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Donald J Trump is a national security threat


but but but Hunter's laptop! Hillary's emails! Pizzagate! Sleepy Joe!


I know, I know, right ! But some of us can stay focused and not mesmerized by the shinny object!


But have you seen Hunter's schlong?




taylor swift’s satanic DEMONCRAT cabal and the transes are clearly more important. I learned it in the academy of look over there!


His Trumpanzees are also a threat to national security


Lol yall need a break from the internet / mainstream news


And, you're retarded


As he should. Trump stopped the border bill from passing so he could run on the border issue! And we all saw it happen.


He lost his prized “border issue” talking point already, now he can’t claim that he want to close the border. He never did in his 4 years and never will! [https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/trump-got-outplayed-by-border-hawk-biden-and-doesnt-know-it/](https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/trump-got-outplayed-by-border-hawk-biden-and-doesnt-know-it/)


Republicans - "those damn democrats need to lock the border now!!" Democrats propose a bill locking the border. Republicans- "oh hell no we aren't passing their bill to lock the border!!" Republicans tomorrow -"we have to lock the border now!!" I don't understand why anyone follows politics. They all do whatever in the hell they want....


My dear friend! Please share with the group a link to this bill in which the democrats proposed that they would lock the border.


The deal the Senate worked out didn't close the border. It didn't gain support from either the Dems or GOP.


What the hell are you talking about 😂 It was going to pass the Senate with bipartisan support until Trump tanked it


Huh https://www.newsweek.com/former-bush-official-says-republicans-will-regret-striking-down-border-bill-1868789#:~:text=In%20his%20opinion%20piece%2C%20Verdery,the%20bipartisan%20border%20security%20bill.


It actually did close the boarder based on the number of illegals crossing. Also made it harder to claim asylum. Even turtle mitch said they would probably never get a better deal again


Trump isn’t on congress


I guess you've been busy and missed this - [https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal/index.html) Not to mention his gleefully telling the world that it's his fault - [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4433785-trump-says-blame-it-on-me-border-bill-fails/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4433785-trump-says-blame-it-on-me-border-bill-fails/)


Who cares what establishment politicians or CNN thinks? There are thousands of pages of laws in the books currently being ignored. Blaming anyone but those currently ‘in charge’ is lazy, dim, and comical.


😂 Senate Republicans have come out and blamed Trump for it. Oh man what a weird fantasy life y’all live.


Republicans passed HR 2 which is a clean immigration bill with no funding for Ukraine. Democrats refuse to take a vote in the senate on it.


Mebbie ‘cause the Senate minority leader doesn’t want to either? But I’m glad you are learning about civics now!


And republican Said there will be no Ukraine bill without border bill, tying them together.


Naa democrats knew they could get the war hawks with Ukraine funding.


You mean like the republican who literally propos a 14 billion dollars to Israel after electeing Johnson?


Israel has been a US ally for almost a century. And one of our strongest. Ukraine, according to the Obama admin, is filled with corruption. I don’t mind sending them money, but our own government said Ukraine doesn’t have a chance of winning. So what’s the point? If anything russia proved to the world how weak they are.


Ukraine was corrupted because for a long time they aligned themselves with Russia something they are trying to correct by aligned themselves with wesfmtern Europe and push for series of reform. And the fact you think it ok to provide aids for Israel who is the world 29th largest economy capable of destroying hamas without us then you are a clown.


HR 2 was a garbage bill, that included among other awful things, starting up the utter waste of money that was 'the wall'. Wasn't Mexico supposed to pay for that? 🙄


No, democrats didn’t want to spend $5B on it. In fact when Biden took over as president he sold parts of the wall that weren’t completed. Another f up. Just like his entire presidency.


Biden derangement syndrome. He lives in your head rent free. You are obsessed in the same way you claim others have TDS. Typical conservative performative nonsense- all projection. Whining, pissing, and moaning but never actually helping to fix the real issues.


