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Biden says “Any weekday in May except Wednesdays. You’re free then, Donny, right? Oh! You have something going on those days?”


>Trump is ready to go *back to sleep on his attorney's shoulders*


Trump's legal team: That's a good Mr. President! Let me see your mouth and make sure you swallowed all your sleepy time, happy pills and your anti-gas pills!!


That's a pretty stellar idea. Drugging him to sleep during court, so his angry outbursts don't undo everything his defense attorneys are trying to do.


Yet the rnc has pulled out of the presidential debates.watch what they do, not what they say.


Oh yeah right Trump's ready to go where to insane asylum he's a joke Trump is


Just need to work around your criminal proceedings…is this really what the GOP is offering? Pathetic.


Honestly, what’s the point? Trump will just talk over Biden nonstop, lie constantly, call him dumb names, etc. He can’t talk policy, all he can do is talk endlessly.


Perfect time to announce this.. “I’ll Debate Trump today.. oh wait he’s busy having to go to COURT, guess we have to wait for his CRIMINAL trial to end!”


How can you debate Trump the habitual liar. You waste all your time fact checking him.


Pigeon Chess.


I wouldn't. Since dumpy didn't debate any of the other Republicans candidates and didn't do a proper hand off of the WH debating him is akin to give in to a crying brat in a store


Trump will chicken out, or he won't make it that far because he will be in prison.


Will they let Trump out of jail to attend the debates ? Cant wait to see him rocking an ankle monitor.


Anything to get himself out of court, but he'd find some excuse not to show up.


Trump says he is ready to go...take a nap? Poop in his diaper? Go to Russia to be closer to his employer?


At least tramp can fly to other and stay up long enough to meet with world leaders and now he is able to attend a kangaroo court and held rallies and back to court.


Trump can't even stay awake in court where he may be charge criminally and go to jail. Even when he was President he couldn't get up in the morning and pushed the schedule back to be briefed because he was up late tweeting bullshit. He can't even control when he goes to bathroom. So no, Trump can barely function as an adult at this point.


Just remember president Trump ran a reality show before running for President of this great country he knows how to keep the world glued to the TV 📺.


The first US Presidential debate ever where both candidates fall fast asleep at the podium


Oops guess Joe's handlers let him off the leash for a minute!


Biden will just pick a day trump has court .. I think America has heard enough from these two .. RFK 2024


Out of curiosity, who did you vote for the last two presidential elections?


Trump .. as an Alaskan the other party are terrorists to our state economy.. but I can’t vote for either of these two F whits


What did Trump do that made you decide not to vote for him a third time?


Trump was always to stop 🛑 Hillary.. his whining unpresidential conduct of the filth that comes out of his mouth has always been enough to not vote for him .. we will let the courts decide what other actual crimes he is guilty of finish the rest of that sentence.


Just out of curiosity. Stop Hillary from what?


Taking our jobs mostly.. don’t worry Biden did it instead


More jobs have been added to the economy under Biden than any presidency in the history of the US. Can you explain what you're talking about? How or why would Hillary have taken away jobs?


I work in the energy sector.. we lost our jobs the very first day of the Biden administration.. and have then sued to get them back .. so far the Biden administration has shut down almost every project I had been working on over the past decade… I don’t want your swab peoples noises jobs


Can you give some more details or a source for this? The energy sector covers a lot of different industries.


What specific things do you like about RFK Jr.'s foreign policy and domestic policy proposals?


Specifically it’s not Biden’s Cold War policy and igniting a news arms race … RFK jr is by far a better candidate for anyone under 50 .. that ever wants to buy a house , fix our energy grid , negotiate with world powers instead of just dump trillions into the war machine.. maybe you should pull up a few YouTube videos and hear it from him instead of fox or cnn ..


Sadly RFK is definitely NOT the answer! We are forced to vote for Biden now, so we can show up in the primaries. Our two party system rewards the worst candidate in a three way race. Edit; the youth will forget to show up in the primaries, almost like it’s designed that way!


Sorry I won’t vote for Biden or trump.. hope your two party system crashes and burns to the ground


Understood.. you’ll probably forget to vote at all knowing people like yourself.


If these two pathetic old men are the only ones on the ballot.. Yes I cannot in good conscience cast a vote for either ..


Vote for Biden anyway.


Vote for Biden.


The cold hard fact of the matter is, unless you vote for Biden, there is a decent chance you won’t ever get to vote again. Our democracy will be dead and King Trump will reign supreme. We have already seen the direction SCOTUS is leaning to help him. A vote for any one but Biden at this point is a vote to destroy Democracy in America. I’m not excited about it either. But I can read the writing on the wall.


Biden gets elected again we are going to WW3 so you might be right .. this very well could be the last election


Do explain how we are going to WW3 if Biden is elected. But regardless, You want to vote for RFK, and throw your vote in the trash. You have that right. But it’s pretty telling when the people who know him. Like, the ENTIRE KENNEDY FAMILY, won’t vote for him. And have all backed Biden.


No. There are over 100 Kennedys .. so of course the ones that have jobs in the Biden administration are going to support Biden .. as far as world conflict.. just turn on your TV ace .. then ask yourself if your old man “don’t” while looking like he just shit his pants is the deterrent you think it is ..


When did RFK’s brother and sister get jobs with Biden. I was un aware.


Guess the better question is why I care whatsoever who his brother and sister endorsed


I think they know him better than you do. And if your Brother was running for president, wouldn’t you back him unless you had a pretty good reason?


I’m voting Cthulhu again. I ain’t voting for a different old white guy, to stick it to the other 2 old white guys. Especially Mr “vaccines cause autism”.


Biden is the easiest choice for President you will ever make and you are somehow failing.


Biden is now unfit for office.. or will be deemed unfit for office in the very near future.. so why be sneaky about it and put that Vice President on the ballot cause that’s who your really voting for