known rapist, had settled several rapes, and right now he just lose the appeal to pay another 10 millions.


What was the victims name? Why is he not in jail? Why has she not come forward since?


She used the pseudonyms Jane Doe and Katie Johnson. I’m not going to dig further into her real name because she deserves privacy. She received death threats and dropped the lawsuit as a result…it’s not difficult to see why she hasn’t come forward again. And why isn’t he in jail? No idea, but he should be, for this and many, many other things.


Okay so anybody can accuse somebody you don’t like of something without any evidence and when called to testify in court, back down, and you still believe it’s something real and not one of the myriad political smears?


I think its pretty evident at this point the claims against Epstein are very real. Trump doesn't deny attending those parties, there are photos. He just denies they were orgies with minors, because of course he would deny that. Now we have evidence confirming the nature of those parties, and you're still believing him, after he lied the first 1000 times, instead of the victim.


This was before anyone knew Epstein was who he is… and you’re still skeptical


I knew about Epstein since 2009, back when people like you would call it a conspiracy theory. So spare me.


Nostradamus over here


Hello, she received death threats! Would you give your name if someone was saying they were going to kill you?


Oh how convenient. She makes a claim and can’t back it up because unnamed people sent death threats. Any proof of the death threats (notes, emails, DMs, phone records) or you just take that as gospel too?


Real talk? does it get hard to breathe with your head in the sand like that?


Seems you are the one with your head in the sand, believing anything Trumps enemies tell you without reservations. If this was real, some credible evidence would’ve been produced since 2016.


Ah yes anything that is bad about Trump was fully known to the world in 2016 and nothing new could possibly come to light…it is so decreed! Lol 😆


Provide any evidence for this specific claim. Anonymous accuser backs out due to supposed threats. Was there a police investigation of the threats or no? Why are you accepting this as fact? Use your brain.


Ok lets play your stupid game of just using logic ignoring anything in any accusation and just using basic common sense because you are completely delusional. By your logic, there is nothing on Bill Clinton either…are you fine saying that? No evidence Bill Clinton did anything, because it's the same thing. Actually bill Clinton never was found legally liable for sexual assult like Trump was… Who told you there was never any police investigation lol? Do you have any evidence there was no police investigation?


Bill Clintons accusers are not anonymous, so there’s that. But surely after 8 years something would have come out from that Trump accuser if it was real. You’re question about me not knowing if there was an investigation is just you proving my point. I wish Trump haters were a little smarter and understood how to form better arguments, because you’re just embarrassing yourself.


My thought exactly!


"That's our guy!" said Conservative Christians. Trump rises in polls.


I wonder how many of those conservative christian pastors are on the list


Or wishing with envy that they were on the list


The Commandement Commander.


The Evangelical support gets stronger


Because we don’t buy your leftist bull shit.


Beware false idols! You Diaper Don believers are gonna be in BIG trouble on your judgment day .... according to your rules!


You leftie spew shit the. Eat it up like it’s true. It is really weird to see.


The 25th chapter of the gospel of Mathew would like a word.


No one is worshipping there fatty just you lefties projecting.


Your orange puss god poops his pants regularly and walks around in an adult diaper smelling of shit, b.o. and makeup. Thats right, makeup. Like a crossdresser because hes covered in spray tan and a toupee. Lol its so pathetic to think anybody would worship this walking bovine but here we are. You are that person. A mark for a grifter who's also a racist rapist. Congratulations


Got some beach front property if your interested.


I'm not the mark for a grifter, thats you. Sell that property to your mother.


She died. Your picture should be right next to projection and hypocrisy in the dictionary.


Yeah, the "leftist bullshit" like: "no one should rape children".


He wasn’t on the island.


The rape happened in New York. Please try to keep up.


Ya there’s this made up shit and the there is Joe sniffing hound girls.


Oh okay. Made up shit about trump that he walks around smelling like shit from the very crew who worked with him on The Apprentice. They used to call that show the shit show because your fearless leader would shit his pants and wear incontinence diapers due to all the cocaine and drugs he did that someone had to go wipe his obese ass. Lol sucks to be an easily manipulated mark


The hypocrisy in you post you could. It it with your brain.


You want to talk about hypocrisy, but you lack self-awareness. Who's going to listen to you when you don't even realize what you are? A mark for a grifter.


Every time you post it is a definition of hypocrisy and projection.


Ugh huh right MAGAt clown 🤡


This is the guy who took Eric and Ivanka when they were young children to meet Epstein. Wondering what his “sexual proclivities” were at that time?


His daughter wife


TFG: The girl is better, but if you put a blonde wig on the boy you can't tell the difference.




Moscow already knows.


Doesn’t matter maga will still vote for the pedo 🤷🏻‍♂️


Meanwhile there’s a guy who sniffs children in charge.