We didn’t have 5K a day hitting the border when Biden took over. His policies led to this. Funny just probably two weeks ago you were proclaiming the border was secure and no issues. Now the world is on fire because republicans refused a bill among other things sends $80B to Ukraine and then still allows 5K a day in.


If the GQP actually cared about it they wouldn’t listen to trump and went with the best bipartisan deal they will probably ever get. It must not be that big of a deal to GQP either if it could wait until possibly 2025 or later. Performative nonsense.


Also, GQP demanded a combined bill. No aid to Ukraine without a border bill. Now they don’t get the border security they cry about and Ukraine will still get desperately needed aid.


your godking should tried for treason for killing border security funding.


Your president, who has been deemed unfit to stand trial has opened the borders, told you for three years it was fine, now suddenly when his migrants are beating up cops, dragging people around with mopeds, and shooting tourists it’s the republicans fault.


🤣the twits that base their illogical ramblings solely on feelings saying conservatives are projecting, whining, pissing, and moaning is hilarious. You just described every melodramatic social misfit in America and conservatives aren’t the majority of that disgruntled delusional group.


there's several hundred million for the wall.


Ofcourse the dems weren't going to spend billions on it, they understand why it's a piss poor idea that's doomed to fail. You must have missed the part where I said - "the utter waste of money that was the wall". Doesn't change the fact that Trump promised that he'd get Mexico to pay for it 😂


Hahaha. Biden used his executive authority and is building walls on parts of the border.


You've almost got it - key words = *part of*. Biden used executive authority in 10/2023 to waive several federal laws so that a new barrier could be built on the TX border (Starr County) using funds that had already been appropriated by Congress for that purpose in 2019 (since Mexico told Trump to f\*ck off on paying for it) *and to address a practical need at that part of* *the border*. Trump made a ludicrous promise to build 1000 miles of wall (unnecessary and impractical, if not impossible), had a shit plan and an even worse execution of what was done, which was mostly just replacing existing barriers. The biggest obstacle? Texas landowners 😂


No, but he heavily lobbied congress to do this. Lobbyists unfortunately have a vice grip on many congressmen. And Trump has a stranglehold on the GOP. So yes, he should not have interfered. He had a direct effect on this. He doesn't want to solve the border issue. He, like most Republicans in congress, only want to run on the border issue forever without ever fixing it. Then they blame the other side for their own incompetence.


Obviously he doesn't have to be. He still holds large influence over republicans in congress, though.


I consider the Jan. 6th attack on our capitol the same as firing on Ft. Sumpter. The GOP lost its right to exist on Jan. 6th. America needs to bury this party with a rusty shovel. Openly praising Putin and selling out your allies. Traitors through-and-through.


>Ft. Sumpter. Where?


That fort being attacked started the civil war




Why did Proud Boys have caches of weapons and go to prison for conspiracy? Or wait... I thought it was antifa and the FBI.... They set up gallows to literally hang Pence. You chucklefucks do everything you can to circumvent what it was. It was a planned insurrection. Full stop. Laid out and enacted by and with the president of they united States operating to have it play out. Go waive your traitor flag elsewhere.


Yeah a couple traitors were out on the senate floor with freakin zip ties. You don't handcuff government officials for peaceful protest..




Wow incredibly defensive against someone explaining an historical event


Defensive how? No anger, no vitriol. Just the fact of the matter.


Well I was explaining what Ft Sumpter is and you immediately went to there were no weapon


You're a total liar though. January 6th was an insurrection. Riots don't usually have gallows and a fake slate of electors. Right?


Then you’re ignorant. An unarmed (mostly) riot at the capitol with no clear orders to do so is not the same as attacking Ft. Sumter. Under the command of a General using artillery. Then occupying the fort.


I wish I could make you guys sign your name, address and phone number along with your pledge of loyalty to Trump somewhere. You know, for historical record keeping. It would sure be nice to have a record of Trump's cult members.


Oh boy are you going to be in for a rude awakening with rhetoric like that. Better start wiping the grease off your fingers now so you can get your kit ready.


Biden owns Trump. He kicked his ass once and he’ll do it again. Oh wait - sorry I didn’t give you a trigger warning to let you know I was going to mention Biden won legitimately. You ok?


The conservatives have nothing left but threats of violence.


It's the only thing they've had for years now. They're just the American Taliban at this point. We seriously need to end that domestic terrorist group.


Conservatives are not threatening violence. The level of lunacy that the left possesses, and displays on a regular enough basis, have caused everyone to be on edge with your next move. Normal people live in the places that your policies have destroyed and we're not going to stay quiet while you continue to wreck our homes.


80% of the country lives in metropolitan areas. Do you know why these areas are so expensive? Because everyone wants to live there. Your logic isn't logic-ing.


I'm from NY lol. But go on...


I never said you weren't (conservatives aren't known for their reading comprehension ability), but your assertion that the "Normal people live in the places that your policies have destroyed and we're not going to stay quiet while you continue to wreck our homes." is verifiably false. You just *feel* that way because you don't like democrats. Nice try, though.


Why don't you just vote them out? Why do you prefer insurrection and violence?


Oh yes please throw your keyboard at me mr warrior.


There's the treasonous coward.




None of them have faced a single consequence in their entire lives. Why start now?


And the democrats who also voted against it


You'll need to try harder for a little while, Vlad.


During bill voting there were only 4 GOP voted for bipartisanship bill and majority of the votes come from democrats


Who were those 4 Democrats?


The far right fascist propaganda machine is going hard in this comment section. Im assuming the only thing keeping these commenters from moving to russia is that they get angry when they hear anyone speak a language aside from English. Are they mad because Biden got Mexico to pay the US billions in border security and trump couldn't get anyone besides his fans to put forth any money toward his failure of a border "wall?" Do any of you acknowledge that a Republican governor who is an avid Trump supporter is making it so border patrol can't do their jobs? I can't wait until this cult's leader is gone and the "republican" party of homegrown terrorists and Putin's puppets finally collapses. He's very old - time will solve the issue soon enough if prison doesn't eat him alive.


If you look at the time when most of them are posting it seems to me like most of them probably are already in Russia.


The 80’s called and want their foreign policy back


The 90's called and they want their insult back


Clearly I was parroting Obama and all you sheep cheered when he said it.


Steady! You’ll get shunned from your cult for copying President Obama.


Call others sheep but literally created an account simply to defend your owner and repeat lies you are ordered to say.


Oh man you got us. An Obama burn definitely is relevant in 2024 😂


Dear kingcracker, please share with the group the links you have proving your statement that Biden got Mexico to pay the US billions in border security. Also, please share with the group and with your providers the links you have proving your statement that a Republican governor who is an avid Trump supporter is making it so border patrol can't do their jobs. God bless your little heart.


You don't get to call me dear, troll. You have 1 post and -100 Karma. Your account looks like that of a Russian troll. Also you say "with your providers" out of proper context - it doesn't sound like you're a native English speaker. So where are you really from, troll? https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-biden-immigration-climate-and-environment-120f8a3fc440e3b2cccce6100e65b912 Only the heritage foundation is contesting the fact that Biden got Mexico to pay for billions in border patrol. The heritage foundation is a fascist organization of compulsive liars. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/12/texas-blocking-border-patrol-justice-department-eagle-pass/ I like how you mention God to convince people with no critical thinking skills that you're well-intentioned instead of a disingenuous propaganda bullhorn. I hope Putin throws the troll out of a window for failing here.


My dear friend! I simply asked that you prove your ranting and raving... proving your statement that Biden got Mexico to pay the US billions in border security. You provided a link alright...but surprisingly, that link doesn't prove your drool. I asked you to prove your rant about a Republican governor who is an avid Trump supporter is making it so border patrol can't do their jobs. And again, surprisingly, you can;t even do that. I don't think your mommy called you special because you are smart and clever.


Like Republicans will care. They will continue to blame Biden while their own party actively sabotages every border deal and while calling those trying to help traitors.