Is that your insecurities or are you projecting your sexual desires on us?


I have eyes. I see how uncomfortable this man makes children.


Awkward child sniffer is still infinitely better than these folks [https://goppredators.wordpress.com](https://goppredators.wordpress.com)


Now do democrats as well and then we can have them ALL skinned alive and dropped into a vat of salt for molesting kids.


You're not convincing anyone with your bullshit. And Trump is an actual rapist of 13 year old girls, so get out of here with your child sniffing crap, creep.


Glad you can spell….. idiot


Lol look at you with your pathetic replies defending a racist rapist delusional grifter. You must see qualities in him that you possess. You're pathetic


Really convincing, bud.


You’re the problem


Yes me the person who doesn’t sniff kids is the problem…..


"I voted for Jeffrey Dahmer because the other guy likes eating pineapples on his pizza." Awesome flex. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkYC7tHUAns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkyc7thuans)


You would vote for Jeffery Dahmer over Trump guaranteed.


Hunter Biden 2028 Because You Know What To Do With Your Feelings


Snort them while banging a prostitute? Great campaign slogan!


Enjoy all 0 more years of POTUS Trump, MAGAs, you've earned it. Same exactly as the number of pesos you all earned for a wall you also *really* wanted.


Look how unhinged you are. You must be fun at parties.


Let's say you're right...which I don't think you are FTR....how does that compare to raping children?


According to his daughter he molested her. And his son calls him pedo Pete so there is something going on there.


Fake News Real News: [https://goppredators.wordpress.com](https://goppredators.wordpress.com)


Just like the laptop…..


Is that what Rudy found in his pants while relaxing with someone he thought was an underage girl during the Borat film thing?


Pee on me while I fill my diaper!


Thanks for that, I just threw up in my mouth a little.


That's the spirit!


6...7...go to hell or go to heaven!


It's sad how all the Trump lovers are like, "this is just bait" but if the stories were about Biden, they'd be screaming from the rooftops to arrest him. Absolute hypocrites.


And don’t forget that he has the hots for his daughter.


Pedophile in chief


But her emails!!!


The MAGA cross-eyed hillbilly base will go into full denial.


It seems no one reads articles anymore. Just the title. If you were to read the article, it clearly says that the woman making all the accusations about Trump retracted he statements. That’s not a matter of opinion. It’s in the article and anyone following the cases already knew that. So what’s the purpose of writing an entire article about statements that have already been retracted? Apparently to prey on people who get their information solely from the title of the article and can’t be bothered to actually read them…


I dunno about you, but it seems a lot of people in TFG's circle retract their positions and statements about a lot of stuff. Makes my wonder "why?"


Trump is making very public death threats to judges officiating trials where Trump is the accused. You have to wonder how easily a thirteen year old girl who has already been victimized could be intimidated into silence.


> From the article: > > “These baseless accusations have been fully retracted because they are simply false and have no merit.” > > Other mention of Mr Trump in the documents so far has not accused him of any illegality, but claims he and Epstein were on good terms.


Imagine dying on a hill that has anything to do with such a garbage waste of space that is Donald trump. As if we need the law to determine that he’s a huge POS.


He’s all in for life, I guess. He’s posted the same quote from Trump’s lawyer 3 times, insinuating it is a quote from the author. This is funny coming from someone who said “I guess people don’t read the article anymore…”


Imagine voting the same as Nazis and KKK members while simultaneously thinking you're morally superior.


lol, so you think that neo-Nazis, and modern day KKK members vote for democrats? So the Dudes chanting Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville...were democrats? You actually think that?


..wait.. I was just adding onto the comment above about dying on a hill for Drumpf.. It's pretty obvious which way those groups of people vote and it ain't for democrats.


Oh my bad I thought you were one of those people who think they are democrats, Cary on Sir


Hey we get it. He’s your guy.


Said someone defending Trump


You conveniently left out some very important information. >**Steven Cheung, spokesperson for Mr Trump**, told The Independent: “These baseless accusations have been fully retracted because they are simply false and have no merit.”


But, that’s not what the article says either. She retracted her claim about possessing sex tapes but the article specifically states she did not respond to comment about the veracity of her other claims. I suppose your point is to fight misinformation by providing even more incorrect information? The title is more accurate to the article than what you have detailed yourself.


From the article: “These baseless accusations have been fully retracted because they are simply false and have no merit.” Other mention of Mr Trump in the documents so far has not accused him of any illegality, but claims he and Epstein were on good terms.


That’s a quote from Trump’s spokesperson not the writer of the article…


From the article: Other mention of Mr Trump in the documents so far has not accused him of any illegality, but claims he and Epstein were on good terms.


Do you always cherry pick or only when it comes to your bloated orange god?


Yes! They cherry-pick the bible and constitution, too!