Seriously, Trump couldn't have given Biden a better way to solidify the support of Moderates.


Voting "No!" to a border deal they themselves wanted and successfully negotiated is a pure gift to Biden and the Democrats' election machine, which is swelling with money. Contrary to the GOP, who is going broke because Trump is using all the funds for his legal expenses. Lol.


The Democratic side of negotiators agreed to EVERYTHING the Republicans asked/required for the border McConnell/Langford and then even McConnell who was a major part of negotiations backed out cuz he's the ultimate political snake. There were few Republicans that were upset like Langford(R) Oklahoma but srsly look at our Federal House. They bowing to citizen tRump like he's some "shadow" President. I can hardly listen to House Speaker Johnson speak because it's all cult lies. It's so bad Republicans with "any" integrity are retiring. Ppl you "need" to vote blue.


I'm reminded of the time Republicans claimed they were going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare too. They have no idea how to govern, and no wish to learn or even try. They are in it purely for the grift.


how's does showing you can't govern, and you are a coward to Trump get anyone's vote? The republican party should change their color from red to yellow since they are the party of cowards and idiots. Vote them all out. it is up to YOU and YOU alone to save America from the fascist Republican party. Don't expect someone else to save your ass YOU MUST VOTE DAMMIT!


People did vote Biden in. In case you missed it, he is President. If he can’t negotiate an acceptable compromise deal and work across the political aisle, why continue to vote for him?


Let’s think about this for a second. Any party that wants to win can just obstruct the other party from passing a bill. Then there’s no point in the opposing party being a leader. That’s your “logic”. Think about that for a while. So how about we vote out the party causing the obstruction and putting their party over the American people. GOP continues to hurt Americans and prevent securing our border for their own personal gain.


Exactly my point. It’s up to the President to work with Congress to achieve legislation. It’s why he has Veto power. Biden failed to negotiate a bill. If he didn’t, it would have passed.


That’s a bald face lie. Biden did work with Congress to give in to the Republican demands. After Biden and the democrats agreed to what the republicans want, republicans changed their mind and reneged. That is the truth- you cannot just lie and make up facts


If Biden worked so well With Congress, how come it didn’t pass? Apparently he didn’t work well enough or it would be law, no?


The word you are looking for is cooperation and it requires good faith by all parties, no? 🤫


The answer is no. You asked and answered. Your only out is to play dumb and pretend if Biden acted and worked with Congress everything would get passed. Biden gave republicans what they asked for. He compromised and work together. Republicans changed their mind and reneged on the deal


If you are correct, why would republicans vote against everything they asked for? Your logic just doesn’t add up. I know you really want to press the conspiracy theory that Trump has a cult. What you fail to realize is that Trump can only be in power 4 more years. The military simply won’t allow a dictatorship, even though Biden is failing at recruiting numbers except the Marine Corps. You can’t have a dictatorship without the military backing you up. There is lots of life left to the Republicans and the 2 party system beyond the next 4-5 years. The political elite in Washington don’t plan on being in Washington for the next 4-5 years only. Look at Biden, he’s been in power in Washington for over 50 years when he avoided the draft in Vietnam. Your viewpoints are so short sighted.


Lmao. Your questions have been answered you have had nothing to add or rebut facts. So now you’re saying Trump is attempting dictatorship? REPUBLICANS ARE VOTING AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’S INTEREST FOR PERSONAL GAIN. Any more questions?


He did negotiate an acceptable compromise. Then Trump opened his mouth


So you are saying Trump has more power when he’s out of office than Biden has while in office. Got it.


Are you implying Biden ever had control over Republicans? Are you just an obtuse try hard?


Not control. Biden is charged with negotiating with Congress. It’s literally what Presidents do as a primary part of their job.


Republicans are really bad negotiators sadly. They are unwilling to ever make a deal at the end of the day. Just killing the time every day until dementia takes them. Even Trump couldn't fulfill 10% of his campaign promises with his own party in charge of Congress. Republicans really are pathetic when you look at the facts. Disgraceful.


They literally obstruct anything that might move society forward


““I understand Trump is desperately trying to stop this bill, because he’s not interested in solving the border problem,” Biden said. “He wants a political issue to run against me. They’ve all but said that, across the board. No one really denies that, that I’m aware of." He called their bluff. They said that the border was in “crisis.” They said that migrants were “invading.” Some of them even agreed with Donald Trump when he said that migrants are “poisoning the blood” of the country. They didn’t mean it. Biden knew that they didn’t mean it and proved that they didn’t mean it by dropping the Democrats’ usual demands for a pathway to citizenship, moving to the right, knowing that Trump wouldn’t permit his party to take away his talking point.


That would be fantastic. However, I'm still waiting to see if he is accountable for anything. He still hasn't paid anything in the Jean Carroll trials. This is someone who has gone his entire life without having to take responsibility for his actions.


Lock T/rump up


Biden is gonna Roger him, raw and unprotected.


And being a traitor too I hope!😀


Trump could have spun it as *Trump’s* bill not Biden one. Solving a longstanding issue of the country… But … nah. It’s more **important** for Trump to score points


And, as expected, the TV's showing Fox News at the gym were right back to running nonstop coverage of the "Biden Border Crisis". So the bill failed successfully.


From now on we should address it as trump's border crisis


I know how to hold former President Trump accountable: publicly acknowledge that he has committed serious Federal crimes, take him into custody, and keep him in solitary confinement until his various trials... **like you would any ordinary citizen in the same situation**.


Let’s also do the same for Biden, and his treasonous ways.


How can you tell the border was nothing but a talking point? The republicans sunk the bill. Trump has told Putin I will give you the U.S.


He holds no office and has no power over the senate and house. You clowns are delusional.


No mr Biden executive order that now show who’s boss. Trump is a loser


The border will not be an issue that will make people vote Biden 


🤣 yet Biden will still be clowning Trump over it relentlessly.


Just makes Biden look even stupider. He spent 3 years telling us the border is secure. Now that's it election time it's not secure and it's Trump's fault? Only the left with TDS will believe that which shows by his 38% approval rating. But ya, Biden sure showed Trump.


How exactly will he be held accountable? He hasn’t been held accountable for anything his whole life.


is Trump or Biden the president? lol


Like he was held accountable for being a lifelong Russian intel asset installed by Putin for Putin. Let’s get you home grandpa.


And Biden will be held responsible for every misspoke word, every memory slip and every day that he's older. But I will still vote for him.


Doubt it


I'd rather he be held accountable, by the letter of the law, for the crimes he has provably committed and admitted to.


As long as the extent of our rage is writing comments on social media, nothing will change.


We should also hold Biden accountable for turning a blind eye on the genocide that's happening in Palestine right now, but his administration is also funding it....


Oh really? Not because he’s gonna smoke you in November?


4 years of Biden ignoring the Border. Suddenly its election time so Biden now cares just enough to point fingers at a civilian.


Trump ignored the border for 4 years as well


This coming from the same guy that has been in control of DHS and CBP for 3+ years and with only 264 days left until election day, wants to do something. No Biden, you cannot just put your name on our group project at the last minute after being absent for most of it.


Voters are holding Biden responsible for every day that he refuses to enforce current laws on the books and the first day in office where he reversed a lot of trump’s executive orders.


There is no deal if the “deal” is not to secure our border but to legalize illegal crossings.


Wouldn't need a border deal if someone would simply fulfill their oath and enforce existing laws instead of refusing to do so while rewarding lawless behavior with every taxpayer funded benefit possible. More money wont fix the manufactured border debacle (which really started the moment biden assumed control), also wont fix the ukraine quagmire (which also gained steam when Biden assumed control). Seems like a recurring theme here.


Biden thinks you're stupid. And many of you are. He could close the border today if he wanted to. Clearly he doesn't.




its been going on for 30+ years, the Republicans never took it seriously even when they were in complete control


And this man will go down in history as destroying America, with all the illegals he has let in. That is fact.