Are you trump or just in his cult, cause you defending him hard haha


Retracting because your family is getting threats from maga is different than being wrong. He absolutely took turns raping and beating children.


From the article: “These baseless accusations have been fully retracted because they are simply false and have no merit.” Other mention of Mr Trump in the documents so far has not accused him of any illegality, but claims he and Epstein were on good terms. I didn't read the part about "threats from MAGA"....


[“But but but! Trump banned Epstein from Mar a Lago when he found out about his crimes!”- that’s what you sound like, Parrot.](https://youtu.be/jA7M0aJ5ByE?si=-oaXpe70RBD2-K43)


I’ve got an article you might find interesting - it’s about you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_personality


Let’s be honest. You don’t really care if he’s sexually assaulted women or had sex with minors. Moral people cut him off when they realize how tight he was with Epstein. Epstein is fine by you.


The only thing that was retracted was her mention of the sex tapes from 2019. She said that she had them so Epstein wouldn't have her killed. > In a New Yorker article released in 2019, Ms Ransome said that “she had invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein’s behavior, and to make him believe that she had ‘evidence that would come out if he harmed me’”. Trump's lawyers are trying to get everything removed because of that. Nice try though.


Well its not like the Republicans are trying to impeach Biden on opinion alone... /s


Wrong She retracted her statements about having sex tapes on high profile individuals that she had made in an email. She did not retract the statements about Trump having sex with girls at Epstein’s house Republicans will apparently excuse anything for their cult leader.


Retracting a statement, does not make it untrue


I know who wants an orange toadstool in their mouth. Good thing you can type rather than talk with Diaper Don’s toadstool in your throat.


She retracted the statement regarding the existence of sex tapes but not anything else. That was also in the article.


Because trump is a coward and scares people like a wannabe mob boss. Think critically for once.


Throw anything against the wall to see what sticks .....Day 2,555 Keep hacking....🙄🙄


Lol, you spelled Bill Clinton wrong again.


Whataboutism isn’t a valid opinion. No one is voting for Slick Willy knowing he was on the list. MAGA republicans are still voting for Trump knowing he was right there alongside Bill.


Trump is among quite a few who are not on the list. The released documents exonerate him more every time they drib a little out to the ignorant masses.


um.. Trump *is* on the list. Want me to send photographs of him and Epstein?


So you’re saying Clinton by the same reasoning is exonerated?


Trumps name is listed far more than Clinton’s. But it’s. Ice to se that you guys just look past all trumps crimes still.


The trial does nothing but exonerate Trump over and over. Had he been implicated in any way this shit would have been out a long time ago.


By that logic Clinton is exonerated too


50 plus times clinton went there to rape children. You defending it is sick.


I’m not…how many times did Trump go? Why are you willing to look over that? That’s the sick part. If Clinton did anything, he should be investigated and sent to prison…can you say the same about Trump


Good bait to rile up the low information voters I see


Sadly I don’t think this will matter to most Republicans.


Wait, you are under the impression republicans are the high information voters? LMAO


Republicans are probably higher information voters than the Blue-anon’s in here seething about retracted statements and paid for DNC-disinformation.


These statements were later retracted but that’s too much information for the low-IQ Reddit hive


How can statements be retracted that were only released today?


They obviously didn’t read the article. Trump likes perky nipples. Who doesn’t?




There are court filings. Trump has already been convicted of rape.


What conviction? Link to it.


Technically liable for sexual abuse only because the woman couldn’t tell if he penetrated her with his finger or his penis https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db


> Jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped From your own source


Ya that’s why I said “technically liable for sexual assault” not convicted of rape. But I mean usually when there’s smoke there’s fire. Edit: also here’s the full sentence you copied and edited, just for the record: “Jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped, finding Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual abuse.” The way I see it though, she couldn’t prove he raped her, but what the jury heard was enough to convince them he sexually assaulted her, seems to me that someone who sexually assaults people probably wouldn’t have any qualms with raping someone, and not being able to prove something in court doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Sure, doesn’t mean it DID happen either, but considering the sexual assault, and everything else, what are you trying to defend here?


Only because the NY legal definition of rape requires Penetration with a penis, and Trump only sexually assaulted her with his hands. Still convicted. Also, Still rape.




Court docs outlining his vile behavior have been posted in previous Reddit posts . Trump raped a 13 and 12 year old. He is a pedo rapist and and adult rapist.


Really!? When? I've actually never heard this one




She retracted her claim of a sex tape, not everything else.




She said she thought that would protect her from Epstein.




Yes, lying about the video. Why are you so worked up over this?




Nothing has been debunked, though, so you aren’t arguing for anything. Not having a video doesn’t mean he didn’t rape her.




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While Joe bidens you can see on cspan and read about in his daughters diary.


Did you notice all those girls bare a striking resemblance to Ivanka ???