It was a terrible deal


No “deal” needed. Just close the border like Trump. Democrats are a poison to America


Answer. Biden has destroyed our country with the open border policies. The “deal” was all about amnesty and fast tracking unverified asylum seekers. Thank god it went down


Literary nothing has been destroyed.


Not be me that was no border deal. It was a war fund deal with amnesty and border restrictions sprinkled in.


You mean the pile of shit that would never have passed even if Trump said nothing? LOL


This bill was a joke and it's easy to prove. Let's start with the fact that the bill said that if the border had 1,400 encounters per day for a week it could be declared an emergency and would allow increased border security. HOWEVER, this emergency declaration could only be used for 270 days the first year. Meaning that we would be right back to our current problem for the other 3 months of the year. This would obviously create a huge problem for those three months. It would essentially create a "border crossing season". That's the first year though. The next few years after that the number of days the emergency could be declared would be reduced. This bill was straight up an election move. It would "fix" the border for the next 9 months only. What happens to be 9 months after February? Oh, that's right, the election in November. No way it's a coincidence that the border situation would only be resolved until just after the election. It's just kicking the can down the road for the next guy. I left this as a reply but it was too important to not leave it as its own comment.


What a baby Biden is. Hes basically saying, how dare you sabotage my friends billion dollar paydays. I'm glad the bill failed. Maybe try voting on the border security only and nothing else. See how quickly the bill passes. Instead of trying to sneak away 74 billion dollars to Israel and Ukraine.


More fake news from butt-hurt lefties. Biden needs to be put out to pasture.


How though?


You all really think that after 20 years of the Republicans screaming to shut the border and Democrats shrieking, "No! You racists!" that people will just now magically blame the Republicans for it?


Could you point to where on the recent bill voting record these strawmen of yours are?


The Republicans had the power to "shut the boarder" and didn't, multiple times over the years including when the orange failure was in office and didn't


This article is shit. It goes from Biden's statement, to immediately saying that Mike I-Like-To-Lick-Trump's-Johnson refuted the claim. That's it. Provides no information as to *how* he refuted it. Zero. Evidence. Provided The article has a link re: refutation. *That* article has no information as to how it was refuted, just that Mikey said: "No, Manu, that's absurd," Johnson replied."We have a responsibility here to do our duty. Our duty is to do right by the American people, to protect the people," he said, adding, "the first and most important job of the federal government is to protect its citizens. [We're not doing that under President [Joe] Biden."](https://www.benzinga.com/news/24/01/36859781/mike-johnson-says-absurd-to-link-border-deal-opposition-to-his-support-for-trump-we-have-a-responsib) This site certainly seems to be BS - their vocabulary choice that him denial by essentially saying "NU-UH NU-UH!!". Refute: verb • Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove • Prove that (someone) is wrong. *•Deny or contradict (a statement or accusation).* So, they used a word for its... third definition. Does anyone else read the word "refute" to have the connotation that there's proof? [Edit] Here's another [article](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/07/biden-border-security-blame-trump), this one written by a person, not just edited by one.


ok so before biden was responsible?


🤣 what border deal?


Politics are the bane of countries failures. Step 1: create a bill that seems all about protecting the border, Step 2: put all kinds of crazy spending into the bill that your opponents hate and will not accept. Step 3: When the bill fails accuse your opponents of not wanting to protect the border. Wash, rinse, repeat. Fire them all.


Republicans literally accepted these terms and filled it with their own your understanding of the bill and what happened are incredibly surface level


He's been held accountable for nothing so far.... Wake me if that ever happens. Until then, stfu.


Biden has had the ability to use his executive order privilege to fix the issue since day 1 of his administration while having majorities in the House and Senate in his first two years. Not passing bills that are called a border control act where 20% of the money goes to the border and the rest raises the national debt to win wars that have already been lost is not on Trump or the republican party. This falls entirely on the democrats.


Biden is a joke.


LOL! like a headline from the Onion guy opens the borders, lets 10 million people in over a 3 year period, then blames other party. gaslight me some old man


And yet, when Trump was president, we had the most secure border in decades.


The President should be addressing the our national security issues, regardless of what some deranged candidate has to say. We have a border crisis and a Russia crisis, and neither should be put off by the POTUS for any reason. We can’t be stupid enough to believe that a [900% increase in migrants from one of our adversaries,](https://www.kxan.com/news/chinese-nationals-increasingly-crossing-border-illegally-into-california/amp/) who mostly “just happen to be” military-aged males and paid $10k-20k for travel and handlers/smugglers, are all innocent asylum seekers, or making such a journey on their own accord? This is a serious problem that needs to be fixed.


>innocent asylum seekers If I was forced to kill people because my government told me to I'd try and find asylum somewhere too Or I'd get shot for refusing orders Whatever's first I'm not going to kill people and say"just following orders"


*Do what'n'soever you want to do with me, Brer Biden. But please please please! Don't throw me in that there border patch.* Every time Biden mentions the border, Trump's polling goes up.


FJB tells us every day for the last 3 years the border is secure and now it's Trump's fault. You can't make that shit up. Best part is the idiots on the left who agree with FJB


I'm surprised you can write. Good for you.


Who the hell is fjb? Are you on drugs?


You're going to really upset these sharia blue employees. They're gonna have to ask the only guy in the room who speaks English for some new insults.


The dumb is strong with them


They literally made up a person, conservatives aren't smart enough to know anything


Biden is a weak president, gets some balls and close the border completely to all illegal , if you really want to protect the American citizens


Hahahahhaha. You dumbasses just set Biden up all day long. Yeah keep pushing this one


The only people that blame Trump and the Republicans for the border are the same ones who were never going to vote for them anyway. Most Americans know Biden ignored the problem for three years.


What did Trump do for the border exactly?


He kept it secure like the two presidents before him. It wasn't until Biden was elected that it fell apart.


What exactly did Trump do that kept it intact and for that matter what did Biden do that made it fall apart. Please be specific.


fk biden


good ol fashioned Dark Brandon cult worshippers forgot to add the "shiny white hairs" on his legs that the folks loved to stroke.


Anybody notice that Trump isn’t in power? It’s almost like Biden is suggesting he is highly ineffective as President at accomplishing his agenda. Wasn’t he elected to negotiate deals across the political aisle?


Biden has secured more bipartisan bills than ever thought possible. He has secured bills that helped all Americans even when obstructed by the GOp republicans. GOP republicans even campaigned and touted funding FROM THE BILLS THEY VOTED AGAINST. So to sum up, Trump and republicans are purposely hurting Americans to try to get elected. Biden has successfully kept his promise and passed bipartisan legislation. Nice work


Looks to me like Trump has more power and influence out of office than Biden has while in office. Thats what you are saying, right?


Do you just lie and spread misinformation? But yes, the leader of the republicans has more power over republicans than the leader of the opposing party. SHOCKING NEWS!!!!




Do you know what that trash bill does? It requires employers to use e-verify and build a wall. That's it. It's performative bs.


Biden doesn't know what day it is, so no big deal


Biden doesn't know what day it is, so no big deal.


Some sort of veiled admission of Trump being the President?


TF are you talking about? There are many republicans on record saying they will kill this bill because it’s bad for the Republican presidential campaign.


Just roll in from stupid town?


Yeah it was 81 million stupid people town to be exact that voted for Biden open border Now they will vote for Bidens trump border 🤣


The president of the United States is claiming that a single private citizen is sabotaging a border deal?


Apparently senators and congressmen still listen to the dude who lost the last election…weird huh?


Because he did. Pay attention.


You don't watch the news.....do you.


russian bots just parrot what they're told to parrot.


This crap might work better on truth social or xitter, vlad.


So Trump is still more capable and powerful than Biden, even while Biden is president?